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First update.


"Ah?" After a moment of surprise, Tian Tian's face turned red. It was very embarrassing for a child to remind her, and her original misunderstanding was even more embarrassing!

After a slight hesitation, Tian Tian stepped forward, put his arm on the car window, and smiled apologetically at Chu Xia: "Sister-in-law, I'm so sorry. We're leaving right now, but can I make an appointment with you to have a meal together another day? meal?"

"I'm leaving City A tomorrow..." Chu Xia smiled at her, "I was also wrong just now. If I had revealed my identity earlier, we wouldn't have had these troubles later. We are even, okay?"

"Third sister-in-law, you... you say this, I am even more embarrassed..." Biting her lip, Tian Tian looked at Chu Xia seriously, "Do you think this is good? When will you return to City A, let Ying Give me a message, please let me treat you to a meal, okay?"

"Okay." Chu Xia agreed happily, "When it's convenient, I'll ask Ying'er to help me with the message..." She pointed to her belly, "I'm going to give birth in a little more than two months, so, I’m afraid it won’t be possible in a short time, I hope you don’t misunderstand.”

"My third sister-in-law said that, I'm really embarrassed..." Tian Tian's face turned red, "I... I'm actually not that small-minded. During this time... I was too upset during this time, so I did what I did. It’s such an annoying thing, don’t worry, I will definitely work hard to change it..."

What Chu Xia heard was a black thread, why did it feel like he was scolding a junior? Well, she also understood that this courtesy was directed at Zhou Huakang, but with such a big difference in attitude, she still felt a little uncomfortable saying...

Zhou Huakang was also speechless while listening. He turned his head and glanced at Tian Zhuang reflexively, and saw the look in his eyes towards Tian Tian clearly written with distress and pity...

In an instant, the slight discomfort in his heart disappeared completely. It was not wrong that this girl fell in love with him. She also explained the reason for the previous entanglement. How could he be so virtuous and capable as to let others put such a posture? Low?

With this in mind, Zhou Huakang took a step forward and coughed lightly. When Tian Tian turned around, he said, "I can help you, but we'll talk about this later. We really have to go back today."

Tian Tian looked at Zhou Huakang with a look of disbelief. He didn't say a word for a long time. Tian Zhuang quickly stepped forward and pulled Tian Tian away, smiling gratefully at Zhou Huakang: "Thank you, what happened just now I’m so sorry, my sister and I will leave right now, and we’ll make another date later... We’ll make another date later.”

"Thank you, third sister-in-law,

Thank you Zhou Huakang..." After Tian Tian came back to his senses, he thanked her and followed his brother into the car, but he insisted that Chu Xia and others' car leave first. There was nothing to give in to this kind of thing, so Chu Xia motioned to Wang Zhongliang to drive. .

"Sister..." After the car drove away, Tian Zhuang looked at Tian Tian with a worried look on his face, "You..."

"I'm fine..." Tian Tian hurriedly interrupted his brother, "I know he is willing to help me just because he pities me. I won't think nonsense. No matter if it works or not, I won't be stupid. Don't worry."

"Hey!" Tian Zhuang sighed and started the car.

"I know it's hard to do what I said, but I will definitely try my best to do it." Tian Tian also sighed, "I believe God will not always be so unfair. You've suffered enough, so you won't be able to turn over for the rest of your life, right?"

"Of course not. When I get a firm foothold, we will move out of the Tian family..." Tian Zhuang looked at his sister seriously, "Sister, you have to believe me. No matter whether the person you marry can protect you, I will definitely do my best. I will protect you with all my strength, and no matter whether your decision is right or wrong, I will support you."

"I know..." Tian Tian's voice was choked, "If it weren't for my younger brother, I would have gone to find my mother long ago. Brother, remember, my sister will do her best to protect you, no matter what Whether your decision is right or wrong, I will always be the one to support you unconditionally."

"Sister..." Tian Zhuang laughed, "Mom will be very happy when she sees us looking like this."

"Yes..." Tian Tian sighed and looked at his brother apologetically, "I always bullied you when I was little. When my mother said that to me, I thought my mother was partial and favored boys over girls. Now that I think about it, it's really unfair. You are sensible now. If I had to do it over again, I would never be so angry with my mother, and my mother would definitely not leave us so early."

"Sister, why are you taking the responsibility on yourself again? Mom's illness has nothing to do with you. Mom was simply made angry by grandma. She is such a tolerable person, so she was so angry, ugh..." Tian Zhuang said seriously He sighed and his face darkened, "One day, I will leave with my sister. I don't care about everything she did to my mother back then, but let me live with her without any grudges and be a member of the Tian family. I absolutely can’t do it as a successor.”

"Zhuang Zhuang..." Tian Tian looked at his brother in surprise, "When did you start thinking like this? What are you going to do between you and Su Yulei? If you withdraw from the competition to succeed the Tian family, she will definitely not Will be with you."

"Sister, do you really think I like her?" Tian Zhuangchun's character raised a sarcastic smile, "Her grandma and our grandma can wear the same pair of pants. No matter what I do, there is no way I will marry her!"

"and you……"

"Yes." Tian Zhuang nodded, "Sister, you guessed it right, I am just acting. Doesn't grandma care about face? Then I will make her lose face in front of her old friends.

If it hadn't been for Grandma Su's instigation, Grandma and Mom wouldn't have gotten into such a quarrel. Dad was indifferent, and he didn't even know how Mom died in the end.

Later, my grandma arranged my marriage to Yang Limei. Sometimes I wonder, what is the most important thing to Dad? If you talk about power, he doesn't seem to have any ambition. If you talk about money, he doesn't seem to care much.

You said he has a good relationship with grandma? But they can quarrel every day. You may say that he has a bad relationship with grandma, but he is always at the mercy of grandma.

You say that he is not close to his children, but sometimes he cares about us. You say that he is close to his children, but he can ignore us.

The key is, he is not only like this to us, he is also like this to the twins. It is said that the twins have stolen our place in dad's heart. In fact, we know very well that this is not the case at all.

So you say, what is the most important thing to dad? I've been thinking about this for a long time, but I can't find a satisfactory answer. Sister, do you know? "

"What don't you know about this?" Tian Tian looked at his brother speechlessly, "For dad, the most important thing in life is himself, why would he listen to grandma's arrangements?

Because he knew that if he dared to disobey grandma, his comfortable life would be over. Do you really think he didn't know how grandma treated his mother back then?

He was just pretending to be confused. It was too easy for him to choose between helping his mother and living his own free life. "

"Haha..." Tian Zhuang chuckled twice, "Sister, I am really confused by the authorities. In fact, I have thought of this possibility, but I don't want to believe it."

"So, I really don't recommend that you leave the Tian family. Your personality is like this. You are always unwilling to think bad things about others, especially your relatives.

However, if your relatives encounter any difficulties, no matter how much you hated them in the past, you will rush to help immediately. If you leave the Tian family and something happens to your father in the future, you will still rush to deal with it.

Instead of just giving and not getting anything back, why not take your share? I agree that you don't want to marry Su Yulei, but I don't agree with giving up everything.

Even if you get your own share to help others, it is better than giving up and letting the whole family take advantage of it. Think about what I say, and no matter what decision you make, I will support you. "

"Sister..." Tian Zhuang's eyes were full of contradictions, "Of course I understand what you said, but if you don't leave, you will keep looking at their faces and being angry with them.

Fortunately, I often live in the dormitory, and I am a boy. No matter what they do, they have to take care of the family rules and dare not do anything to me, but my sister is different.

Even if Chen Dajun's matter can be avoided this time, what will happen in the future? As long as Zhou Huakang and sister are not serious, there will definitely be another political marriage. What will sister do when the time comes?

We have lived in the Tian family for so many years, and I should know what kind of character those people are. Next time, they probably won't use such a gentle attitude.

I don’t want my sister’s life to be ruined in their hands just because I don’t want them to take advantage. In comparison, I still think it’s more important for my sister to have a happy life. "

"I will let myself have a happy life..." Tian Tian looked at his brother seriously, "Zhou Huakang has promised to help me, and I have no dream of actually marrying him.

However, I will definitely change myself into a free person when this matter is over. As long as you give me time, I will definitely be able to do it. Brother, you have to believe me.

When I really get everything that belongs to me, I will be able to protect me. To be realistic, even if I don't fight for anything and leave the Tian family, we may not be happy.

Life always requires various external conditions. We leave and don't fight anymore, but some people won't believe it and won't let us live a free and easy life.

Therefore, brother, you must fight, and you must fight with all your strength, whether it is for my mother, for me, or for the suffering and unfair treatment we have suffered, we must fight! "r1152 ()

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