I wish my sisters a happy womanhood ~ always be as beautiful as flowers ~


"Sixth sister, if your second uncle and second aunt hear this, you will be very sad..." Chu Xia looked at Zhou Nanping seriously, "The environment in which we grew up is different, and the way we do things is naturally different. You can't compare them with my parents. Than, it’s unfair.”

Zhao Yulan quickly answered: "Yes, the two of us live for our daughter, and all our thoughts must be on our daughter, but your parents are different. Their responsibilities to the family require them to shoulder more burdens. How can we treat children like we do?"

"What I understand is..." Zhou Nanping said with a sneer on her face, "I just feel so envious when I see Uncle Lin and Aunt Zhao like this." "

After taking a look at her, Chu Xia sighed: "Actually, you still blame the second uncle and the second aunt in your heart, right?"

"I can't tell. I understand. I have no reason to blame them, but my childhood memories are really bad..."

After a long pause, Zhou Nanping continued, "I was six years old and my brother was seven when we were sent to my grandma's house. Our parents told us the reason for sending us there, and neither of us wanted to."

My brother and I pulled on our parents’ sleeves and begged, but nothing changed. When we were first sent here, we were together, and grandma treated us well.

But just as we were gradually getting used to it, my grandma fell seriously ill, and my brother and I were fostered in the homes of two uncles respectively.

They all have children, and my aunt naturally doesn't like us. We count the days when we have to live under someone else's roof and get looked down upon.

Originally, when our parents sent us there, they said we could meet in one year. However, we waited for seven years. What does seven years mean? It represents that the two of us have grown from innocent children into boys and girls who know the warmth and warmth of the world.

Children from other families always help each other when they encounter difficulties, but my brother and I are like enemies every time we meet. This is not what we want, because the two aunts are so silent that if we don't turn to ourselves, Side, life will be difficult to live.

In order to keep ourselves stuttering and clothed warmly, we went from being unwilling to target others to becoming a habitual hostility.

Therefore, when our parents met us, we both disliked each other. This is also the reason why to this day, no matter what the other person is like, we don’t care about each other, because we are used to being indifferent to each other, and he doesn’t Like me, I don't like him either.

Even now, the fact that I worry about my brother and sister-in-law does not mean that I really like my brother. It is just because he is my biological brother. Sister-in-law, can you understand my feelings? "

"Understood..." Sighing, Chu Xia patted her shoulder comfortingly, but said nothing more.

Who is to blame for this?

I don't blame my second uncle and second aunt, nor can I blame Zhou Nanping's uncle and aunt. They are all so hungry that they can't eat, so how can they be happy with the extra mouth and the beautiful words?

Letting children be fostered in one's own home is just a last resort. If people in that era weren't so scrupulous about what others say, several of the Zhou family's children would probably be living on the streets, right?

Some accounts can never be cleared up clearly, not to mention that as an outsider, she can just listen to it, and it is better not to make a final conclusion.

"Third sister-in-law, I'm not telling you this to make excuses for myself. I just want to tell you what's on my mind. Indeed, every time I quarreled with my family, I always used this matter to make excuses for myself. , but now, I am saying this because I really hope you can understand me better, because..." Biting her lip, Zhou Nanping smiled sheepishly, "Because I particularly envy your relationship with the second sister and the fourth sister, and I also hope that you can understand me better. , I can really integrate into it in the future.”

Chu Xia nodded: "Okay, I will tell the second and fourth sisters what you mean.

As long as you sincerely stop blaming your family members and sincerely want to have a good relationship with them, I believe that both elders and juniors will be very happy! "

"Thank you, Third Sister..." She sighed heavily and smiled bitterly, "I used to blame others for my unhappiness. In fact, now that I have calmed down and considered it from a fair perspective, I discovered that all misfortunes are caused by self-inflicted.

We knew clearly that our parents had no choice but to put us at grandma's house. We knew clearly that in order for us brothers and sisters to stay at grandma's house, they suffered a lot of glares and heard a lot of unpleasant things, but we still had to blame them.

I knew it was hard enough for my aunt to have four children, but I still blamed her for not taking my brother and me with her. In fact, the situation at my uncle's house was much better than that of my aunt at that time.

Nominally, the eldest uncle lived in her parents' house, but in fact, she earned all the expenses herself. The third brother's grandfather basically didn't provide any help.

Speaking of which, the eldest brother, the second sister, the third brother and the fourth sister suffered as much as me and my brother when we were young. However, they suffered physically, while my brother and I suffered ourselves because of our complaints against others. I just created a lot of suffering for myself.

Third sister-in-law, I figured it out. I still have to go back to city A. I want to stay with my parents. I can’t always let them feel sorry for me and my brother. I must let myself live a good life so that they don’t No more worries! "

As you say this, why do you have to turn around and go back again? Didn't this job just come over? Chu Xia looked at Zhou Nanping speechlessly, feeling really defeated by the other party.

Zhou Nanping was also very embarrassed: "I didn't think about it at first, so I just wanted to hide away, but when Fang Xiang came over to look for me today, I suddenly realized where I was wrong.

I can't solve the problem by hiding here. Since I don't care anymore, what else is there to be afraid of? The most important thing is to cherish the present and be filial to your elders. Sister-in-law, am I right? "

After looking at her for a few times, Chu Xia knew that she had really figured it out this time, so he smiled happily at her: "Okay, I support you!"

"My child, you did the right thing!" Zhao Yulan also looked at Zhou Nanping with a look of relief, "If your mother knew your decision, she might not be happy!"

As a mother, Zhao Yulan sympathized very much with Liang Xiaohong. How did she feel when her children were so troubled?

Sometimes, she even thought that although the Zhou family was so powerful now, it was not as easy as her and Lin Baohe's life back then. No matter how hard it was for them, they could guarantee to keep their children by their side, but what about the Zhou family? How does it feel when the children are put out of foster care one by one?

Especially when you see your children not taking the right path, how much pain does it feel in your heart?

Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao, who had always kept quiet about the Zhou family's affairs, also gave Zhou Nanping a rare compliment, which made her little face flush with excitement.

After her emotions finally calmed down, she looked at Chu Xia seriously: "Third sister-in-law, please don't inform the family yet. I want to go back and give my mother a surprise."

"Okay." Chu Xia agreed without thinking, "But you can't go back by yourself. Decide on a day to leave and let Uncle Wang see you off."

"I want to leave early tomorrow morning." If possible, Zhou Nanping would be eager to leave now. However, she is no longer the willful character she used to be, so she postponed it for a day.

"You really can't put it off for a moment now that you've made up your mind..." Chu Xia teased her with a smile, and Chu Xia looked at her inquiringly, "I haven't gone out for a walk since I've been here for so many days. I only have one class in the afternoon. , how about I go out with you after class?"

Zhou Nanping was very moved by Chu Xia's proposal, but she was a little embarrassed to trouble the other party, so she hesitated and didn't know what to do.

Looking at her expression, how could Chu Xia not know what she was thinking, and immediately said with a smile: "Okay, I know what you mean, that's it, I'll come back to you right after class..." As he said Looking at the elders, "The weather is so nice, why don't we all go?"

"Forget it, it's not like we haven't gone out for a walk before. It's better to stay at home. Why don't you call those children and go out together to have fun." Old Mrs. Zhao refused without thinking. Seeing Mr. Zhao's You can tell by his expression that he completely agrees with what his wife said.

Chu Xia looked at his mother and father.

"We're not going either. We've been too lazy these days and don't like to move." Seeing her daughter looking at her, Zhao Yulan said immediately. Ever since she gave birth to two little guys, her daughter has been trapped at home. She is so small. At your age, you are probably almost exhausted, right? It's better to give her a chance to go out and relax.

Originally, if Zhao Yulan had not said so, Chu Xia would have really thought that they were inactive, but for such a diligent person to say that he was lazy, he was lying.

After thinking about it for a moment, she understood.

"Grandma, grandpa, dad, mom, let me declare that I am not bored and panic. I sincerely want to go out to have fun as a family. If you don't go just to make it convenient for me, it is really unnecessary.

Anyway, I originally planned to let Lin Mengran and the others come together, so we can take care of you together. Anyway, we have nothing to do at home, so let's come together, okay? "

"Okay!" Mrs. Zhao was the first to respond. Her granddaughter had already said so. It would be pointless for her to be pretentious, and besides, she was not a pretentious person in the first place.

The smile on Mr. Zhao's face also deepened: "Call your Grandpa Wan, Aunt Yin and Aunt Qi too."

"Okay!" Chu Xia agreed happily. She now understood the thoughts of her elders and let them play by themselves. No matter how beautiful the scenery was, it would not attract them. It would be different if there were juniors together.

She was very lucky that she understood this before it was too late!

The whole family played happily all afternoon, and Wang Zhongliang sent Zhou Nanping back early the next morning.

As a result, not long after Zhou Nanping left the next day, Fang Xiang came again. She went back to think about it all night, and regretted her lack of composure. Her parents would definitely not be informed, but now she became shy again. It's time to face the door.

Chu Xia happened to be at home, so he let her in and looked at her with a half-smile: "Are you here to apologize?" R1152

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