
Zheng Mozi smashed a glass in the president's office.

He flew back to Yanjing overnight. Unexpectedly, it was such news that he was welcomed as soon as he landed.

He waited for white rose to ask for a crime, but white rose stabbed him directly.

"Despicable! Sinister villain! I thought he was a loyal and honest person, but what I didn't expect was such sinister intentions! Everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart Zheng Mozi finally woke up and understood the real intention of white rose.

"Secretary! Secretary! Tell me about the stock market. " Zheng Mozi's face was gloomy.

The secretary was a little cautious and didn't dare to look at Zheng Mozi.

Holding a tablet in her hand, she said timidly, "Mr. Zheng, the situation is not very good. Now it's down 13 points in a row. And there are a lot more people selling our stocks. The situation is not optimistic. "

Hearing this, Zheng Mozi's face was even worse. He looked at his secretary and his eyes were angry.

Scared the Secretary even back two steps, thought that Zheng Mozi would vent his anger on her.

"Bring all the senior executives in the company who hold the original shares to the meeting room. I'm going to have a meeting." Zheng Mozi thought about it and said.

By now, it has become a war. Although the cause of the war is still unclear, he has been forced to be involved, so he has to fight.

No matter white rose wants to short Huanzhong stock or maliciously acquire Huanzhong. In a word, Zheng Mozi can't let white rose achieve her wish.

In the conference room of Huanzhong media.

Every senior executive's face is serious. We all know that the company is facing a major situation, and it is a critical moment of life and death.

Zheng Mozi did not talk nonsense as usual, but to the point, said: "I believe we all know the matter. The opponents are strong and cunning. It is not known whether they want to short us for profit or launch a hostile takeover. In short, we plan for the worst. All of you here are senior members of the company, and also some of you who hold the original shares. At the moment of the company's survival, I hope you can hand over your original shares and help the company tide over the difficulties together. When the matter is over, I will thank you again! "

There was a commotion in the conference room.

Several groups of people who are friendly with each other are talking to each other, and everyone has some concerns. After all, the original stock is money. Zheng Mozi asked them to hand it over. It sounds good to save the company. In the future, they can also obtain greater benefits. It's hard to say that if Zheng Mozi turns over and doesn't recognize people, he will kick them away at that time. There is nothing they can do.

Whether the shares should be paid or not should be considered carefully.

When Zheng Mozi saw that no one had made a statement, he was filled with anger. However, this is not the time for him to lose his temper. He glanced at all the people present and then started to light the generals.

"Lao Wang, you are the first one to come to this company with me. You can be said to be the elder. Now that there is something wrong with the company, take the lead and make a statement. "

The senior executive named Lao Wang had been squinting before, as if he was sleeping. When he was called by Zheng Mozi, he woke up and said, "ah? Mr. Zheng, what do you say? "

Zheng Mozi was so angry that he trembled all over, but he had to suppress his emotion and repeat his words again.

"Oh, this thing. As a senior official of the company, I naturally support President Zheng and the company. I can't say it The old man swore.

There is a little joy in Zheng Mozi's eyes. Things will be easier if Lao Wang takes the lead.

But before Zheng Mozi's joy lasted two seconds, he heard Lao Wang speak slowly again: "unfortunately, I'm powerless now. Mr. Zheng, you don't know that the stock in my hand has long been gone. Three years ago, my mother-in-law was seriously ill and needed a lot of money to go abroad for surgery. At that time, I asked Mr. Zheng for instructions and wanted to advance a sum of money from the company, but you refused. In desperation, I want to sell my house. At this time, director Yao stood up and helped me. She gave me the money and took away the shares of my company. Up to now, although the company's stock has gone up a lot, I don't regret it. I am grateful to director Yao so far. Because she saved my mother-in-law's life... "

Lao Wang is garrulous, as if to tell a long story.

Zheng Mozi couldn't bear it any longer.

With a bang, he slapped the table hard, startled everyone and interrupted Lao Wang's speech.

"Come on, don't say it, I know it!" Zheng Mozi gritted his teeth.

He had the impression that the amount of money Lao Wang wanted to advance was not small. Zheng Mozi was distressed and did not agree. Who knows that Yao Xingchen has taken away Lao Wang's stock.

Yao Xingchen! From now on, we will be at odds!

Zheng Mozi thought, and then looked at the second candidate.

Zhang Lin.

This woman also has a part of equity in her hand. She will not sell it to Yao Xingchen, will she?

Just when Zheng Mozi wanted to ask, Zhang Lin took the initiative to ask. And the first words let Zheng Mozi fall into the ice cellar, cold all over.

"Don't look at me, Mr. Zheng. My shares were also sold to star. We are the only two women at the top of the company. We have a good relationship. I can't refuse her. What's more, the price offered by star is very high. I didn't think much about it at that time, so I just wanted to be a good friend. Who would have thought that this would happen to the company today? "

Yao Xingchen again!

"Mr. Zheng, are you ok? I really didn't expect this! If you think of it, you will never sell your shares easily! By the way, Mr. Zheng, why don't you just look for the stars? Star should have more than ten shares in hand now? " Zhang Lin suggested.

Don't mention this stubble is good, a mention, Zheng Mozi can't help anger in the heart, suddenly roared out: "from now on, don't mention this bitch's name in front of me!"

They all looked at Zheng Mozi in amazement and didn't understand why he was so impolite.

Someone who knew the inside story whispered: "Yao Xingchen seems to have resigned."

"How could that be?" They were slightly surprised, and then thoughtful, as if to understand something.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the meeting room was embarrassed.

Zheng Mozi suddenly felt some despair. If he had a gun in his hand at this time, he would not be able to control himself and kill all the people in this room.

It's all rubbish!

"Mr. Zheng, I remember our company's toxic pill plan, right? Once the opponent is identified, his acquisition will trigger the poison pill plan. We can still be invincible! " Someone suddenly reminded Zheng Mozi.

Zheng Mozi was stunned, but suddenly awakened.

Yeah, he's planning poison pills! Fortunately, I listened to the lawyer's suggestion and added this clause, otherwise I would have been killed this time!

The so-called poison pill plan was invented by Martin Lipton, a famous M & a lawyer in the United States, in 1982, officially known as "equity dilution anti takeover measures". When a company encounters a hostile takeover, especially when the shares held by the purchaser have reached 10% to 20%, the company will issue a large number of new shares at a low price in order to keep its control. The purpose is to reduce the proportion of shares in the hands of the acquirer, that is to dilute the equity, but also increase the acquisition cost, the purpose is to make the acquirer unable to achieve the goal of holding shares.

Once the poison pill plan is adopted, it will produce at least two effects: first, it will have a deterrent effect on the malicious purchasers; Second, there will be fewer buyers interested in the companies adopting the plan. This anti takeover measure was legalized in the Delaware court of the United States in 1985.

The most famous event of Huaxia is that in 2005, Sina adopted the poison pill plan in the face of Shanda's acquisition. At that time, Shanda held 10% of sina's shares, almost becoming the largest shareholder and controlling the directors' right to speak. But Sina decisively adopted the poison pill plan. As long as Shanda takes a step forward, the shares in the hands of sina's old stock holders will double. The 10% equity in Shanda's hands will be diluted to 2%, and the cost of Shanda's acquisition will rise sharply. In the end, Shanda had no choice but to give up Sina.

This is an excellent anti takeover measure, which is not satisfactory.

All of a sudden, Zheng Mozi felt that he saw the dawn and had confidence.

He will tell Yao Xingchen and white rose, who is the real leader of the river!

Play with labor, you are too young!

"Break up! All of you who have shares will stay! " Zheng Mo Zixing waved his hand and began to arrange the follow-up steps after the poison pill plan was triggered.

In a hotel in Yanjing.

Wang Yong, Bai Meigui, Wei Ran and others are gathering to discuss something.

In fact, it's just listening to Wei Ran.

At this time, Wei Ran was talking about the most likely measure that Zheng Mozi would take - the poison pill plan.

"It can be predicted that Zheng Mozi will activate the poison pill program. Once the poison pill plan is implemented, our acquisition cost will be greatly increased, and its amount may be a huge number. "

The corner of Wang Yong's eye jumped. Although he had a lot of money in his hand, it had already been planned for use. It would be too willful and irresponsible to spend a large part of it in buying a company.

Even though he wanted to. Use money to throw opponents into despair, just think about it.

"That can't be solved, can't it?" Asked the white rose.

Wei Ran took a look at the white rose and replied with no expression: "yes, and we are doing it now."

"You mean to buy the shares of Huanzhong laochenzi?"

"It's a kind of. It's called uniting with old shareholders for internal disintegration. A typical case is the dispute between Renke and Oracle. On June 6, 2003, Oracle suddenly announced the acquisition of all the stocks in circulation of the fifth largest software company in the world at that time without notifying Renke. As Oracle raised its offer again and again, Renke became more and more difficult to resist Oracle's attack. In July 2004, when the result of seeking help from the government was not clear, Renke company put forward a poison pill guarantee plan to maintain the company's sales performance, which was actually anti takeover. The content of the guarantee is that if the company is acquired by Oracle, it will return five times of the product amount to customers. Since Renke's annual sales are billions of dollars, this guarantee will undoubtedly bring huge debts to Oracle after the acquisition. Renke hopes to scare Oracle away with this poison pill. However, oracle was not deterred and still raised its purchase price again and again, which was much higher than the market price of Renke at that time; At that time, the performance of Renke company had been on the decline, and the acquisition was profitable for the shareholders of Renke company. Therefore, shortly after the release of the poison pill plan, many shareholders of Renke put pressure on the board of directors to withdraw the poison pill plan. Under the circumstances of internal and external attacks, the board of directors of Renke company finally reached an acquisition agreement with oracle on December 13, 2004 after 18 months of persistence. Oracle acquired Renke company with us $10.3 billion. "

Wei Ran seemed to be giving a lecture to two new economics students.

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