On hearing this, Xiaoyu suddenly cried out, "why, miss? I refuse

She has a problem with Wang Yong. She always looks at Wang Yong. How can she cooperate with him? Not even a simple guide.

Wang Yong also objected: "this woman has been looking at me in a bad way. What if she pits me at the critical moment? I refuse, too! "

In the face of their simultaneous refusal, Ziyu Fengqing just glanced at them lightly, and then replied: "Xiaoyu is the only one who knows all the inside story except me. If she refuses to go, then I will go?"

"No way!" Xiaoyu and Wang Yong opened their mouths at the same time. Then they glared at each other and stopped talking.

"Since I can't go, Xiaoyu won't go. Who on earth is going? Or don't go? Sit here and die? "

Wang Yong and Xiao Yu are embarrassed when they ask the question of quilt jade Fengqing.

After a while, Xiaoyu finally said: "Miss, I'd better go."

Ziyu Fengqing nodded as if he had expected Xiaoyu to compromise. Then he looked at Wang Yong and said, "what about you?"

Wang Yong shrugged: "she doesn't care. As a big man, I can't be too careful. Whatever you want. "

"Well, I wish you all the best. In any case, we should put our own safety first and not try to be brave. Otherwise, no matter which of you I lose, I will be... Sad. " Ziyu Fengqing stopped for a moment, then said the last sentence. It's just that she is not good at expressing her feelings, but she suddenly says such a sentence, but it seems to be extremely cramped and nervous.

Wang Yong and Xiao Yu look at each other. They have different moods, but their words are the same: "I see."

With that, they turned and walked towards the door, quickly disappeared in Ziyu Fengqing's field of vision.

Looking at the figure of the two people covered by the corner of the corridor, Ziyu Fengqing only feels that she has never been so nervous and worried. For a moment, she really wants to shout at them and persuade them not to go.

But she also knew that it was too late. Even if Xiaoyu is obedient, Wang Yong is determined not to listen. This is a stubborn up who can not persuade the man, that things will certainly do in the end.

The landing building is downstairs.

Xiaoyu specially selects an inconspicuous new car, which has not been registered in the name of Qilu real estate. Even if it is found by someone who wants to, it will not be associated with Ziyu Fengqing.

"Get in the car! Don't dally Xiaoyu said to Wang Yong in a blunt tone.

Wang Yonggang wanted to open the car door and get into the copilot. Unexpectedly, Xiaoyu rolled his eyes and said, "back! I don't want to be so close to you! "

Wang Yong was so angry that he wanted to talk back, but he thought it was time to carry out the task, so it was better to make less trouble. Fury closed the front door and sat in the back.

After a long delay, Xiaoyu finally started the car. The car drove slowly towards the suburb of Tiantai near the airport and the high-speed railway station.

Many large logistics companies will choose to set up storage base at this point, because the transportation is convenient enough, and in the suburbs, the land is cheap.

After driving at high speed for more than an hour, the traffic began to get crowded when we arrived at a big roundabout.

Countless trucks come out of a park, turn around at the turntable and go in different directions.

Looking ahead, you can see that there are many containers piled up in the huge park, and there are workers in work clothes loading and unloading things from time to time.

"Which is Tianmen logistics?" Wang Yong observed for a while and asked Xiaoyu.

Although Xiaoyu is unruly, he won't fight Wang Yong on this question. He immediately replied, "go to the east gate of No. 3 Park. It's the last area of the whole park base. It's next to the national highway. It's very easy to do something that you don't know. And on the National Road, straight east, straight to the nearest port. Even if it's convenient for them to escape, it's obviously after careful consideration that they choose this place as a stronghold. "

Wang Yong nodded. If the other party didn't do a good job in the basic site selection, Wang Yong would have to reevaluate the opponent's IQ.

"Stop near park 2." Wang Yong said suddenly.

"What are you doing?" Xiaoyu was a little puzzled.

However, she drove the car to the gate of No. 2 Park and slowly stopped at the side of the road.

Wang Yong didn't explain. Instead, he pushed the door open and stepped out of the car.

Through the roaring traffic on the road, Wang Yong walked to the security guard on duty in No. 2 park.

He reached into his pocket and took out a packet of cigarettes. The grade was neither high nor low. It cost more than 30 yuan a box. It's a good cigarette for these security guards.

"Come on, brother." Wang Yong skillfully delivered cigarettes to the security guard.

The security guard first waved his hand and refused. When he saw that the cigarette was good, he was embarrassed to take it. He lit it and took a puff. He asked Wang Yong, "tell me, do you want to find a cheap logistics company or a job? But I don't think you've come here to look for a job with your style and the car on the side of the road. Must be looking for a cheap logistics company to consign things? "

Wang Yong gave a thumbs up and said, "I've got a brilliant eye. I'm a good security guard! Yes, I just want to inquire about the logistics company today. "

The security guard said with a smile: "these are the basic skills of the security guard. They are not worth mentioning. But you are looking for the right person. I am familiar with the whole park in this park. The gates of the three parks are all on duty. I know exactly which logistics company delivers the most goods, which business is not good, and which one has lost things to others! "

"I said that I met a noble man. It's true! Well, my company wanted to check some things. Then I checked it on the Internet and found a company called Tianmen logistics. It seems that the price is very cheap. But I'm worried that the price is too low and the service quality is not good. That's why I want to find someone to inquire about the Tianmen logistics. "

As soon as Wang Yong mentioned Tianmen logistics, brother Bao'an's face showed a look of egg pain.

"Tianmen logistics? What can the company say? It's very strange... All the logistics companies in the whole park can't do bad business, but this company seems to have fallen for eight years. It can't get a single business in a few days, and the vehicles in and out of the park every day are the least. Even if it's a holiday, people send more vehicles than they do at the peak. It is reasonable to say that this kind of company should not last long and will close down, but who knows that it has been more than a year and it is safe! Do you think it's strange? "

"Strange, strange." Wang Yong echoed.

"But I don't think the boss of this company will be able to last long. It should be close to the limit. Yesterday, I saw a few cars coming out of their company. All the computers, filing cabinets and so on are on the cars. Obviously, they are moving ahead of time! I think you'd better not choose this company. If you don't know what to do, you'll have no place to cry. "

"Move early?" Wang Yong heard this, his heart suddenly moved.

Then he chatted with the security guard, threw a whole box of cigarettes to the security guard as a thank you, and turned back to the car.

Seeing Wang Yong coming back, Xiaoyu muttered, "I'm chatting with a security guard. I don't know if I'm on a mission? What if security is their eye liner? Are we not exposed? "

With a slightly sarcastic smile, Wang Yong said: "this is the difference between your big family bodyguards and us. You will only take measures in accordance with the way in the textbook, making some advanced instruments, taking pictures secretly and breaking through forcibly. But as a result, the gain is not worth the loss. It's the security guards you don't look up to. They have more detailed information than you have spent a few days waiting. And it's a key message that you didn't even notice. "

After hearing this, Xiaoyu was unconvinced: "well, what did you hear from the security guard?"

"They're ready to get out."

"What?" On hearing this, Xiaoyu was shocked.

If what Wang Yong said is true, then it's really right this time. Once the other party chooses to give up the stronghold, it will take only two or three days to completely clear up the remaining clues, making Ziyu Fengqing and others unable to find them. A little more vicious, they set the fire on the whole company. When the fire was put out, let alone a trace, they couldn't even leave a little smell.

"No, I have to hurry in and investigate! At least we should find out what they are used to do in this stronghold, and what interests they have with our young lady, so that they can target our young lady like this. " Xiaoyu said, the accelerator at his feet roared, and the car ran out like an arrow, straight to the gate of No. 3 Park.

Wang Yong frowned and said, "elder sister, no matter how anxious you are, you won't be so anxious! Don't you just tell people you're looking for trouble? "

With a creak, the car stops at the gate. Xiaoyu doesn't explain to Wang Yong at all. He pushes the door open and goes to the gate of the park.

"I'll talk to Mr. Chen of Tianmen logistics." Xiaoyu raised his head and said to the security guard in a cocky way.

Xiaoyu's temperament is good. Coupled with this top equipped car, it makes several security guards in the No. 3 Park a little scared subconsciously.

A security guard took out the register book, handed it to Xiaoyu, and politely said, "please put a record on it."

Xiaoyu nods indifferently, and then brushes down a string of dragon and Phoenix dancing handwriting. Security read for a long time, Leng is not to see what word, can be embarrassed to ask.

You can only call back the register and choose to let it go.

Xiaoyu triumphantly returns to the car and raises an eyebrow at Wang Yong: "how about it? Do you think you're the only one who's fooling security? "

Wang Yong was speechless.

With that, Xiaoyu drove into the park and stopped at the gate of Tianmen logistics company.

Compared with other logistics companies, Tianmen logistics is indeed too suspicious. Other people's workers are very busy and sweaty. But there are only a few workers sitting at the door drinking water and chatting, without any sense of working.

Seeing someone coming, several workers winked at each other. Then a leader stood up and walked to the car and asked, "what are you doing?"

Wang Yonggang wants to hold Xiaoyu and signals her not to talk.

Xiaoyu suddenly opened the car door and went down. As he walked, he replied, "I'm going to talk business with your boss. I said, your company is not good, how can not even live? A friend of mine also strongly recommended your family to me, saying that you live well and are cheap. It's not a lie, is it? I have to see it! "

Xiaoyu said, did not stop to talk to the workers, but to see what kind of company in the end, went inside.

Several workers were stunned when Xiao Yu said that they were "good and cheap". Is there such a description of people?

And this Lengshen Kung Fu, was Xiaoyu walked in.

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