"Hi, beauty, when I came from there just now, the security guard said he wanted to see you. Let me call you."

Wang Yong got up to a woman who was wearing exposed clothes and was preparing to do spa, and said solemnly.

The woman looked at Wang Yong suspiciously and asked, "I don't know him. What does he want me to do?"

Wang Yong shrugged: "who knows? Just go and have a look. "

The woman nodded to thank Wang Yong. Go to the security guard at the door of the VIP room.

Is guarding at the door of the security suddenly saw a beauty came, not from the spirit of a shock.

Although I stay in the spa every day, there is almost no chance to talk to a woman.

You think, just a little security guard, who cares? Can come here to do spa all have a little money in the home, how also won't see a small security.

But look at the direction of the beauty, it is clear that she is coming for herself.

The security guard's heart is beating. Is it the rotten peach blossom that the fortune teller said?

The security guard is laughing and scratching his heart. Rotten peach blossom rotten peach blossom, is a flower without fruit. To put it more bluntly, it's dew love. Sleep, get up, go home and find your mother. Isn't this the life that all men dream of?

The security guard is ready to let the rotten peach blossom come more fiercely.

"Are you looking for me?" The woman walked a few steps away from the security guard, stopped and asked.

"Ah? Yes, isn't... "The security guard was stunned. He didn't expect that the first sentence was this.

"Yes or no? I'll go if it's OK. " A woman's impatient way.

In normal times, the security guard has the heart to be a thief but not the courage to be a thief. Today, with all kinds of coincidences, the security guard has the courage to be a thief.

Putting on a posture that he thought was the most handsome, showing his strong tendons, he said: "something, of course something."

"What's the matter?"

"Cough, beauty, you look so tight. Is it your first time to come to our Tianquan spa? Do you need me to introduce the service items of our club to you? " Asked the security guard.

The woman is indeed the first time to come, hesitated, nodded: "you talk about it."

So the security guard began to spit on the introduction of various projects.

One said, the other listened. The security guard and the woman did not notice that Wang Yong, who was smiling, was quietly approaching.

When Wang Yong came to the security guard, Leng buting said: "Yo, brother, is this your guest?"

The security guard was stunned. Who is this man? But still perfunctorily nodded: "yes, that's the guest."

Wang Yong pinched the orchid finger in his hand and looked like a sissy. He said, "come on, since my brother introduced me, I'll give this beauty a discount! Five hundred at a time, eight hundred at a time. If the beauty you generous point, direct to 1500, this day you play. Just take it easy. Don't spoil people. Ge Ke said that you look a little dissatisfied. Ha ha... "

Then he gave the woman a flying eye.

"What?" As soon as the woman heard this, she immediately became angry.

The feelings of these two people are collusive, to deceive themselves to introduce the flesh service? Does my mother look like that kind of dissatisfied person?

"To NIMA!" The humiliated woman slapped the security guard in the face“ Who are you dissatisfied with? I'm not satisfied with you! Come on, follow me to your manager! Looking at the aboveboard place, there are such dirty people! I Pooh

The woman reached for the guard's ear and pulled it downstairs.

"Oh, I didn't introduce you. I didn't introduce you... You're welcome to drag me again The security guard wailed and yelled.

"You're welcome? Why don't you show me one? " But the beauty is more fierce, and her hand is more powerful. She pulls the security guard forward.

Obviously, he is not afraid of anything. Don't try to make it clear today.

Wang Yong, the creator of the terracotta Figurine, however, chuckled and got into the VIP dressing room when the security guard and the woman didn't pay attention.

For a moment, the security guard and the woman did not notice when the "young master" just slipped away.

Entering the VIP dressing room, Wang Yong takes a glance at the furnishings and finds out the wardrobe Xu Zian used.

The corner of the skirt in the gap of the wardrobe not only exposed the location of Xu Zian's goods, but also exposed how impatient Xu Zian was at that time.

As a man, Wang Yong still understands Xu Zian very well. He would be in a hurry to keep the appointment. After all, you can see the scenery of two beautiful women, no one can resist.

Tianquan club's locker uses the password lock, the security level is higher, the safe also does not show off many lets. This can ensure the safety of VIP guests' valuables to a great extent.

However, this kind of password lock is very difficult for some thieves, but it is very simple for Wang Yong.

The password lock is set by the user himself, and no one will know it except the user.

Wang Yong took a look at the password keyboard, felt a transparent film from his coat pocket, and then gently covered it on the keyboard.

Then the fingerprints on the keyboard are completely pasted.

Looking at the fingerprints of different sizes on the film, Wang Yong quickly calculated the most likely combination in his brain.

Soon, Wang Yong got a set of numbers, and then pressed on the password lock.

Ding, the locker opens. But it's right once.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yong was delighted. Originally, I thought that I would delay for a period of time. Who thought that I would succeed at one time.

This also benefits from the frequent cleaning of the clubhouse. Before Xu Zian used the locker, he must have wiped the whole cook carefully. Therefore, only Xu Zian's fingerprints are left on the password disk, and no other fingerprints are mixed in, greatly reducing the difficulty of Wang Yong's work.

Wang Yong can judge the sequence of Xu Zian's pressing the password according to the size and weight of the fingerprint, so as to crack the correct password.

This is the most basic means of an agent.

After opening the locker, Xu Zian's items are presented to Wang Yong.

Looking at this pile of luxury goods, Wang Yong is a little resentful of the rich.

The latest Gucci hand-made suit, annual swatch NABA elegant metal wristwatch, limited edition American kerosene lighter, and a sapphire screen are replaced. At the same time, the home key is covered with a 26 carat flawless black deep diamond, and the logo on the back of the body is inlaid with more than 10 diamonds of Apple Mobile phone.

"Zhu men stinks of wine and meat, and the road is frozen to death. Can a drill on a mobile phone enhance the quality of calls? It's good to have the money to help the poor, such as me. " Wang Yong murmured and first picked up Xu Zian's mobile phone.

Fortunately, Xu Zian used apple instead of a more secure latitude map. Otherwise, Wang Yong will have to spend a lot of money.

After skillfully removing the back cover of the mobile phone, Wang Yong took out a gadget from his trouser pocket, which was embedded in the inner core of the mobile phone. If it is not checked with professional instruments, it is very difficult to find the existence of this thing.

Later, Wang Yong took out a micro eavesdropper and hid it in Xu Zian's tie knot. This is a button like eavesdropper. Even if it is found, it will only think that it is a button in the wrong position, and will not think of anything else.

After that, Wang Yong nodded with satisfaction. As he was about to finish work, he touched his pocket but shook his head.

"If you have too many things, why don't you give him a full range monitoring?"

Wang Yong said to himself, "do what you say.".

I took out more than ten gadgets in my pocket, including eavesdropping, image monitoring and positioning. All kinds of things.

The installation site of Wang Yong is also eye opening.

Take apart the belt buckle and put one in; The sole of the hand-made leather shoes is unloaded and also loaded into one; The pen cap pinned to his coat pocket was twisted off and replaced with a camouflaged eavesdropper.

Even Xu Zian's expensive watch was taken apart by Wang Yong and stuffed into one.

Wang Yong is just like an evil taste, giving Xu Zian an an all-round three-dimensional monitoring.

"Done, done!" By virtue of his memory, Wang Yong restored everything to its original state, with the same position and orientation.

Then he closed the door of the wardrobe and slipped out of the VIP dressing room.

Everything is ready except the east wind. The bait is loaded, but the fish has to bite it.

Wang Yong arranges his clothes and walks to Ziyu Fengqing's VIP spa room.

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