"No! Xiri shaman, run! I can't keep the village! " The man who reported the news was shocked when he saw this scene.

Over the embankment of the water surging, just like zahuan, splashing huge waves down.

Xiri ahong has just finished loading a bag of sand and is dragging it to the river bank. As a result, the waves hit him impartially.

Xiri ahong snorted and was immediately patted to the ground. His body floated out of the flood for seven or eight meters.

If there were no sand piles for flood control, Xiri ahong would have been washed away.

Xiri ahong, who was lucky enough to get his life back, didn't have any surprise. Instead, he looked at the riverbank anxiously, with a touch of compassion on his face.

I'm afraid the flood is really unstoppable.

Boom, but listen to the roar of heavy trucks in the ear.

Wang Yong and Bai Meigui were driving a heavy truck and rushed directly to the part of the breakwater.

Hit the steering wheel, a very difficult but very in place tail flick, heavy truck in place to draw an arc, and then firmly block in front of the breach.

Just over the water slapped on the heavy truck body, but it immediately splashed back a lot. Only a small part of the water flows through the gap at the bottom of the heavy truck, but the water speed has slowed down a lot.

White rose is like a model, but also will be another heavy truck parked in another dangerous section of the dam, temporarily blocked the turbulent flow.

However, this can only solve the emergency for a while. When the flood becomes bigger, the heavy truck body can hold a small part, but not the majority. What's more, there is such a big gap in the truck chassis?

Of course, Wang Yong knew this, and he didn't really want to fight the flood.

We can stop the traffic for a while and let the people around here evacuate first.

Jumping out of the car, Wang Yong is ready to persuade Xiri ahong to lead the people to evacuate.

Did not think that the words did not say, listen to the next white rose surprise called: "is cement! Self leveling cement

Wang Yong a Leng, did not understand the meaning of white rose words.

What is self leveling cement? Is it worth White Rose's pleasure?

White rose immediately realized that Wang Yong didn't understand, and explained quickly: "self leveling cement is a high-tech green product with high technology content and complicated technical links. It is a dry mixed powdery material composed of various active ingredients, which can be used by mixing water on site. A high leveling base surface can be obtained by spreading it slightly with a scraper. Hardening speed is fast, 4-8 hours can walk on the road, or follow-up works, construction is fast and simple

Wang Yong still seems to understand, but he understands a little bit.

This kind of cement is better than ordinary cement.

Think also right, red star with people out of building materials can be ordinary goods? It's going to hurt Wu Shenbao.

The price of this kind of self leveling cement per ton is one to two times that of ordinary cement, so is Wang Yong's car. It's two cars. It's worth a lot.

"No sandbags, just pile cement! It's a hundred times better to keep than to use sand! " White rose said, jumped into the car, directly grabbed a bag of cement and threw it on the embankment.

Seeing this, Wang Yong went up to help.

What physical strength are they? It's easy to grasp a bag of 100 Jin cement with one hand. Full of cement for a while, they threw it away and piled it on the breach of the river bank.

The cement was soaked in the river and immediately thickened. If there is no bag binding, I'm afraid it will be directly scattered. But if there is bag binding, the cement can only be stuck together to form a whole mud block. Bag by bag, it will become very solid after a while.

It works much better than loose sand.

Of course, the cost is high. Who will use self leveling cement for flood control?

On the other side, a man and a woman helped each other, walking in the rain and mud.

Their clothes were dirty and their faces were full of scars. They couldn't move their legs as if they had been leaded, but they still didn't dare to stop.

Still struggling toward the border city and neighboring countries at the junction of a mountain climbing.

Gala mountain.

Because of the border of this mountain, there is basically no one to manage Huaxia and its neighboring small countries. Moreover, the natural environment of the frontier has always been bad, let alone the mountains. The mountain has little value to manage.

But Wu Shenbao and Chen Weiwei are just as stubborn as they think that there is treasure on the mountain, regardless of the danger of flash floods.

On the top of the mountain, a man in coir raincoat was lying in a clump of grass.

He has an AK in his hand, aiming at Wu Shenbao and Chen Weiwei who are climbing up. As soon as they get into range, he will pull the trigger and shoot them in the heavy rain.

Just did not expect, two people go to the range or so, suddenly stopped.

The petite woman suddenly looked at his hiding place and said, "tell your leader that Wu Shenbao and Chen Weiwei are here."

The gunner heard the two names and was slightly stunned.

He wiped the rain on his face and looked through the sight carefully. It seemed that it was really Wu Shenbao.

So he stood up slightly, and did not relax the vigilance of the two, said: "you wait, I'll go to report."

With that, he turned and went up the mountain.

Wu Shenbao and Chen Weiwei are not in a hurry. They just wait in the rain.

Half a day later, several figures finally appeared on the mountain.

A man with crooked nose, whose hair was like grass, came down laughing and saw Wu Shenbao. Regardless of the rain on Wu Shenbao, he immediately gave him a big hug.

"Brother Wu, people from the organization have contacted you all these years, but I never saw you take the initiative to find the organization. For the first time today, what happened? " The man with the hooked nose asked.

His eyes were as dark as a poisonous snake, but he was very accurate in seeing things. All of a sudden, he saw that Wu Shenbao was in trouble.

But he doesn't care about that. The way he controls people in this organization is to take advantage of people's hatred. Hatred is the motivation for revenge.

As long as the man wants revenge, he will raise his hands to welcome and give his full support.

"Go, go up the mountain first, and talk as you go!" The man with the hooked nose hugged Wu Shenbao and went up the mountain step by step.

And Chen Weiwei's face is not good at staring at the people around, the dissatisfaction in the heart are all written on the face.

Wu Shenbao has been in contact with these people for a long time. Chen Weiwei knows that. Even Chen Weiwei has done several things for this organization because of Wu Shenbao's kindness.

It just doesn't mean that Chen Weiwei agrees with the organization.

This kind of organization, whose pleasure is to disturb the country and incite civilians to carry out terrorist retaliation, is the target of her previous attack.

Who would have thought that today she would be reduced to such a person.

With this kind of drop mentality, Chen Weiwei came to the top of the mountain step by step.

At the top of the mountain, it has been transformed into a base by these people for a long time.

It doesn't look very good, but actually it's full of everything. Even rely on a few generators to maintain the power of life.

After several years of development, the number of people in this organization has also risen sharply, reaching more than 100.

As soon as Chen Weiwei went in, he felt the hostility in the eyes of these people.

There is no other reason, just because Chen Weiwei has a Chinese face.

Except for Wu Shenbao and Chen Weiwei, everyone here has curly hair, hooked nose and unique frontier ethnic appearance.

They could have lived in the city like other frontier people, living in clean and spacious houses and eating hot and delicious meals. But they were blinded by the hatred in their hearts and drove themselves to such a dead end.

Chen Weiwei sighed in his heart, deliberately avoiding the hostile eyes of those people.

But unexpectedly, their arrogance was even more enhanced. A young man who looked like he was in the middle of nowhere had the courage to stretch out his hand and grab Chen Weiwei's chest.

There was excitement, salivation and greed in his eyes, but what he didn't have was fear and shame.

This scene not only did not attract other people's stop, but got a lot of applause.

Young people are going to catch Chen Weiwei.

But Chen Weiwei's eyes burst out with a sharp color, and his soft and boneless palm turned over, suddenly pinched the young man's paw.

Then five fingers hard, just listen to the sound of bang bang, young suddenly cry.

"Let him go! Let him go Someone yelled at Chen Weiwei.

Chen Weiwei smile, obedient let go of the youth.

Just let go of the moment, everyone clearly heard a creepy voice. But the whole metacarpal bone of the boy was crushed.

The boy fell to the ground with a splash and his face was pale. Looking at Chen Weiwei's eyes, there is no desire, only endless fear.

When the rest of the people saw this, they immediately came around.

And Chen Weiwei does not show weakness, instead hook hand, signal the front of a big man to come.

A great war is about to break out.

"Is that enough?" At this time, I heard the leader speak.

He looked around majestically and said, "you are holy warriors, not despicable Street hooligans! Let me see who has such behavior in the future, and I will be the first to abolish him! "

Hearing the leader's words, the rest of the organization stepped down with reluctance.

Then the leader turned to look at Chen Weiwei, and said with a smile: "Miss Chen, I know you have been in Guoan before. You are a very powerful agent. But I need to warn you, this is Gala mountain, my white wolf's territory. If you sweep my face like this again, I can only give you no face. "

Chen Weiwei hummed coldly and didn't speak. It was a disguised face to the white wolf.

The White Wolf nodded with satisfaction and led them to the inside.

This is a special reception hall. White Wolf motioned Wu Shenbao to sit down and poured a cup of hot water for them.

Wu Shenbao took most of the hot water and drank it. After the chill in his bones had been expelled, he breathed heavily and said with a look of hatred: "I want to take revenge. You're going to help me! "

The White Wolf picked his eyebrows and replied with a smile: "revenge is just a small matter. If you want people, I'll give you people. If you want arms, I'll give you arms. In short, to meet any of your requirements, absolutely help you achieve your wishes. But I also have a request

"What requirements?"

White Wolf smile with a chill, word by word: "I want you to make things bigger! It's better to be able to die more than that. "

White Wolf stretched out a finger and shook it on Wu Shenbao's face.

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