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This is not what she wants! Yu Xiang was anxious and looked at Cong Qiuying's sleeves pitifully: "Mom, I don't want to marry into a poor family, and I don't want to be rich and wealthy, as long as the situation of our family is similar. If you and Dad divorce, I But what should I do?"

"When your second sister married your second brother-in-law, our family was a poor family..." Cong Qiuying sighed and patted her youngest daughter on the shoulder, "Xiang'er, you are already over twenty years old. You can't always put yourself in such trouble." Our happiness rests on others, and we cannot always think about getting something for nothing.

In this world, there is never a free pie. You envy your second sister for being able to find your second brother-in-law, but have you ever thought about it, if you were in your second sister's position, how would you be with your second brother-in-law? "

"I..." He wanted to answer bravely, yes, but he felt that such an answer was too hypocritical and no one would believe it. Yu Xiang just stopped talking.

When Yu Tao met Zhou Xikang, the Zhou family was still at its lowest point. Most of the time, it was Yu Tao who protected Zhou Xikang. If it were her, how could she choose such a man?

At that time, she was secretly joking too silly, and the marriage between Yu Tao and Zhou Xikang was also opposed by the whole family except Cong Qiuying.

If the Zhou family hadn't suddenly turned around one month before the wedding, or the Yu family wouldn't have let Yu Tao's wedding go smoothly, it's absolutely certain!

At this moment, Cong Qiuying brought up such old things again, and Yu Tao, who had a trace of unbearable expression on her face, immediately returned to normal. Yes, if she continues to be soft-hearted in such a family, sooner or later, she will regret it.

It doesn't matter that she endures hardships herself, but if the Zhou family is implicated in this, it will be a big sin!

Back then, the old man and the old lady from the Yu family went to the Zhou family, pointed at Zhou Jingping and Lin Yanqiu's noses and scolded them, saying they didn't teach their children well and wanted to eat swan meat.

Even though they had such a bad attitude, the Zhou family did not hold grudges and still provided them with unlimited help, but what did they get in exchange?

So, some people can't be tolerated. If at that time, she could stick to the bottom line and prevent them from getting what they didn't deserve, or maybe they wouldn't be so shameless now, right?

Moreover, among all the mistakes, the most intolerable was that they actually took advantage of Zhou Xikang. She was the daughter of the Yu family. How could they come up with such a disgusting idea? !

That’s all

The past has passed, and because of the past, she can understand their true nature and make the right choice. From now on, she will not give them the chance to hurt her!

At this time, she was especially fortunate that the Zhou family's background was here. If she had only married into a moderately wealthy family, she would never be able to live in peace in this life!

Thinking of this, Yu Tao looked at Cong Qiuying: "Mom, let's go."

Cong Qiuying nodded: "I'll pack my clothes and leave."

"Mom, I don't need any more clothes. I've already prepared everything for you..." Yu Tao looked at her mother seriously, "Don't say no, I am your daughter and I should respect you."

"Mom doesn't want to refuse, I just think it shouldn't be too wasteful..." Cong Qiuying smiled lovingly at her, "Mom understands your thoughts, but there are some things that have been with mom for a lifetime, and you always have to clean up."

Lin Yanqiu looked at Yu Tao: "Tao'er, accompany your mother to clean up. Mom is waiting for you here."

Yu Tao followed Cong Qiuying back to the bedroom obediently. After a moment's hesitation, Yu Guangjiu followed suit and walked in. Lin Yanqiu smiled faintly and said, "If anyone wants to move out of this house, just go and embarrass the mother and daughter. "

Yu Guangjiu paused, turned around, and looked at Lin Yanqiu angrily: "You...you are too bullying!"

Lin Yanqiu shrugged at him: "I just bullied you, what's wrong?"

"I'm going to broadcast what you did to your radio station to see if you still have the face to see others, and to see if your Zhou family will be accused of bullying others!"

"Okay, I hope you do this. Let's see if people will scold our family or praise our family. Don't you know what bad things you have done? You still have the nerve to threaten me here, Yu Guangjiu , do you really think I was scared?

If it weren't for Tao'er, do you think I would let you live in this house? You know how much you have exposed yourself to your daughter. If you continue to act like this, you will bear the consequences! "

Needless to say, Yu Guangjiu was really afraid of this happening. From the looks of it, Cong Qiuying had no intention of living with him. If he lost his house, he would be single for the rest of his life.

Although he disliked Cong Qiuying, the other party still took good care of him. Now that the other party was leaving, he had no regrets about anything else. What was unhappy was that he lost someone to take care of him.

If you still have a house, it shouldn't be difficult to find another one, right?

Thinking like this, the anger in his heart actually faded away little by little, and there was even some eager hope. Or maybe his second spring was coming?

"Did things get done so smoothly?" Chu Xia looked unbelieving when she heard Yu Tao talking about what happened on the phone. It was really... it was so different from what she imagined!

"Is this going well?" Yu Tao couldn't help but smile bitterly, "While we were talking, Yu Mei slipped out to find my brother and my sister-in-law. Then, when they came back with their children, my mother and I happened to pack up. Got something to go.

My nieces and nephews hugged my mother's legs and cried out of breath. To be honest, even though I knew the children were taught to do this by adults, I still couldn't bear to see them sad. I thought my mother She would not be able to persist. Unexpectedly, she finally left with me firmly.

But..." She sighed and paused for a long time before continuing, "But even though my mother did this, she felt uncomfortable. She was always in a daze on the road. When we talked to her, she was always confused. Can't hear it.

After returning home, she was still in a daze. When her mother-in-law brought the documents to her to sign, although she signed it obediently, tears kept flowing.

For a moment, I wanted to stop my mother from divorcing my father. I felt that I thought this was a way to make my mother happy, but in fact, it made her life even more miserable than before. . "

"You can't say that. In the beginning, Auntie will definitely not be able to let go. No matter how unaffectionate a person is, he will not be happy if he suddenly breaks off the relationship after staying in the same home for so many years. What's more, Auntie is so affectionate. people?

Give her time and let her feel more at ease, and she will get better..." After thinking about it, Chu Xia suggested, "How about you bring your aunt to the capital? It will be far away from the familiar environment, and it is impossible to meet someone you don't want to see. Someone, or can she get out faster? "

"Okay, let me discuss it with her. Originally, I asked my mother to come here and asked her to help me take care of the child. If I now ask her to take her to the capital, I'm afraid she will feel conflicted.

Sigh..." Yu Tao sighed and said, "My mother is the kind of person who doesn't particularly want to take advantage of others. If she feels that her coming here doesn't have much effect at all, she will be even more uneasy.

And I'm worried that after she doesn't feel her own value, she will ask to move out and live on her own. If that's the case, what's the point of everything I'm doing now? "

"Auntie is also quite stubborn. However, I still advise you to bring her to live in the capital for a while. With my father and mother's experience, it will be easier for auntie to accept staying with you."

After thinking for a while, Yu Tao responded: "Okay, I'll try my best to persuade her to go to the capital with me to stay for a while. Hey, I thought I knew my mother quite well, but now, I'm a little unsure about her thoughts."

After hanging up the phone in Chu Xia, Yu Tao went to find Cong Qiuying, who was holding Yanyan and sitting on the sofa in a daze, while Lin Yanqiu who was sitting next to her looked helpless.


When Yu Tao called out, Lin Yanqiu and Cong Qiuying both looked over. Then, Cong Qiuying's face turned red, her lips moved twice, and she lowered her head uncomfortably.

"Mom, don't be like this..." Yu Tao sat next to Cong Qiuying, "I brought you here because I hope you can be happy. Now that I see you like this, I feel very guilty and have doubts about my previous judgment. Questioned."

"Tao'er, it's not that mom misses that home, it's just..." Sighing, Cong Qiuying smiled bitterly, "It's hard for you to make mom happy all of a sudden."

"I'm sorry, I was too impatient." Yu Tao also sighed and turned to look at Lin Yanqiu, "Mom, I just called my siblings and told them about my mother's current condition. She wants us to go to the capital together. Wait for a while, what do you think?"

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Yanqiu nodded: "This is a good idea..." She looked at Cong Qiuying, "Sister, why don't we go to my daughter-in-law's place in the capital together tomorrow.

A change of environment may be good for your mood, and the courtyard where you live should make you feel close to me. Besides, my daughter-in-law’s mother is a person with a very good personality. You must have many friends with her. common topic. "

"Okay." Unexpectedly, Cong Qiuying agreed immediately.

At this moment, Yu Tao looked at her mother with a look that was full of research. Is her understanding of her mother wrong for so many years?

"You kid, how do you look at people?" Cong Qiuying felt uncomfortable being stared at by her daughter, so she glared at her, "I'm not willing to live with you just to make you look at me every day and worry me.

Tao'er, Mom told the truth. It's impossible for you to let Mom stop caring about the people there after she leaves that home. In any case, your two brothers and Xiaoxiang are also Mom's children.

For Mom, everything is a piece of meat that has fallen off the body, and she will worry about every one of them that is not doing well. In the past, it was because of this kind of thinking that they later became dissatisfied.

Mom has figured it out and will not be confused like this again in the future. However, it is impossible to really ignore them. In the future, when everyone has figured it out, Mom still hopes to see them often, okay? "r1152

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