This is Wang Yong's plan.

Wu Shenbao is more black than Wang Yong.

Wu Shenbao monopolized most of the construction sites in the border city with violence, and even the transportation of raw materials had to use his designated methods. If someone dares to use others, the construction site will be smashed immediately, and all transport vehicles will be damaged on the road.

As a result, some contractors can only bear to use Wu Shenbao's expensive and inferior materials, and those with conscience will spend money to replace some of them. Those without conscience will be directly used in construction projects.

The poor construction quality of Tianjiang construction company is well known. But no way, who let Wu Shenbao force big hand and black? We have to take this reality seriously.

Now, Wang Yong treats him in his own way, just like Wu Shenbao did.

One night, all Wu Shenbao's construction sites suffered the same losses.

The team, the materials, these losses will be ignored. More importantly, without the transport fleet and construction materials, the construction period will have to be postponed. Once the default, the loss will be greater and more inestimable.

At first, the project manager of each construction site just regarded it as an independent thing and thought it was just his own misfortune. I was trying to borrow some from other construction sites, but I didn't know it until I called. It turned out that all construction sites had suffered.

All of a sudden, these project managers were scared. They knew that it was a big deal.

Regardless of the fact that Wu Shenbao was sleeping in the middle of the night, the party immediately called Wu Shenbao's home.

In a luxury villa in the center of the border area, Wu Shenbao is embracing Chen Weiwei.

Chen Weiwei is like a naked little white sheep, panting in a low voice under Wu Shenbao's body.

Wu Shenbao looked at Chen Weiwei's expression of pain and enjoyment. His heart was burning fiercer and fiercer. He rushed for a few times and was about to spray out all the flames.

But at this critical moment, Wu Shenbao's mobile phone rings suddenly. The urgent ring is like a soul lock ring. Wu Shenbao shudders, but he makes a hasty delivery and falls on Chen Weiwei.

"Damn it Wu Shenbao took a little rest, and then his heart became angry.

He touched the phone to see which bastard dared to disturb him at this time.

"Your family is dead? What about soul calling? Call labor and management at this time! " As soon as Wu Shenbao got through the phone, he began to scold.

The manager at the other end of the phone had to be submissive and didn't dare to say anything. When Wu Shenbao's anger was gone, he weakly reported: "Mr. Wu, something happened. All our construction sites were attacked, the whole motorcade was destroyed, and the construction materials were also lost. "

Before he finished, Wu Shenbao sat up from the bed and his face changed: "what? Say it again

The project manager said it again, but Wu Shenbao's face became more and more ugly.

Isn't this the way he used to deal with others?

At the beginning, with this success, he expelled several major contractors in the border city, and gradually expanded Tianjiang construction company to the present situation.

Unexpectedly, the same method was reincarnated on his head.

It's just, who did it?

Wu Shenbao immediately thought of Wang Daquan, who made trouble during the day.

But it was immediately excluded. Wang Daquan is just a small contractor. He can't have this kind of energy. If you want to rob the motorcade overnight and wrap up all the construction sites in Tianjiang, it's absolutely not something anyone can do.

He must be a man of great influence.

For example, the wolf master before he was beaten and maimed. But the wolf has disappeared for a long time. Wu Shenbao almost forgot the existence of this man. Can he still jump out and make waves?

For a moment, Wu Shenbao was confused. I can't figure out who did it.

Chen Weiwei on the bed saw Wu Shenbao and immediately asked, "what's the matter?"

Wu Shenbao will say things again, Chen Weiwei eyes flash, but immediately judge: "should be Wang Daquan."

"He? impossible! You don't know what's going on at the construction site. How can Wang Daquan do it? " Wu Shenbao shook his head and denied.

But Chen Weiwei still insisted: "Wang Daquan may not be the mastermind, but this matter is absolutely inseparable from him. The eavesdropper he installed during the day today is a new product. Its eavesdropping performance is very good, and all the news in the whole office can't escape. Do you think an ordinary contractor can get this advanced thing? I don't believe that there is no one behind him. "

Listen to Chen Weiwei remind, Wu Shenbao this kind of suddenly realized feeling.

"But who is going to screw me? There should be no such capable people in frontier city. "

Chen Weiwei also felt confused. He shook his head and said, "maybe not from the frontier city, but from other cities. In that case, it's not good. Cross the river to fight you, the local snake. I'm sure I'll put up 200 percent of my strength. "

Wu Shenbao's eyes suddenly burst with a touch of murderous spirit, saying: "before I could fight from nothing, I was not afraid that another person would fight me down again! Whether it's a river crossing dragon or a river crossing insect, as long as they dare to make trouble in my territory, I'll tell them that they will never come back! When I find out who's behind the scenes, I'll make him regret coming to this frontier city! "

Chen Weiwei looked at Wu Shenbao with some admiration and gently put his hand around Wu Shenbao's body.

Wu Shenbao, on the other hand, picked up his mobile phone and quickly issued the tracking order.

He has been an elite in frontier city for many years, and all kinds of thieves, snakes, insects, rats and ants want to sell him some face.

As long as the troublemaker can't get out of the frontier city, he has the confidence to find out the man!

There are so many trucks and so many building materials that it is impossible to hide them from others.

As long as Wu Shenbao traces the clue, Wu Shenbao will give that person the most violent revenge!

An abandoned factory near the Gobi desert in frontier city.

There are dozens of heavy trucks parked outside, almost surrounding the abandoned factory. And on the truck, there are all kinds of building materials piled up in a mess.

The sand in the car was already dumped.

Wang Yong, wolf master, Wang Daquan and others all gathered in this abandoned factory.

Wolf Ye's little eyes looked at Wang Yong from time to time. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it again.

But he was a little out of breath.

Wang Yong noticed the impatience of the wolf master and said with a smile, "the wolf master is in a hurry?"

Seeing that Wang Yong finally spoke, the wolf let go: "I thought you couldn't speak tonight! Can I take it easy? I've been waiting for this moment for so many years. How can I be reconciled if I don't do that bastard Wu Shenbao myself? By the way, did you find out where the woman named Chen Weiwei came from? I've checked it several times before, but I don't have any clue at all, as if this man came out of thin air. "

"Soon." Wang Yong said faintly.

The information about Chen Weiwei is really beyond Wang Yong's expectation, which is pitiful. Even the spoon is difficult to find the detailed information, as the wolf said, Chen Weiwei really appears out of thin air, just like monkey sun.

However, spoon or keen to capture a detail, from a national security secret operation found very similar to Chen Weiwei body.

This discovery surprised Wang Yong at that time.

Is Chen Weiwei from Guoan? If that's the case, isn't it the flood that washed the Dragon King Temple?

What does Guo'an do with Wu Shenbao? Is Wu Shenbao important enough to be concerned by Guoan?

With these questions in mind, Wang Yong dials Zhu Weiquan's phone and tells him about it, asking Zhu Weiquan to help check Chen Weiwei's details.

Up to now, Zhu Weiquan has not replied, but I believe there will be an answer soon.

Just thinking about it, Wang Yong's mobile phone suddenly rings. At first glance, the number is Zhu Weiquan's.

Wang Yong quickly picked it up and asked, "what's the news?"

With a tired tone, Zhu Weiquan replied, "yes. Elder brother, you really gave me a big problem this time. Do you know how long it took me to find this person? "

"No? Her identity is so classified? " Wang Yong asked in surprise.

It took so much effort to prove that Chen Weiwei's identity was highly confidential.

But the fact is different from what Wang Yong imagined.

Zhu Weiquan gave a wry smile and said: "if the level of confidentiality is high, it will not take so much effort. The point is that I searched the database of active agents, but I couldn't find anyone who matched her physical characteristics. For a time, I thought you were wrong. Fortunately, in the end, I searched the missing and dead list, and finally found her information! "

"Missing and dead?" Wang Yong was even more surprised.

"Chen Weiwei, codenamed carrier pigeon, used to be in charge of intelligence infiltration in border areas. I've received high-intensity military training, and my kung fu should be good. I've performed several tasks beautifully. But just two years ago, she suddenly disappeared in a mission. At that time, the national security authorities couldn't find her for a long time, so they put her on the missing death list for the sake of sacrificing people. Unexpectedly, she is still alive! It's treason. If it's known, she'll die. "

After listening to Zhu Weiquan's introduction, Wang Yong was also somewhat unexpected.

There are such twists and turns in this plot. Unexpectedly, Chen Weiwei is not only a national security agent, but also a defected agent.

In fact, whether it's national security or No.2 agency, there will be agent defection every year. Many people choose to feign death as their way of defection, which creates the illusion of death in the execution of the mission and avoids the eyes and ears of the Chinese side.

After that, you can change your face and go far away.

However, Wang Yong has never seen Chen Weiwei, who dares to swagger back to China.

Unless, Chen Weiwei has been recruited by other forces, back home to carry out some latent tasks.

In that case, it would be interesting.

"I see, thank you! About Chen Weiwei, don't report to the police. I'll give her to you when I catch her. I have something else to do. Hang up first. " Wang Yong finished, hang up the phone cleanly.

Zhu Weiquan, on the other end of the phone, mutters that he doesn't understand what medicine Wang Yong sells in his gourd.

However, according to Wang Yong, he did not report the incident, but concealed it.

Back in the abandoned factory, Wang yongchong said: "the woman's identity is clear. She's an important role. I'll deal with her. Wolf, just take your men and beat Wu Shenbao to death. It's up to you, wolf, whether you can finish the battle this time or not

The wolf said with a smile, "I've long been hungry and thirsty."

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