Dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada.

A group of group actors, who were not in the uproar, did not notice that they were reaping death. This kind of gunshot sound is very common on the set. Pyrotechnics often try out the sound before shooting to see if the sound effect is normal.

Many people thought it was a fake gunshot made by the props group, so they ignored it.

It was not until the nearest few people were shot and fell down, and a large amount of blood came out of their bodies that the whole crowd burst apart.

People just remember that what they shot is an ancient costume movie, and it is impossible to have gunshots.

It's just too late.

I saw the new group actor named Wu Bao rushing to the crowd with a gun. The firepower of this kind of mini folding machine gun is limited, so it must be close in order to play a killing effect.

Those who were swept by Wu Shenbao just now just lay on the ground and wailed. No one was really shot and died.

Of course, if they are left lying on the ground, sooner or later they will bleed to death.

What Wu Shenbao wants is this kind of deterrent effect, using these people's wails to intimidate the rest of the people.

At the same time, the White Wolf's dead men also rushed into the crowd and began to chop.

In this way, more than 100 group performances were thrown into confusion.

Originally, these people had a little sense, and they could completely block Wu Shenbao and others by taking up the weapons used for filming.

But human nature is like this. In the face of a group of thugs, there is only one idea in everyone's heart, that is running.

Dead friends do not die poor way, who died who can be on the back, but absolutely not their own.

In this state of mind, the already chaotic set has become more and more chaotic, and a group of people are buzzing out like headless flies.

Just did not run a few steps, they collided with each other, the weak directly knocked down to the ground. There's a dead man coming at the back, and it's a knife to raise his hand.

The group stampede, coupled with the pursuit behind, turned the whole studio into a slaughterhouse.

More than a dozen people with a machete and a gun will chase more than 100 people to the end.

Wu Shenbao looked at the scene with a sneering smile on his lips. He reached into the basket with his right hand and pulled out a melon * for a thrill.

Whoa, * the pull ring was pulled open, and Wu Shenbao raised his arm and was about to throw it at the crowd.

The scattered crowd turned white when they saw Wu Shenbao's hand. One by one, they screamed and pushed the people in front like crazy. It's just that people can't be pushed because they are blocked up, and they are about to throw in.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of breaking the air, and then Wu Shenbao's raised arm fell down, and on Wu Shenbao's wrist, there was a purple soft sword.

After seeing this soft sword, Wu Shenbao's eyelids suddenly jumped.

He recognized it. It's the soft sword of the special agent long Lin!

Before Wang Yong's fierce but all by Wu Shenbao see in the eye, especially after Wang Yong show strange means, is let Wu Shenbao heart.

Originally thought that this sudden action Wang Yong would not know, who can expect, Wang Yong is like a tarsal maggot, unexpectedly appeared again!

"Run! Run After seeing the soft sword in the distance, Chen Weiwei still yells at Wu Shenbao, though he hasn't seen Wang Yong.

As an agent, Chen Weiwei knows the horror of Wang Yong. If these people have guns instead of machetes, maybe they can fight Wang Yong.

But now the situation is that only Wu Shenbao has guns, and others have machetes in their hands. In the face of Wang Yong, there is nothing we can do! Can only be slaughtered unilaterally!

Wu Shenbao heard Chen Weiwei's cry and ran away.

Opened the ring of * fell on his side, bang.

There was smoke, and there was a howl nearby, as if it had been hit by shrapnel. I can howl so loud that I can't die.

Wu Shenbao also felt a pain in his back, as if shrapnel had splashed into his back.

But now he has no time to check the injury, covering his wrist with a soft sword and running away.

At the same time, he gave orders to the white wolf.

"Chop to death, catch up with the man!"

Smoke dispersed, a person slowly appeared in the crowd, the reverse. Instead of avoiding the pursuit of the dead, they head on.

It's not scientific that someone is not afraid of them!

The dead man raised his machete angrily and chopped it down at Wang Yong's neck.

He will turn his anger into power and cut the neck of this heretic who despises the true God!

However, his idea is very good, but the reality is just the opposite.

I saw the man's wrist move, a brush on the blade, the dead man's chopper suddenly rebounded back.

The heavy back of the knife hit the dead man's head hard. It was clear that there was no blade. The back of the knife was still embedded in the dead man's skull.

That kind of huge power smashes the crack sound of the head, listen to the person creepy.

Originally another wanted to come forward to see this scene, can not help but shrink back.

"Devil! Here comes the devil The dead man turned his head and ran away, screaming with fright.

"My name is Wang Yong, not the devil. You are the devil. " Wang Yong's eyes flashed with cold anger, and he said.

Suddenly forward a sudden, a pinch that escaped the dead man's neck, a click, the dead man fell to the ground, immediately no breath.

On the other side, white rose, Tang, red star and others all came.

Several people entered the flock to form a line of defense to separate the white wolf from the crowd. They are like dams standing in the flood, protecting the safety of the people behind them.

After white rose and others appeared, the rioting crowd finally stabilized a little. However, there are still a large number of people desperate to escape, even people who fall on the ground do not care, directly stepped on it.

"Human nature! Human nature! Give me the trumpet Director Chen Kai looked at the scene, trembling with anger, and said.

He took the loudspeaker handed over by an assistant beside him. Regardless of exposing his own danger, he resolutely roared: "everyone, don't panic! Now the police comrades have successfully controlled the situation! Those thugs on the other side can't rush! We don't want to hurt each other. That will only make enemies quick and relatives painful. In the face of violence, we are not cowards, we also have the power of the first World War! Let's take up our arms and use our determination and courage to frighten those petty gangsters! "

Director Chen Kai's words are awe inspiring, which may have played a good role in setting off the atmosphere in the film. But the reality is different.

Although some people heard him, they really took up arms and stayed.

But more people still don't care, still run away.

"Alas." With a slight sigh, Chen Kai picked up the horn again and made a compromise to reality“ Today, all those who stay, I promise to give him a chance to reuse! As long as it's Chen Kai's movie, I can take part in it! The salary is paid according to the standard of third tier actors! "

"What?" The fleeing man stopped half at once.

These people looked at Chen Kai in disbelief. They didn't know whether Chen Kai was deliberately fooling them into working hard, or whether he was really willing to give such treatment.

In five seconds, the crowd was divided. Some shook their heads and left, while others hesitated to return and took up the weapons of the props group.

Until the situation is completely under control, Chen Kai sweeps the number of people. Less than 30 of the more than 100 people remained.

Only one third of the people have courage, which is not high, but it is also expected by Chen Kai. During the eight year Anti Japanese War, the proportion was even lower. But those pioneers still persisted and led the Chinese people to victory.

Chen kaijianxin, today they can also win!

Because there are not only these people on the scene, but also the people's police who really play a role!

White rose and others are regarded as police by Chen Kai.

Although White Wolf's dead men have a lot of strength, how can they face white rose's elite agents? It's OK for Wang baquan to fight HuaQuan and embroider legs, but it's not good for real experts.

Soon these people were beaten by white rose and lay on the ground, whining.

White rose a few people start without mercy, all is aimed at tendon fracture. It doesn't kill, but it hurts a lot.

In the furthest distance, Wang Yong's figure is clearly visible.

He seems to be slow, but in the blink of an eye he caught up with Wu Shenbao.

Light Piaopiao hit Wu Shenbao straight after the heart.

Wu Shenbao dodged in a hurry, but Wang Yong had expected his reaction. Suddenly a progress, caught Wu Shenbao wrist on the heart month fox soft sword.

With a hiss, Wang Yong drew out the soft sword of Xinyue fox.

Wu Shenbao suddenly screamed, but the soft sword of xinyuehu separated a long crack on his wrist. Cut through the carpal bone as if the arm were split in two.

Wang Yong did not stay. After pulling out the sword, the point of the sword stabbed Wu Shenbao's knee twice, each time penetrating Wu Shenbao's kneecap.

Putong, Wu Shenbao fell to his knees and no longer had the ability to stand up.

"The originator has no future. I really hate that I lost my mind and didn't kill you immediately, but chose to use you! Today's incident, even if it is too late to cut you alive, it's hard to get rid of its sin! " Wang Yong's eyes twinkled, and his anger was burning violently, which made his chest rise and fall.

In fact, he deliberately let Wu Shenbao go in order to leave a hidden danger for Zheng Mozi. According to Wu Shenbao's character, he will definitely choose revenge to obstruct and destroy the construction of the film city. Wang Yong will be able to withdraw the investment on the ground of Zheng Mozi's unfavorable construction.

But Wang Yong did not expect that Wu Shenbao would go crazy to collude with violent terrorist organizations and come to the city to carry out wantonly killing!

If Wu Shenbao didn't drive them away, those gangsters would have recognized Wu Shenbao and told the wolf Lord that the movie city would have become a dead city.

Even so, Wang Yong was late. Along the way, Wang Yong had seen several corpses, and the death was shocking.

Wang Yong said that "the originator of the terracotta warriors has no future." in fact, he was also scolding himself. Confucius criticized the invention of people who died with puppets, which set a precedent for people who died alive, saying that such people "have no descendants".

In this matter, how could Wang Yong not be the "initiator"?

So Wang Yong was very angry and wanted to cut Wu Shenbao to pieces.

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