The two chapters are combined.


" can I shrink my head..."

Yang Xiaoli interrupted Lin Mengran, who was murmuring quietly, and explained to Luo Xiaoqiong: "She wanted to play it safe and make Zuo Jiang beg a few more times. Unexpectedly, things did not develop in the direction she expected. Isn't it a mistake?"

"It's so unmanly. I've only been rejected once, and now I've turned into a turtle. Huh..." He snorted inwardly, and someone continued to pretend, "If he has such a character, I would really marry him." I regret it to death!"

Yang Xiaoli interrupted her mercilessly: "Okay, don't be so harsh. Every day when the time comes, you look out and wander off even while eating. I think your intestines are now blue, right?"

"Hey..." Lin Mengran frowned and looked at Yang Xiaoli, who was always against her, "Whose friend are you? You know I'm in a bad mood, but you not only don't comfort me, but you always make sarcastic remarks. Isn't it too much?"

Yang Xiaoli curled her lips: "I'm just here to wake you up, lest you get confused by those messy books. Look at Zhang Guiying and Zhang Fengying, I don't believe you don't feel it in your heart."

"Who are Zhang Guiying and Zhang Fengying?" Luo Xiaoqiong asked curiously.

Li Xinli explained: "Two classmates in the same dormitory as me, one is in his thirties and the other is about to be thirty, neither of them has a partner yet. A few days ago, their mothers actually brought two men over to let them The blind date caused a stir in the whole school. Fortunately, the two of them have good psychological qualities, and ordinary people would probably be embarrassed to stay in the school."

"Xinli is kind, I haven't told you what the two men are like..." Yang Xiaoli sighed. "To be honest, if I reach that age and have no partner. My mother brings someone like that to me for a blind date, I will definitely sever the mother-daughter relationship with my mother!"

"What's it like?" Luo Xiaoqiong, who was intrigued, tugged at Chu Xia's sleeves anxiously. "Stop letting them talk about it. Talk to me quickly."

"Do you still need to ask?" Chu Xia squinted at her, "Listen to what they said, can't you just think about it yourself?"

"I know it must be a bit unreliable, but what are the details?" Luo Xiaoqiong shook her arm in a flattering manner, "Just tell me in detail, my dear Chu Xia, you have always been the best..."

"Okay, okay..." Chu Xia quickly raised her hands in surrender, "I'm getting goosebumps all over my body. I'd better save this coquettishness for my brother when he comes back and use it on him."

"Then are you going to say it?" Luo Xiaoqiong stared at her dissatisfied,

"If you keep nagging and don't welcome me here, then I'll go back to City A with mom right away and won't bother you here!"

"This person is either acting coquettishly or threatening. He is really capable. Well, well, well, why don't I tell you in detail..." Chu Xia shook her head helplessly. Said, "Let's talk about the man brought by Zhang Guiying's mother first. His name is Gao Jie, who is thirty-three years old. He is 1.75 meters tall and good-looking. He is a team leader at the bicycle factory. There is a paralyzed mother and a brain-brained man at home. The sister in question, of course. I say these not to discriminate against his family conditions, but to make it easier to talk about the consequences later..."

"Chu Xia!" Luo Xiaoqiong looked at Chu Xia dumbfounded. "I'm not stupid. Of course I understand what you mean. Are you teasing me on purpose?"

"Looking at your impatience now, aren't I telling you in detail..." Chu Xia shook her head in amusement and continued, "Gao Jie and Zhang Guiying's uncle are in the same factory, so the indirect matchmaker is naturally Zhang Guiying's uncle.

Zhang Guiying's mother met Gao Jie and felt that although Gao Jie's family background was indeed not up to the mark, he was good-looking, had a good job, and had never been married before. He was considered a good match for her daughter, so she agreed to the marriage.

The purpose of her bringing Gao Jie to the capital was just to let Zhang Guiying meet and get along with Gao Jie, and then take leave to go home and get married. Zhang Guiying was naturally unwilling. As a result, her mother was even more ruthless and followed Zhang Guiying with Gao Jie every day. When Zhang Guiying ate, they ate, and when Zhang Guiying was in class, they waited outside the classroom.

Later, she took Gao Jie to the principal's office, saying that her daughter was unfilial if she still didn't find a partner at such an old age, and asked the school to take action.

After much persuasion, the principal finally asked her to leave the office, but also asked Zhang Guiying to seize the time to resolve matters at home and not to affect the normal teaching order of the school.

Zhang Guiying had no choice but to promise her mother to go back to get married during the summer vacation. Then, while her mother was away, she went to Gao Jie alone, saying that they had no feelings and their marriage would not be happy, and she hoped that the other party would give up on her own initiative.

As a result, Gao Jie told her that marriage does not require love. When they are together, they live together. He has a good job, and she should have a good job after graduating from college. The two of them are a perfect combination and will definitely be happy in the future.

Later, she told Zhang Guiying's mother about her conversation with him. Then, Zhang Guiying's mother went to Zhang Guiying's dormitory to make a fuss. However, Zhang Guiying had no choice but to completely compromise.

Zhang Fengying is younger than Zhang Guiying, and her mother is also anxious, but not as anxious as Zhang Guiying's mother. Therefore, after Zhang Fengying rejected the man she brought, she didn't make such a fuss. She just asked Zhang Fengying not to refuse in a hurry and let the two of them We keep in touch through text messages for a period of time. If we think they are suitable, we will stay together. If not, we will move away from each other.

And she also said that she originally did not plan to bring a man to school to find her daughter, but Zhang Guiying's mother happened to ask her to accompany her. She hesitated before agreeing, because she was afraid that her daughter would be as old as Zhang Guiying.

Anyway, after this fuss, everyone in the school knew about them. Their mother had just returned the day before yesterday, and now wherever they go, there are people pointing fingers. "

After a moment of silence, Luo Xiaoqiong frowned: "In other words, Zhang Fengying has won the fight, and Zhang Guiying has confessed her life like this?"

Chu Xia sighed: "I can't say that now. Anyway, Zhang Guiying also wanted her mother to take Gao Jie back early. The conditions in Gao Jie's family were so difficult to find, and she didn't want to find someone for a second marriage. It's not easy to meet Zhang Guiying with such conditions, how can it be so easy to let go?

As for what happens in the future, it depends on Zhang Guiying's own determination. The school dean also talked to her and said that this is a new society. You have to make your own decisions when it comes to marriage matters, not because of pressure from your elders. Just give up your own happiness.

He also said that the principal was really scared by her mother at the time. After thinking about it, she felt that it was unfair to her. He said that the school had reached a consensus that if her mother came again, as long as she did not go too far, she would be fine. Turn a blind eye. "

"That's more or less..." Luo Xiaoqiong couldn't help but sigh, "It's really life-threatening to meet such parents. Isn't it just that you are a little older? You need to be capable, have education, and have education. What's there to worry about? By the way, there's no one in your school who's about her age who's not married yet?"

"Yes..." Chu Xia spread her hands, "There is someone in our class who is similar to her, but she has a high vision and only likes those who are more than ten years younger than me and good-looking."

"Hey..." Yang Xiaoli pointed at Li Xinli. "This is the one that the monitor of our class is interested in. Also, they were initially interested in our youngest. If he hadn't seen that the youngest was pregnant, he would probably have to hold on for a while."

"What does that man look like?"

Yang Xiaoli pouted: "Tall, thin and white, with a sinister look on his face."

"Listening to what you said, I'm looking forward to the rest of my lecture career..." Jun Doudou interjected with a smile. "I have to get my bearings right, hehe..."

Luo Xiaoqiong silently reminded her: "We are not with them. We are going to the adult class."

"What's the matter? We can go to them after class. Won't we be able to meet them and get seated? Besides, it's okay to follow a class occasionally, right?"

"That's right!" Luo Xiaoqiong suddenly became excited, pulling Chu Xia's sleeves and shaking them, "How about we follow you quietly when you have class tomorrow?" The procedures for their transfer to the adult class have not yet been completed. Classes would not start until a week at the earliest, so she made such a suggestion.

Chu Xia looked at the two of them with some worry: "This is a long and tiring journey. Even if you can bear it, the baby in your belly can't. Go to bed early tonight and rest at home for a day tomorrow. Follow us the day after tomorrow."

"We're fine, you all went to class, and you just left us at home, how boring is it?" Luo Xiaoqiong pouted her mouth dissatisfied, "You yourself came here at this time, you don't know if you are so squeamish, why don't you do it? So wordy?"

Chu Xia lowered her voice: "Even if you and Doudou are not so squeamish, you still have to give Guoguo time to adapt, right?"

"That's right..." Luo Xiaoqiong slapped her forehead fiercely, "I really forgot about this..." Sighing, she sat back wilfully, "Then let's stay at home for two more days, just one day. She and Aunt Yulan and Aunt Qi didn't get to know each other at all."

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Xia said: "When I go to school tomorrow, I will ask the head teacher for his opinion. If he allows it, I will let Guoguo go with me. Isn't she envious of others who can go to school and have their own friends, regardless of whether they can listen or not?" I understand, letting her stay in this environment for a while should be good for her health."

"This is a good idea, but..." After hesitating, Luo Xiaoqiong whispered, "Why don't you forget it, after all, you have a background from the Zhou family, and people may be embarrassed to refuse, but what else can you say behind your back? "

"That's not the case. The class teacher is very nice, and Guoguo is very obedient and won't disturb the order of the class. There should be no problem..." After a pause, Chu Xia added, "Don't worry, I can ask sideways first, if The class teacher looked unhappy, so I took the initiative to change the subject."

"Chu Xia..." Jun Doudou, who had been talking quietly to Yun Guoguo, moved to Luo Xiaoqiong's side and looked at Chu Xia gratefully, "Thank you for thinking about Guoguo so much."

"Did you hear us talking?" Chu Xia looked at her in surprise, "Are your ears too good to use?"

"Guoguo heard it." Jun Doudou smiled sheepishly, "How can I not be so capable?"

"You mean, Guoguo's hearing is different from ordinary people's?"

"Yes." Jun Doudou nodded, "Maybe she was frightened when she was a child. She would not say anything she heard to her face, but would tell trusted people quietly afterwards. Therefore, few people know about this specialty of hers. "

"Fortunately, we are not talking bad about her..." Luo Xiaoqiong patted her chest, "Otherwise, it would be terrible." As she said this, she quietly looked over to Youjun Guoguo and waved. "Guoguo, come and sit."

"Hehe..." Yun Guoguo came over sheepishly. With a guilty look on his face, he said, "I didn't mean to complain. I understood that you were doing it for my own good, so I told Doudou."

"I know, we didn't say you complained on purpose..." Luo Xiaoqiong smiled and rubbed her head, "Do you like it here?"

"I like it!" Yun Guoguo nodded seriously, "It's more lively than our home, grandparents are better, uncles and aunts are better, south, south, north and north are better. I like it here!"

"That's good. You can live here for a long time in the future..." Jun Doudou looked at her seriously, "You just heard what Chu Xia said, but it may not be possible. If the school does not agree, you Just stay home and play with your grandparents, uncles and aunts while we are in class, okay?"

"I know. We just agreed at home. I'm not stupid..." Yun Guoguo rolled her eyes at her sister. He said contemptuously, "Doudou, your brain is really not working right now. You forgot what you said in the blink of an eye!"

Jun Doudou: "..." Okay. She just wanted to emphasize it again, but unexpectedly she was despised.

Going to school the next day, Chu Xia went to the class teacher first. As soon as she told Jun Guoguo's situation, the other party responded happily. He said that Jun Guoguo is also a poor person, as long as it does not affect the order of the class.

The morning class is over. As soon as Chu Xia returned home, Yun Guoguo was the first to greet her, looking at her eagerly, her eyes full of anticipation.

Chu Xia didn't show off, and said: "Don't worry, the head teacher agreed, saying that as long as you don't run around or talk or make small moves in class that affects the order, you will be allowed to follow us in class."

"Sister Chuxia, thank you!" Jun Guoguo hugged Chu Xia happily, "I like you so much, as much as I like Doudou!"

Chu Xia is Chu Xia, and Chu Xia is my sister... Chu Xia smiled helplessly: "Guo Guo, can we discuss it? You can just call me Chu Xia, and don't use the word "sister", okay?"

"Why?" Yun Guoguo tilted her head, "Do you feel embarrassed that I called you sister?"

Afraid of hurting the sensitive girl, Chu Xia quickly explained: "That's not the main thing. I'm already a mother of two children. It's a bit embarrassing for you to call me sister."

"Actually, it's okay. After Doudou gave birth to a baby, I will still call her sister. There's nothing to be embarrassed about, right?" Before Chu Xia could answer, she said to herself, "But, you gave birth to two children. That’s a bit much, so I’ll listen to you and call you Chuxia from now on, not sister Chuxia anymore.”

Although she was a little speechless, it was actually quite fun to have such a live treasure at home. Chu Xia smiled and patted her: "Okay, that's it. I'll tell you to go see Nan Nan Beibei first, and you and Doudou Xiaoqiong play." "

"You haven't even spoken to us yet..." Luo Xiaoqiong curled her lips and protested.

"You are so jealous of two little things. They are really getting more and more promising as they grow older..." Chu Xia rolled her eyes at her, took Nan Nan from Mrs. Zhao's hand and went into the house. Zhao Yulan quickly followed Bei Bei in her arms.

It has been more than four months since Nan Nan Bei Bei. She is pink and fleshy, which is called cute, and she has already recognized her. Although she can't speak yet, she is grinning more happily when she sees Chu Xia than anyone else she has seen. Reality.

"Little rascal, you don't like grandma anymore when you see mom?" Zhao Yulan nodded her grandson's forehead in a funny way, "Grandma and grandma love you for nothing, right?"

Chu Xia suddenly realized that she didn't see Mrs. Zhou, Lin Yanqiu, Yu Tao, and Yu Tao's mother Aunt Cong when she entered the door, so she asked doubtfully, "Mom, grandma, where have they gone?"

Zhao Yulan said: "Yanyan got vaccinated today, so we all went together. She said we would have dinner with old friends at noon, so we didn't have to wait."

"Yes, I told you this a few days ago, but I actually forgot about it, hey..." Chu Xia patted her forehead, "After giving birth to a child, my memory is really bad, and I also made a very low grade in this exam. It’s a mistake, mother, have you done this before?”

"Xia, you have too high demands on yourself..." Zhao Yulan looked at her daughter seriously, "Xiaoqiong and Doudou are coming over, you have to worry about it, you have to remember to eat at the designated times in the south, north, and north, and forget a few things. What's the point? As for the exam, didn't you get fifth place this time? You haven't been in class for so long, so your score is already pretty good.

Your father said the day before yesterday that he felt uncomfortable seeing you working so hard. He felt that it was our lack of potential that made you so tired. If your father heard what you just said, he might not feel that way. "

"Mom..." Chu Xia looked at her mother helplessly, "I really don't have high demands on myself, in fact. My memory during this period is just not as good as before. I'm not blaming myself. I just want to ask you if you were the same before. It's like this, let's see if I inherited it from you. Look at what you said, it's really..."

"That's because Mom misunderstood you..." Zhao Yulan smiled sheepishly, thought about it carefully for a while, and said, "Mother had trouble with her memory for a while after giving birth to you, but she got better within a few months. In fact, it was mainly because she couldn't rest. Okay, it’s just that my memory is bad. You have to feed them at night now, and your energy is a little weak. After a while, it will be good if they can eat complementary food. "

After hesitating, Chu Xia looked at Zhao Yulan with some worry: "Mom, do you think I'm old?"

Zhao Yulan looked at her daughter speechlessly, really not knowing what to say.

Chu Xia smiled coquettishly: "I mean, don't you always have to get up at night during this period, or you may look more haggard than before. Hehe..."

"I'm haggard because I have two little ones to take care of. If Xiaomi dislikes you because of this, mother will be the first to forgive him!"

Looking at his mother's angry look, there was a black line on Chu Xia's head. Why did her mother want to go here? In fact, she was really not worried that Zhou Mikang would not like her when he came back and saw her haggard. She was just worried that she looked older than her peers...

All right. She decisively made a mistake that all girls tend to make, and she is still breastfeeding. Considering these issues, it seems a little too inappropriate. No matter what, your baby’s health is the most important thing!

Putting aside these messy thoughts and looking at the two little ones with flushed faces sleeping after eating, Chu Xia felt that her heart softened into a ball, and she felt that all the hard work was worth it!

The arrival of Luo Xiaoqiong and Jun Doudou Jun Guoguo made Chu Xia's home a little more lively than before. Because Luo Xiaoqiong and Jun Doudou could be with a few good friends every day, their physical condition was much better than before.

This made Li Aiyuan, who had been feeling a little uneasy, finally breathe a sigh of relief. However, she was still a little embarrassed about living in her niece's house. She was always rushing to do this and that. No matter what Mrs. Ren Zhou and Lin Yanqiu said, they would not do it. I had no choice but to let her go.

Privately, Chu Xia also talked to her and said that her mother-in-law and old mother-in-law were really careless people, and all the elders in her husband's family were open-minded, so she could just relax.

But Li Aiyuan said: "Xia, I can't help but treat your parents well regardless of others. That's because in that regard, why should my aunt sit back and enjoy the benefits?"

There was no other way, so Chu Xia stopped trying to persuade her. Anyway, compared to working in the fields at home before, what she did here was much easier. It was better to keep her busy, so as not to feel guilty all the time.

A month later, Zhao Qihui entered school, and Zhao Yushan was the only one left in the family. Chu Xia discussed letting Li Aiyuan go back to his hometown first, "Aunt, you haven't seen your uncle for several months. Anyway, there are so many people here taking care of Xiaoqiong. There’s nothing to worry about.”

Li Aiyuan was a little hesitant. She really wanted to go back and have a look, but she felt it was inappropriate to leave Luo Xiaoqiong here. After all, this was her daughter-in-law.

Seeing what she was thinking, Mrs. Zhao said, "Why don't your father and I go back? Anyway, your father's health is almost better. We can do more activities when we go back."

Mr. Zhao has indeed recovered, but it is best to stay here. After all, Mr. Qi is watching. Therefore, after being so excited by Mrs. Zhao, Li Aiyuan no longer hesitated and immediately agreed to go home and take a look. .

Seeing that his mother agreed, Zhao Qihui advised: "Mom, why don't you stay at home? It's not a problem for dad to always eat cold food alone. There are grandparents here. I'll come back soon after class. , Sister-in-law will definitely not be able to bear the injustice."

Chu Xia smiled and said: "I guess Fat Aunt will come here anxiously when she knows that Auntie is back. She has long wanted to come over and see Xiaoqiong."

"Yes..." Luo Xiaoqiong looked stunned, "Why did I forget this? I will write a letter to my mother and ask her to come and stay for a while..." Turning to Li Aiyuan, "Mom, I am not I’m anxious to ask my mother to come over because I’m not kissing you. I think this is the best thing to do under the current circumstances. Don’t mind, okay?”

"How can I be so petty?" Li Aiyuan looked at her daughter-in-law funny, "Okay, mother won't insist this time. Let your mother come and stay for a while. I will come over again when you are about to give birth."

After the matter was settled, Li Aiyuan returned to her hometown the next day. (To be continued...)


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