"What's the matter with you, Yuan Lin?" Wang Yong was shocked.

Hurry to see Yuan Lin, but see Yuan Lin although the expression is not good, but not as bad as last time swallowed the fruit in the snake nest. In this case, Wang Yong was a little relieved.

Even the poisonous fruit didn't kill Yuan Lin, and this bowl of grouper certainly couldn't.

Sure enough, after a while, Yuan Lin's voice was much lower, and the expression on his face gradually returned to normal. Only a touch of panic in his eyes spread, pointing to the empty bowl on the table and yelling.

But the expression is not clear about the specific meaning, back and forth a word: "death... Death..."

It's telling Wang Yong that eating this food may lead to death.

Wang Yong nodded, observed the state of Yuan Lin, and then picked up the bowl after confirming that Yuan Lin was OK.

A light smell, the strong smell of fish and pepper will cover all traces of the past, there is no way to find out what is added inside.

Although Wang Yong instinctively suspected that someone had poisoned on purpose, there was no evidence and the possibility of food poisoning could not be ruled out.

As he was about to put the bowl down, Wang Yong suddenly felt his fingers slip, as if he had touched something at the bottom of the bowl.

Take out a finger to see, it is a small amount of white powder.

When he got close to his nose and smelled it, Wang Yong knew immediately what the white powder was.

sleeping pill.

Hypnotics although listen to the name in help hypnosis, but after taking too much can also cause very serious consequences.

Many people think that taking sleeping pills will lead to a peaceful and painless death. In fact, this is a wrong idea, on the contrary, people who take sleeping pills to commit suicide will be very painful.

Because human breathing also needs muscle strength to drive, excessive hypnotics will muscle anesthesia, making the human body breathing difficult. Muscle will fall into spasm, accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, and even nausea stomach acid yang to the throat, but also burn the throat.

It can be said that the pain of taking sleeping pills to commit suicide is no less than the pain of being tortured and then killed.

Yuan Lin's performance just now is clearly the effect of taking excessive sleeping pills. But Yuan Lin's constitution is so strong that he is not afraid of snake venom, let alone sleeping pills.

However, in a short time, the property of sleeping pills has been digested by Yuan Lin's strong digestive system.

Perspiration, sneezing, excrement, urine, fart and other ways are the means of human excretion of toxins.

"It seems that the dosage of this sleeping pill is quite large, otherwise Yuan Lin will not feel uncomfortable. Thanks to I didn't eat a mouthful, otherwise I would have fainted because of my constitution. Only Yuan Lin can resist this kind of medicine. The man who took the medicine would never think that Yuan Lin was such a wonderful flower, would he? " Wang Yong thought to himself.

"But who did it? Aung San? boatman? Or did the other crew want to murder the boss and hit the boat by mistake? "

Thinking for a long time, Wang Yong could not determine the real reason.

Just at this time, Wang Yong suddenly heard the sound of climbing down the stairs outside the door, but someone came down from the deck and came here.

Wang Yong moved in his heart and immediately said to Yuan Lin, "sleep!"

Then he pointed out the outside.

Although Yuan Lin couldn't express himself clearly, he was extremely intelligent. Immediately understand Wang Yong's meaning, is to let him pretend to sleep.

So he fell on the ground and pretended to sleep.

Wang Yong is also lying on the table, making a daze.

The sound of footsteps gradually approached and didn't stop until the door of Wang Yong's room. Obviously, it was Wang Yong who came.

There was no knock at the door for a long time. It seemed that he was prying into the room.

"You're not going to die, are you? Boatman, I told you that you're taking a little too much. You won't listen. More than a hundred sleeping pills have been thrown in. It's strange not to die! " But the voice of Aung San.

Then came the shipowner's response: "you know shit! You didn't read the wanted note saying this man was a killer? Physique is definitely different from ordinary people, ordinary dose is not enough to make him sleepy, must be under strong medicine! Besides, if you die, you'll die. If you die, you'll be wanted. It's a big deal, just a little money. "

"I'm afraid it won't be less. You don't know the faces of those people in the government... "

Outside the door, the two quarreled in a low voice for a while, and finally decided to break in by force.

Of course, before breaking the door, Aung San tentatively knocked on the door. After confirming that no one responded, he banged and kicked the door open.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw Wang Yong lying on the table and Yuan Lin lying on the ground.

They looked at each other in surprise and joy.

The good thing is that the medicine works, but the surprise is that these two people don't really die, do they?

The boatman quickly walked a few steps to Wang Yong's side, explored Wang Yong's breath, and immediately said: "not dead! Still alive

Ang Shan also went to Yuan Lin and found that Yuan Lin was alive.

This discovery makes two people excited, alive Wang Yong is the most valuable!

"Tie these two men to the mast. No matter how hard he is, he can't break the mast!" The proud way of the boatman.

With the mast made of alloy and the cable with thick arms, even an elephant can tie it, let alone a human.

Aung Shan nodded and said yes, one by one, carrying Wang Yong and Yuan Lin to the deck.

On the deck, the captain called the crew to help him. He said that Wang Yong and Wang Yong were mentally ill and tied up just in case.

The crew has always been obedient, and they don't even think about the loopholes in the ship's old boast and directly carry out the orders.

Soon, Wang Yong and Yuan Lin were tied to the mast.

The boatman and ang Shan are happy to stand in front of Wang Yong. They are very happy.

They didn't expect a million dollars to be so easy, just a bowl of grouper and sleeping pills.

The next step is to return to Myanmar and hand over Wang Yong to the Myanmar government.

From then on, they will be on the top of their lives! You don't have to worry about living.

Fantasy is happy with the boatman with silly, at the head of Wang Yong a strong giggle.

Suddenly, Wang Yong raised his head and scared the giggling boatman to shiver.

"You... How did you wake up so fast?" Stammered the boatman.

Wang Yong didn't answer, but looked at ang Shan disappointedly and said, "I thought that planting good causes would inevitably lead to good results. It seems that I was wrong. For those who have not been educated, there is nothing in their heart but their own selfish desire. "

Aung San was also a little alarmed in the face of Wang Yong. But then he calmed down and said with a grim smile, "Mr. Wang, don't blame me for being ungrateful. I can only blame you for being too valuable. A million dollars is impossible for me to earn in my life. I was humiliated to sneak across to Europe for money? But now an opportunity appears in front of me, do not have to suffer humiliation, do not have to work hard, as long as you can get a lot of money. If it were you, would you be upset? "

Wang Yong nodded: "I will be moved."

Aung San laughed: "that's it. We're all in the same boat. Don't blame anyone for his black heart. If you want to blame someone, you can only blame yourself for your bad life! "

Wang Yong sighed and said, "I haven't finished my words yet. I said I would be moved, but it's just my heart. I won't act. Because the gentleman in righteousness, villain in profit, I will not forget. It's a villain who forgets righteousness at the expense of profit. He can't be relied on and he won't live long. "

With that, Wang Yong grinned again and added, "this advice is free."

There was a flash of anger in ang Shan's eyes. Bah, he said, "what's wrong with the villain? As long as a villain can earn money, he is the master! Are you still tied up as a grandson? Pooh

"Is it?"

After listening to ang Shan's words, Wang Yong had a strange smile on the corner of his mouth. Then he saw that his hand tied behind Wang Yong shrank, and his wrist, which was originally very strong, broke off the rope and went to the front.

Then Wang Yong pressed his finger on the belt and heard a click. It seemed that the belt buckle had sprung open.

This scene immediately made Aung San and the boatman change color.

Take off your pants if you don't agree? What is this routine?

And then they knew what it was.

Wang Yong's waist suddenly bounced up with a rainbow light, cutting all the ropes tied to him.

Arm thick rope, just like cutting tofu, instantly broken.

The boatman could not help but scold: "lying trough!"

He turned around and wanted to run. There was a gun in his captain's room. He didn't believe that Wang Yong could stop the bullet.

On the other side of the mountain is also see the opportunity is not good, start running.

Only when Aung San just took a step, I heard a strange sound in my ear, as if someone's bone had broken.

After a while he let out a cry of pain and fell to the ground. But his leg bone was broken by Wang Yong.

Ignoring angshan, Wang yongru caught up with the boatman in a gust of wind.

The boatman's face shows a touch of ferocity. He has practiced several times. He used to be a ferocious character and wanted to fight with Wang Yong.

It's a pity that in Wang Yong's eyes, he is not even a shrimp. Wang Yong just pinched the bone of his fist, and then he heard the sound of GA bang. The boss's fist was crushed by Wang Yong.

Carrying the boatman back to the mast, Wang Yong threw the boatman on the deck, his eyes twinkling with cold intention.

At this time, the crew around finally realized that something had happened, and someone subconsciously wanted to copy the guy. But when they thought of Wang Yong's method just now, and the extremely sharp sword in his hand, they could not help but feel cold and dare not move again.

Wang Yong seemed to see what they thought. He raised his head and said, "if you want to do something, just do it. I don't mind killing more people. "

All the crew were shocked by the murderous words. They all shook their heads and did not dare to move a little more.

The boatman seemed to realize that he had caused a big disaster, and immediately cried out: "Mr. Wang, I'm sorry, I'm so confused that I offended you. Please spare my life! I swear, I'm really just an accomplice in this matter. It's all this bastard, who tricked me! "

The boatman turned around and sold Aung San.

Aung San was dying with pain. Hearing the accusation from the shipowner, he said in a hurry: "no! It's him. He forced me to do it! If I don't, he threatens to kill me! Sir, I am wronged! "

It has to be said that Aung San's performance is several times better than that of the boatman. His crying expression is very lifelike and makes people feel sympathy.

But the ferocious color in the depths of his pupils couldn't escape from Wang Yong's eyes.

While crying, ang Shan wriggled towards Wang Yong. When he was about to approach Wang Yong, ang Shan suddenly stopped crying and jumped up. In his hand, he stabbed a dagger into Wang Yong's heart.

If you beat a snake, you will suffer. Snake, if you don't kill it completely, it will find a chance to bite you. Angshan was the snake that had not been killed. At the moment, his fierce fangs were biting Wang Yong.

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