Wagyu Takumi。

This is a high-end theme restaurant opened by star group in Tiantai. There are only 12 seats in the L-shaped bar. The chef's specialty is French Japanese cuisine, which also provides delicious Teppanyaki. Abalone, sea urchin and Kobe beef are the specialties here, and foie gras and pigeons are also delicious.

The cuisine here is exquisite and creative, and the price is also very expensive.

If it was Wang Yong himself, he would never be willing to come here for a meal.

The price of a single plate of rattan grade Kobe beef is more than four figures, let alone a table dish.

The morning tea Zhong Nanqiao invited was a luxury.

When Wang Yong arrived at the restaurant, he found that Zhong Nanqiao had been sitting there waiting.

It seems that he is really hungry and is eating a plate of foie gras.

"Hello, Mr. Zhong. I'm Wang Yong. " Wang Yong recognized Zhong Nanqiao and said.

National character face, sword eyebrow, serious expression. The real Zhongnan bridge is just like Wang Yong's imagination, and its appearance conforms to Wang Yong's inference.

Zhong Nanqiao had some accidents. Wang Yong could recognize him and stood up in surprise, saying, "I'm sorry, because I've been on the plane for more than ten hours, and I don't like the food on the plane. So I can't wait to have some first. Does Mr. Wang mind

First cut and then play. He asked Wang Yong if he would mind, but things had already been done. Wang Yong's analysis of his character was absolutely right.

Wang Yong a smile, said: "do not mind, you continue."

"Sit down and order what you want. The food style of this restaurant is very good. There is only one restaurant in each first tier city, and the branches are strictly controlled to ensure high quality. It's not easy for ordinary people to eat once. "

"Ordinary person" naturally refers to Wang Yong.

Wang Yong smiles indifferently. Anyway, he is an ordinary person.

Zhong Nan Qiao seems to be aware of the wrong words, immediately apologized to Wang Yong and said, "I'm sorry, I'm so hungry. I'm a bit tongue tied."

It's really my favorite father. It's just a mold. It's like a fruit knife. It's a good tool for people, but it always hurts people inadvertently.

"Mr. Zhong, I don't know why you came to me?" Wang Yong decided to get to the point and asked.

Zhongnan bridge is a continuous up dishes: "eat first, then talk about full."

Wang Yong had no choice but to pick up a knife and fork and eat it absently.

But this kind of absent-minded state, actually let Wang Yong unintentionally expose a little.

More standard and elegant dining etiquette than Zhongnan bridge.

Wang Yong sat upright, his shoulders and wrists relaxed, his arms were close to his body, his elbows were neither too high nor too low, and the angle between the knife and the plate was perfectly maintained at about 15 degrees, without any defects.

On Wang Yong's plate is a smoked fish. Fish is the most test of Western tableware of a kind of food. In general, there are special fish eating tools. But Wang Yong didn't change the knife and fork at all. With his left hand knife, he cut along the fish's spine and separated the fish.

The graceful movement is like the old Chinese saying "paoding jieniu".

Wang Yong swept the fish to the back of the fork with a knife, flattened it and sent it to the entrance, chewing it slowly.

This is a British dining habit, which is quite different from that of the United States.

This scene happened to fall into the eyes of Zhong Nanqiao.

Zhong Nan bridge showed a trace of amazement.

Now many people in China follow the American style in their Western food habits, which is more unrestrained. Zhong Nanqiao once had a meal with an English nobleman, whose dining etiquette once made him sigh about the profound details of his family.

He has only seen that kind of elegant dining etiquette once.

Now, he saw it again.

Not in the UK, not in the US. It is precisely in the most unlikely China.

This guy, what the hell's going on? How could it be the oldest almost strict British aristocratic etiquette?

Is it difficult for Wang Hongjin, a master of traditional Chinese culture, to teach his grandson even the ancient foreign cultures?

It's not that there is no such possibility.

"It's a pity that he's really a good teacher." Zhong Nanqiao sighed in his heart.

If it is not for Xu Zian, or even if Xu Zian has nothing to do with Ziyu Fengqing, he is willing to resist the pressure and stay with Wang Yong.

Just now, we can only say that nature makes people.

Putting down the knife and fork, Zhong Nanqiao wiped his mouth and said, "Mr. Wang, I heard that little girl Zhong Xin likes your teaching very much. This girl is so big. It's the first time she meets a teacher she likes. I have to say, you are very good. "

Wang Yong said with a smile: "Mr. Zhong is flattered. It's Zhong Xin who is eager to learn. I'm just leading him a little. It's not that bad. "

"Mr. Wang is very modest. Zhong Xin is lucky to be your student, even if it is only a few days. " Zhong Nanqiao also said with a smile.

Wang Yong's heart moved. It seems that the fox's tail is about to show. What is just a few days? It's obvious that there's something in it, and it's meaningful.

Wang Yong only feels that today's meal seems to be a replica of the grand gate banquet a thousand years ago.

At the banquet, the wine was mixed and the cup was changed. There is deliberate flattery, there is modest introspection. There is a knife in a smile, and there is a fear. Only a man named Xiang Zhuang came up and played a sword dance with ulterior motives.

But Wang Yong did not have fan Kuai, who was "blind" to escort him, so he had to deal with it by himself.

"Mr. Wang's family background, can be recognized by Mr. Gu, must be no less hard work?" Asked Zhong Nanqiao.

"Yes." Wang Yong replied.

"I heard that you also served in the military, which is even more admirable. Do you work hard in the army? "

"Not bad."

"Are you still used to going back to Tiantai? If you have any friction with someone, you can come to me. My Zhongnan bridge is still a bit thin in Tiantai city. "

"Well, No."


In this way, a meal is finished in this kind of question and answer. Zhong Nanqiao's questions are endless and seem to be asked at will.

But all the problems combined, Wang Yong suddenly found that this man almost fumbled about his situation.

"Old fox." Wang Yong couldn't help scolding.

The knife and fork are close together, the blade is facing itself, the back of the fork is facing down, and they are laid side by side on the plate in the direction of 4-10 o'clock. Wang Yong put out a tableware after dinner.

Under normal circumstances, the waiter will take the initiative to clean up the dishes.

"Don't worry, there's another dish left. Louis XVIII pizza, if it wasn't for Mr. Wang today, I'd hate to order this. Limited supply, each table only provides two small pieces of pizza, the price can be described in two words, expensive. If I don't finish it and put down the tableware, I'll be so sad that I can't sleep at night. " Zhong Nanqiao said with a smile.

When Wang Yong heard the words "Louis XVIII pizza", he was also stunned. This is the exclusive food of real local tyrants. It is said that the price of a piece of Louis XVIII pizza is as high as 8300 euro. This kind of pizza is customized according to customers' requirements. There are three kinds of caviar, red crayfish and other rare lobsters in the pizza. The salt used in making this kind of pizza is not ordinary sea salt, but salt from Murray River in Australia.

This store should be only a replica, not to 8000 euros this sky high price. But obviously it's not low.

As Zhong Nanqiao said, if you don't finish eating this pizza, you will not be able to sleep at night.

However, it seems that the production of pizza is a little complicated. All the dishes are ready, but the pizza is not.

"Be patient. You should be able to come up soon." Chung Nam Bridge Road.

With that, he suddenly took out a bulging leather bag from the briefcase beside him and gently pushed it to Wang Yong.

Wang Yong was stunned and asked, "what is this?"

"Mr. Wang's salary these days, you can see if it's enough, and tell me if it's enough." Zhong Nan Qiao said quietly.

Wang Yong's heart thumped and knew that the main play was coming.

The cowhide bag puffed up and a thick pile of money was stuffed in it. There were at least five figures in it by visual inspection. So much money, let alone a few days' salary, is enough for dozens of days.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhong. I don't quite understand." Wang Yong did not touch the cowhide bag, but did not understand.

"Ha ha, Mr. Wang is a smart man. I don't need to say something too clearly."

Wang Yong's heart sank. He thought it was just a grand banquet, but in the end it was a more cruel farewell banquet.

Zhong Nanqiao is saying in disguise that you have been dismissed!

A wave of anger rose from the bottom of Wang Yong's heart. He couldn't figure out what he had done wrong and would be driven away by Zhong Nanqiao in this way.

Rich people think that more money can make up for everything, but they don't know that it's more unacceptable than an open dismissal.

Because they smash the most basic dignity of others with money in the soil!

"Why?" Taking a deep breath, Wang Yong resisted the impulse to question Zhong Nanqiao and asked three words quietly.

"Mr. Wang, since you must know the reason, I will tell you. First, it's a very conventional reason. I don't think your education has made Zhong Xin any better, even a little bit. Last night, I just called Xinxin's head teacher. She said Xinxin is still the same recently, and there is no change in her learning attitude. She even wrote other subjects' homework in math class once. In a few days, the results can not be directly improved, but at least the attitude should change, I am very disappointed. Second, this is the main reason. I can't help it. Don't say much, just a little. Mr. Wang, think about it for yourself


Wang Yong slightly Leng next, in the heart suddenly flashed a speculation, as if thought of what.

"Sure enough, money is a good thing. It can make people grovel and give up their dignity. But I'm not. Thank you for your kindness. A salary of 900 yuan for three days is enough. " Wang Yong opened the cowhide bag, took out nine banknotes, and pushed the cowhide bag back to the side of Zhongnan bridge.

There was a faint smile on Zhong Nan Qiao's face.

He appreciates Wang Yong's backbone, but does not agree with Wang Yong's ideas.

A cavity of blood can not achieve anything, no money can only be the result of every step.

Just like now, he can sit in the top restaurant and eat expensive western food, while Wang Yong can't even buy a dime of Louis XVIII's pizza for the 900 yuan he earns.

"I'm sorry, sir. The Louis XVIII pizza you ordered is not available for the time being. We only have enough raw materials in the back kitchen to make two pizzas, which have been ordered in advance by the other two gentlemen." At this time, suddenly a waiter came, with a very sorry said.

"What?" The face of Zhongnan bridge changed.

He doesn't care whether he eats pizza or not, but the waiter's words make him very angry. Because he clearly remembered that when he came, he was the only guest in the shop! The two so-called advance booking guests came behind him!

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