"What?" Even if already had psychological preparation, but when Zhang Bureau said this kind of possibility, Zhongyi was still unable to accept.

Since the Zhong Group became bigger and stronger, Zhong's father has been paying great attention to protecting the two sisters. The hired bodyguards are also good players in the army. Although they have met several dangerous incidents in recent years, they have solved them one by one.

This time, why?

The driver's bodyguard beside Zhong's father has the experience of defending the head of state!

Is it difficult that the kidnapper's skill has reached such a high level?

I don't know why, in the heart of the involuntarily emerge a person's figure.

He is quick and effective, and his kung fu is beyond imagination. If there is really a master kidnapper in Tiantai City, it seems that there is no one else except him.

However, I just promised that he could not be a kidnapper!

"Wang Yong!" Like some lost murmur to say this name, a time some at a loss.

"Look, Miss Zhong. This is the surveillance video we found. " Zhang Bureau opens the Skynet monitoring system and drags a video to Zhongyi.

"Your sister's car drove away from the school. Everything was normal during this period. At the end of the school road, a muck truck accidentally spilled some muck on it. In the face of this situation, the driver did not get off the car to deal with it. The driver is very professional and experienced here. However, because the debris blocked the view of the window, he had to choose to clean the car. Surveillance showed that his car entered the wash shop. It is estimated that your sister had an accident there. "

Zhong Yi, with a dignified face, asked, "is there no monitoring at the car washing shop?"

"There should be. Our staff have been transferred in the past. Don't worry. I'll call and ask Zhang Bureau said, picked up the phone to dial.

After a few words, Zhang Bureau said to Zhong with some regret: "Miss Zhong, according to the feedback of our investigators, my guess just now should be right. Several staff members of the car washing shop were knocked unconscious, and the live cameras were destroyed. What happened to your sister there is unknown. I can only say that she must have met something there. We also checked the end time of your sister's conversation with your father, and the time node is completely right. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Ju said nothing more.

Obviously, the loss of Zhong Xin is a foregone conclusion, and it is basically certain that he is in danger.

"Can you find out where the car went next?" Zhong Yi asked immediately.

"Yes." Zhang Bureau nodded, then motioned to a police officer for video retrieval.

"How's it going?" At this time, a middle-aged man came in. His face was full of panic and anger.

Care is chaos, the leader of the Zhong Group in the face of his daughter's kidnapping, no longer the kind of dogmatic domineering.

"Mr. Zhong." Zhang Bureau naturally knew that this man was Zhong Nanqiao“ The situation is not very optimistic, the key video on the scene was destroyed, and it is temporarily impossible to know what happened. We are now tracking down the whereabouts of your car, and we will find out soon. "

As soon as Zhang's voice fell, he heard the policeman say, "I found it."

The crowd quickly gathered around to see that after leaving the washing shop, the car in the video turned around and went downtown. Most of the pictures captured by the surveillance camera can't see the appearance of the kidnapper in the cab after several times of playing.

The pressed hat successfully blocked the probe.

What makes Zhongnan bridge and Zhongyi more worried is that the motionless driver on the co pilot is found in the video. The driver was lying in the co driver's seat with blood flowing from his neck.

From the picture, it should be dead.

"Asshole!" Zhong Nan Qiao angrily smashed the table and scolded.

"Mr. Zhong, if you think about it carefully, do you have any enemies, or potential candidates who may do such things?" Zhang Bureau turns to ask Zhong Nanqiao.

Zhong Nanqiao shook his head slowly: "my business has reached the present stage, if you want to say that there are no enemies. But I can't find one that can achieve this level. The most dangerous time was that the other party shot me, but it never harmed my family. They shouldn't have done it. "

"Have you had any conflicts with others recently, which led to the deliberate Revenge of others?"

"Contradiction? I just came back from the United States in the morning, even if there is a contradiction, the other party can't catch up from the United States. The only stranger I met after I got off the plane was my tutor. He was fired by me for some special reason. Do you think it's him? " Zhong Nanqiao hesitated and disclosed Wang Yong to the police.

"The fired tutor? There was a motive. What's his name? Let's check it right away. " Zhang Ju rubbed his chin and said.

"Wang Yong." Zhong Nan Qiao hates the sound way. If the final confirmation is Wang Yonggan, he must pay the most painful price! Let him regret coming to this world!


Who knows, Zhang Bureau was surprised to hear Wang Yong's name.

"Does Zhang bureau know him?"

Zhang Ju waved his hand: "I don't know him, because I have contacted him in the Bureau."

"It turned out to be a criminal with a criminal record! I said that he is not a good man. Do you want to continue to defend him now? " Zhong Nanqiao angrily looks at Zhong Yi and asks.

Zhong Yi's face was livid, and he still refused to yield to his father's question: "is it true that people who make mistakes will make mistakes again? You don't doubt that Wang Yong is OK. The more you say it's him, the more I think it's impossible! "

"You... Piss me off!"

Facing his rebellious daughter for the first time, Zhong Nanqiao suddenly felt powerless.

"In this way, don't quarrel. Let's summon Wang Yong right away. Is it true that he will know all about it by then Zhang Bureau plays round the field.

Then Zhang arranged for Wang Yong to be summoned.

At this time, Wang Yong, far from the center of the storm, can be seen everywhere in the eye of the wind. He is sitting in the central square of Tiantai in a daze.

Although Wang Yong is dismissive of the dismissal performance, in fact, he is not angry. The point is that it means Wang Yong is out of work.

Just found a job, just three days, declared unemployed. It seems to be a continuation of the previous bad luck.

"Forget it, lose your job. It doesn't matter if you lose your job. It's worth the money if you get your goal. Teacher, this is the goal of my life! Without the Zhong family, can't my grandson Wang Hongjin find the Wang family, Li family and Zhang family? In the future, this common people's family will surely be all over my students, and everyone will remember my name! A teacher of all ages called Wang Yong! "

Wang Yong murmured to himself, with firm eyes.

"Psycho! Scared to death At this time, a foreign friend passed by Wang Yong. He was startled by Wang Yong and didn't forbid the use of Chinese cursing.

Wang Yong was stunned. This foreigner is too arrogant. How dare he curse people on Chinese territory?

So Wang Yong retorted: "if you turn off the light, you can only see your teeth, or you mean to say other people!"

The foreigner was a black man, and Wang Yong naturally mocked the skin color he was most afraid of.

Who knows, that foreigner's words, let Wang Yong full Leng for a long time, have not been able to come back to God.

"You Chinese all say that one white covers three ugliness, so you need to cover up the ugliness. I'm black because I don't need it. "

With these words, the foreign friends floated away, leaving behind only a figure with deep merit and fame.

"The trough! I played hawk all my life, and finally I was pecked blind by the house bird! If you were not a foreign friend, I would beat you and you would not be able to take care of yourself! "

Wang Yong, who thinks he has a set of jokes, was choked by a foreigner, but he was very angry.

It's a pity that the man has gone far away. Otherwise, Wang Yong will rush up and grab his collar and recite to him ten times, "Lv Xiaolu's family has raised red carp, green carp and donkey, Li Xiaoli's family has raised red donkey, green donkey and carp. LV Xiaolu's red carp, green carp and donkey should be compared with Li Xiaoli's red donkey, green donkey and carp. Who is more red and who is more green?" to let him know the profound Chinese culture.

Hum, at this time, Wang Yong's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

Wang Yong took a look at the mobile phone, but it was a strange number.

Confused connected, inside came a familiar voice.

"Hello, Wang Yong? I'm Zhang Shengli from Yuhuang branch. I need you to come to the branch office. Are you free

It's Zhang Bureau. When he was framed by Xu Zian before, Wang Yong had contact with him.

Originally, according to the regulations, criminal suspects could not be summoned by telephone.

However, Zhang Bureau chose to inform Wang Yong by phone because of his trust in Wang Yong, or rather the "spark Medal".

"OK, I'll be right there." Although he didn't know what happened, Wang Yong still heard the dignified from Zhang Ju's words.

"Then I'll wait for you." Zhang hang up.

And Zhang bureau this kind of practice, also let Zhong Nanqiao quite dissatisfied.

"Director Zhang, Wang Yong is likely to be the suspect. Don't you scare the snake at the grass? If something goes wrong with Zhong Xin, your police station must bear the responsibility! " Zhongnan Bridge cold channel.

Zhong Nanqiao is a famous businessman in Tiantai city. Zhang bureau can't afford to offend him, but he won't let Zhong Nanqiao take the hat.

Zhang bureau gave a cold hum and said, "we don't need Mr. Zhong's guidance in the process of handling the case. If something goes wrong, I will be responsible for it. But I'll bet that Wang Yong will come to the police station as promised! "

"We'll see." Zhong Nan Qiao was infuriated and pinched the paper cup in his hand.

He regretted that he chose to call the police. If the kidnapper just wanted a ransom, he would give it to him. Now that the police are involved, it's not that easy.

Think of this, Zhong Nanqiao can't help but complain about a look of love. It's all about the police! I've only left China for half a year. How can this girl become so disobedient?

Zhong Nan Qiao doesn't know, but now Zhong Yi seems to be moving closer to him. Once identified, things will not be easily changed.

Just as he believed that Wang Yong could not escape the suspicion, Zhongyi thought that Wang Yong was innocent.

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