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One update.


"Sister Mei Li?" Chu Xia was surprised when she came home from school at noon and saw the woman sitting in the hall with a sweet smile. "When did you come here? Was it a business trip or a vacation?"

"Slow down..." Zeng Meili stood up and hurriedly met her to support her, "Look at how hairy you are..." Then she looked at Mrs. Zhao, "Grandma, you don't talk about her?"

"How can we not say it, but she can't change, what can we do?" Old Mrs. Zhao smiled helplessly, "Walking is just a trot. We are used to it now. Anyway, she is so old, she is not ignorant, dare to When you do this, you know what to do.”

"Grandma still understands me." Chu Xia said while blowing a kiss to the old lady. The old lady narrowed her eyes with a smile and said, "You are so skinny, you are not afraid of other people's jokes."

"Sister Meili is not an outsider..." Chu Xia said as she sat down next to Zeng Meili. "You haven't answered my question yet. Are you on a business trip or on vacation?"

"It's not a business trip or a vacation. I'm here to study. I'm going to stay here for a year." Zeng Meili smiled and rubbed her head. "Besides, I'm studying at your school. I plan to live at home during this period. You don’t find me annoying, do you?”

"Of course not..." Chu Xia looked surprised, "How come there was no news at all before?"

"I can give you a surprise, okay?"

"Okay, okay..." Chu Xia nodded repeatedly, hesitated, and asked, "Sister Meili, have you and your eldest brother decided on a wedding date?"

"No." Zeng Meili shook her head, with subtle bitterness flashing in her eyes, "I just didn't want to put too much pressure on him, so I decided to study for one year. At that time, it will be up to him to decide whether to get married or break up."

"Why is it like this?" Chu Xia frowned, "Have you ever asked me why? We didn't get along very well before, so what does it mean to be like this suddenly?"

"It's a psychological problem. He knows it himself. He wants to work hard to calm down, but the more he tries hard, the more anxious he becomes. At first, I thought he was acting like this because he had another woman in his heart, but after a period of observation, , I feel that I have wronged him.

Of course, I also asked him personally, and he said that he really didn't like any girl. He just felt worried when he thought about getting married.

Especially afraid of facing it.

I asked him why he didn't have this idea before, and he said that maybe it was because he watched several colleagues in the same department get married some time ago, which gave him a psychological shadow.

He said that he knew that I was not that kind of person, and he tried hard to persuade himself, but he just couldn't achieve peace of mind. He helped me win this learning opportunity and asked for my opinion.

I was quite angry at first, but when I saw how entangled he was, I felt that he was quite pitiful. Hey..." Sighing heavily, Zeng Meili said helplessly, "Who made me like him? So, just follow his wishes. What I hope is a lifetime of happiness, not a lifetime of harm caused by short-term persecution. "

After hesitating, Chu Xia asked: "Is the woman responsible for the marriage changes of my colleagues?"

"Well, there are two nurses, and they are both married, but..." Zeng Meili shook her head, "This matter has been suppressed by the higher authorities, but the two nurses and the doctor have been fired."

"Do I recognize him?"

"I don't know if you know the nurse, but you probably know the doctor. He is Director Zhang, the male doctor who has always been at odds with Director Song. He is tall and thin. Do you remember him?"

"He?" Chu Xia was speechless, "He usually looks like a very serious person, and I remember that a young nurse who was intern under him at that time was severely scolded by him because he had a boyfriend. It was said that the little nurse did not learn well at a young age and forced others to break up. We felt so sorry for the little nurse at that time. Do you think he was not slapping himself in the face by doing this? "

"Why was that little nurse you mentioned scolded?" Zeng Meili curled her lips, "It's because she was attracted by Director Zhang, but she didn't buy into Director Zhang's fault. Otherwise, how could he care about such nosy matters?"

"Uh..." Chu Xia really didn't know what to say at this moment.

"Of course, the two nurses this time took the initiative to seduce Director Zhang. Otherwise, they wouldn't have scared your brother like that. The two nurses have been following him during the operation. In his impression, they are both She is a very serious girl, so..." Zeng Meili spread her hands, "Do you understand now?"

"I remembered..." Chu Xia slapped her forehead fiercely, "I have an impression of the two nurses you mentioned. When I went to see my brother, they looked at me very coldly.

I always thought they were the kind of cold people, but now I understand, they probably liked me, but he didn’t buy their fault, so they fell into the arms of Director Zhang. As for their bad attitude towards me at the time, it was probably Have you misunderstood my relationship with my brother? "

"No matter what, it has become a thing of the past. The point is, the person they harmed is me..." Zeng Meili said with a bitter look on her face, "However, it is much better than your brother's falling in love with another person. It's just that your brother is like this His mental endurance is too poor, right? Just two nurses have made him afraid of marriage to this extent? "

"Zhou Mikang talked to him before we left, and he promised well. I didn't expect him to be like this again. No wonder he never answered my phone calls. He must be afraid that I would ask when we will get married.

Sister Meili..." Chu Xia looked at Zeng Meili seriously, "Do you want Zhou Mikang to persuade him again? They are all men, so they should be able to listen to it, right? "

"Forget it..." Zeng Meili shook her head, "If I wanted to ask Third Brother to persuade me, I would have gone to Third Brother at that time. I have figured it out, relationship matters cannot be forced, and what I persuade you will not be as good as what I want." .

Don't worry about me. Anyway, I want to calm myself down this year. If your brother's attitude is still like this in a year, I will make plans for myself.

I don't plan to wait for him all my life. Although I like him, I don't like him to the point where I have to be with him. I may find a man who is not as good as him in the future, but you can't force fate.

If I could be as good as you in early summer, he would definitely not have this attitude now. To put it bluntly, his feelings for me are still not deep enough. Otherwise, how could he have phobia of marriage? "

"Sister Meili..." Chu Xia looked at Zeng Meili worriedly, and the other party quickly waved her hand, "Don't get me wrong, I've known about his thoughts about you for a long time, but I also know that with your marriage to Zhou Mikang, After having a baby again, he has transformed his feelings for you into a true brother-sister relationship.

Of course, he still treats you differently, otherwise, he wouldn't be hiding and not daring to answer your calls. To put it bluntly, he is still afraid of disappointing you, but he doesn't want to force himself.

In early summer, I won’t be blindly jealous of this kind of thing. There are some things that you can try to match the day after tomorrow, but there are some things that are useless no matter how hard you try, such as appearance.

Men are visual animals, they satisfy the needs of their eyes, and then they pay attention to whether other aspects are suitable for them. Women, although they also want visual enjoyment, are more concerned about whether the other person loves them or not. , how deep the love is.

I am telling you this clearly, just in the hope that you will not avoid this matter, and do not misunderstand that I will have any dislike for you. In my opinion, this is a completely normal thing.

In fact, Jing Zhe himself understands that even if my brother showed up a few months later, he still wouldn't be able to make any progress with you. His character is there.

And to be honest, even without my brother, I don’t think you would like him. Speaking of things, he is still a little too hesitant. With your appearance and talents, you would still have trouble if you didn’t meet my third brother. Better men want you. "

"Sister Meili..." Chu Xia looked at Zeng Meili helplessly, "Are you sincerely trying to eliminate me by praising me so much?"

"What I told is the truth, what I think in my heart..." Zeng Meili looked at Mrs. Zhao and Mr. Zhao, "Grandpa Zhao, Grandma Zhao, do you think what I said makes sense?"

"Don't say anything." Mrs. Zhao shook her head, "How can we old guys understand these things about you young people? If you can't understand, how can you talk nonsense? Right old man?"

"Yes." Mr. Zhao nodded, "You can't talk nonsense about this matter. If people who don't understand mix things up with each other, they will become blind. You two can chat among yourselves. Let's go see how the food is cooked. How's it going?"

"Yeah, if I had known I wouldn't have asked them to be my backup..." Seeing the old couple hurried into the kitchen, Zeng Meili looked regretful, "Maybe they misunderstood that I deliberately wanted to drive them away."

"You're overthinking..." Chu Xia looked at her funny, "Sister Meili, my brother is afraid of marriage and you are suspicious. You two are really well matched."

"I'm not paranoid, I just suddenly reacted. It's really hard for me to ask them this. How do you want them to answer?" Zeng Meili spread her hands, "I don't care about my relationship with you. Just say you agree with me. It seems like I deliberately protect you and say I don’t agree with it, but I don’t want to give in. What else can I do except avoid it?”

"When will Sister Meili's classes start?" Not wanting to dwell on this issue anymore, Chu Xia changed the subject.

"Starting next week, our school will open a new part-time class, and those who come to study are young doctors from various military hospitals..." Zeng Meili smiled happily, "I looked at the list, and I seem to be the youngest."

Chu Xia also smiled happily: "From now on, I will have company when I go to school in the morning, so there is no need for my mother to go to see me off."

"How long do you plan to hold on?" He glanced at Chu Xia's already rounded belly, "I'm going to give birth in a little more than two months. Is it okay to keep running back and forth like this?" r1152

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