Everyone was stunned.

Except for Yuan Lin, who is ignorant and unknown.

White rose is full of surprise, incredible looking at the computer. Eyes are constantly searching the plug-in board behind the computer, trying to find the passive parts.

Instinctively, he thought it must be the spoon again. Unfortunately, he didn't find any spare parts on the back panel of the computer except the power cord. Obviously, the problem can't be the computer itself.

"Give me your remote control!" White rose looked at the spoon and said in a vicious voice.

Since the computer can not find the problem, then it must be spoon separated operation. Although he did not know whether the technical conditions were realistic.

The spoon was asked by white rose, and then spread out: "what remote control device do I have? There's nothing else but that USB flash drive. If so, why should I use the USB flash disk? Then you won't notice. "

The white rose frowned. Indeed, if the spoon really has this remote control means, it doesn't need to use the U disk at all, so it can deceive him.

The situation will not develop to such an extent.

"I think maybe the verification result is true." Spoon is careful to say his point of view.

But it was soon rejected by white rose: "impossible! A traitor, a traitor, even has the call authority of the thorn bird plan, even the beggars on the street will not believe it! There must be something wrong with the inside, saying, "did you bribe the inside staff of Longji?"

White rose has a deep prejudice against Wang Yong, but she refuses to believe that Wang Yong is innocent.

With a sneer, Wang Yong said, "how can we bribe the internal staff of Longji? You mean Dragon King? As a thorn bird, you don't know that the confidentiality authority of this plan is s level. Only Dragon King has the authority to make changes, do you? In other words, you are not unwilling to believe the verification result, but you are not willing to believe me at all! "

Being pierced, white rose could not help but become angry and said, "yes! I just don't believe you! Because the information I got clearly says that you, Wang Yong, are the target in the arrest warrant just issued by the second department! I will never cooperate with a traitor! "

When Wang Yong heard the words, he raised his eyebrows and suddenly felt a sense of awe: "as a member of Longji, you would rather believe the second division than the order from Longji! It seems that you have been betrayed. I'm sorry, even if you don't kill me, I'll kill you! "

With that, Wang Yong's momentum rose again. For a moment, the whole chamber was full of the sound of the sea, mixed with a touch of blood.

It was Wang Yong who immediately urged the king of war to follow the burning blood rose.

After the fusion of the two, the violent force still let Wang Yong control a little reluctantly, and the capillaries on the skin burst one after another, spewing out blood mist.

White rose saw this behind the scenes, suddenly changed color.

As a member of Longji, how could he not have heard the rumor about the king's intention?

When Wang Yong used it for the first time, he didn't recognize it. But now with the roaring waves all over the room, he could no longer recognize that there was something wrong with his IQ.

"What a terrible momentum! No, I've seen people show their hearts to the king of war. That man doesn't have this kind of momentum at all. Unless... "Said, white rose's pupil suddenly showed a sense of fear“ How can you reach the third level of cultivation? "

Wang Yong said with a smile: "good eyesight. But it's no use! "

With that, people disappear in the same place.

There was only a sound of explosion in the air, and a wave of air rippled in front of Wang Yong.

Then white rose felt the overwhelming power attacking her, and the momentum of Pei Mo Neng made him shudder from the bottom of his heart.

A double master of dark strength was frightened by one, which made white rose very angry.

But the reaction from the body instinct can't be fake. He can only be angry consciously, but his body is thrilled by Wang Yong's powerful hair.

White rose suddenly urged her whole body to hit her strongest blow ever.

In a flash, he felt the whole body's blood, muscles and muscles were fused together, and the dark strength came out from the elixir field and spread all over his body. With his fist pouring out, he hit Wang Yong on the chest.

White rose hit, eyes immediately revealed a surprise expression.

He felt the sign of breakthrough from this punch, although it couldn't make him take a step up directly. However, we can practice all the time with this insight. I believe that it will not be long before we can reach the peak of dark strength, or even break through to the triple of dark strength.

His fist is a big round one. Wang Yong, even if it is triple hearted blessing, it is hard to resist!

However, he did not expect that Wang Yong urged not only the triple mind, but also a more violent secret - burning blood rose.


The two men's fists meet, and the air suddenly compresses and then explodes. Two people dark strength at the same time, such as hundreds of steel needles stabbing each other, extremely fierce.

In an instant, the two separated.

It's not the active separation, but one of them was shaken back and flew backwards.

It's a white rose.

Ming Ming has been playing at a higher level, but he is still beaten easily by Wang Yong.

"Poof!" White rose vomited a mouthful of blood, and her face was all gray.

His physical injury is not heavy, but really heavy is the heart. Wang Yong's fist almost defeated his confidence and made him begin to doubt his life and his strength.

It shouldn't be like this... White rose thought wistfully.

After Wang Yong punched the white rose, he didn't pursue it any more. Instead, he spoke slowly and said, "you are so sure of my treason, and you know it's the order issued by the second ministry. I'm sure you know two agents, right? What's his name? "

"How could I tell you? Pooh! Traitor

White rose is just a stone in the pit, smelly and hard. If that's all, Wang Yong will kill it. But this guy is not the real enemy, but the preconceived idea that Wang Yong is indeed treason, and he is removing the traitors for the country.

It's a headache.

"You two, can you stop fighting? I can see that you are all right. You are all heroes of our country. But there are some misunderstandings between you. Why can't you trust each other? There should be more trust between people! " The spoon came out to make it.

But his words made Wang Yong and white rose turn their eyes at the same time.

An agent should talk about trust with people, which is as ridiculous and hypocritical as a fox and a chicken saying that they are vegetarian.

"Well! I'll never trust such a person! What about the Dragon Ridge command? He's long Lin. there must be many friends in Longji to help him. Maybe he can do something. Unless the Dragon King himself proves it for him! " White Rose's bad temper made the spoon feel embarrassed.

Dragon King certificate? How is that possible? In fact, spoon and Wang Yong haven't figured out what's going on.

According to reason, Wang Yong can't get this permission at all, but now he has it inexplicably. It seems that there is a real possibility that Wang Yong's friends will use their hands.

The spoon looks at Wang Yong and wants to prove it.

Wang Yong also shook his head, indicating that he knew nothing.

For a moment, I was embarrassed in the secret room. White rose was afraid of Wang Yong's strength after his fury and did not dare to act rashly. Wang Yong also due to the identity of white rose, can't kill directly as the enemy.

But as time goes on, it must be Wang Yong who suffers. Wang Yong's burning blood will not last long.

But now Wang Yong can't prove that he's not treason. If he leaves, he will bite with white rose's bad temper. It's very difficult.

Just when Wang Yong and the spoon were at a loss, a voice suddenly came out of the white rose computer again.

It's not just the sound, it's the picture.

What appears in the picture is a woman who looks enchanting and cold. The woman looks at the front indifferently and asks, "4532, do you find the whereabouts of long Lin?"

4532 is the code name of white rose. Obviously, white rose's verification request startled Longji, so she directly connected to white rose's computer to know the specific situation.

White rose looked at the computer in amazement, then ran to the computer, plugged in the microphone, and replied: "4532 report. In return, I did find the whereabouts of long Lin, a traitor! "

Hearing White Rose's reply, the sergeant frowned: "traitor? 4532, you misunderstood. Long Lin will always be long Lin of Longji, not a traitor of any other department. Do you understand? "

"But..." white rose was stunned and refused to accept the answer“ Is that what the Dragon King means? "

The military adviser didn't answer, but flashed to let the gap after birth. Behind the military division, a big old man was staring at the screen, and his eyebrows were full of splendor.

It's the Dragon King.

"That's what I mean. What about long Lin? Let him come and talk. " The Dragon King's voice is not high, but it makes people obey unconsciously.

Wang Yong also heard the dialogue and heard the Dragon King calling him.

His face changed and his mood became very complicated. In fact, he hated the Dragon King, regardless of right and wrong, even if he didn't help himself wash white, and didn't avenge his brother who died unjustly.

For a moment, Wang Yong even suspected that the Dragon King was related to the plot.

But years of getting along with him made him give up the idea quickly. The loyalty of the Dragon King should not be violated.

But Wang Yong couldn't understand why dragon king didn't care about it, and even refused to see him when he was forced to retire.

Until now, Wang Yong had a little idea. Obviously, the fight behind this matter is so complicated that the Dragon King is not sure how to deal with it.

Finally, he had to make a seemingly compromise move to expel Wang Yong from Longji.

In fact, the Dragon King, who is familiar with Wang Yong's character, deliberately buries a dark son. He wants to use Wang Yong's fearless blade to thunder in silence and pierce all the darkness.

Take a deep breath, Wang Yong goes to the computer.

Although he had been very calm, when Wang Yong saw the Dragon King's face on the other side of the screen, he still couldn't help shaking and tears almost came out of his eyes.

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