Second update.


"It's my fault that I guessed it. Tell me the answer yourself. Let me see if my guess is accurate, okay? Tell me quickly..." Chu Xia shook Zhou Mikang's arm ruthlessly, forcing him to The other person answers himself.

Zhou Mikang was unmoved: "It's better if you tell me the answer and let me see how well you know me."

"I hate it..." Chu Xia rolled his eyes at her, "You still ask me about such a thing, aren't you saying that you want to let me and pamper me? Do I dare to believe you?"

Zhou Mikang: "..." Where is this?

"Hehe..." Looking at the speechless look on the other party's face, Chu Xia smiled proudly, "I'm telling you clearly that you can't reason with women. Be obedient and tell me what you think."

The tired look of his little wife was not annoying in Zhou Mikang's eyes, but she felt particularly cute. So, he answered the other party truthfully: "Of course I am happy. Didn't you realize that since we confirmed the wedding date, my Do you grin from the corner of your mouth to your ears every day?"

"Yes, yes, you admitted this yourself, I didn't force you..." Chu Xia said while gently stroking her belly, "Baby, did you hear what your father said? From now on, you have to do it for me. Mom testified.”

There is a black thread on Zhou Mikang's end. What else is there to prove? Is it possible that he will still default on his debt? Speaking of which, he has always been true to his word. Since he admitted it personally, there is absolutely no possibility of going back on it.

Moreover, the fact is this. In his opinion at the time, it was not easy to marry a young wife, and it was even more difficult to make his young wife fall in love with him.

Now it seems that he is doing well, and his wife's attitude towards him has changed. Much faster than he expected.

After breakfast the next day, the whole family went to the Gua Photo Studio. After Chu Xia expressed the idea of ​​going to take pictures with Zhou Mikang. Zhao Yulan

After discussing with Lin Baohe, they decided to go together with the whole family. Take a family photo by the way.

Then, we went to Lao Yin’s house to eat sweet potato stew, which we never forget in early summer.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Mikang embarked on his return journey. He had to lead the team for training in the evening and could not delay it any longer.


Are you and Xiaomi hiding something from us? "After the car left, Zhao Yulan pulled her daughter to the room and asked in a low voice. "When you talk to your mother, you are not allowed to hide it from your mother. "

Chu Xia blinked her big eyes: "There is nothing to hide, mother, you are overthinking."

"You're lying at first glance..." Zhao Yulan sighed, "Why do we have to follow him? It's because we felt something was wrong since Xiaomi came here yesterday.

Your grandpa guessed that Xiaomi might be going on a mission. Xia, tell your mother, is this the case? Also, when you give birth to the baby, will he be able to come back? "

Since you have already guessed it. Chu Xia didn't want to hide it anymore, so she thought about it and said, "Mom, the specific time for the mission has not been decided yet, but it is basically certain that it will not take too long, so when the babies are born, he will Some* are already on a mission.

But don't worry, Mom, Zhou Mixang will be fine, because he is familiar with the place and has done enough homework. Only then will it be his turn again, mother. The son-in-law is so capable and bringing glory to the country. Are you particularly proud? "

Zhao Yulan, who had already begun to shed tears, was so angry that she poked her daughter on the forehead: "You naughty child, if you were talking to outsiders, my mother would definitely say you are proud. We are all family members, what are you pretending to be?"

Of course my mother knew that as a soldier, it was her duty to protect her family and country, but at this time, how could she be willing to watch her son-in-law leave? You said..." Choking, Zhao Yulan couldn't continue.

"Mom, we can't think of the worst. Besides, if this person thinks of the worst in everything, he will be in trouble. You have to believe in him and his abilities.

Just think about it, he went through so many things in the past, and he came back unscathed? This time, with the baby and our whole family caring about him, he couldn't let himself get into trouble.

Of course, the injury last time was an accident, and it will definitely not happen now. By the way, there is another thing Zhou Mikang asked me to talk to my mother about. Brother Qiliang also wants to go, but Zhou Mikang wants him to stay.

Mom, you'd better discuss it with your uncle and aunt to see what they want. After all, Brother Qiliang has just gotten married and Xiaoqiong has just become pregnant. If he stays, everyone can have a backbone. "

"This matter is quite thoughtful. When it comes to you, why don't you think carefully?" Zhao Yulan pointed to her daughter's belly, "You still have two people here."

"Mom, isn't the situation different? If he was just a small platoon leader and company commander, he would definitely stay with me. The functions are different, so there have to be trade-offs..." Chu Xia smiled flatteringly, " Mom is the most reasonable, so don’t make things difficult for me."

"Who is making things difficult for you?" Zhao Yulan rolled her eyes at her, "Forget it, you have decided for yourselves. It's useless for me to say anything. When your grandpa guessed this yesterday, I said it was impossible, hey!"

Before Zhou Mikang returned to City A, Li Aiyuan received a call from Zhao Yulan. As soon as she heard that her son was going on a mission, Li Aiyuan, who was making soup for her daughter-in-law, sat down on the ground.

Luo Xiaoqiong happened to be resting at home, so he hurriedly stepped forward to help her: "Mom, what's wrong with you? Take a rest when you are tired. I'm not hungry. You let me drink so much nutritious food all day long. When I give birth, I will He’s as fat as a pig.”

Li Aiyuan slowly turned her head and looked at her daughter-in-law: "Xiaoqiong, what if Qiliang goes on a mission?"

"Ah?" After being stunned for a moment, Luo Xiaoqiong understood, and her expression changed instantly. Of course she understood the meaning of the mission. At this time, who among the people in the country didn't know about the war situation on the border, let alone her?

Her hand unconsciously touched her abdomen, and her lips wriggled twice, but not a single word came out. She found that she didn't know what to say, and she said she wouldn't let her go, but there seemed to be something wrong. She said she wanted to go, but she didn't want to in her heart. …

As soon as Li Aiyuan saw her daughter-in-law's expression, she understood what she was thinking, so she stood up and patted the dirt on her butt, and looked at her daughter-in-law seriously: "Xiaoqiong, mother knows that she cannot stop Qiliang's progress, but in the current situation, he can't Come on, you stay at home while mother goes to the station to find him."

"Mom..." Luo Xiaoqiong grabbed her, "You'd better discuss it with dad first. If dad agrees, you can go. If dad doesn't agree..." She bit her lip, "Then let Qiliang do it himself. Make a choice, don’t force him.”

"I know very well what kind of temper your father is. If you ask him, he will definitely agree with Qiliang to go on the mission..." After a pause, Li Aiyuan made up her mind, "Xiaoqiong, you can't ask your father about this matter, just leave it alone." , Mom will take care of it, you stay at home and wait until Mom comes back to cook dinner for you."

"Okay." Luo Xiaoqiong was already in a mess. After answering, she sat there in a daze. Looking at her daughter-in-law, Li Aiyuan sighed and walked out the door.

At this moment, Zhou Hanliang also needed to make a decision.

This time, Zhou Mikang also suggested that he stay. It was really inappropriate to leave just after getting married, especially when the relationship with the Jun family had just eased.

After having been with Zhou Mikang for these years, how could Zhou Hanliang stay?

However, the division commander Tongzi issued a death order. If Jun Doudou's family did not agree, he would not take him with him. He had no choice but to go to Jun's family for advice.

Of course Jun's father had no problem. As soon as his son-in-law proposed it, he immediately agreed. In his position, he had to agree whether he wanted to or not.

Lan Ailian looked embarrassed. Originally, she was a little dissatisfied with this son-in-law, especially when he married her daughter so early. She couldn't accept it, but her daughter made up her mind and she figured it out. , I feel that as long as my daughter is happy, anything will be fine.

But when it came time to face it, she found that it was too difficult to make this decision!

Jun Doudou had long thought of fearing for a day, but her mood was similar to that of Lan Ailian.

Guoguo didn't quite understand this. Seeing that her mother and sister were silent, she also kept silent.

The room fell into an eerie silence for an instant.

There is no need to explain the truth at all. Everyone's struggles are clear. Therefore, Zhou Hanliang had no choice but to sit there in silence. He couldn't tell what he felt in his heart.

On one side is his good brother who has fought side by side for many years, and on the other side is his newly married wife. Even he can't tell which is more important, but he keeps telling himself in his heart that he cannot be a deserter, so this scene No matter how difficult it is, he must face it.

Jun's father sighed and looked at his mothers: "Don't embarrass Han Liang. As a soldier, if he chooses to give up at this time, he may regret it for the rest of his life. If I need to rush forward, I will not do anything. Without hesitation.”

Zhou Hanliang was very grateful for his father-in-law's clear support for him, but he did not dare to show it at all, otherwise, his mother-in-law and his wife would feel even more uncomfortable...

"How is it? Do you agree or not?" Not long after Zhou Mikang returned to the office, Zhou Hanliang came in. He glanced at him and asked.

"Agreed." Zhou Hanliang sighed and sat across from the teacher Zongzi, "Sir, what was your sister-in-law's mood like when you discussed it with her?"

"Do you think she will be very happy?" Zhou Mikang glanced at him sideways, "How dare you ask such a mentally retarded question?"

"Hey..." Zhou Hanliang sighed heavily, "My mother-in-law has always been silent. Later, it was Doudou who expressed his support for my decision and persuaded her to support it too.

To be honest, I felt like a knife cutting through my heart at the time. I could clearly see the insincerity of her words when she persuaded my mother-in-law, but I really couldn't let myself be a coward.

So, Commander, no matter what this time, I will go with you. Let’s use this strength on those bastards! "(To be continued) ()

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