Wang Yong is immersed in narcissism.

It wasn't until Yin Xia came to Wang Yong and put his little hand on Wang Yong's face several times that Wang Yong came back to himself.

"Mr. Wang, what's the matter? Still thinking about the lecture? " Yin Xia asked sweetly.

There was a flash of embarrassment on Wang Yong's face, but he nodded firmly: "yes, just now I suddenly thought that there was a content to be discussed, and I was thinking about it. I didn't expect you to come

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Mr. Wang." Yin Xia sticks out her tongue and looks like a little girl.

"My God, Yin Xia is so cute. I really want to be her boyfriend. No matter how hard it is, my brother can do it! " A group of Beijing curtilage men wail, only hate Yin Xia coquetry object is not himself.

"Mr. Wang, Ning Yi is here. It's almost ready to start. " Feng Kui came over and said.

Ning Yi recently is quite active in receiving treatment, the physical condition has also become a lot better. At least there's never been another massive hemorrhage.

Wang Yong and others also consulted doctors on this performance. Doctors don't think there's any danger as long as you're not too tired.

All this just relieved of will rather easy to bring over.

"Let's start." Wang Yong nodded and stepped onto the rostrum.

At the moment, the rostrum has been decorated as a platform. Wang Yong is wearing a Chinese tunic suit, which means he is young and mature. It's in line with a serious occasion like Jinghua University.

"Students, be quiet. The recording of the program begins. Let's invite Yin Xia to sing the theme song of the program "Happy Tour" for us! Accompany Dance Ning Yi! Let's applaud

Wang Yong's voice has not fallen, the students below have been blown up.

"Yin Xia! Yin Xia

"Ning Yi! I'd rather not

The boys are crazy, shouting the names of two girls, causing many girls' eyes.

However, after the white eyes, those female students also began to shake their arms and yell: "Yin Xia! Yin Xia

This disappointed Wang Yong.

Shouldn't it be "Wang Yong, Wang Yong"?

Yin Xia has been on the road for less than half a year, but her fans have reached a terrible level. On the one hand, Yin Xia's pure and clever appearance is easy to be liked by people. On the other hand, Yin Xia's singing skills and creative ability are put there. Who doesn't like the powerful group?

An online music critic's comment on Yin Xia is that he only hates Yin Xia for being too stubborn. He can eat by his face, but only by his talent.

Even if Yin Xia stands on the stage of the highest University in China, he has no sense of stage fright.

"Hello, brothers and sisters. I'm Yin Xia. I have dreamed of various scenes of coming to Beijing, but I have never thought of singing as a guest. I don't know whether to be lucky or regret. Because I was going to enter the gate of Jinghua university with the admission notice after the college entrance examination two years later. "

"Ha ha, come on, Yin Xia Xuemei! You will be admitted to Beijing! " Some people call Yin Xia Xuemei directly, as if they regard Yin Xia as their own person.

"It's said that Yin Xia's academic achievements are among the best. She doesn't say this casually, but she really has the strength to enter Beijing." People who know Yin Xia explain.

Yin Xia quietly smile, wait for the voice of the following discussion gradually small, just way: "today I bring you a song," xiaoyaoyou. ". Although some people have heard the gun version on the Internet, this is the first time to sing live, I promise. Even Mr. Wang has never heard of it. "

"Well, it seems that Mr. Wang's position in Yin Xia's heart is just the same! It's on a par with us The students at the bottom laughed.

Wang Yong has a black face. This kid, why don't you open that pot!

When the music started, the expression on Yin Xia's face immediately became pious and ethereal.

On the other hand, Ning Yi also dressed in white and went to the stage lightly.

Under the dim light, they are like fairies on Gushe mountain, singing one song and one harmony.

"I see the fate of Hibiscus

I don't know what's going on

I see, cicadas whine

Life fades, but not inch


Yin Xia sang softly, knelt down at the beginning of her voice, and instantly brought everyone into the world of Zhuangzi's free travel.

Ning Yi is like a flying butterfly. He shows his empty and light posture on the stage, and fully interprets the state of Zhuang Sheng's Xiao Meng fan butterfly.

"Cutting the big gourd, floating across the river

With good medicine, the territory was sealed

The cattle are as big as the clouds

Huizi's Ailanthus altissima grows on the roadside

When Yin Xia sings this passage, from the reaction of the students in Beijing, we can see the cultural accomplishment of the students in Colleges and universities.

Almost no one in the audience was confused about the lyrics, and they were naturally immersed in the artistic conception of the lyrics.

In fact, this paragraph has caused a lot of controversy on the Internet. Some people say that the lyrics are clearly written by Wang Yong in order to piece together rhymes. The images of the lyrics are in a mess, which does not conform to the artistic conception at all.

A lot of people think it's true, and even help Wang Yong modify the lyrics and make several versions.

It wasn't until someone posted the source of the lyrics that those people shut up.

"Cutting a big gourd and floating across the river" means that Huizi was awarded a big gourd seed by the king of Wei, which can hold five stones. But because the texture is too fragile, the water is easy to break; After the incision, because it was flat and shallow, nothing could be loaded. So Huizi smashed it. Chuang Tzu told Huizi why he didn't use it as a boat to cross the river?

"To seal the territory with good medicine" is about a man of the Song Dynasty who washed silk flocs for generations and sold a prescription for preventing frostbite to others. As a result, the man presented the prescription to the king of Wu, who defeated the Yue people on the water with this anti freezing prescription. So the people who offered the prescription were rewarded by the king of Wu, and they were granted the territory.

The last two sentences "qinniu" and "Ailanthus altissima" all have the same meaning. It is used to express the viewpoint of Zhuangzi's useless theory.

Nothing in the world is absolutely useful, and nothing is absolutely useless. Both useful and useless are relative definitions, which cannot be generalized.

After this interpretation was posted, those who doubted Wang Yong's piecing together the lyrics suddenly realized.

Obviously, the students in Jinghua didn't understand the meaning of the lyrics like those on the Internet.

Soon after a song is finished, Ning Yi's dance ends slowly, like a butterfly with folded wings and a hibiscus with rolled petals.


The audience burst into applause.

All the students' faces were full of excitement. No doubt, Yin Xia's singing and Ning Yi's dancing moved them to the greatest extent.

"The feeling of listening to the scene is different! It's ten million times better than the inferior audio source version on the Internet Some people sigh.

"Yin Xia's singing skill is a real cow! I believe it this time

"It's nothing. If you've ever been to a concert in Yanjing stadium, it's amazing to sing" God's will is like a knife "that day. But this song is also great. I've had goose bumps since the first sentence, and I haven't gone down yet. "

"Ning Yi's dancing is also powerful! Beautiful

"Yes, goddess Ning is goddess Ning. I'm addicted to it and can't help myself."

A group of students were talking and clapping.

Feng Kui was also excited.

The cooperation between Yin Xia and Ning Yi is perfect. Today's program can get a lot of ratings just by two people!

As for what Wang Yong said, it doesn't seem so important.

Wang Yong also feels the pressure brought by Yin Xia and Ning Yi. If his lectures are not lively and interesting, it's easy for everyone to feel boring.

I'll let you eat Yanjing roast duck before. When you're half full, it's suddenly changed to coarse noodles Wowotou. Can you still eat?

Wang Yong had to add the half of the roast duck. No matter what, it had to be a plate of Beijing sauce shredded meat.

"Miss Wang, it's your turn!" Feng Kui reminds me in his headset.

Wang Yong nodded and stepped onto the platform.

Yin Xia and Ning Yi sit in the first row nearby after they step down and listen to Wang Yong's lectures.

Two people's seat is caused by no small disturbance.

"Yin Xia, Yin Xia, I like you! Can I have a signature? "

"Ning Yi, I gave you hot water last semester! Do you remember? "

This little commotion brought some influence to the filming. Feng Kui Gang wanted to pause and reiterate the discipline of the scene.

But Wang Yong turned around and wrote down five words on the blackboard set up on the stage.

"Keyboard man of the Warring States period."

Once the five words are finished, the atmosphere of the scene will be changed immediately.

Everyone was gaping at the blackboard, not knowing why.

Even those who made up with Yin Xia and Ning Yi forgot to make up. Also staring at the blackboard, a face of ignorant force.

What is the Warring States keyboard man?

Is that what Mr. Wang is going to talk about in this program?

"High!" Feng Kui gives Wang Yong a thumbs up.

To be the first to win is to describe Wang Yong's action. Five words hold! Bull by bull!

Wang Yong threw down his chalk and said with a smile, "that's what we're talking about today, keyboard man of the Warring States period!"

"As we all know, keyman is a popular Internet term. Describe those who are timid in real life and publish their sense of justice on the Internet. It can also refer to those keyboard fighters who are eloquent on the Internet. They are highly flexible, broad-minded and critical, and have a great posture of "talking and laughing while the masts fly to ashes.".

This kind of person has its own ridicule, but also has its own merits.

Let's put aside the distinction between right and wrong and put the background in the Warring States period. So who would be the most famous keyboard man in the Warring States period? "

Jinghua students looked at each other, confused by Wang Yong's hypothesis.

The Warring States period was a time when a hundred schools of thought vied with each other and a large number of people came out. How could anyone be a keyboard man?

After a while, one of the students raised his hand timidly.

"I think it should be Sima Ziqi. Because he was late and didn't catch Zhongshan's mutton feast, he was jealous and led Chu to attack Zhongshan, which led to the destruction of Zhongshan. This kind of villain has the potential to become keyboard man. "

Wang Yong nodded: "well said. But Sima Ziqi is a villain. He is far from being a keyboard man. Does anyone else think of it? "

"Wu Qi must be. Wu Qi killed his wife in order to become a general of the state of Lu. When others talked about him, he drew his sword and killed more than 30 people. Is this kind of person who will do whatever he wants to do, keyboard man? " Another student said.

Wang Yong still shook his head: "Wu Qi is a doer. He doesn't agree with the whole family. How can he be a keyboard man? If he had a conflict with someone on the Internet, he would go to the other person's home with a kitchen knife the next day. It's obviously not keyboard man. Let's think about it again... "

Wang Yong denied several candidates in succession, but he confused many students in Beijing.

In the Warring States period, is there anyone with bad conduct who can be called keyboard man?

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