Today is Nuan’s birthday, so please update less often. Starting from the ninth day of the lunar month, updates will be normal.

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After Lin Zhiling expressed his true suspicion, Chu Xia fell into silence. After a while, he raised his head and looked at the other party seriously: "Little aunt, I think this possibility is very small. I believe him!"

"Okay..." Lin Zhiling nodded, "I trust your judgment."

"Little aunt, it's not that I don't believe you..." Chu Xia smiled sheepishly at Lin Zhiling, "You are only thinking about me, and I know this very well.

However, having known Zhou Mixang for so long, he never hid anything from me. Even if Zhu Jianwen was really Zhou Mixang, there must be a compelling reason, and he would definitely explain it to me afterwards.

I remember my little aunt's kindness to me, so little aunt, you can't misunderstand me, and you can't not tell me anything in the future. "

"Don't worry, am I so narrow-minded?" Lin Zhiling looked at her funny, "You two have a good relationship, and trusting each other is what we like to see most as elders. Can you not think too much about my little aunt? Are you so cautious?"

"Of course I know that my little aunt is not such a narrow-minded person, but I still have to say what needs to be said. Isn't it that some misunderstandings are caused by taking it for granted that the other party understands?"

"See, you still don't believe my little aunt."

Knowing that Lin Zhiling was teasing her on purpose, Chu Xia smiled and nodded: "Yes, I just don't believe my little aunt. I'd better not kiss me in the future. She's just a white-eyed wolf, right?"

"You..." Now it was Lin Zhiling's turn to be helpless, "Why are you so annoying, kid!"

"Sister-in-law..." Chu Xia smiled and took the other person's arm, "The more you say that to me, the more you kiss me. It seems that I will continue to work hard in the future."

Lin Zhiling: "..." What can she say when she meets such a scoundrel?

After Nan Nan Bei Bei turned 100, he stayed at home for more than ten days. The whole family returned to the capital in early summer. Of course, Yu Tao, Yanyan and Cong Qiuying were also traveling with them.

On the surface, Cong Qiuying seemed to be quite adaptable to living in the Zhou family, but after all, the conditions between the two families were so different that she still felt a little uncomfortable. Yes,

After she turned a hundred years old, Yu Tao still forcibly dragged her to the capital.

Cong Qiuying just resisted for a moment and then agreed. Through her contact with Zhao Yulan and his wife, she had found that they were particularly easy to get along with and they had similar backgrounds. Naturally, there are more common topics.

Moreover, when Nan Nan Beibei was a hundred years old, Yu Guangjiu, Yu Gang, Yu Qiang, Yu Xiang and Yu Mei came to the Zhou family with things. Although they didn't cause trouble, you could tell by their attitudes. Still unwilling to break up with the Zhou family just now.

Especially Yu Xiang, when she saw Zhou Huakang, her eyes were like flies seeing flesh, and her eyes were almost fixed on him. If Zhou Huakang hadn't adapted to her behavior long ago, she would have been stared at so hard that she couldn't eat.

Cong Qiuying felt very shameless about this, but the other party came politely carrying something, so she couldn't really drive him out with a big stick. She didn't care, but how could the Zhou family do such a thing?

Since the purpose of this is to prevent the son, daughter-in-law and daughter from extracting residual value from the eldest daughter, the best way is to stay away so that the other party has no excuses and reasons to come to her.

Therefore, even though she felt that it was inappropriate to do so, she still agreed. After arriving in the capital, she learned that Yu Xiang had brought something to Zhou's house again, and she was extremely grateful for her decision.

When her mood improved, her body naturally recovered. In just one month, Yu Tao lost eight pounds, and her original beauty gradually emerged. When Zhou Xikang went to see her, his eyes were obviously much hotter than before.

After returning to the capital from City A, she only stayed for a week and returned to school in early summer. Nan Nan Bei Bei was still breastfeeding. She could not be as carefree as before. She would run home to the two little ones immediately after class every day. Nutritional supplements.

Just running back and forth like this, her figure became more slender. Zhao Yulan felt really distressed when she saw it, but she also knew that she couldn't persuade her daughter, so she had to discuss with Lin Baohe secretly, why not just take the child and go to school to find her daughter every day?

"How can that be done?" Lin Baohe looked at his wife helplessly, "My classmates have always made irresponsible remarks. If you continue to make trouble like this, where will her face go?"

Zhao Yulan sighed: "If you lose your face, your body will suffer."

"Xia is still young, so it doesn't matter if she's a little thinner. Besides, compared to our previous conditions, it's already a life of immortality. Do you think either of us would have dared to think that we would have the life we ​​have today?

Look at the children who are the same age as Xia now. How many of them can live like her? It doesn't matter if she suffers a little when she's young, but don't protect her too much.

This is because our Xia is a sensible person. Otherwise, I don’t know how much I would have been spoiled by you. Thinking about the child's previous personality, do you think the Zhou family would like it? "

"Why are you bringing up the past so well?" Zhao Yulan sighed, "Why am I protecting her so much? The child seems to be doing well, but it is not easy. There has been no news about Xiaomi for several months?

You said, Chu Xia can not think about it in her heart, she just doesn't say it in front of us, she doesn't want us to worry, and we can't help much, so I thought that pampering her more can also make her feel better. Feel better. "

"You can't say this in front of your in-laws. People think you think they are treating our Xia poorly. Tao'er is also here. To compare, do you think the Zhou family has done enough?

Cong Qiuying was originally feeling guilty because Tao'er, as the eldest daughter-in-law, could not add a boy to the Zhou family. She always has to consider other people's feelings when doing things, right? "

"I'm just talking to you, why do you have to complain so much?" Zhao Yulan looked at her husband dissatisfied, "If I can't even talk to you, how can I still talk to you? Who said that?"

"Okay, okay, I was wrong..." Lin Baohe quickly apologized, "Aren't I also afraid that you would do something to embarrass Xia? In fact, when I said it just now, I knew that I was overthinking it. If I really said it, , I am used to early summer even more than you are, so how can I have the shame to criticize you, right?"

"Okay, let's not blame anyone. Actually..." Zhao Yulan sighed and smiled bitterly, "Both of us are panicking because of Xiaomi's matter, which is why we are so angry. Tell me, when will the child come back? ?”

"Who knows..." Lin Baohe also sighed, "If I can figure it out, I don't have to worry. Even if Xia complains to us and cries, I will feel better, hey..." (To be completed Continued.(lwxs.))

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