One update.


"The second sister-in-law of the Lin family in the capital came to see me..." Taking a look at Lin Yanqiu's face, Chu Xia continued, "Her youngest son secretly went on a mission with Zhou Mikang's troops."

Lin Yanqiu frowned and answered, "Then she turned her anger on you?"

"That's right..." Chu Xia spread her hands, "She was really angry. When she came, her nose was not a nose, not a face. Mom, I guess she can still find you later, so I have to report it to you. one time."

"Come on, I'm afraid she won't come..." Lin Yanqiu snorted coldly, then looked at Old Mrs. Zhou in confusion, "Mom, you're not angry?" Her mother-in-law's temper was hotter than hers, and now she's acting like this The deputy's complacent expression was really strange!

"What am I so angry about?" Old Mrs. Zhou spread her hands, "Her son is attracted to our Chu Xia but not to her. It's too late for me to be happy, so how can I be angry?"

"Mom, what do you mean by this?" Lin Yanqiu turned to look at Chu Xia with a puzzled expression, "Xia, what do you mean when grandma said that? When did Lin Wenxiu turn to you?"

"Lin Wenxiu wrote her a letter, saying that if they could not accept from the bottom of their hearts that my parents and I would return to the Lin family, he would not live with her after he came back, so she came to me angrily... ..." After a pause, Chu Xia added, "She just received this letter. It was sent to her by Lin Wenxiu after he left."

"No wonder." Lin Yanqiu looked astonished, "How could she keep calm until now? Speaking of which, this person's temperament is really unpleasant. I have only met her twice. I don't have a good impression of her at all. No, it’s just that Xinwan has a good temper and wants me to be my sister-in-law, so I don’t bother to talk to her.”

"Auntie is really good-natured. Third brother told me a long time ago that he would also go on an expedition with the team. But he asked me to help him hide it. I hesitated, so I asked Zhou Mikang for advice. He said that since I He had already promised Lin Wenjie. He shouldn't have gone against his promise. Then, he reminded his elder brother sideways.

The eldest brother supported the third brother's choice, so he didn't tell the eldest aunt, and then. Because of the second aunt, the eldest aunt also knew what I had hidden for my third brother, but she didn’t cause any trouble for me. Instead, she called me to comfort me, saying that Zhou Mikang and the others would be fine. Let me not worry.

I was embarrassed and took the initiative to apologize to her. She said, I did the right thing, and she was very happy that Third Brother was willing to believe me. She said she was calling because she was worried about my psychological burden.

She also told me that she had advised Ernie not to come to me.

But the second aunt couldn't listen. She didn't come with the second aunt. It wasn't that she didn't care about me and didn't want to offend the second aunt. It was because she knew that many people in the family could protect me. If she came, she would be in the way. "

"I believe Xinwan's words..." Lin Yanqiu sighed quietly, "We had a pretty good relationship when we were girls. I tend to be impatient, so when we were together, she basically let me. She is a very generous woman and has the courage to take on responsibilities. Anyone who marries her will be blessed."

"That's true." Chu Xia nodded, but couldn't help but sigh, "If my aunt had married Uncle Jing back then, there would be no Jing Zhe and my eldest brother now. Speaking of which, this is not a bad thing, Mom. Am I right?"

"That's true..." Lin Yanqiu looked at her daughter-in-law solemnly and warned, "Xia, you can't let your Aunt Zhu know about this. With her temper, if she knew what happened to Jing Monian back then, she would really have a falling out. sky."

"She already knew it." Chu Xia said.

"Understood?" Lin Yanqiu looked at Chu Xia with a puzzled expression, "Couldn't this be what she told you herself?"

"Yes." Chu Xia nodded, "After our family recognized the Lin family in Beijing, she once went to 401 to find Jing Zhe, and we had lunch together.

Then at noon, Brother Jing had something to go out, so I chatted with her. As we talked, we talked about my father's recognition of his ancestors and his return to the clan. She smiled and asked me, "Uncle Jing helped us recognize our relatives, right?"

I was so scared that I didn't dare to say anything, so she rubbed my head in a funny way and said that your Uncle Jing always thought I was a fool, and I didn't bother to expose him. I already knew about what happened between him and your aunt, Just pretending to be confused.

She said that those things happened before Uncle Jing established a relationship with her, and she was too lazy to bother with Uncle Jing about those old things.

At the same time, she also admired her aunt, saying that she might not have been able to make such a decision. Although she didn't hate another man, it was too difficult to give up the one she really liked.

She also asked me to get closer to my aunt after returning to the Lin family. She said that people like my aunt would not use dirty tricks. As long as I have a good relationship with her, she will protect her no matter what others do. Holding mine.

Then, she asked me not to tell anyone about it. In the past, I didn’t mention it because my mother and Aunt Zhu didn’t have a good relationship. Now, you are both so close, so I don’t need to hide it anymore. . "

"This guy really pretends to be..." Lin Yanqiu was speechless, "It seems that I really underestimated her before. I always thought she was a straight-faced donkey with no good intentions. Now it seems that I probably underestimated her in her eyes." He is a heartless, stupid ass."

"Actually, Mom, Aunt Zhu and my uncle all have similar personalities. Otherwise, they wouldn't be friends, right?"

"Do you think that by saying this, mom won't care about you anymore?" Lin Yanqiu glared at her daughter-in-law, "You little bastard, if you had told me earlier, I would have saved myself less embarrassment in front of your Aunt Zhu.

After you two recognized each other, she deliberately asked me if someone said that Jing Monian and Jiang Xinwan had talked. I just explained it stupidly. She probably watched me racking my brains to tell the lie. The look makes my stomach almost twitch with laughter. "

After thinking for a while, Chu Xia said: "Actually, it should be because of what you did that made Aunt Zhu recognize you more. If you don't think about the other person, just tell the truth. Grandma, don't you think so?"

"Yes." Mrs. Zhou nodded, "Xinqin is not stupid, otherwise, she wouldn't have helped our family so much. In fact, she just used that method to protect our family. Yanqiu, what did you just say? To say that would really be an injustice to Xinqin."

"Mom, I know." Lin Yanqiu smiled sheepishly, "If you are used to making trouble with her, you will reflexively wonder if she is laughing at me. Indeed, she should be teasing me at that time, but she did not mean any harm. of."

After hesitating for a moment, Chu Xia asked: "Mom, what I'm curious about is that you and your aunt are good friends, and you and Aunt Zhu are also good friends. So why don't your aunt and Aunt Zhu know each other?"

"Your aunt and uncle know each other, but they are not very familiar with each other, because your aunt and I were in the same class at the time, and your aunt Zhu was in another class.

At that time, she always competed with me, and she didn't bother to have close friendships with the people around me. Later, when we arranged our own jobs, we couldn't see each other even more. "

"So that's it." Chu Xia looked astonished, "I was wondering about this earlier and never had the nerve to ask."

"What's there to be embarrassed about? Remember, if you have any doubts in the future, ask them as soon as possible. Don't hold it in and affect your body. Your good health and good mood now not only affects you, but also the south, south, north, and north. Woolen cloth."

"Mom, I understand." Chu Xia smiled helplessly, "But I won't let my curiosity affect my mood. Mom, am I just such a gossip in your mind?"

"Haha..." Lin Yanqiu just smiled and did not answer. The meaning couldn't be more obvious...

The next day, Jiang Xinwan came over with big and small bags. She first hugged the two chubby little guys, and then took Chu Xia to look at them for a long time before she breathed a sigh of relief: "It's great. The kids are growing well. The adults are also recovering well, so I’m finally relieved.”

As soon as Chu Xia's mind turned around, she understood the reason why she was so nervous, and said with a smile: "I already said I don't care about Second Auntie, how can you not believe it?"

Jiang Xinwan sighed and said: "It's not that I don't believe it, but I'm worried that if you are affected, you must know that your current mood is very important. A bad mood will affect the quality of the milk, and it will affect the health of the child. Hey , Your second uncle has such a temper, the more you persuade her, the more energetic you become."

"My mother said the same thing yesterday. Don't worry, I won't let irrelevant things affect my mood..." Chu Xia said while glancing at her mother-in-law, "Mom, do you believe me?"

"I believe it, I believe it." Lin Yanqiu hurriedly followed her daughter-in-law's answer, but she was secretly laughing at her daughter-in-law's pettiness. Obviously, she cared about her answer yesterday.

However, this is the impression this little girl has on her. If something happens, you must get to the bottom of it. Otherwise, she will try to trick you every now and then. Sooner or later, you will get what she wants. Give up.

"By the way, are Second Auntie feeling better these days?" After thinking about it, Chu Xia turned the question back. It wasn't that she wanted to care about Second Auntie, she just wanted to know herself and the enemy.

"It's okay..." Jiang Xinwan shook her head helplessly, "Your eldest brother and your third brother have gone, and your uncle and I don't think it will be impossible to survive if the sky falls.

It would be better for her to shed tears in front of your grandma. If she didn't know better, she would have thought that something had really happened to your second brother and fourth brother. Why did she have to come here to find you?

I just wanted to show it to your grandpa..." After a slight pause, she suddenly changed the subject, "By the way, Chu Xia, where are your father and your mother? "

"They went to the garden. Aren't we going back to the capital in a few days? They were afraid that the vegetables in the garden would be old, so they collected them in advance and gave them to relatives and friends." Chu Xia looked at Jiang Xinwan in confusion. , "Do you have anything to say to them, uncle?" (To be continued. (lwxs.))

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