Second update arrived. 》.


After the marriage between Jing Zhe and Zeng Meili, Chu Xia really stayed in the capital and couldn't go anywhere. With an eight-month pregnant belly and twins, you can imagine how nervous everyone was.

However, she still persisted in class, not because she was worried about being left behind, but because she was too bored staying at home. Moreover, although her figure looked a bit scary, there was no obstacle to her movement.

However, there were more people around her overtly and covertly, and Chu Xia did not refuse. Regardless of the Zhou family's background or her own situation, it was very important to strengthen protection at this time.

It wasn't that she was worried about what someone would do to her, but that she couldn't afford any mistakes at this time.

The only thing that made her happy was that Zhou Mikang, who was originally on call at any time, did not need to go out for the time being because the war situation had eased. Being able to watch the arrival of the babies with her own eyes was basically a certainty.

This also made Chu Xia feel more at ease. She herself discovered that at some point, the position of teacher Tongzi in her heart had become so important that it could not be replaced.

All the hesitation and worries were due to her increasingly aggravated feelings. Although she knew it was not good, she could not control it, so she simply let it take its course.

As for whether her classmates at school treat her well, she no longer cares. No matter what others say, one day everyone will have to rely on their true abilities to speak. What does she have to worry about?

If nothing else, her mentor is unmatched by anyone. And she never thought. There is nothing to be ashamed of, you have the ability. They should also recognize a few more capable mentors!

In the last two months of giving birth, Chu Xia's mentality became more and more peaceful. She no longer worried about gains and losses, and no longer worried and fearful. In this way, time slipped to October in a hurry.

Two days before the due date, Zhao Yulan, Lin Baohe and Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao said that Chu Xia was not allowed to go to school. As an expectant mother who gave birth to her first child, Chu Xia felt unsure. He didn't mean to force his elders to do anything, so he stayed at home obediently.

In the afternoon, Zhou Mikang drove Mr. Zhou, Mrs. Zhou and Zhou Jingping and Lin Yanqiu over.

"The second uncle, the second aunt, the third uncle, the third aunt, the eldest brother, the second sister, and the fourth sister all wanted to come over, but I stopped them. I told them that if they wanted to come, they should wait until after the baby was actually born to avoid too many people and make a lot of noise. It annoys you." As soon as he entered the door,

First I looked up and down at my little wife. Finding that the other party's complexion was extremely good, the senior teacher Tongzi was relieved and explained the situation of only so few people coming to the Zhou family.

"Am I such a narrow-minded person?" Chu Xia rolled her eyes at him and looked at the elders, "Grandpa, grandma, dad, mom. Do you think his explanation is quite chilling?"

"Yes, yes. This naughty kid can't speak..." Mrs. Zhou slapped her grandson on the forehead and said fiercely. "My grandson-in-law is such a generous person. Do you really want to make her angry by saying something that is not true?"

"I was wrong..." The teacher, Tongzi, didn't even say an explanation, so he seriously admitted his mistake to Chu Xia, which made Chu Xia embarrassed because he was basically teasing him. Everyone thought of her as fragile porcelain, but she still behaved like this. The joke is really unkind...

After dinner, Lin Wenbin also rushed over. Chu Xia, who was sitting on the sofa and was bored, began to interrogate him, "Brother, Jing Zhe is already married. When will you and Sister Yuan Hui get married?"

"We will get married when our nephews are over a hundred years old."

"Brother..." Chu Xia was touched and helpless at the same time. Is anyone treating their own marriage like this? The key question is, will Sister Yuan Hui feel comfortable? No matter how generous a woman is, it would be difficult for her to be generous in this kind of thing, right?

To be honest, she has never faced this kind of thing herself, and she really can't determine the thoughts of others. Unless she really experiences some things personally, the answer will never be the truest one.

"I'm just a sister like you. When I get married, of course you have to be present..." Lin Wenbin looked at Chu Xia with a serious look on his face, "Don't think that I don't value my marriage. It's because I do, that I made such a decision. , Moreover, I have discussed this matter with Yuan Hui, and her opinion is consistent with mine."

Chu Xia curled her lips and said, "Sister Yuan Hui simply doesn't know what you say because she loves you so much. Even if she doesn't agree in her heart, she won't say it out loud."

"No, Yuan Hui is a principled person and will not give up her own ideas for me. Don't worry, this matter was really discussed between the two of us.

And she also felt that it would be a very shocking thing if you didn't participate. After all, you are the matchmaker between us, right? "

"Okay..." Chu Xia sighed helplessly, "I hope Mrs. Yuan won't hate me for delaying Sister Yuan Hui's marriage."

Lin Wenbin smiled and rubbed her head: "Are you thinking wildly again? Be careful if I tell my future mother-in-law what you said to see if she will be angry with you. By the way, aren't Zhou Mikang and the others here? Where are the people? "

"I'm not worried about the hospital's preparedness. They went to inspect it first..." Chu Xia scratched her head in embarrassment, "If you don't know, you might think I'm extremely squeamish, hehe..."

Lin Wenbin looked at her seriously: "Do you mind if they do this?"

Chu Xia quickly shook her head: "Of course I don't mind. I'm not a white-eyed wolf. How can I be so ignorant?"

"That's pretty much it." Lin Wenbin breathed a sigh of relief, "Brother is worried that you have too much self-esteem and feel that they have shamed you by doing this, which is really an injustice to their love for you. Besides, you know that in the circle How do you tell me this?"

"Too squeamish?"

"What are you talking about..." Lin Wenbin looked at her funny, "If you were really squeamish, would you insist on going to class until now? Big brother knows that there are many classmates in your school who can't understand that you can still go to class in such a situation, and even think that you can go to class in such a situation. , all your achievements were achieved by going through the back door.

The eldest brother just wants to say that anyone who says this is a narrow-minded person. If they are not jealous that you have left them far behind even though you are pregnant, do you need to say sour words all day long?

The eldest brother told you that people in the circle may not have recognized you much at first, and even thought that you were trying to get ahead by marrying Zhou Mikang. But now, because of your persistence, these voices have basically disappeared.

Moreover, many people also say that it is the Zhou family's blessing to be able to marry you, because since you married into the Zhou family, the Zhou family has been blessed with happy events one after another. This is simply a standard destiny for a prosperous husband! He is a noble member of the Zhou family! "

"Uh..." Chu Xia smiled sheepishly, "Brother, I don't dare to take this seriously."

"It's not me who said this. I dare not take it seriously..." Lin Wenbin glared at her, "Besides, what everyone said is true. What is there that you dare not take? I have always felt that my sister married Zhou Mikang It’s the virtue he has accumulated over eight lifetimes!”

"Brother..." Chu Xia felt even more embarrassed. Even if she is close to her family, it's not easy to say it like this, although... it sounds very useful~

"Didn't you agree to wait for us together? Brother, how could you leave us alone and leave early?" Before Lin Wenbin could say anything, Lin Wenjie, Uncle Lin, and Jiang Xinwan came in.

"You are so annoying, why do you blame me for leaving early?" Lin Wenbin rolled his eyes at him dissatisfied, "If it weren't for waiting for you, I would have come here long ago!"

"Xia..." Jiang Xinwan stepped forward and took Chu Xia's little hand, smiling helplessly, "Don't listen to your elder brother's nonsense, we are not complaining. We have some matters at home that we can't leave until we have settled them, so he won't wait for us. "

Lin Wenbin was the first to say: "Mom, how do you ask Chu Xia to answer you like this? Aren't you being embarrassed?" He looked at Chu Xia and said, "She wasn't talking nonsense. When I left, they were fighting with the second uncle and second aunt. .”

Uncle Jiang and Jiang Xinwan rubbed their foreheads together. What were they talking about at this time for such a shameful thing...

"Dad, Mom, what are your expressions?" Lin Wenbin glared at the couple dissatisfied, "In my opinion, Chu Xia is my biological sister, and there is no need to hide anything from her."

"It's not that I want to hide it from Chu Xia, but I feel..." Uncle Jiang smiled bitterly, "I feel that it's inappropriate to talk about such things at this time."

Lin Wenbin looked at his father seriously: "What's inappropriate? If you really don't say anything and worry about Chu Xia, it's really inappropriate."

Chu Xia has a black streak on her head, is she so curious? Hey, sometimes it’s a headache to have an older brother who dotes on his younger sister too much... Okay, she’s being pretentious...

Jiang Xinwan simply ignored her son, looked at Chu Xia and said, "Your uncle and grandma must stay at home to deal with your second uncle's affairs for the time being, but they have told us to be the first to do so when we go to the hospital. When the time comes, they will rush straight to the hospital.”

"Auntie, please call Grandpa and grandma and tell me that you don't have to worry about my affairs. Our family is not unreasonable. This kind of behavior makes us embarrassed." Chu Xia said while looking at Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe who had come out of the kitchen, "Father, mother, do you think so?"

"Yes, yes..." Zhao Yulan nodded repeatedly, "There are already enough people here. The uncle and aunt are so polite, but they seem distant."


Everyone looked at Chu Xia, whose expression changed obviously. Zhao Yulan stepped forward and grabbed her daughter's hand: "Xia, is it starting to hurt? Is it severe?"

"Well..." Chu Xia nodded, her little face twitching, "Just now, my stomach suddenly cramped, but it seems to be gone now, isn't it... Is this the beginning?" (To be continued) ..)


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