Belle froze in her place as she felt a disturbing presence nearby. She only got that when...Matt was there and he certainly can't be among the crowd. She shivered and instantly caught Jack's attention. He told the photographer if it will still take long, cause it has been an hour and a half and he wasn't finished. After her second shiver, the photographer called a wrap and Jack hurried carrying a robe to her.

"God, you're freezing." he said with a worried expression. "I swear if I remove your make up you'll look a hundred percent pale. This is your fault, Belle." he started scolding. "I told you to put this off. I told you that you shouldn't have done this."

"My head hurts," She frowned at him. She looked around and everybody was staring at her. All her fans. She can't disappoint them.She smiled at them and waved then, her gaze froze at the man staring straight at her with a mixed expression on his face. Matt. Angry Matt. Concerned Matt. Longing Matt. Happy Matt and many other emotions crossed his face, then he strode straight at her and grabbed her by her elbow. She flinched. "What do you think your doing?"

"Dude, back off." Jack tried to pry him away from Belle. "I'll call security."

"No, I know him." Belle said to Jack then glanced back at Matt. Her heart skip a beat.

"Oh you do, I thought you've forgotten me." he said sarcastically.

"What are you doing?" she asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

"What are you doing?" he asked back with more force on the word 'you'. His eyes burn daggers straight at her.

"Why are you asking, what i asked?" she snapped. "I asked first so you answer first."

He frowned at her, then looked around and for an instant heartbeat, she was in his arms. She released a yelp and then shut her mouth as soon as they caught attention. Nathan started smiling around chanting, "Couples fight. Just couples fight."

Belle thrash around. "What do you think you're doing? Put me down!"

"Shut up or I'll kiss you..." he said under his breathe walking towards the elevator.

"You wouldn't dare." she challenged with a smirk.

He laughed sarcastically then glare down at her. "Try me. Just try me, Belle." He tapped his foot impatiently. The people inside the elevator staring at them and some even taking photos.

The way he said it made her shut up. She looked around just not at his angry eyes. "Wow, now I'll be on the front page of those magazines again plus a trending." she muttered. "Where are you even taking me?"

"Nathan's office. I'll bet we'll be alone there." he simply said.

Soon as they enter the office, he dropped her on the desk and she glared at him. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Saving you from what you're doing." he said.

"What do you mean what I'm doing. I'm working."

"Working on your underwear."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm a model. Want me to spell that out to you? M-0-D-E-L. And since when did you even have the right to question my work?"

He stopped whatever he was going to say because she's right. He doesn't have a say on what she does. "Why did you leave me?"

She raised her hands sarcastically. "Oh great, change of subject." she snapped and drop down the desk. "That's none of your business."

"It's my business 'cause it involves" Matt glared at her and enclose her with both of his arms on her side clutching the desk. He inched closer at her emphasizing every word he will say. "I. Don't. Like. Your. Work."

She stared at him then the door opened. "Uh...excuse me?" It was Nathan. "Belle's being called. She has to change to a more warmer clothes..." he smirked at their stance. "Unless you're already providing greater heat."

Matt glared at him and looked back at Belle who was still staring at him with a hurt expression. "I know." she said bitterly not daring to look at him. "My work is disgusting. It's low profile and a disgrace every way you look at it 'cause I'm not high class like you are..." she pushed him away and walked out. Matt was going to defend himself that that wasn't what he meant but she was already gone.

"Man," Nathan shook his head. He looked at Belle's retreating figure then back at Matt. "You messed up."

"Damn it! You should have warned me that I'll face something like that!" he ran his hands on his hair.

"Well, I didn't know you'll have the guts to come if I said she'll be here." Nathan shrugged. "At least you met again and already and I'll bet you aren't standing around watching guys drool over her do you?"

He shook his head. "Certainly not."

"Yeah, you shouldn't. Even I, a married man drools with her." Nathan laughed at Matt's glare.

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