Chapter 730

After sitting for a while, Fang Jingzi's cousins ​​saw that Chu Xia was easy to get along with, so they would interject from time to time.

They are not much different in age. After the initial restraint was removed, everyone quickly became familiar with each other. It was not until Lin Wenjie came over to call for dinner that everyone stood up with unfulfilled interest.

After leaving the house, Chu Xia glanced at the place where the Lin brothers and Zhou Mikang were gathering, and found that Lin Wenxiu had returned, but Shao Min was not there. She knew that Lin Wenxiu must not be a man.

Men of this era... Chu Xia couldn't help but sigh secretly, or do you really want to wait until you lose it before regretting it? Or do you really have to wait until many years later to understand what true love is before you regret it? But by then, it was already too late.

Thinking of this, Chu Xia secretly laughed at herself. A novice in relationships could express such emotion. If her former classmates and friends heard it, they would definitely laugh out loud.

However, if they knew how people of this era viewed relationships, they probably wouldn't laugh at her, right?

To put it very simply, in her era, it was very normal for boys to carry bags for girls, but in this era, if a boy carries a bag for a girl, he will definitely become the object of ridicule by many people.

If Zhou Mikang hadn't had his status and personality, and if everyone hadn't been accustomed to his past personality, I'm afraid he would have become the object of ridicule for everyone now.

Therefore, whenever she thinks about this, Chu Xia feels that she is very lucky. She does not need her teachings to meet a man who treats her sincerely and will not ignore her for the sake of face.

Naturally, we had a very happy meal. During the meal, the elders on both sides spoke. I send my most sincere blessings to the two juniors.

The wedding date of Lin Wenjie and Fang Jingzi has also been officially determined, February 26th of the lunar calendar. There are still thirty-seven days to go.

In fact, the elders of both parties have been angry about this for a long time, and today it is in accordance with the custom. The man officially presents the date card to the woman. Therefore, coupled with the previous preparations, the time is quite sufficient.

Weddings in this era are not like those of later generations. If you really do it, someone will definitely come to talk to you soon. Of course, the Lin family is a big family. Not that anyone would come to talk, but gossip was definitely inevitable.

Although the marriage between Chu Xia and Zhou Mikang was not grand, in this era, it was considered top-notch. No one else was gossiping. It was just that Zhou Mikang's marriage had been delayed for too long, and with Zhou Mikang's character, naturally no one Dare to hit it.

After the meal, Mrs. Fang was immediately sent back to her room to rest.

Although she insisted that she was not tired, one could tell by the look on her face that she had been holding on, if not for her stubborn temper. Everyone really wanted to send her back to the hospital right now.

Chu Xia took the time to quietly ask Zhou Mikang: "What will Lin Wenxiu say when she comes back?" When Lin Wenxiu came back, the Lin brothers must have asked her about this and didn't want to have them repeat it again. Naturally, we will trouble Commander Zhou.

"Shao Min doesn't forgive him and insists on separation." Zhou Mikang raised his eyebrows. "You don't need to persuade him, let me see. As he is now, the girl will suffer if she follows him."

"I'm not trying to persuade him..." Chu Xia curled her lips, "Previously I advised them with the idea that I would rather demolish a temple than break up a marriage. With his current behavior, what else should I advise?

When the time comes, if my wife is really unhappy with him, why can't she blame me? Moreover, he couldn't figure it out. No matter how good Shao Min was to him, he couldn't feel it, so naturally he couldn't feel happiness.

I won't do this kind of thankless thing. Let it take its course. We have done our due diligence. No matter what happens in the future, it has nothing to do with us. "

"You really think so?" Zhou Mikang said with a smile in his eyebrows, "Just now I was worried that you were going to intervene again. It seems that I still underestimate you. You understand."

"Tch!" Chu Xia rolled her eyes at him, "You are the one who is confused. When did I not understand? Zhou Mikang, are you feeling uncomfortable if you don't look down on me for a while?"

Zhou Mikang chuckled: "Pay attention to your image."

"What do you mean..." Chu Xia glanced at him sideways, "If I don't pay attention to my image and lose your people, you will be like Lin Wenxiu and give me an ultimatum?"

"Thinking too much." Zhou Mikang lowered his voice, "Someone is secretly taking a look at you. I just want to remind you, don't lose the image of a lady you have established in front of them."

"Who is staring at me?" Chu Xia also lowered her voice, "Tell me, I will pretend to walk over for a while to see who that person is, or I want to make sure whether he is peeking at me or you."

"Your left rear..." Zhou Mikang said, turning his head quickly and smiling at the boy who was staring at Chu Xia in a daze, "Do you have a problem with us? Come and tell us."

"'s okay..." The boy who was caught turned red and looked at a loss.

Chu Xia had already turned around, saw the other person's appearance clearly, and glared at Zhou Mikang: "You jealous man, he is one year younger than me. He is the son of the third sister-in-law's family. Don't scare other children in the future. I won’t dare to come here again.”

"You still find fault with me for showing such magnanimity?" Zhou Mikang shook his head, "He looked at my wife and was dumbfounded. Not only did I not scold him, but I also asked him how I could help, and even asked him to come and sit down... "

Chu Xia interrupted him contemptuously: "You can pull him down. It's just because he was looking at me and you were angry, that's why you deliberately prevented him from getting off the stage. Look at how stingy you are."

Zhou Mikang snorted coldly: "You are my wife and you are already married to me. As long as anyone is interested in you, no matter how old they are, I will kill them all. This is the safest way, do you understand?"

"Understood." Chu Xia nodded, with a speechless expression, "I despise you! I won't talk to you anymore. I'm going to find Fang Jingyi. She will introduce a classmate to me this afternoon."

"Which classmate?" Zhou Mikang frowned and grabbed her, "You're going to enroll in school right away, and you're just a day or two away? Don't forget you're pregnant now, why are you running around?"

"You can't suffocate me to death even though I'm pregnant, right?" Chu Xia frowned dissatisfied, "Zhou Mikang, do you not believe me? Does it mean that I can't associate with any men except you in the future?"

"No!" Zhou Mikang coughed unnaturally, "You are too young and your ability to distinguish human nature is not good enough. In a few years, you will have experienced more things, so I naturally have nothing to worry about. "

Chu Xia looked at him funny: "I understand what you mean. Are you afraid that I won't have enough concentration and will run away with someone else?"

"You can't do that kind of thing. I don't want you to meet someone with bad character and it will affect your mood." Zhou Mikang looked at her with a smile, "How about I go with you."

Chu Xia nodded indifferently: "Sure, as long as you don't think it's awkward for a grown man to be with a group of girls."

"Make an appointment at the tea room. While you are talking, I will be at the other table. I will only escort you."

"Then what do you think of other people's character?"

"You'll know just by listening, not by looking."

"What if I say I'm meeting a girl?"

"Same, you have to take a look."

"Okay..." Chu Xia was really defeated by the group leader Tongzi, but then she thought that it would be better for the group leader Tongzi to follow, otherwise it might be difficult for them to enter the state-owned teahouse.

It wasn't until Fang Jingzi said that she didn't need to go to a teahouse, just meet at her home, that Chu Xia realized, yes, her thinking is really rigid. In this era, how can we pay so much attention to meeting each other?

If she really went to the tea room, wouldn't the girl who would become her classmate misunderstand that she was showing off? The bastard captain, hurt her again!

When she turned around to talk to Zhou Mikang, the other person looked at her speechlessly: "Lin Wenjie had just gotten engaged to Fang Jingzi, so our whole family rushed over in great force, and even asked a girl from the neighbor's house to come over. Are you saying this sincerely to make your neighbor think about it?"

"That's right." Chu Xia scratched her head and felt that what Zhou Mikang said made sense. At the same time, she also secretly despised herself. How could her brain be so short-circuited? She still wanted others to think about it. Could it be because she was pregnant? So you became stupid?

Thinking like this, Xia Xia was a little scared. She was going to college soon. If she was really pregnant for three years, would she be killed? Will her efforts to improve herself be ruined?

"Zhou Mikang, do you think I've become stupid recently?" Chu Xia stared at Zhou Mikang's face and asked seriously.

"No..." Team leader Tongzi comforted her, "This is the result of the collision of eras. These things were normal in your era, but in today's era, they are a bit thoughtless.

Comrade, you still need to adapt slowly, so if you encounter anything in the future, if you don’t understand, just ask me. After all, I grew up in this era, I have seen more than you, and I have heard more than you. If you have more, you will naturally think more than you do. "

"Okay." Chu Xia looked at Zhou Mikang with a depressed look, "So, I won't have to report everything to you in the future? I will almost lose my personal freedom?"

"This is considered communication between husband and wife. Otherwise, you have to talk to me, right?"

After frowning and thinking for a while, he felt that what the group leader said made sense. Chu Xia nodded: "Okay, if I don't understand, I'll try to ask you before I make a decision. Then I don't need to see you in this meeting today. It's better to wait until after enrollment." Besides, we can let Fang Jingyi go to school when the time comes, which is the same thing."

Zhou Mikang nodded: "That's right, let them go back and talk to the girl. Then, when you go to school to report, won't you be able to find her by checking the roster?"

So, Chu Xia went to Fang Jingzi sisters again and told them her decision. Fang Jingzi repeatedly said that it was her mistake, while Fang Jingyi was a little disappointed. However, after thinking about it, she also felt that she had made a mistake before. The proposal was somewhat ill-advised.

And the group leader, Tongzi, who was sitting there alone, had a smile on his face, little guy, fight with me... hahaha...

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