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Mr. Wan's words made the smile on Sister-in-law Yin's face deeper. At the same time, it also made Sun Shiqing's expression darker. Everyone knew what she had been thinking. Now, Mr. Wan asked her to call Sister-in-law Yin as sister-in-law in front of her. , her face is really unbearable...

Seeing her discomfort, Sister-in-law Yin took the initiative to sit next to her and held her hand affectionately: "Sister, I have not had an easy life before, so I especially understand your suffering. I am accompanying Wan Lao here today. I’m definitely not here to make fun of you, nor am I trying to declare something to you, but I sincerely hope to help you.”

"I..." Sun Shiqing lowered his head and really didn't know what to say. Could she say that she originally wanted to borrow some money from Wan Lao? Or can she say that she actually hopes that the other party can take more care of her and help her out so that she can continue to stay in the capital?

She was a single woman, going to an unfamiliar place alone. God knew how scared she was. However, if she continued to stay, one day she would be beaten to death by that bastard Wang Aigui!

Seeing that she was still hesitating, Sister-in-law Yin continued: "If you have any difficulties, just tell me. We are both women. Although our experiences cannot be said to be the same, there are similarities. I am accompanying Wan Lao here today because I want to help sincerely." you.

If you feel that I am uncomfortable here, I can't leave. After all, I am now married to Wan Lao, and the previous rumors about you and Wan Lao are there again. If I avoid it, I will have no regard for you or Wan Lao. good. "

"Sister-in-law..." Sun Shiqing turned to look at Sister-in-law Yin, his eyes full of apology and guilt, "I'm sorry, I did so badly before, and you still treat me like this, I... I really don't have the face to face you. "

"Hey!" Sister-in-law Yin sighed, "You are also afraid of being bullied. You hope you can have a stable life. I don't blame you."

"Yes, I really scared him..." Sun Shiqing rolled up his sleeves, revealing the bruises on his arms, "It was all because of him. He is really such a bastard, he only hits places covered by clothes. , my body is all like this.

In the past, he could still control his strength a little, but now, he is getting more and more cruel. I am afraid that if I continue like this, I will die in his hands sooner or later. Although I feel that living is boring, I will not let him beat me to death like this. willingly.

Sister-in-law, I won’t hide it from you. Among the people I know in this area, the only one who is really willing to help me is your Wanlao family. Otherwise,

I won’t be shameless enough to hang around your house again.

Really, the only person I can turn to is Wan Lao. I have a cousin in Province H. I heard from her that the farm there hires people. I want to go to her place, but..." She bit her lip in embarrassment, "But Wang Aigui stole all my money, so..."

"How much do you need?" Sister-in-law Yin took out her wallet from her pocket, "I think I only brought more than a hundred yuan, is it enough?" She said and looked at Wan Lao, "Have you brought any money there?"


Wan Lao has a black streak on his head. Is his wife too happy? It's not that he cares about money, it's just that, after all, what Sun Shiqing did before was not honorable enough. He is still a little speechless that his wife can forgive him so quickly and help him willingly.

However, on the other hand, wasn't it because he was willing to marry the other person because he took a fancy to the other person's kindness?

Sun Shiqing waved his hands repeatedly: "It doesn't have to be that much, just fifty is enough. I asked and the ticket was more than thirty yuan. When I just went there, I had no wages, so I had to save one and a half months' living expenses, and then I could pick up the train. .

Don't worry, sister-in-law, when I pay my salary, I will save a part every month, and at the end of the year, I will definitely return it to you with interest. "

"Look at you, you don't know what's going on over there. Why are you in such a hurry to talk about repaying the money?" Aunt Yin looked at her seriously, "When you get there, check the situation first. If it doesn't work, come back." , after all, I have lived in the capital for so many years, I am more familiar with it than there, and I have more friends than there.

When the time comes, don't you just stop living here? As for your ex-husband, it's impossible for him to know your whereabouts as clearly as a spy, right? "

"Sister-in-law..." Sun Shiqing really didn't know what to say at this moment. She never expected that Sister-in-law Yin would treat her like this. The moment she saw her, she really felt that she was here to laugh at her. .

In her heart, she even felt resentful towards Sister-in-law Yin. Why could she be favored by Wan Lao even though she was not as young and good-looking as her?

Moreover, she had already inquired that Mrs. Yin first worked as Wan Lao's nanny before she had the opportunity to be Wan Lao's wife. So speaking of it, the other party's background was no better than hers.

This is also the real source of her unwillingness.

But now, now that she was really getting along with the other person, she realized how wrong she was. How could a wise man like Wan Lao marry just anyone?

"Xiao Sun, live a good life in the future and don't do wrong things again..." Wan Lao sighed and looked at Sun Shiqing seriously, "I know you have no ill intentions towards me, you are just forced to do so by life. Even if you make such a move, you can only be respected if you stand upright and act straight.

If your sister-in-law hadn't insisted on coming to see you this time, I would have stopped meddling in your affairs, and I wouldn't even have planned to meddle in your affairs in the future. It was originally a well-intentioned thing, but it ended up causing so much trouble for no reason. Do you think I will still dare to take care of you in the future?

However, what your sister-in-law did just now made me reflect on myself. People cannot stop eating because of choking, and it is impossible to allow others not to make mistakes. However, the key is that knowing mistakes can be corrected.

As long as you can live an upright life in the future and live a serious life, we will definitely not sit idly by if you need our help. After all, it is not easy for you.

If you don’t want to leave the capital, you can still stay. We can contact you about your job. As for your husband, if he comes to find you again and beats you again, you can call the police as soon as possible. This time, he will definitely not Let him out easily. "

A hint of surprise flashed in Sun Shiqing's eyes, but thinking of Sister-in-law Yin's attitude towards her, she was really embarrassed to accept the other party's help so calmly, so she refused: "Wan Lao, I'd better go to my cousin's place first.

After all, I have made mistakes before. If you step in to help now, you will inevitably not let others make irresponsible remarks, especially Wang Aigui. Even though he is a man, he is talkative and shameless. He can say anything. Let me tell you, you and your sister-in-law have been so good to me, I can't hurt you anymore. "

Wan Lao nodded: "Okay, then you should go to Province H first. If you really can't stay here, just do what your sister-in-law said and come back to find a job and live a down-to-earth life. From now on, you can treat us as your brothers." Sister-in-law."

"You..." Chu Xia looked at Aunt Yin with a speechless expression. She felt that she would never have the kind of ambitions that Aunt Yin and Mr. Wan had in her life.

Especially Sister-in-law Yin, who was provoked by the other party before, but now she can help so sincerely. Isn't it too easy to talk to? The key is, will there be a story about the farmer and the snake?

"Don't look at me like this, as if I'm an idiot..." Sister-in-law Yin sighed, reaching out to rub Chu Xia's head, "I'm not born without a temper, but I know very well what Sun Shiqing's life is like.

Let's put it this way, before I was transferred to Wan Lao, my life was pretty much the same as hers. The only difference was that I didn't have a husband who beat me up all day long when he had nothing to do.

However, other people’s opinions and gossips are the same. In fact, I don’t dare to talk to any man, even if we just get along at work, I will be misunderstood..."

"Aunt Yin, Sun Shiqing is different from you..." Chu Xia interrupted her, "First, she took the initiative to approach Grandpa Wan and wanted to cause sabotage even though she knew that Grandpa Wan had a fiancée.

Second, even if someone gossips occasionally, it is because she is not careful enough. If she can behave like you, no one will gossip about her.

Based on the above two points, you should not put her situation and your situation together at all. They are completely different, okay? Don’t you think you are too much of a good person?

The same goes for Grandpa Wan. He suffered a loss from her once, so why did he listen to you and help her? You said you were confused, but why was he confused too? No, I have to warn him later..."

"What nonsense are you talking about..." Zhao Yulan interrupted her daughter helplessly, "People of your age must deal with things differently from people of our age.

When you reach this age, you will understand why Mrs. Yin did what she did. Okay, don't worry about it blindly. Your Grandpa Wan has already decided on this matter, so that's it. "

Although she was full of unwillingness, Chu Xia had no choice but to listen to her mother. She had no choice but to do it. If she disobeyed, my mother would not let her go to school... It was so bullying. She was pregnant. How could she be bullied like this... …

Moreover, she firmly believed that she was right. Why was she so polite to a mistress who wanted to destroy her family? Shouldn't people be responsible for the wrong things they do? Why do you have to sympathize with others if you want others to sympathize with you?

Went to school in the afternoon. Chu Xia shared her thoughts with several little sisters and got unanimous approval from everyone. They all said that Mrs. Yin was so talkative that she was simply luring the wolf into the house!

"It's not that serious. The woman went to province H and can't break into the house." Chu Xia looked at Lin Mengran who was talking enthusiastically, "If you can break into the house like this, then this wolf must be a divine wolf." ”

"I was just making a metaphor, and I didn't really say that the other party was a wolf..." Lin Mengran rolled her eyes at her, "You only care about the elders in your family and don't care about me at all. You haven’t spoken to Zuo Jiang for a few days, didn’t you notice?” r1152

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