Wang Yong looked at the two short words on the screen of his mobile phone and felt that he almost didn't come up.

Working hard for a long time, the girl replied two words? Even a thank you!

it ticks me off! Whoever helps her in the future is the dog!

Wang Yong was full of depression and swore fiercely.

But within five minutes, the oath Wang Yong just made was thrown away by him.

Because Ziyu Fengqing then sent a short message to Beijing later.

But I'm ready to come to Yanjing directly!

"Is it hard to thank me for being ready to commit myself? It's a little too fast, isn't it? But I just can't help liking it! " Wang Yong's heart is beating with a thump.

"What if that happens? Do I resist and then obey, or do I just obey? What a tangle Wang Yong is full of imagination, and his moral integrity is directly thrown into the Pacific Ocean.

"I'm in XX Hotel, Room 401." Wang Yong trembled his fingers and sent Ziyu Fengqing the housing information.

Originally thought that Ziyu Fengqing would reply to a "known" as before, which means that she is really ready to express something to Wang Yong.

But I didn't expect that after only one second, Ziyu Fengqing's message came back, not two words, but one word.

Get out!

Wang Yong looked at the word as if he had been greatly insulted. He could not help repeating the oath.

"Yeah, stinking Dragon King!" At this time, Hu Li'er cheered, but went straight to a sugar man's stall. She grabbed a sugar man from the Dragon King and ate it.

Wang Yong, angry and funny, shook his head and paid the stall owner.

Suddenly, he felt vaguely that Hu Li'er hadn't shown such innocence for a long time. Before Hu Li'er is more like a little adult, let Wang Yong see through.

"Me too!" Yuan Lin's dissatisfied way.

Wang Yong could only buy another Nezha for yuan Lin.

"Look at me, Nezha, pulling your dragon tendon!"

"No culture, Nezha is the Dragon Prince's tendon, not the Dragon Lord's! I'm the Dragon Lord

Yuan Lin and Hu Li'er fight and fight for a moment. Wang Yong, who is infected, puts aside all his troubles and accompanies them to play all the way.

At last, the day passed and the night came.

Yuan Lin and Hu Li'er are tired of playing. When they get back to the hotel, they go to sleep.

Wang Yong is just about to sort out something when he receives a call from ye Xuantong.

"Baiyun people's guild hall, go on a blind date with me! That's what you promised long ago! " Ye Xuan is in the same way.

"Are you really going? Now you should be able to have some personal freedom? " Wang Yong asked.

"Yes, there is, but I have to give an account to my family. Maybe that woman is so beautiful that I'm willing to be poisoned by her? "

"Well, if you see the color, you can see the color. It's so tall. Wait. I'll take a taxi right away. I'll see you at the door of the club. " Wang Yong said and hung up the phone.

Then look at the sleeping Hu Li'er and Yuan Lin, quietly shut the door out of the hotel.

Not to mention the hotel security measures are very high, strangers simply can not enter. Even if bad people come in, Yuan Lin's vigilance is enough to protect Hu Li'er, but Wang Yong doesn't need to worry about it.

When he stopped a taxi, Wang Yong blurted out the name of "Baiyun family".

I didn't expect to get a look from the driver.

"What's the matter?" Wang Yong asked.

"Nothing. I'm just a little strange. Almost all the guests who go to Baiyun's house have cars. It's the first time I've seen someone take a taxi. "

Wang Yong knew that his casual clothes were looked down upon by his master, and he was too lazy to explain. He just said, "I work there."

"Oh, that makes sense. Sit down and be there in a minute The driver suddenly realized, a foot throttle boom, the car in the turbulent traffic out of the distance, worthy of the old driver.

After more than an hour's turbulence, the taxi finally stopped in front of a club hidden in a famous scenic spot temple.

Wang Yong got out of the car to have a look. The scenery here is actually good.

From a distance, you can see a temple gate, on which a plaque reads "baiyun temple".

A path leads directly to the mountain gate, which has the artistic conception of "far up the cold mountain, the stone path is inclined, and there are people in the depths of white clouds".

In the small parking lot at the foot of the mountain, there are all kinds of luxury cars. Even the global limited edition can be seen, dazzling.

People say that * expensive, modern war launch * is not worth the loss. Maybe the result of a * fight is not worth * itself. But if a * goes to this small parking lot, it will definitely make a lot of money. Because it's enough to buy more than a dozen * of these cars.

All the way up the mountain, Wang Yong knocked on the gate of baiyun temple like a monk who came back late at the end of the moon.

The door creaked and opened, but there was a hole in it. In the daytime, the incense field turned into a passageway and passed obliquely into the deep garden of the temple, which was never open to the public.

And the so-called Baiyun family club is in this garden.

A lot of people know it's here, but few can walk in and see it with their own eyes.

Wang Yong would not have been able to come in if ye Xuantong had not said hello in advance.

Along the way, Wang Yong was finally led by a waiter to the front door of Baiyun people's club.

As soon as you enter, it's not as noisy and vulgar as an ordinary nightclub, but full of elegant and unique flavor of poetry and calligraphy.

There are long and pure girls playing Guqin in the hall. Their posture is elegant and skillful, and the pop-up music is quite pleasing to the ear. It's definitely not the level of bar singing. It seems that they already have a high level.

"Oh, what do you like?" At this time, ye Xuantong's voice was heard“ But I have to praise you for your good taste. You know, all the girls here are college students. This is the sister who plays the piano, the top student of Yanjing art college. Guqin has won the national prize. It's really of a high level, not a show. Of course, the corresponding price is also expensive. If tens of thousands of yuan is thrown down, people will not see it. Maybe tens of thousands of yuan is barely enough. It's up to you, girl. If you don't like it, you can't take it away by force. The boss here is very moral and doesn't allow his subordinates to be bullied. If you do something to her, the security guard will jump out and drag you away. "

Wang Yong listened in amazement, feeling a little incredible.

It's reasonable to say that those who go into and out of such elegant places are rich or expensive. The boss who opens the door to do business has no scruples to do business with the distinguished guests? Not afraid to invite revenge?

As if seeing Wang Yong's doubts, ye Xuantong immediately asked mysteriously, "guess who is the boss behind the scenes here?"

Wang Yong looked at Ye Xuantong and immediately read out the answer: "I'm afraid there is no one except the four masters of Yanjing? But it's the Shen family who can live in such a small town. "

Ye Xuantong shook his head again and again and said, "I'm not strong. I'll hit the first guess. Yes, this club is owned by the Shen family boss, so no one dares to look for trouble, let alone revenge. Of course, if you are drunk and young people fight each other, the club will not be in charge. So don't be surprised to see two drunken people with big bags. "

"Interesting, too." Wang Yong sighed.

Baiyun family is also divided into different areas according to "calligraphy, painting, Qin, chess, poetry, wine and tea".

For example, the hall belongs to Qin, which is much more elegant. The guests who drink wine are all sake wine, and slightly drunk is the best.

If you want to have a good time, you can go to the wine section. Any wine is offered there. If you dare to drink it, he will dare to sell it. It is also the most popular area of Baiyun family.

In addition to tea, you can also drink in other areas. Anyway, you can choose according to your own interests.

But how many of these dandies in Yanjing really have connotation? They just choose a place to go in and pick up girls to drink. No one cares what the theme area is, on the contrary, it is a waste of the original intention of designing these seven areas.

"Has your aunt come yet?" Wang Yong nuzui asked.

"No, according to her bad name, how could she be so punctual? It's a shame to promise to come tonight. " Ye Xuantong shook his head, obviously also had a headache.

However, it is his initiative to meet tonight, but no wonder others.

Pulling Wang Yong to the "chess" area, ye Xuan said hello to people all the way. But those people are very perfunctory, can see that even if the Ye family is big or small, also divide weight. This has not completely got rid of the name of waste, in other people's eyes, the word "leaf" in front is valuable.

The Qizi area is on the second floor, and the wooden winding stairs are quite ancient. It makes people feel like climbing up the stairs and looking far away.

Wang Yong and Wang Yong didn't find that they were looking at each other in an elegant room on the third floor.

Eyes are very beautiful, autumn star eyes, from the eyes can be inferred to be a beauty. Unfortunately, the eyes are full of hate color, let the whole eye color.

But it's none other than ye Xiaoqian, the youngest princess of the Ye family.

In fact, ye Xiaoqian came here today for the same purpose as ye Xuantong, and also for a blind date.

But ye Xiaoqian didn't expect to meet Ye Xuantong here because of the narrow road.

"Waste is still waste even if I get it. I haven't avenged yesterday. I didn't expect to send it to my door today! I want to let everyone know that even if you are qualified to participate in the assets management of the Ye family, you are still the most useless waste of the Ye family! " Ye Xiaoqian's eyes flashed and she said hatefully.

But she also knows that she can't look for trouble at will here. It's not like other bars and night shows. She looks for a few gangsters to go up and have a hoodwink. No one knows who did it.

In Baiyun's family, it takes a little skill to find a job.

Ye Xiaoqian gradually turns her attention to Wang Yong, who she remembers. It was he who accompanied Ye Xuantong to Ye's home yesterday. Although he didn't speak, he was enough to be hated by Ye Xiaoqian just because he was a friend of Ye Xuantong.

The most important thing is that ye Xiaoqian wants to go all over Yanjing, but she doesn't know which son is Wang Yong. This shows that Wang Yong is just a running dog of Ye Xuantong at best, with no background at all.

As the saying goes, beat the dog to see the owner, beat Ye Xuantong's watchdog before dealing with Ye Xuantong, but there is no better appetizer.

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