Jie Shasheng has a gun in his right hand and a knife in his left. Take the hand as the knife, double knife staggered, like a flying butterfly.

Wang Yong can't help but cry out: "eight chop Dao!"

Eight chop Dao is a unique Dao technique in Yongchun boxing. The name "eight chop Dao" does not refer to the name of Dao itself, but refers to the general name of this set of Dao techniques. The Dao itself can be called the Hezhang Dao. It is composed of two knives of the same size. If you separate it and cross it flat, it looks like a butterfly, so it is also called *.

This Dao technique was originally a long and a short double Dao. However, when the eight chop Dao reaches a certain level, it's OK to have a Dao or not. Because it's Dharma that you practice, the so-called "eight chop Dao" is also the Dharma that uses the word "forever", so it's named "eight chop Dao".

Jie Shasheng has a unique idea and uses a spear head and a hand knife instead. The spear head can be stabbed or cut. It's less fierce than the knife, but more overbearing. The hand knife can be more powerful than the knife.

This kind of collocation is the only one in Wang Yong's life, so he secretly called it strange in his heart. At the same time, he added a little more caution.

Jieshasheng has a smile on his mouth. After the gun is in his hand, his temperament changes from a hungry wolf to a lone wolf in the wilderness.

The hungry wolves are not terrible, but the only ones who walk alone. They are the real hunters who dare to fight against tigers.

Wang Yong raised the risk factor of jieshasheng by a few points, and his heart was moved to kill.

This kind of person will get up again sooner or later if he cuts grass and doesn't remove roots. When the time comes, you'll feel like it.

"Hey", Wang Yong spits out a piece of turbid air, like the empty hunting sound of the sword.

Then he saw that Wang Yong, like a big bear, ran into Jie Shasheng.

Jie Shasheng stepped on the wildebeest and made a detour to avoid the collision of Wang yongxiong.

The head of the gun stabbed Wang Yong in the ribs.

Wang Yong's eyebrows jump. From the angle and strength of Jie Shasheng's hand, it's obvious that Jie Shasheng's practice is a killing knife!

In ordinary martial arts practice, no matter what kind of school, it's based on morality and defense. The attack tendency moves the teacher is chooses the person to teach. The same is true of Jie Shasheng's eight chop sword.

But Jie Shasheng's hand is aimed at the key and the dead. He is as fierce as a butcher. He turned FaDu yongran's "eight chop sword" into a killing sword.

In fact, it's described in military textbooks.

"The sabre technique is simple and effective. It only needs one skill of" stabbing "to kill. However, it requires high strength and speed. Because of its strong lethality, it is often used for battlefield tearing and assassination. It has a high success rate of killing with one Sabre and can ensure the whole body to retreat.".

A few figures sum up the essence of sabre technique, and then the military develops a set of killing routines according to the killing moves of various sects.

Grip: straight grip or horizontal grip.

Attack parts: eyes, ears, larynx, heart.

Tibetan Dao: hide your hands under your arms.

Out of the knife: adjust the best position, a knife in place, a hit will kill.

Rotary knife: when the tip of the knife touches the opponent's body, it quickly spins to the right and penetrates into the opponent's body. After the two-thirds of the blade penetrates into the opponent's body, it forcibly spins to the left and pulls out, increasing the internal damage degree of the opponent's body.

Retract: when the blade rotates inside the opponent's body, it jerks out and retracts. It hides the sword quickly. No matter how much damage it causes, it leaves quickly and doesn't want to fight.

This is the so-called murder knife. It's very easy to practice this routine well. Tie 10 jin sandbags on your wrist and practice making and receiving knives 10000 times a day. Until there's no shaking in the wrist.

Half a year later, the habit becomes natural. If you go out with a knife, you will not see your soul.

Wang Yong doesn't know how Jie Shasheng got the practice method of killing knife. Wang Yong only knows that this guy has practiced for at least five years.

With the excellent foundation of Yongchun's eight chop sword and the cruel technique of killing people, even Wang Yong, who has been through all kinds of battles, can't help shivering.


Wang Yong's chest and abdomen bulged like a big toad, making a thunder sound.

The sound waves roll into the viscera from the throat and activate Wang Yong's Qi and blood layer by layer. The hairs stand upside down. The dense goose bumps lock the activated Qi and blood tightly in the body.

No gimmick, no skill, a simple, rough punch.

Wave power!

Wang Yongquan with the sound, a blow to kill the head, like a shell out of the bore, with awe inspiring. Overbearing, smashing everything.

Jie Shasheng stabbed Wang Yong with a shot, but he had the illusion that it was hard to stab.

He knew that this was not an illusion, but the impact of Wang Yong's boxing on his senses.

Sensory analysis shows that Wang Yong's fist will blow his head faster than his gun. If he doesn't dodge, he will die on the spot.


There was a trace of ruthlessness in Jie Shasheng's eyes. On the desperate, I have not been afraid of anyone!

When he was ten years old, he personally killed two traffickers who wanted to abduct and sell his younger brother. Then he realized that the kindness of this society could not change his life. If the poor children want to climb up, they have to work hard! Otherwise, it can only be the corpse mountain ladder that others climb!

So Jie Shasheng did not dodge, but still chose to stab the gun head into Wang Yong's ribs.

Fu, the teacher who taught him Yongchun at the beginning, once said a word to him“ You can fight with a fist, you can hit someone with ten punches, and you can hit yourself with three punches in the opposite hand. But the knife is different. You can't fight with one stroke, and you may die with one stroke, unless you die together. ".

He kept that in mind all the time. But today, he will die together!

If the opponent doesn't have the courage to die with him, he can only die under his gun!

The corner of the mouth pulls out a radian, and the gun under Jie Shasheng's stab is more powerful.

Of course, Wang Yong will not die with Jie Shasheng.

Wang Yong didn't make such a choice when facing the northwest wolves. When surrounded by elite mercenaries, Wang Yong also didn't make such a choice. Wang Yong didn't even choose to play Russian roulette with a gun in his mouth.

Why does a jieshasheng force him to make such a choice!

Hum, the thunder in Wang Yong's body vibrated more strongly, as if Wang Yong's roar ten seconds ago was still echoing.

Wang Yong, who was originally a strong man, suddenly inhaled, and his figure suddenly rose a few points.

The muscles in the chest and abdomen converged without a trace, revealing a row of ribs with thin visible bones.

The next second, Wang Yong's hand turned high and gave a palm to Jie Shasheng's head.

The seal of the world!

Monkey Sun can't escape the blow of the seal. Jieshasheng is doomed!

Hiss a, the gun that Jie kills a living faster than Wang Yong, stab Wang Yong rib.

Jie Shasheng is very happy. When he sees Wang Yong changing his moves, he knows that he has won.

But when the tip of the gun touched Wang Yong's skin, Jie Shasheng suddenly felt a thump in his heart and changed color.

The tip of the gun did pierce Wang Yong's body, but it was just the tip of the gun. Want to continue in-depth jieshasheng, suddenly feel the strength lost, Wang Yong even with muscle lock gun tip, forcefully gun power to the side.

And the next second, without waiting for Jie Shasheng to react, Wang Yong's seal has fallen on Jie Shasheng's head.

A thunderbolt is inevitable.

From Wang Yong breathing thin, to fantianyin whereabouts. The whole process is like an old cat on the verge of war, arched up, suddenly in trouble, a claw will pat the mouse down.

The rise and fall of the rabbit is full of vitality.

Jie Shasheng's eyes are wide open in amazement. He can't believe that he really put his life in one day.

Maybe that's the fate of the poor? Have you fallen under the wheel of history before you make a fortune?

I just pity my autistic brother.

Jie Shasheng slowly closed his eyes and accepted the fate.

The light flickered as the wind blew.

After more than ten seconds, Jie Shasheng's expected skull burst sound did not come.

What's going on?

Jie Shasheng opened his eyes, but saw that the man who beat him was leaning on the Audi car to bandage the wound.

While bandaging, he frowned and yelled, "Oh, Ma, it hurts me to death."

This picture seems wrong.

Jie Shasheng is a local fool.

"Won't you kill me?" For a while, Jie Shasheng couldn't help asking.

Wang Yong squinted at Jie Shasheng and asked, "why do you want to kill you?"

This words let Jie Shasheng don't know how to answer, he murmured: "I'm here to kill you, don't you kill me?"

"It's against the law to kill people. I'm a good citizen, but I won't do such a thing. Let's go. " After dressing the wound, Wang Yong opened the door and sat in the driver's seat.

When he started the car, Wang Yong stepped on the accelerator to the end. The roaring Audi A8 bumped into the bread that was in the way and drove the van away. Like an angry Beast, he rushed to the distance in the dark.

And a word from Wang Yong came lightly.

"I can't fight my life, but I can fight my chance. Poor people are not born, nor are those who are bossing around in luxury cars. If you are a wolf, don't cover up your ambition. Don't let others know that you are a wolf, how can people give you mountains and forests? "

Jieshasheng stayed in the night, listening to this sentence for a long time.

"You shouldn't stop killing. What if he let you go? He should still be shot! We'll all suffer if we don't finish the task. Sun is not a good man. " Land tiger difficult to get up from the ground, to kill the way.

Jieshasheng didn't say anything. He just bent down and picked up the gun head that had been with him for more than ten years, and stroked it slowly.

"Probably, I'm the only one to suffer?"

Suddenly, Jie Shasheng spoke.

Land tiger is stunned, a kind of foreboding rises from the bottom of my heart.

"Why? Tiger brother, even if you fight for your life, you will be safe! Have tiger cheated you for so many years? Believe in tiger Land Rover road.

However, Jie Shasheng just dropped his eyes and did not comment.

Just when Land Rover put down his heart a little, a spear head stabbed into his heart quietly, fast and ruthless, twisted horizontally, and drew a knife to wipe blood. It's as natural as normal practice.

Land Rover's huge body fell to the ground with some disbelief in his eyes.

He didn't understand until he died, how could the horse from the dogfight field dare to attack him.

Kick the body of Land Rover into the green belt with one foot, and the cold sound of killing animals comes out low and low.

"You didn't cheat me. But not because you don't want to cheat me, but because I didn't have the value of being cheated by you before. Now you have, so you have to die. "

With that, Jie Shasheng looks at the other two horses.

Completely ignore the two horses panic eyes, such as killing pigs and dogs, one at a time to send two lives.

In the distance, the camera that had been destroyed by the Land Rover Group became the only silent witness.

I'm afraid Land Rover can't imagine that this pit originally dug by Wang Yong ended up killing himself.

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