"Well?" Yuan Lin and Hu Li'er, who are playing by the lake, are all aware of the difference and look into the lake.

It's just that the lake is covered with water mist in the early morning, and the water surface is constantly covered by ripples from the spring, which makes it difficult to see the bottom of the lake at a glance.

Two people big eyes stare small eyes, want to go into the water to have a look, but next to the park administrator is not going, two people dare not rashly go down.

"I can't die." After a while, Hu Li'er suddenly came up with these three words, and she didn't care about the lake.

Although Yuan Lin wondered how Hu Li'er could be more sensitive than him, he still nodded his head.

Wang Yong is practicing. If he has to rely on others to save him in the face of unexpected situations, his practice will become meaningless and there is no possibility of breakthrough.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

Wang Yong's head kept reverberating with the sound of hammering. One by one, it vibrated repeatedly in Wang Yong's skull.

Wang Yong, like the fainting patient, clearly closed his eyes. It seemed that he saw a large group of strong light in front of his eyes, and the shining pupil unconsciously contracted. Blood vessels tremble irregularly, blood flows like a high-pressure pump, and there is nothing else in the ear except buzzing.

Hu Li'er is right. Wang Yong's life is not in danger now. If he can float on the water, the symptoms will be relieved. However, Wang Yong was subconsciously holding the iron ball in his hand at this time, so he couldn't float up at all.

If there is a command in one's mind before fainting, then the consciousness after fainting will subconsciously execute that command. Wang Yong's instruction is not to show your face and not to be found.

So Wang Yong never let go of the big iron ball with his hands, and always kept his body in a state of diving.

But this kind of state, actually can let Wang Yong fall into the dying crisis.

Soon, Wang Yong's closed mouth and nose opened slightly. This is the lack of oxygen in the body. But after opening the mouth and nose did not absorb oxygen, only inhaled cold spring water.

Gudu, gudu, Wang Yong swallows two mouthfuls of water one after another, his face turns blue and purple gradually, and his breath is weak.

But this scene was covered by bubbles from hundreds of springs, and no one found it.

Wang Yong is like a drowning corpse. He can only wait for his death and float to the lake.

"Good morning, everyone. It's six o'clock in the morning for the daily broadcast."

In the distance, the sound of radio came from the horn of the park, and the spring water covered up all the suspicious signs. Even the park rangers, who are looking for rubbish on the surface of the lake, can't find anyone at the bottom.

For a moment, the world was quiet. Except for the sound of gurgling springs, only the sound of radio reverberated in the park.

"The news I'm going to share with you today is an old news about the war of resistance. Yesterday, a micro blog blogger burst out a video, saying that it was an air battle during the Sino Japanese war that he accidentally collected.

In 1940, in order to force Huaxia to surrender, the Oriental army continuously organized strategic air raids on Shancheng, Rongcheng and other places, causing huge losses to the Chinese army and people. On July 24, the central China sent 32 97 type heavy bombers to air attack Chengdu. This air raid is a bit special, because the Japanese army actually deployed a photography team on one of the bombers. According to the statistics of the Oriental army, after continuous fighting, the Huaxia air force in Chengdu has lost its combat effectiveness. In order to publicize the bombing effect, they sent field reporters Xiaoliu and Yagi to board one of the bombers before they set out. They took a camera to shoot the bombing scene and broadcast it as a newsreel to the local people of the East.

Judging from the pictures, the Toyo aircraft used in this air raid on Rongcheng should be the type 97 heavy bombers used by the army aviation of the Toyo army.

32 bombers, carrying about 160 self-defense machine guns, formed a combat formation to bomb Chengdu.

When sending the two reporters on board, the Japanese Army thought that the bombing should be a very easy task. Because the Chinese air force has been gone for 40 years, and it has wiped out all its fighters. This is a one-sided massacre. There is no danger at all.

But when the bombers are about to fly over Chengdu, an alarm interrupts their "creation". The Japanese shooters opened the insurance of the self-defense machine gun in a hurry and looked around in a panic. They were surprised to find that there were fighter planes taking off from China!

In the twinkling of an eye, a Chinese fighter appeared at the top of the formation - only one. In the 1-to-32 duel, the Chinese fighter plane acted decisively and jumped from the sky like a meteorite to the fleet of 32 Oriental bombers.

Every Oriental bomber is desperately firing at it, but the light action of the Chinese fighter makes all the Oriental planes unable to effectively hit the target.

Longitudinal breakdown of the entire Oriental army lineup, this plane a turn, the second charge went straight to Xiaoliu and Yagi where the plane!

It seems that this bomber exists alone outside the array, which makes the Chinese pilots mistakenly think that it is the command plane of Toyo. Based on the concept of "catch the thief first, catch the king", they immediately take it as their own goal.

It suddenly came from the right side and rushed so close to Xiaoliu's plane that the emblem of the Chinese air force under its wing could be clearly seen. The bullets from the biplane made the parts of the Japanese bombers jump up, but they couldn't shoot down the giant. The fighter plane rushed in front of the Japanese bombers, while the stunned Japanese Gunners were still shooting in the direction of the Chinese fighter. If we say that when the Chinese fighter plane made a direct attack on the Oriental fleet, Xiaoliu and Bami were just stunned. Such a close attack made them feel real fear. The nightmare, however, has just begun.

Just as the Japanese pilots were celebrating their good luck, the Chinese fighter plane turned around flexibly, and then turned around from the left side and rushed towards the plane, still targeting Xiaoliu and baki.

The blocking firepower of the Toyo fleet can't stop this brave Chinese fighter. Xiao Liu's lens is full of the trajectories of the tracer bullets fired by this fighter.

This time, the shooting did not fail, but the Toyo bomber was still not hit the point. It seemed that the Chinese fighter was not willing to reconcile itself, and even ran straight into the Toyo bomber!

The Oriental pilots instinctively turned the rudder to the right to avoid the collision. For a moment, the two planes were relatively still in the air, and the Chinese fighter seemed to hover in the window of the Oriental military aircraft for a few seconds. In an aside written afterwards, Xiao Liu said that this Chinese fighter passed by "only a few meters away from us"!

Two oriental journalists escaped, and the Chinese fighter plane failed to crash the enemy command plane, so it turned around again and entered the Oriental formation. The fighters rushed left and right in the group of Oriental military aircraft, then broke through the encirclement, and disappeared into the blue sky after another scuffle. "

The voice of the radio host pauses slightly here, just like leaving buffer time for the audience after telling a soul stirring story.

In fact, anyone who hears the radio can't help but be attracted.

Yuan Lin, Hu Li'er and the administrator are all looking at the direction of the loudspeaker, waiting for the host's reply.

And Wang Yong in the lake seems to have heard the words in the radio waves. There is a strange brilliance flashing on his mauve face.

After a pause, the host's voice rose again: "this is an incredible air battle, which is probably unique in the history of world air war. The Chinese pilot shuttled and attacked 32 Oriental bombers in a single plane, as if he were in a no man's land. Although his plane had only machine guns and its weak firepower failed to defeat Toyo's heavy bombers, Toyo still bombed Chengdu. But the 1-to-32 battle on camera is still breathtaking today. Let's imagine how this Chinese man bravely rushed into the enemy's formation and fought bravely at that time. When the author carefully analyzes the differences between the two sides in terms of military strength and equipment, he has to hide his feelings and sigh that the Chinese air force has exerted its bravery and wisdom to the utmost in this battle.

Who is he? Why did he launch the decisive battle?

With this doubt, the author investigated a lot of data, and finally found the name of this brave Chinese Air Force - Li Xiangyang. After he survived this battle, he transferred to the fighting forces and became the leader of Zhihang group, the fourth Chinese Air Force brigade. During the Anti Japanese War, he shot down four enemy planes.

In fact, the information of the Oriental people is very accurate. On July 24, when the Oriental army bombed Chengdu, the local Air Force combat units of Huaxia really ran out. And this Chinese instructor is driving the training plane of the aviation school to take off to fight, so his plane is so backward. He didn't record in his diary how to take off and fight with the enemy. He only said: "all my students died in battle. Now it's my teacher's turn."


The sentence "all my students died in the war, now it's my teacher's turn". It's like magic. All the people who heard the broadcast were awed and goose bumps appeared on their bodies.

This is the pathetic and respectable part of the Chinese people. This simple sentence let us know what kind of mentality the Chinese people took to fight after the outbreak of the war of aggression. This is not a fight for one family name, but a war to defend our civilization and nation. It is a war to protect our people with our bodies. Such a solemn and stirring battle has sustained us for forty thousand eight years!

"What a hero! It will last forever The park keeper sighed, lifted the bamboo pole in his hand and dragged it to the management office.

As he walked, he raised his hand and gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

But he didn't notice that just as he turned around to leave, the bottom of Baimaiquan lake suddenly burst out bursts of water roaring sound, as if there was a huge beast lurking at the bottom of the lake, stirring the lake to the earth.

At first, it was just a small vortex surging at the bottom of the lake. Later, the vortex gradually became larger, from the size of a football to the size of a blender funnel.

In the center of the vortex, there is a human standing at the bottom of the water, stirring the water with both hands, such as holding Tai Chi, which makes the water more violent and turbulent. The huge water column surges up from the bottom of three meters deep. When it reaches the water surface, it has turned into a whirlpool with a diameter of more than five meters, roaring and shocking.

The administrator who had just left suddenly turned back when he heard the sound, then his face changed greatly, and he cried out: "Mommy, there is a lake demon!"

Stumbling to the management office to escape.

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