In a trance, Wang Yong seems to see a scene that seems to have been displayed.

He was in the great darkness, and there was an open fire on the high platform ahead. On the stage sat a god covering his face.

The spirit suddenly turned around, and Wang Yong's heart jumped.

It's a mummy with an eagle's head.

The Eagle Head mummy looked at Wang Yong and gave a Gaga of laughter, as if telling Wang Yong's crime.

Every time he recited one, Wang Yong could not help but shudder, as if he had been told the pain and was unconsciously repenting.

After reading a crime, Wang Yong felt that he could not redeem his death, and his guilt was unforgivable.

The Yingtou mummy closed a book on the table and then extended her arm to Wang Yong.

His arms become very long, across the distance between Wang Yong and him, all of a sudden to Wang Yong's chest. The black nail on the palm of the hand popped out, like a sharp dagger, which instantly pierced Wang Yong's heart and dug out Wang Yong's heart.

Then the Eagle Head mummy took a balance and put Wang Yong's heart on one end of the balance. However, the balance was not enough to lift the weight of the weight.

So the Yingtou mummy made a judgment, and ordered Wang Yong to be sealed into the mummy, and could not be reincarnated forever.

"No! No Wang Yong was in a cold sweat and cried out.

At this time, Wang Yong also recognized that the Eagle Head mummy was no other than SAKEL, the God of death in Egyptian mythology.

Sekker always appears in the image of an eagle headed mummy. It is said that he is a judge of the underworld. He often uses a scale to weigh the heart of the dead to determine his treatment. In ancient Egypt, a large number of murals appeared in the tombs of the pharaohs, and were worshipped by the ancient Egyptians in the Rostow temple. Legend has a powerful curse power.

Wang Yong is now under this curse.

To be exact, it's not the curse from secre, it's the curse from St. Michael.

Saint Michael's grasp of the void, but it is the use of spiritual power to create such a scene in Wang Yong's mind, let Wang Yong fall into the imagination.

"Ha ha." With a scornful smile on the corner of his mouth, Saint Michael walks slowly to Wang Yong.

When he approached Wang Yong's chest with his empty palm, he speeded up abruptly and stabbed him in the ribs.

No matter how cruel the imaginary scene is, Wang Yong can't really die. If you want to kill Wang Yong, you have to rely on the attack in reality.

Wang Yong seems to be still immersed in the imagination at the moment, and he has never slowed down.

It can be seen that Saint Michael's mental attack power is indeed higher than that of Abraham, and the influence on the enemy's mind is much longer.


Before Saint Michael's hand touched Wang Yong's body, he suddenly saw Wang Yong suddenly open his eyes and his fist went to Saint Michael's palm.

Caught off guard, St. Michael couldn't make an effective defense at all.

Directly by Wang Yong a punch blast back, foot heel ground fierce friction, abruptly retreat back to the dungeon door.

Wang Yong looked at St. Michael jokingly and said, "I have to admit, Lord, your spiritual power is really strong, and it really affects me. But it's a pity that your body movement is too slow. Slow to I already broke away from the influence, and you still did not hand. This kind of short board is fatal in front of me. "

St. Michael's face was clouded.

He knew that Wang Yong was telling the truth, and his physical strength was really the biggest weakness. Although the mind has been used to carry Qi and blood for body hardening, it can only reach a medium level. It's still very difficult for skin and bone to be as rigid as iron.

If he followed the same path as Abraham, I'm afraid Wang Yong had died ten or eight times just now.

"Sir, I don't think you need to be obsessed with physical strength at all. With the development of human civilization, isn't it constantly making up for the weakness of the body? In the case just now, one shot is enough. I'd like to Morgan came forward and whispered to St. Michael.

St. Michael was stunned and then came to his senses.

Yes, why does he have to be obsessed with physical strength? You can use thermal weapons!

With Morgan as a gun master, as long as you control Wang Yong for a second, the bullet can penetrate Wang Yong's body.

"Good!" St. Michael answered and suddenly took a few steps forward again.

Every step he took, there was a faint light in his eyes. It was the change of mental force acting on the eyes, and the heavy prestige also spread to Wang Yong with the pace of St. Michael.

The closer the distance, the stronger St. Michael's spiritual repression.

Next to him, Morgan followed Saint Michael and raised a hand on the ground with his toes, aiming at Wang Yong.

As long as Wang Yong shows that kind of blank air, his muzzle will eject bullets to annihilate Wang Yong.

"Great Kali, show your violent power. I sacrifice to you. " St. Michael's mouth was full of strange words. It was not like fighting at all. Instead, it was like singing in religion and offering sacrifices.

Strangely, with his singing, the atmosphere in the dungeon suddenly became extremely depressed.

Wang Yong wanted to attack St. Michael first, but found that his body reaction became very slow, as if he was suppressed by something.

He was in a panic.

But I can understand the spell of St. Michael. The God of gari is a mythical figure in India. She is the darkest and most tyrannical black earth mother in Indian mythology. She has dark skin, blue face and tusks. She has a third eye on her forehead like Shiva. Four arms with arms, necklaces of snakes and skeletons, blood dripping from the tongue. There are stories about her that are always connected with killing and blood. It is the most obscure and mysterious sect in the history of India.

The appearance of this God represents the coming of blood and terror.

Because she is very consistent with a sentence on the Internet, "I am angry, even I am afraid of myself.".

Jiali almost destroyed the whole world when he killed the devil laktavila. Lactavela is seen as an invincible opponent because every drop of his blood produces a new lactavela. After fighting with him, Jiali found that the whole battlefield was full of the same demons. So Jiali caught them one by one, pierced their belly and drank the blood, which made lactavila unable to regenerate and destroyed him.

After the victory, Kali danced in frenzy and excitement, and the whole earth shook violently. Shiva had to cushion herself under Kali's feet to alleviate the impact on the earth.

We can see the horror of this God.

Wang Yong in the heart unconsciously will Jiali fantasy out, but just in the St. Michael's trick.

As a westerner, why did St. Michael choose an oriental mythological figure to suppress Wang Yong? It's just knowing that Wang Yong must have a better understanding of Oriental mythological characters, and he would unconsciously substitute them in that scene.

Accordingly, St. Michael's power is stronger.

It's like a common people can communicate with a general when they see a murderous general and don't know his identity. When I know the identity of the general, I think of the legend about the general's killing. At that time, he would be scared to turn his legs and stomach and collapse to the ground.

That's what Wang Yong did.

In an instant, Wang Yong's face showed a sense of fear, which was obviously suppressed by St. Michael.

At the moment, Morgan, who had been waiting for him for a long time, showed a cruel smile and aimed his gun at Wang Yong, ready to kill him.

But St. Michael suddenly said, "live!"

Morgan was stunned, with some dissatisfaction on his face. But also helpless, can only turn the muzzle of the gun, ready to use bullets to Wang Yong waist below all the limbs broken.

His technique is enough to control the fire and make Wang Yong paralyzed.

But in that case, it would be worse than death.

Thinking of this, Morgan's dissatisfied expression disappeared and he was proud of his witty decision.

As soon as he curls his fingers, he pulls the trigger.

Just then I heard a sharp whistling in the air, but I saw a shadow coming at a very high speed and hitting Morgan on the wrist.

Morgan felt a pain in his wrist and a click, but it broke.

And the gun in his hand also fell to the ground, where there is a chance to attack Wang Yong?

"How could it be?" After St. Michael noticed the change, he looked at the figure and exclaimed in disbelief.

That person, unexpectedly is Yuan Lin who has no action all the time!

Before, St. Michael thought that Yuan Lin had been oppressed by his soul and lost his consciousness.

So I didn't care about Yuan Lin at all.

But unexpectedly, it was Yuan Lin who finally upset his plan!

St. Michael couldn't understand why Yuan Lin would not be influenced by his mind, which was unscientific!

But he didn't know that Yuan Lin had lived in the jungle for more than ten years, and his pure heart was purer than the one he had refined.

To control Yuan Lin is a luxury. No matter how many stories St. Michael tells or how many horror scenes he projects, Yuan Lin has never seen or felt anything. The mind is not burdened at all, nor is it constrained.

To deal with people like Saint Michael, Wang Yong has long buried his back hand. As long as there is Yuan Lin, Wang Yong will be fine!

Breaking Morgan's wrist, Yuan Lin screamed fiercely, turned around and grabbed St. Michael.

The sharp fingernails pop into St. Michael's cheek to pick out his eyes.

Saint Michael was shocked and subconsciously wanted to suppress Yuan Lin with his mental strength. But Yuan Lin didn't care at all, and his paws were still as fast as thunder.

St. Michael leaned back in a hurry to avoid blindness. But the nose and chin didn't survive.

Yuan Lin's sharp nails pierced St. Michael's nose. With a hiss, he grabbed half of St. Michael's nose off, connected with a large area of flesh and blood on his chin, and rolled in the air.

"Ah! It hurts St. Michael let out an earth shaking cry.

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