Wang Daquan felt that he was just like a chicken, pushed and pushed by the young man, and had no resistance.

Stumbling, when the sound of a knock open the door of the room, fell in.

The landlady in the lobby is not surprised. Obviously, this kind of thing has happened.

She would like to have it happen a few more times. Anyway, there is nothing good in the room. The latest ones have been used for seven or eight years. If you break this group, you have to pay the original price.

Do you dare to pay compensation? Hehe, I don't know who opened this shop!

"Who are you? Did Wu Shenbao send you here? " Wang Daquan was lying on the ground, slightly alarmed and asked.

That's what worries him the most.

If it's Wu Shenbao, it probably means that his plan has been exposed.

It also means that there is a traitor in this group of brothers, betraying him, betraying everyone.

"Wu Shenbao? He doesn't deserve it Shut the door with a bang, said the young leader, with a trace of contempt on his face.

Hearing this, Wang Daquan put down his heart.

But then it hung high again.

It's not Wu Shenbao's people. What are they doing here? These people are so poor that they are left with their underpants. It's not their turn to rob money and sex. There's nothing left but one life.

Is it for the lives of these people?

"Hua La", a dozen migrant workers sitting on the ground saw that Wang Daquan had been fallen to the ground. They turned red one by one and surrounded him.

They picked up the guys nearby, there were horses, benches, and thermos bottles, all of which looked like fighting for their lives.

"Lao Bai, look at these people. It seems that they are really useful." The young man said to a man behind him.

The man nodded, but it was a white rose.

The leading young man is naturally Wang Yong.

Wang Yong said that he would take the initiative to help Zheng Mozi remove the hidden danger, but now he is looking for someone who can remove the hidden danger.

"Don't be impulsive, brothers! Look what he says Wang Daquan got up from the ground and stopped the migrant workers who wanted to fight with Wang Yong and others.

However, these migrant workers are virtually free from suffering. Wang Yong stands next to Tang and Hongxing. Apart from spoon, which one is not Shaxing?

It's a real fight. I don't know what the brotherhood of migrant workers will suffer.

"What are you doing here? You don't look like a bad person. " Wang Daquan looked at Wang Yong carefully and said.

At the moment, he has seen that Wang Yong's ferocious appearance before is pretended. In fact, there is no hostility in Wang Yong.

"What for?" Wang Yong smiles, then shakes his right hand. With the sound of stamping, a sharp knife is thrown out of Wang Yong's sleeve and nailed to the floor.

It's Wang Daquan's ox horn machete.

"Don't you thank me for saving your life just now?" Wang Yong looked at Wang Daquan with a smile and asked.

Wang Daquan took a look at the ox horn sharp knife. The whole blade was nailed into the ceramic tile for ten centimeters. This kind of hand, even if it is a small worker who moves bricks and pushes cars every day on the construction site, it is impossible to have it.

Wang Daquan once saw a strong young man who could bend the steel bar thick with his thumb into twist. It was amazing at that time. I felt that the young man had great strength.

I didn't expect that there was a day outside and there were people outside. Wang Yong looks gentle. He has so much strength when he throws it casually.

This group is different. Wang Daquan made a quick judgment in his heart.

As he has been dealing with people all the year round, an indescribable idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

It seems that people walking in the desert have seen the oasis, although they are not sure whether it is a real existence or a mirage.

If it is true, then his difficulties can be solved. If it's just a mirage, it's like meeting Wu Shenbao. I'm afraid it's going to be a pit again.

But now he has nothing. What's his fear?

Thinking of this, Wang Daquan made a decision. As soon as he bent down, he bowed to Wang Yong solemnly and said, "indeed, you saved my life. Thank you."

Wang Yong nodded with satisfaction.

This is a smart man. It's much easier to talk to smart people.

"You're welcome. I have another plan to save you. I have a question for you

"Go ahead, please."

"Do you want money or noodles?" Wang Yong asked.

Wang Daquan a Leng, some don't understand of way: "what meaning?"

"If you want money, it's not easy for me to pity you. I can give you a trip home and let you leave here. If you want to lose face, you may not have money. But I can assure you that you will find your face and take revenge Wang Yong explained.

"Shame! Brother, don't hesitate. We were going to kill Wu at all costs? " A migrant worker nearby yelled.

"Yes! How much is the money! No more money! If we don't kill this Wu, we'll be very angry! "

"Let's calm down first. If he says he can help us get revenge, can he really help us get revenge? Why should we trust him? " Some people are more rational, voice questioned.

Then a group of migrant workers turned their eyes to Wang Yong, as if waiting for Wang Yong's proof.

Who knows, Wang Yong is indifferent and has no intention of proving it.

Wang Yong put out his hand and said, "why should I prove it? If you like to believe, believe it or not. I don't lose anything anyway. "

"..." all the migrant workers were speechless.

But Wang Daquan, looking at Wang Yong quietly, said suddenly after a while, "I believe him!"

The words shocked a lot of people.

"Why?" The migrant workers collectively asked Wang Daquan.

"No why, just by feeling." Wang Daquan's answer is straightforward and strong.

And it is such an unreliable answer, but let a cadre of migrant workers silent.

A moment later, they all said, "if you can trust me, you can trust me! Anyway, let's just follow big brother! "

"Yes, we believe in big brother!"

Wang Daquan was not moved by his face. Even if he was trapped in this situation, these brothers still trust him. How can he not be moved?

And this time, he must seize the opportunity!

"Made a choice?" Wang Yong asked.

"Well, you can tell me what we need to do." Wang Daquan nodded and said.

Wang Yong couldn't help laughing. It seems that this is easier than he imagined.

With such a group of people acting as pioneers, I believe Wu Shenbao will be able to jump out of the wall.

"Sit down, and I'll introduce you to the plan. After the event, Wu Shenbao owes you a lot of money, and I promise to make you the largest construction company in the city! " Wang Yong promised.

This guarantee makes migrant workers doubt, but at the same time, they can't help but have a warm heart and look forward to the moment of realization.

Who has no dream in his heart? Even if it's just a dream.

In Tianjiang construction company.

Wu Shenbao is sitting in the boss's chair, looking at a document in front of him, laughing happily.

Even in the company, he was topless, showing a cross shouldered dragon tattoo on his back and chest.

According to folklore, most people can't tattoo shouldered dragon. It's too fierce for ordinary people to carry and easy to suffer disaster.

But Wu Shenbao didn't care. He got this tattoo when he came back from the army. It turns out that the acromiosaurus not only didn't let him suffer, but also brought him a lot of good luck.

He also changed from a street bully to one of the few big bosses in the border city.

In the whole frontier city, many people may have more money than him, and many people may have more power than him. But there must not be much more powerful than him.

Because he has the largest group of rightful thugs, construction workers.

These people all listen to Wu Shenbao's words, usually work, when things happen, pick up the shovel, steel is a strong thug.

The key government has nothing to do with this. The migrant workers' incident is a big one these days. If it is not handled properly, social conflicts will arise. Who dares to deal with these black and astringent thugs dressed in migrant workers' skins?

"Get rich, get rich!" Wu Shenbao looked at the papers on the desk and couldn't help laughing.

This is a land transfer document he just got from Xiangjiang.

He had a dispute with Xiangjiang before, and wanted to use the land of the old film and television city to compensate for the balance of the uncompleted building. But Xiangjiang didn't agree because of the huge difference in value, and wanted Wu Shenbao to buy it.

How can Wu Shenbao possibly add money because he is greedy for cheap?

So the two sides were deadlocked, and no one was willing to let go.

Just yesterday, Wu Shenbao suddenly took the initiative to fly to Xiangjiang and called on him to buy the land at the original price.

Xiangjiang company actually gave up that piece of land long ago. Wu Shenbao took the initiative to purchase it. Naturally, they couldn't get it. So readily agreed to come down, signed the transfer agreement.

After all, the land is still controversial and not qualitative. Can hand, of course, quickly hand, it is difficult to continue to fall into wrangling?

But Xiangjiang company didn't know that they missed a good chance to get rich.

Because Wu Shenbao has long heard that a large company from Yanjing has come here to invest in the film and television city! And the disputed land is one of them!

For others, they may be afraid of the government departments and dare not express any objection to that piece of land.

But Wu Shenbao is different. Now that he has the letter of transfer from Xiangjiang, it can be said that the land is the hard-earned debt of a group of migrant workers under him. If the government dare not admit it, I dare to organize migrant workers to sit in at your door every day.

Moreover, as a local leader, Wu Shenbao has many Yin moves. It's totally possible that there will be no work in the film and television city. Unless the Yanjing company can come up with the money to buy land to satisfy his appetite, he will stop.

Carefully put the contract into the safe, just like holding a cornucopia.

In fact, this contract is almost like a cornucopia. Wu Shenbao's psychological price for that piece of land is 200 million.

No less!

Dong Dong, suddenly there was a knock on the door. A concave and convex secretary came in and said to Wu Shenbao, "Mr. Wu, that Wang Daquan is here again."

Wu Shenbao immediately frowned and said, "didn't I say that for a long time? He'll throw it out to me again. He doesn't need to report to me! "

The female secretary hesitated for a moment and said, "but he said that this time he just wanted to say a few words to Mr. Wu, and then he left. He will never come to you again..."

"Yes? Then let him in. " Wu Shenbao waved his hand and said.

The Secretary swings her butt to call Wang Daquan.

Wu Shenbao looked at the door suspiciously and didn't know what Wang Daquan was going to say to him.

But it's not bad to get rid of this cow skin plaster. The only thing we need to guard against is that this guy is desperate to play with jade.

Thinking of this, Wu Shenbao picked up the phone and called in all the security guards in the security room, forming a line, always ready to block the gun for him.

Wu Shenbao didn't believe that Wang Daquan could do anything like this.

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