First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 992: Persistence/Asking for Help

The two chapters come together.


Lin Chuchun stayed for two days and was about to go back. No matter how hard Chuxia's family tried to persuade him to stay, Lin Baohe had no choice but to put him on the train back to the county.

"Uncle Third, I don't want..." Before getting on the bus, Lin Baohe handed Lin Chuchun 30 yuan, but the other party refused to take anything. "You bought the ticket for me. When we get to the county, I can just walk back. My third aunt has prepared all the dry food for me, I have no place to spend money."

"Chu Chun, if you don't call me second uncle now, but call me third uncle, you have to listen to me..." Lin Baohe forced the money into his hand, "When you get to the county and take the car back, don't you want to take the college entrance examination?" You have to buy a pen or something, right? Take it!"

"Third uncle..." Lin Chuchun was a little hesitant. When Lin Baohe said this, he felt that he really needed some money, but he was embarrassed to give birth to him.

Why did he change his name automatically?

He just wanted to show through this that he came to visit the other party not to gain advantage through his previous relationship, but that he really cared about the other party. However, if he took the money...

"Big man, what are you talking about?" Lin Baohe glared at him, rubbed his head with his foot, "I understand your thoughts, but Chuchun, if you know the difference so clearly, how can you still communicate with each other?

In the hearts of your third aunt and I, you are our nephew. You used to stop Chu Qiu from bullying Chu Xia. Although you sometimes fought with Chu Xia, it was all because of her ignorance.

Third uncle knows how you treat third uncle and third aunt's family. If it weren't for being too close to us, you wouldn't be disliked by the family. If you continue to be such a heretic, you would be sincerely burying third uncle. "

"Third uncle, I accepted it." Lin Chuchun obediently put the money into his pocket, "Third uncle, don't worry, I will definitely not spend it frivolously. When I make money, I will definitely be filial to my third uncle!"

"That's right." Lin Baohe looked at him with a look of reluctance, "You're a stubborn kid too, and it's not like you don't have a place to live. What if you stay a little longer? It just so happens that I can still tutor you in early summer. You said you... Why……"

"Third uncle, if my sister is only a few months old now, I can just stay. She has such a big belly now and has to go to school, so how can she worry more?" Waving his hand, Lin Chuchun looked at Lin Baohe seriously, " Don’t worry, Third Uncle, I have a good foundation and can pass the exam. Besides, if I don’t know something, I can ask the teacher.”

"Okay, Third Uncle won't advise you anymore..." Sighing, Lin Baohe patted him on the shoulder, "Remember, if you encounter any problems that cannot be solved, write to Third Uncle."

Lin Chuchun nodded: "I will."

"Hey..." Lin Baohe sighed again, "You kid, you are too stubborn. You came all the way and suffered so much to come here, and then you went back in such a hurry..."

"Third uncle..." Lin Chuchun interrupted him and grinned, "Actually, my trip here is very worthwhile. I saw Tiananmen and climbed the Great Wall. It really broadened my horizons.

Anyway, after I came to the capital and walked around, I felt that my heart was much more open than before, and I no longer bothered with all the messy things my parents and grandparents were doing.

That feeling is..." After a pause, he continued, "I just feel like I have suddenly changed as a person, and I also know what I should do in the future, unlike before, I just messed around. "

After Lin Baohe returned home, he imitated Lin Chuchun's words with his wife and daughter. The two looked at each other and couldn't stop laughing. How dare you, I have been completely transformed in the past two days?

"If Chuchun sees you like this, I will be very sad." Lin Baohe looked at the couple helplessly, "My children are serious, how can you laugh at others like this?"

"Dad..." Chu Xia quickly waved her hands, "I'm not a joker, I'm just happy, of course..." She giggled, "I also think what he said is a bit exaggerated. I believe it opened my eyes, but if I say I thought everything clearly at once,

I really don't believe it.

He said this mainly to reassure his father. Of course, I believe it is true that he said that he had thought about it and found the right direction, but the premise should be that he had been thinking about these things for a long time.

It's just that I hadn't figured it out before. After I came to the capital, I saw some things, and then I learned the news that Sister Qihui had passed the exam and came here. I was inspired to straighten it out. It's true. "

"Xia is right, but no matter what, it's worth being happy that this child in Chuchun is like this..." After hesitating, Zhao Yulan looked at her daughter, "Although he said he didn't want to be a soldier anymore, But to be sent back like that is too bullying. Besides, keeping people like that in the army is simply harmful to people."

"Mom, I will tell Zhou Mikang about this. We really can't just let it go. Even if the early spring is gone, we can't just suffer the loss of being dumb, let alone let others in the future suffer the loss of being dumb again."

"That's right, if we know this kind of thing, we should talk to Xiaomi..." Lin Baohe looked at his daughter seriously, "Keeping such people in the army is simply embarrassing the soldiers, but we can't let such people Rat droppings spoil the whole pot of porridge.”

Listening to her father and mother constantly emphasizing the importance of this matter, Chu Xia smiled helplessly: "Father, mother, don't worry, Zhou Mixang will definitely take care of it."

"Yes, I know Xiaomi will take care of it, isn't this just talk..." Lin Baohe smiled sheepishly, "Dad is not afraid that Xiaomi will not care, but... is afraid that Xiaomi will misunderstand our relationship with Dalin Village. "

"What could he possibly misunderstand? Lin Chuchun is different from the others, and it's not like he doesn't know..." Chu Xia looked at her father with a wry smile, "I am your daughter, and you don't even believe me? "

"No, no..." Lin Baohe waved his hands repeatedly, "After living in Dalin Village for so many years, even if I broke off the relationship with your grandparents, I still think about it. I know this kind of thoughts of my own, and I can't help but think If you explain more and say something unpleasant, you have a guilty conscience.”

"..." Chu Xia had a black thread at one end: "What you mean is that if time passes, it's possible for Dad to forget about it and still care about those people as before?"

"No, no, no..." Lin Baohe denied repeatedly, "How could dad be so confused and worry about everything? It's not like he didn't know what they had done.

To put it bluntly, if I were a narrow-minded person, not only would I not care about them, but I would hate them for the rest of my life. To put it bluntly, the death of your grandparents back then was basically caused by them.

But not only were they ungrateful, they also took their property and abused their son. If it hadn't happened that what they did back then was exposed, there's no telling whether their father would have let them die. "

Chu Xia felt relieved: "It's good that Dad still remembers this. Some people, no matter how good you are to them, they will take it for granted and will not appreciate your kindness."

"Dad knows..." Lin Baohe looked at his wife with soft eyes, "Fortunately I met your mother, otherwise, dad would not be sure what kind of life he would live now."

"God is fair..." Zhao Yulan smiled, "When you marry me, my parents will treat you as their own son. Doesn't it just make up for what you lack?"

"Yes, yes..." Lin Baohe nodded repeatedly, "That's why I have always regarded my two elders as my biological parents. The way we interact with each other is that people change people's hearts."

Mrs. Zhao and Mr. Zhao came in just in time to hear Lin Baohe's words. The old couple looked at each other with happy smiles on their faces. Regardless of whether they were satisfied or not with their daughter's choice, they were glad that they were not judgmental parents-in-law. Because The original cause has the current effect.

It's not that they are like this because they have benefited from their daughters, but that only in this way can their daughters live a happier life. As parents, don't they want their children to live a happy life?

In the afternoon, Chu Xia went to school for two classes and came back. She saw sisters Fang Jingzi and Fang Jingyi sitting in the hall chatting animatedly with Mrs. Zhao Yulan and Mrs. Zhao. She smiled and said hello: "Third sister-in-law, sister Jingyi, what's wrong with you?" Did it blow over?"

Fang Jingzi smiled: "I haven't seen you for a few days, I miss you..." As she spoke, the two sisters stood up and came over to greet her, supporting her on the left and right. Chu Xia smiled helplessly, "Don't be like this It’s just like helping a disabled person, I’m fine.”

"What you said..." Fang Jingzi glared at her helplessly, "Our actions are just out of habit. It expresses our missing and closeness to you. Let you say this..." She shook her head and said nothing. Go on.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault."

"It's your fault in the first place. We are very close to each other in terms of titles, but you always treat us as outsiders in your heart..." Fang Jingzi reached out and touched her belly, "Do you feel uncomfortable when you sleep at night?"

"Fortunately, you just have to be careful when turning over. My mother is sleeping with me these days..." Chu Xia said while sighing, "Just look at the dark circles under my mother's eyes. I said it's okay, but she insisted. I wanted to go over and accompany her, but I couldn't sleep well all night, for fear that she wouldn't hear me when I went to the toilet. In fact, I can do nothing by myself now."

"Be careful and you won't make a big mistake..." Zhao Yulan said as she stood up, "You sisters, let's talk. I'll go to the garden to pick some fresh vegetables. We'll make dumplings for dinner tonight. Jingzi Jingyi, you guys are not allowed to leave."

"Don't worry, Third Aunt, we will definitely not leave." Fang Jingzi joked with a smile, "Third Aunt's craftsmanship is so good, she would not leave even if she tried to force us to leave, let alone sincerely keep us."

"If you really think my craftsmanship is good, you will come here more often in the future, but..." Zhao Yulan looked at the two sisters with a smile, "I will ask you to help me when making dumplings later, but don't think I'm bossing people around."

"Third Aunt, that's what we like about you. You don't treat us as outsiders at all. You want us to come here to eat and drink for free. We are really embarrassed to come here often..." Fang Jingyi said and stood up and took Zhao Yulan's arm, "I I’ll accompany you to pick vegetables, and let my sister chat with Chu Xia.”

Judging from what she said, Fang Jingzi must have something to do with her daughter, and Zhao Yulan responded happily.

Aunt Qin went to the market to buy meat, and Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao went to Wan Lao's place. In a blink of an eye, Chu Xia and Fang Jingzi were left in the hall. "Third sister-in-law, tell me what you have to say," Chu Xia said.

"Has your third brother been here recently?" Fang Jingzi asked after hesitation.

"No." Chu Xia shook her head, "Third sister-in-law hasn't seen third brother recently? Is there something wrong between you two?"

"I don't know either..." Fang Jingzi frowned and said apologetically, "You are already so old, and I am still bothering you. I'm quite embarrassed, but I'm not with the Lin family. You are the most familiar with it, and I was afraid that if I delayed it any longer, I wouldn't be able to solve it, so I had no choice but to come here shamelessly."

"What are you talking about..." Chu Xia glared at her dissatisfied, "I have already called you third sister-in-law, and you are still so polite to me. Isn't it too shameful? Tell me what happened."

"The problem is, I don't know what happened between me and your third brother..." Sighing, Fang Jingzi said, "You also know that when I get along with your third brother, I have always taken care of him. Some.

After all, I am several years older than him, and I am used to this pattern. Therefore, for a long time, no matter what happens, he seeks my opinion, I give him suggestions, and then the two of us discuss and decide.

He never had any objections to this, and even told me that he was lucky to have found a good wife like me who could give him some pertinent advice instead of just being a yes-man.

But since two months ago, he suddenly hated me for helping him make decisions. He even quarreled with me a few times because I gave him advice. I asked him what the problem was, and he said there was no problem. .

At the beginning, I thought that maybe he was in a bad mood and it was just right, so he was so easily irritable. But after two months, he was still in that state, and I felt something was wrong.

You also know that we have agreed to get married in October. Some time ago, he always looked forward to the days together after marriage, but now, he doesn't even mention it.

At the beginning, I warned myself not to be too sensitive and think too much, but after such a long time, I couldn’t tolerate not thinking too much. No matter what the problem was, whether he wanted to marry me or not, as long as he told me the truth, I would accepted.

Early summer, I have been holding this in my mind for a long time. I was embarrassed to trouble you because I was worried about you being pregnant. However, my sister woke me up yesterday. If I keep putting it off like this, it will get worse. That day, I thought I had nothing to regret.

Moreover, if I let you know the reason why I hesitated to tell you, you would definitely not be happy. So, after thinking about it all night, Jingyi and I came over.

In early summer, if Lin Wenjie comes over these days, please help me ask him what happened. If he falls in love with someone else, I won't hold him back. Fate cannot be forced. Let him rest assured. "

"Third sister-in-law, you are already engaged. Third brother is not the kind of person who is always in a hurry. I guess there must be some misunderstanding..." After a pause, Chu Xia said, "Well, I will give it to third brother now." Call him and ask him to come over for dinner tonight and you two can have a good talk, okay?"

"I don't want to talk to him..." Fang Jingzi rejected Chu Xia's proposal without thinking, "I asked him to talk before, and he always said it was nothing, but afterwards, he still went his own way.

I think he has something to hide and is too embarrassed to tell me, so he doesn’t have to tell me in person, Chu Xia, please excuse me, okay? "

"Okay." The other party said this, and Chu Xia couldn't hold on any longer, so she readily agreed. To be honest, she liked Fang Jingzi very much, and she didn't want the relationship between the other party and Lin Wenjie to end like this, so , if she can help the other party, she will be very happy.

"Third sister-in-law, I know very well how torturous the waiting process is. Let's do this. I'm going to call third brother now and ask him why. If he doesn't tell me, I'll ask the eldest brother and ask him to find out. Okay? good?"

After hesitating for a moment, Fang Jingzi nodded in agreement.

Lin Wenjie was surprised when he received Chu Xia's call.

Lin Wenjie felt very close to this little cousin who had returned halfway. However, the little cousin had always been close to his eldest brother. Although he and his fourth brother were close to him, they had never taken the initiative to contact him.

Chu Xia didn't talk in circles with him and asked straightforwardly what she wanted to ask.

After being stunned for a long time, Lin Wenjie said, "She went to find you?"

"Yes." Chu Xia admitted frankly, "If it weren't for the fact that there was nothing else I could do, Third Sister-in-law wouldn't have come to me. You can probably imagine how difficult it would be to say something like this. If Third Brother really took me seriously, She’s my sister, just tell me everything, okay?”

"I..." Lin Wenjie hesitated and remained silent for a long time.

"Third Brother, no matter what the reason is, I have always respected Third Brother."

Lin Wenjie had a black line on his face, was he trying to provoke him?

In fact, during this period of time, he was also suffering a lot in his heart. He had made a decision, but no one dared to say it, including his parents, because he knew that if he said it, everyone would definitely stop him.

As for his fiancée, of course he knows how she feels, and he feels very distressed. However, what he hopes more is that if one day, something really happens, she will not be too sad because of her disappointment.

"It's okay." Lin Wenjie gritted his teeth and said to Chu Xia.

"It's okay, you can't do this to third sister-in-law. Since third brother doesn't believe me, I won't force you to ask more questions. Let's do this. I'll call eldest brother later..."

"No, no, no, no..." Lin Wenjie said anxiously, "Chu Xia, don't go to the eldest brother, it's the third brother who begs you, okay?"

"Third brother, I was forced."

Lin Wenjie: "..."

"Third brother, goodbye."

Before Lin Wenjie could come to his senses, the call had been hung up. He was stunned and hurriedly called his younger cousin. What a joke, if the other party found his eldest brother, and he had tried so hard to hide it for so long, wouldn't it be in vain? !

After hanging up the phone, Chu Xia didn't really call Lin Wenbin right away. Ten seconds later, the ringing tone rang. A smile appeared on her lips. After waiting for three seconds, she answered the phone: "Hello."

"Chu Xia, it's me..." Lin Wenjie on the other end of the phone had a bitter look on his face. Hearing his little cousin's serious greeting, he really didn't know what to say. She was just trying to provoke him. Is it necessary to look like this?

Well, knowing that the other party is provoking him, he still has to take the move, which is really depressing...

Seeing Chu Xia coming out of the room, Fang Jingzi looked at her anxiously and expectantly. At the beginning of this relationship, she was a little repelled. After all, the other party was several years younger than her. She was not sure that the other party was hot-headed. She still really likes him, but after being together for so long, she has unknowingly fallen into it, otherwise, she would not agree to get engaged to him.

Now that something like this suddenly happened, she said that the other party wanted to let go and that she would not persist, but in her heart she was very, very afraid that the speculation would become reality...

"Third sister-in-law..." Chu Xia sat next to Fang Jingzi and looked at her with soft eyes, "I can tell you for sure that third brother has not changed his mind, nor has he fallen in love with anyone else."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Fang Jingzi asked: "What next?"

"Then..." Biting her lip, Chu Xia looked serious, "If the third brother wants to do something very dangerous, will you stop him, or will you support him?"

Fang Jingzi straightened up unconsciously: "He... wants to go to the front line?"

Chu Xia nodded: "Yes, but the Lin family doesn't know it yet, so when I threatened him to find my eldest brother, he had no choice but to tell me the truth."

After being silent for a while, Fang Jingzi asked: "Why...why did he do this?"

"He doesn't want all the burden to fall on his eldest brother, and he doesn't like the way his second brother handles things, nor does he like the way his second uncle handles things.

In order to prevent the Lin family's right to speak from becoming too complicated in the future, he said that he must work hard. He also said that it is very difficult to make this determination, but he hopes that he can really protect you from wind and rain in the future, not just for everything. Let you worry about him. "

"In other words, he actually minds if I give him ideas?"

"No, I specifically asked him if that was the reason, and he said no. He just feels sorry for you and doesn't want you to have such a difficult life because of him."

Sighing, Fang Jingzi said: "I don't feel uncomfortable. I like this feeling. It makes me feel that I am still useful. I am not like others said, just because of his background, I am with him. of."

"Or maybe there's still a lack of communication between you. Anyway, that's what I asked. He also said that I hope you can forgive him. During this period, he doesn't want to contact you.

Of course, these are his exact words. As for what Third Sister-in-law wants to do, Third Sister-in-law naturally has to make her own decision..." Chu Xia patted her hand encouragingly, "No matter what Third Sister-in-law plans to do, I support it. "

"Chu Xia, please tell your third aunt that you're sorry..." Fang Jingzi stood up, "I have to go find Lin Wenjie now. Jingyi, please tell her and let her go home after dinner. .”

"Okay." Chu Xia smiled playfully at the other party, "I guess we will be able to eat the wedding candies from the third brother and the third sister-in-law soon."

"I hope so." Fang Jingzi smiled at her and trotted out the door.

After the other party left, Chu Xia frowned. This was no small matter. Since she already knew, shouldn't she hide it from her eldest brother?

But...thinking about her promise to Lin Wenjie, she felt a little hesitant...

After pondering for a while, someone finally came up with a solution - what is the teacher's tube for? No use, no use! R1152

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