On the vehicle provided by Ziyu Fengqing, Wang Yong drove to the direction of Taiping Lake.

It will take at least one and a half hours from the city center to Taiping Lake. And this period of time is what Wang Yong is most worried about.

The angel will call Wang Yong in this period of time to lure Wang Yong to rescue Zhong Xin.

If Wang Yong can't handle it well, he will be noticed by the diffuse angel. I'm not sure what will happen to diffuse angel. Even if you don't do anything, it's a huge problem for you to transfer positions directly with the heart of the clock.

It's not easy for such a guy to catch him once. If he can't catch the first chance, he won't get a second one.

"I just hope that the other side of the house can handle it well, and don't show it." Wang Yong so thought, can't help but raise the speed again.

An hour and a half. He had to get out of it. So there's plenty of time to find a few people.

Ding ~, then Wang Yong's mobile phone suddenly sent a message.

"The fish have begun to bite. Request access. "

This is the family's code, meaning that the angel has called Wang Yong.

Before that, Wang Yong had left his mobile phone card to Ziyu Fengqing and replaced it with a new one. To cope with the current situation.

"You can get through." Wang Yong's fingers are flying, quickly replying to a message.

The next second, the number of Wang Yong's new card rang, and the voice of angels filled it.

"Long time no see, my agent."

At home, however, they made a phone transfer and called Wang Yong's old card. What they got through was actually Wang Yong's new card number. In this way, Wang Yong can communicate with him, and the location of the old card number will not change.

"Angels! How dare you call me? " Wang Yong's voice was cold, and moriran said.

"Why not call you? You're so funny, agent

"Well, I almost killed you last time. You've been hiding in Tiantai like a lost dog for so long. Did you take the initiative to die this time? By the way, lost dog, do you know what it means? Have you ever seen a dog running away with its tail between its legs? That's what you look like. " Wang Yong said sarcastically.

The phone filled with angel's breath suddenly became heavy, obviously stimulated by Wang Yong's words.

However, the mood change was just a matter of blink of an eye, and the next moment it returned to its normal state, saying: "it seems that your skills are not only good, but also your mouth is very smooth. I just don't know what kind of students you teach. Come on, little beauty, have a word with your teacher. "

Then the voice on the phone changed, and a girl's voice came out, which was obviously Zhong Xin. In order to prevent her from exposing her position, she was deliberately gagged.

"Zhong Xin, how are you? Diffuse, you are also a famous killer in the world. How dare you do such dirty things! I said you were a dog, but I'm not wrong

"Whatever you say. You just need to know that her life is in my hands. From now on, you follow my orders. If you dare to make any changes, I'll wring the little girl's neck The road of cruelty.

"What do you want to do?" Wang Yong pretended to be surprised and asked.

"Don't you know exactly what I want to do? Now, go out and turn left, get on the No.2 bus and get off at the sports center. I'll get back to you. Don't play tricks. " Then he hung up.

Wang Yong took a deep breath. As he thought, he would draw a line for Wang Yong to go. Thanks to Wang Yong, he left behind in his family.

"Act as he says." Wang Yong issued an order.

In the downtown area, a man with the same figure as Wang Yong and a hat got on the No.2 bus.

Follow the instructions of the angel to the sports center.

In the hut in the forest of Taiping Lake.

Diffuse angel eyes without a trace of emotion, looking at the mobile phone, pondering for a while, do not know what to think.

All of a sudden, he pulled the rag out of Zhong Xin's mouth.

"Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, poo

"It's just a tablecloth that hasn't been washed for a long time." Diffuse light way.

"Ah? You put that stuff in my mouth! It's disgusting Zhong Xin protested.

"You've been treated well without smelly socks."

Zhong Xin was silent.

Indeed, compared with smelly socks, cleaning tablecloths seems to be easier to accept all of a sudden.

"You use me to threaten Mr. Wang, and then guide him to the ambush you set up, don't you?" Zhong Xin suddenly raised his head, looked at the angel fiercely and asked.

He was amused by Zhong Xin's feigned ferocity. He looked at Zhong Xin playfully and said, "so what? You can't save him

"Bad guy! the big bad wolf! I would rather die than let you use me to threaten Mr. Wang! " Zhong Xin said, tied to a chair, she moved with her feet and went to the lake outside the door.

It seems that I really want to die.

"Interesting." The angel looked at the heart of the clock, did not expect that the heart of the clock is not casually said, but said to do“ A student is willing to do this kind of thing for him. To be honest, if it's not the enemy, I really want to make friends with him. "

"Just you? fond dream! Mr. Wang is the grandson of Wang Hongjin, a master of Chinese culture. He will become a master of Chinese culture in the future. Are you a killer worthy to be his friend? " Zhong Xin looked back and said scornfully.

Despised by the enemy, maybe I won't care. But a little girl looked down on her so much that she couldn't help but put a cloud on her face and looked coldly at Zhong Xin.

"What? You want to kill me? Come on, I'm afraid you don't have the guts! " Zhong Xin continues to challenge.

"Ha ha, what a smart girl. It's a pity that I won't be fooled by you. You'd rather die than save him. I don't understand this spirit, but I admire it. Don't worry, I won't embarrass you until he dies. If you like, I can change the plan for you. I will send you to the yellow spring with him. " Diffuse Yin measures to measure to smile, way.

The chill in the words made Zhong Xin shiver. Obviously, he's not lying. He's serious.

Zhong Xin can't help worrying about Wang Yong. If you are so confident to kill Mr. Wang, will Mr. Wang be deceived?

According to Mr. Wang's intelligence, I don't think so. But... Why do you always feel uneasy?

This is a contest between intelligence and intelligence, and the backward party will pay the price of life.

This kind of battle can't be defeated!

"Stay in the house and you'll see your dear teacher soon." He took the heart of the clock back to the house and slammed the door of the hut.

The cold and dark quickly attacked Zhong Xin. It was only at this moment that Zhong Xin felt that bursts of fear came to her heart, reverberating and amplifying in her heart, which made her tremble.

"Zhong Xin, be strong! Mr. Wang, you will be able to save you! Mr. Wang once said, "a gentleman should be careful what he doesn't see and afraid what he doesn't hear." a gentleman is always cautious where others can't see him, and he's always afraid of losing when others haven't heard him. The darker the place is, the easier it is to expose its true character. I want to be strong! Be bold! Don't be afraid

Zhong Xin murmured to himself, and even used a lyric to motivate himself. Gradually, he really calmed down, although his body still trembled faintly.

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