Originally, when Toyo made such a plan, the Chinese people would not care about it, nor were they interested in it.

But the key is that the place chosen by Toyo is Huaxia, and the land to be divided into Jews is also Huaxia territory. This is equivalent to that your enemies use your blood to raise the poisonous insects. When the poisonous insects are raised, they will deal with you in turn.

Such behavior is not only despicable, but also shocking.

However, to the surprise of all the Japanese officers, it is not as good as heaven.

On the one hand, Jews living in the Pearl of China ask not to allow Jewish refugees to enter the Pearl City, because their support capacity has reached the limit. At that time, Stephen Witz, one of the most influential figures in the Jewish community in the United States, even expressed a fierce opinion: any Utah who cooperates with the East is a traitor, violating the international moral embargo on the East.

On the other hand, in 1939, the former Soviet Union signed a non aggression treaty with Germany, which made it extremely difficult for Jews to travel from Europe to the eastern ocean and made it impractical for the puffer fish program to be implemented through official channels. Moreover, the former Soviet Union later annexed the Baltic countries, further cutting off the possibility of Jews fleeing Europe. The establishment of the axis of the three countries by the Japanese government and Germany and Italy completely ruled out the possibility of official assistance from Tokyo.

At this point, the plan was declared a formal failure.

The puffer fish project designed by an jiangxianhong and others failed. The number of Jews who arrived in East Asia did not reach a large number, far less than the number of visa applicants. Jews also did not get large-scale or formal help from the Oriental government. To the dismay of the planners, few of the Jews living in Kobe and Pearl played a role in reviving and supporting the Oriental economy. These penniless refugees are not the rich and fraternal American bankers that Anjiang Xianhong has heard of, nor are they able to win the favor and support of those people.

Since then, basically, no one has mentioned this so-called "puffer fish project".

Now, the plan is again in front of Wang Yong.

Wang Yong doesn't think it's just a record of historical events. After all, it's an encrypted file.

Click to open the document quickly, and Wang Yong will pull down the mouse to read the whole document.

After watching, Wang Yong's face became very ugly.

What this document says is a contemporary version of the puffer project. However, the main body of the plan has changed into Huaxia's own people.

To be exact, they are from other ethnic groups in China.

For example, white wolf is one of the members of the plan. Toyo paid for the White Wolf's weapons and money, and sent people to train him in related techniques. The purpose is to let white wolf and others split the whole frontier and become a contemporary colony controlled by the Oriental.

This is equivalent to wedging a nail in Huaxia. You can imagine how painful it is.

This time, the puffer porpoise is not for the foreigners themselves, but for Huaxia. What the Japanese want to eat is Huaxia!

This document also vaguely mentions some people from other regions. Obviously, Toyo did not just press the treasure on the frontier.

It is likely that many contradictory areas in China are the targets of this plan.

How many people have been bribed is unknown except for the white wolf.

Wang Yong sighed and felt that the current international environment was bad.

With the rise of China in recent years, it seems that a large number of enemies of China, including foreign people who do not know the truth, suddenly appear in the whole world.

They not only slandered Hua Xia on the Internet, but also made no secret of their aversion to Hua Xia in some large-scale international activities.

For example, at a large-scale sports meeting this year, when athletes from other countries, including the Oriental countries, entered the stadium, the local people cheered loudly and enthusiastically. But when the Chinese delegation came into the arena, the people suddenly lost their voice, and many of them had strange expressions.

Later, in the volleyball match, this point was shown to the extreme. As long as the Chinese team lost the ball, they cheered happily, and as soon as the Chinese team got the ball, they hissed collectively.

This scene has angered many Chinese people, but what can we do? Apart from most of the world, can you go to others and have a big fight?

At this point, Wang Yong suddenly thought of the 45th elephant in the picture of pushing back.

"Visitors come from the West and end in the East. Wood fire gold water, wash this big shame. Yan Yun Hong opens the world, and Jin Wu hides in the white ocean. From now on, I dare not claim to be a strong man. The whole marketing of military spirit is over. "

Jin Shengtan's comment on this image is: this image was once again seen in the age of peace, when it was on the sea, and since then, it has become more prosperous.

Although there are different opinions on this explanation, it is generally believed that this is the prediction that the Chinese nation will return to the flourishing age of the Chinese dynasty. The predicted opponents seem to be Toyo and other countries from the sea.

This matter in front of us is a little close to the hexagram in the picture of pushing back.

After thinking about it, Wang Yong decided to give the U disk to Guoan. It's more appropriate for Guoan to deal with this kind of thing, and it's also true.

Unplug U disk, Wang Yong came to the meeting room.

Zhu Weiquan is still discussing the follow-up matters with the director of frontier city. When he sees Wang Yong, he nods to Wang Yong.

Wang Yong threw the U disk on the table and raised his chin: "I'll give you a credit."

Zhu Weiquan was surprised to pick up the U-disk, take a glance, and then take out a customized mobile phone from his body to connect the U-disk.

Just a rough turn, Zhu Weiquan couldn't hide the surprise between his eyebrows.

Wang Yong is right. It's really a great credit!

After Zhu Weiquan returned home, he urgently needed this kind of credit to establish his position. Wang Yong's credit is like a timely rain, which can let Zhu Weiquan prove his strength in front of leaders and colleagues and gain more reuse.

"Thank you! That's enough, man Zhu Weiquan stood up excitedly and hugged Wang Yong.

Wang Yong laughed and then said, "OK, don't be so numb. I have to ask for your help. For example, there may be something for you right now. "

"What's the matter? As long as I don't break the rules, I'll do my best to help! " Zhu Weiquan promised.

"It's definitely not against the rules. I'll call you later." Because of the presence of the director of Frontier City, Wang Yong did not directly say, but chose to leave.

Zhu Weiquan also understood that he waved to Wang Yong and watched him leave.

Outside the police station, white rose and others are waiting for Wang Yong.

As soon as Wang Yong saw the white rose, he couldn't help but smile and shake his head: "you can't hurt me enough. You can put the ancient Chinese learning into the category of western philosophy and argue with me. At that time, I was so speechless that I almost wavered in my mind learning, which I had studied for half my life. Yangming's theory of mind and idealism are just like fire and train. They both have the same word, but they are totally different things, which can't be compared. Idealism is the most basic world outlook, while Yangming idealism is an extension of human cognition. So there is no contradiction or conflict between the two. "

These words were only later figured out by Wang Yong.

White rose also laughed and said, "come on, I know you are the grandson of the master of Chinese culture, so don't embarrass me, a little man who doesn't know how to learn. I just want to talk about Marxism Leninism casually, but it has aroused so many feelings of you. "

"But thank you for waking me up. Recently, I really pay too much attention to the initiative of personal consciousness and ignore the existence of my guest. Come on, go back and plan our business. This time, I'm afraid Zheng Mozi will faint in the toilet of a five-star hotel! " Wang Yong laughed.

Tang, red star, spoon and others all laughed.

They left the police station and went to their hotel.

In the evening, Wang Yong dialed Zhu Weiquan's phone, no nonsense, just put forward a request: "the frontier film and television base will be closed for a month, do not announce the time of opening, causing the illusion of indefinite extension."

When Zhu Weiquan heard Wang Yong's strange request, he said he couldn't understand it. But he agreed.

In fact, the film and television city has been closed, but according to the Convention, it will be opened in a week. After all, the film and television city is an image and income project of the frontier city government. They won't allow it to be banned for too long.

In the past, even if Zhu Weiquan had the status of national security, it was difficult to do what Wang Yong said. But now, Guoan people have successfully prevented the occurrence of a major and vicious atrocity, minimizing the loss.

In a place with a high incidence of similar incidents, it is a great achievement for the leaders of the frontier city to be able to do so. What's more, the White Wolf organization hiding in the gala mountain was also disintegrated in this incident, and the White Wolf corpse was brought back to the capital.

It's a big win.

With the friendship presented by Guoan, it is difficult for the leaders of frontier city to agree to Zhu Weiquan's request.

The next day, the official media reported the incident. Of course, the way of reporting is very clever. The three people who died in the incident are all portrayed as heroes fighting against the mob, which is unfortunate "sacrifice". Like the more than 20 people led by director Chen Kai, they are all representatives of the Chinese people's indomitability in the face of atrocities.

This is what Zhu Weiquan and others agreed after discussing with the family members of the deceased. The municipal government even issued the golden flag and hero pension to the family members of the deceased.

Secondly, the official media announced that a terrorist organization hiding abroad was successfully cracked by the Chinese special police, and the bandit leader was directly killed. None of the members of this organization missed the net, even the old nest was removed.

And the media selectively played some pictures, including the bodies of some gangsters.

For a time, the reputation of the frontier police and government leaders reached the highest. Even news came from yanjingdu that they were very satisfied with the response of the frontier government to the incident.

Few people know that, in fact, there is another hero this time.

At this time, the hero had already quietly returned to Yanjing, and was sitting next to a woman with white skin, beautiful breasts and big body, staring at the stock market curve without blinking.

"Do you think we can make it this time? After so much preparation and so much effort, it would be very sad if it didn't succeed. " Wang Yong said to the women around him.

Wei Ran looked at the curve without expression and replied: "it's man-made, and the stock market is more man-made. As long as we don't make mistakes, the enemy will always make mistakes. "

In the face of such a mechanical reply, Wang Yong really did not know what to say.

Can only head big continue to look at the curve can not understand.

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