When the girl was teased, the man on one side could not help it. As soon as he pinched the orchid finger, he pointed to Wang Yong's nose and scolded him.

"What's the point of bullying a girl! Have the ability to go home and bully your mother! As long as you are a hooligan, I am still the ancestor of a hooligan! Oh, Hello, I'm so angry with my elder sister... Oh, no, I've lost my brother! Do you want to be shameful? Do you want a face? "

This is extremely ugly, instantly attracted the attention of the whole car, people have to point out, do not know that Wang Yongzhen bullied other people's little girl.

Seeing the support from the public, Niang Pao Nan was even more proud. Pinching his waist and looking at Wang Yong, he looks like he has the ability to rush to my mother.

Wang Yong turned his lips and didn't even look at the girl. Instead, he continued to talk to the girl and said, "little girl, you say the world is really chaotic. In broad daylight, I met a man who sold human organs to me. It's heartbreaking that there is no law and discipline at all. "

"Selling human organs?"

The girl who didn't want to talk to Wang Yong, but she couldn't help asking.

And the passengers around are also stunned, and then calm down, want to hear who is so bold, dare to openly sell human organs.

"Yes. Is he shameful? Shameful? It's annoying. I don't have a face. Why do I want his face. Besides, it's against the law to buy and sell human organs, I understand! " Wang Yong said on purpose.

After listening to Wang Yong's words, the girl was stunned, and then she wanted to understand it, and she chuckled.

"You look good when you laugh. People who play music don't have to stretch every day." Wang Yong said at the right time.

The girl was surprised: "how do you know I study music? Do you know music, too? "

"Guess what." Wang Yong smiles mysteriously.

"Xia Xia, don't talk to this rascal! This kind of person is deliberately to find a topic of interest to you, and then chat up with you. I've seen this routine a lot! He also knows music. I guess he can sing a little apple, too Niang gun man was put by Wang Yong, can't help but show anger, way.

With that, he stood up and put his body between the girl and Wang Yong, not letting the girl talk to Wang Yong.

"Before going out, I said that we are also contracted artists. Don't take public transportation. You have to listen. See, something happened? But for me, you would be in danger today! " The Niang gun man muttered to the girl.

But the girl didn't say anything. She gently stroked her hair and quietly lowered her head to read.

At the same time, he took out a pen to write and draw in the book, and hummed softly in his mouth.

When she hummed to a certain paragraph, she suddenly frowned, as if she had encountered difficulties.

The pen in hand can't fall down, and the perplexed expression on the face is heavier and heavier.

Wang Yong looked at the scene and couldn't help laughing.

The girl heard Wang Yong smile, some unhappy look at Wang Yong, blame Wang Yong interrupted her train of thought.

And this smile, I'm afraid, will also greatly lower the impression of Wang Yong in the girl's heart, really think that Wang Yong is a ignorant, cheating girl hooligan.

Who knows, Wang Yong suddenly a word, but let the girl a moment Leng.

"I think you can change a way of thinking. Maybe this word is more suitable for the ancient law."

"Ancient law? You mean Gong Shang Jiao Huiyu Wuyin The girl asked suspiciously.

"Yes. It's very difficult for you to use modern notes to express the way of Song Ci by subtracting Mulan. In particular, there are some river emotions in your poem which are different from those of children. Gong is the king, Shang is the minister, Jiao is the people, Zheng is the matter, and Yu is the object. The five tones of Huiyu in gongshangjiao include all the people in heaven and earth. To show this kind of grand atmosphere, it is necessary to have five tones. " Wang Yong talks about it.

The girl was obviously surprised by Wang Yong's words. She never expected to meet professionals on every bus. And this person was imagined by her a second ago as a hooligan with no learning and no skill.

"But... The five syllables are not complete, two syllables are missing. The music may not be in line with the modern aesthetic The girl some don't understand of ask.

The so-called pentatonic incompleteness refers to the fact that the ancient Chinese temperament lacks two syllables, FA and Si, compared with the modern temperament. The initial pentatonic incompleteness refers to this. It was not until later that it was used to describe people who sing poorly and out of tune.

"Aesthetics is not unchangeable. If you can create and let people accept it, it is a new type of aesthetics. It is true that there are no FA and Si in authentic ancient music. But that doesn't mean it won't be popular. For example, the famous Jiangnan minor "Jasmine" is one of the ancient songs. If the whole song is hummed with a roll, it has only "Duo, Zhe, MI, Suo, La" and no "Fa, Xi" sound. But can you say "Jasmine" is not popular? "

"Thank you. You're right." The girl is thoughtful and serious to Wang Yong.

Wang Yong waved his hand and continued: "in fact, ancient and modern times can be combined. There are also changing palace and changing signs in ancient five tones. It's roughly equivalent to the 7 (TI) and 4 (FIS) in the modern compendium. In this way, a seven tone scale can be formed, which is also more in line with the aesthetic standards of modern people. "

"You are very good. Are you a professional vocal music teacher The girl stares at Wang Yong and asks.

Wang Yong couldn't help laughing and said, "vocal music teacher? You're wrong. I'm just an ordinary Chinese culture teacher. These things are just elementary knowledge of Chinese culture. In order to study ancient poetry, we must study the ancient sound and rhythm, otherwise it is empty talk. Anyone who is interested in Sinology can know something about it. In addition, you write a good song of Magnolia. I'm looking forward to hearing it

The girl was embarrassed by what Wang Yong said, but she nodded seriously and promised, "I will. Thank you for your advice. If I have the chance, I'd like to learn Chinese culture from you. I find more and more that the history and culture of our country is a treasure. "

"Five thousand years of precipitation, how can there be no treasure? If you want to learn, I'll be happy to give it to you. I'm afraid others will say that I'm ignorant. " Wang Yongdao.

"No, my name is Yin Xia, and I will definitely find you. I'm at the station. Goodbye. " With that, the girl got up and bowed to Wang Yong and got out of the car.

And Niang Pao Nan followed him, blushing, but he didn't dare to look at Wang Yong, so he went away.

Wang Yong's last sentence obviously told him that the illiterate rascal suddenly became a learned and versatile teacher, but this kind of reversal was * hitting him in the face. How dare he talk so much?

"Come on, little girl. I hope your dream comes true Wang Yong said quietly in his heart.

From the conversation between Yin Xia and Niang paonan just now, Wang Yong has roughly guessed the identity of Yin Xia.

It's supposed to be a little artist who just went to the agency. I'm afraid she's still in school at her age, and the agency usually coaxes children of this age to sign an appointment first. As for whether it can be popular or not, it depends on personal nature.

For example, one day after these years' red mess, I was signed off when I was in school. Unknown for several years, until after graduation with a song popular.

But with so many artists, only a few are popular. Wang Yong is really worried about Yin Xia, but he feels that this girl is different. She has a kind of tough temperament. Maybe this kind of temperament can make her get ahead of others.

Wang Yong also wanted to tell her that it's no harm to learn * from her. Even if it won't be popular in the future, it won't be a wandering street singer.

More than ten minutes later, the bus stopped near tianshe Yanyuan community.

Wang Yong got out of the car and walked in. This time, he was not stopped. The guard glanced at Wang Yong, recognized him and let him go.

Obviously, the Zhong family has already said hello to the guard.

Walking into the Lin villa, the bodyguard outside has changed. However, their attitude towards Wang Yong is almost the same as that of the two, and they are equally unfriendly.

It's just that their unfriendliness is restrained by their expressions. It's estimated that they have heard Wang Yong's name for a long time, for fear that Wang Yong will be beaten into a pig.

"Well? Do you like to be at home After Wang Yong entered the door, he was stunned.

I saw that she was wearing casual clothes and sitting on the sofa reading a magazine.

The slender thighs are folded together, and the white toes are exposed from one end of the slippers, which is very attractive.

It seems to be aware that someone is observing himself. Zhongyi suddenly turns his head and just sees Wang Yong.

"On time this time! I hope you will do the same in the future. " Zhong Yi stands up and says in a cold voice.

It seems that Wang Yong's impression in her heart is still not good.

"Zhong Xin is reviewing his lessons in the room. You can go there. From seven o'clock to ten o'clock, three hours a day. If there are special circumstances that need to be extended, I will give you an additional appropriate subsidy. "

Zhong Yi pointed to the room on the second floor.

After listening to his favorite words, Wang Yong couldn't help turning his lips.

Only at this time did he understand the dark heart of capitalists. It turned out that he was very generous to be able to offer 300 yuan a day. I'm a little grateful for Zhong Xin.

But when Wang Yong went back to check, he was silly. Other tutors of emotional families are hourly. One hour is from one hundred to several hundred, mainly depending on the level of teachers. College students who don't go out of school can get more than 100 if they teach well.

And like Wang Yong, although there is no special teacher certificate, it is not comparable to college students. After all, the identity of Wang Hongjin's grandson has also been recognized by Gu. The price shouldn't be so low. Three hundred an hour is about the same.

Zhong Yi deliberately said that three hundred and one days is a shade to Wang Yong. A teacher with profound knowledge of Chinese culture is treated as a college student.

"Well, it's not nice to meet people." Wang Yong sighed. As revenge, he took a hard look at the white and tender thigh.

This is the loss caused by information asymmetry under the market economy. Wang Yong has not taught a lesson, but he has been taught a lesson first.

Pedaling up the stairs, Wang Yong went to the Zhongxin room.

The door is unlocked. It seems that it is specially opened for Wang Yong.

Wang Yong pushes aside. Just as he wants to say hello, he hears Zhong Xin talking to someone on video.

"Xiaohua, let me tell you, my sister hired a tutor for me. He's tall, handsome and handsome. He's coming to class soon. "

"Cut, flower maniac! I'm afraid there's nothing not tall and handsome in your eyes, right? But if it's really handsome, don't mind if I have a look. " At the other end of the video is Zhong Xin, also a little fanatic.

"No, this is my tutor. Your father is so rich, let your father invite you to go Zhong Xin shakes his head and refuses.

"Well, cheapskate! You must be lying to me. Who doesn't know your tutor is an old man. "

"That's Mr. Gu! Don't call them old men! Mr. Gu had to leave, so he recommended Mr. Wang to come. You are a dog! I wrote a poem specially for Mr. Wang. Don't believe me to read it to you. " Zhong Xin sees that the other party doesn't believe it, and says in a hurry.

With that, after a while, I finally found a piece of crumpled paper and read it in a clear voice.

"When the wind blows, the skirt is flying. When the wind blows inside, the heart is desolate. The house is empty! Well, isn't that great? "

Zhong Xinnian finished, can't wait to ask.

Poof, Wang Yong standing at the door couldn't help laughing.

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