"Are you really lying?" Chu Xia glanced at the time on the wall clock and couldn't help but stretched out her hand to touch Luo Xiaoqiong's forehead, "It's not midnight, and I don't have a fever..."

"Go, go, go..." Luo Xiaoqiong pulled her hand away, "I'm here to talk to you about business. How can you look down on people so much? Is it possible that you are only allowed to make progress, but you don't want others to make progress?"

"That's not what I meant. It was already discussed before that you should take the exam. You worked hard for a while, but then you only spent three days fishing and two days drying nets. Later, you said that instead of making it difficult for yourself, it is better to choose the one that suits you. , I suddenly changed my mind, especially at this time, can I not be shocked? "

Chu Xia turned to look at Zhao Qihui, who was sitting silently on the side installing a background board, "Sister Qihui, what did you say to her to stimulate her to this point?"

Zhao Qihui smiled helplessly: "I didn't say much, just about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Then she suddenly gloated that I still have two sisters-in-law, and they will suffer in the future. I told her that I am a college student, and they It shouldn’t be difficult for me, and then she said she wanted to take the college entrance examination, and then she came to you."

"It's always been her style to follow the wind..." Chu Xia joked and looked at Luo Xiaoqiong seriously, "Have you really made a decision? It would be a bit embarrassing if you give up halfway again."

"Really, I am absolutely serious this time, but you have to teach me well. I have almost forgotten what I learned before..." Luo Xiaoqiong smiled sheepishly, "Actually, I'm really not good at this. , but, for the sake of our children and our own future, we still have to work hard. Otherwise, if we just take it easy when we are young, we will only regret it when we are older."

"It's not as serious as you said. My brother will definitely not force this matter. As for the child..." Chu Xia smiled and touched her belly, "Whether I can respect you or not is not related to this diploma. "

"I know this. I just think it would be a pity not to give it a try now that I have this convenience..." Sighed. Luo Xiaoqiong said helplessly, "And all of you are better than me. If I don't work harder, how will I have any status in the family in the future?"

"Okay, stop feeling emotional, no one is stopping you..." Chu Xia looked at her funny, "But one thing I can tell you for sure. If you act like a resentful woman, the child will be I will never respect you."

"I hate it. How do you look like a resentful woman?" Luo Xiaoqiong glared at her dissatisfied, "I've been left too behind by you, so I suddenly feel a little nervous."

Knowing that what she said was true, Chu Xia stopped teasing her. He said seriously: "Don't worry, we can do whatever you want, and I will fully cooperate with you."

"I knew our Xia was the best to me..." Luo Xiaoqiong hugged Chu Xia's arm and rubbed it back and forth.

Beibei Children's Shoes, who was lying there playing happily with his brother, stared at her and curled his lips. "Ouch" started to howl, and Chu Xia shook her head helplessly, "Who on earth did this damn boy follow? I'm really convinced..." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to pat the little guy, who was howling vigorously. The little thing immediately stopped making noises, then waved his little hands and laughed...

"This little guy not only looks like your teacher, but he also has a similar personality. I just hugged your arm, and he was so reluctant. What would he do if I hugged you?" Luo Xiaoqiong said as he spoke. Reaching out to hug Chu Xia, as if to verify what she said, the little Beibei kid who was smiling happily glanced at her and grinned, "Wow wow wow..."

"Okay, okay..." Zhao Qihui felt distressed and quickly stepped forward to pat the little guy, and glared at her unreliable sister-in-law, "He is only so good, sister-in-law, please don't make trouble with him, okay?"

"We can't spoil him..." Chu Xia didn't care, she looked at Zhao Qihui with a smile and said, "Sister, don't worry about him, just let him cry. How can you do this when you are so young and possessive so much?"

"The child is only a few months old. What if he breaks down crying if you let him cry?"

"Children can't cry..." Chu Xia said as she reached out and pulled away Zhao Qihui's hand that was patting Beibei, and then gently poked the little guy's forehead, "If you keep acting like this, mom will only like Brother doesn’t like you anymore.”

"Giggle..." The little guy was playing with him in the early summer, and he immediately became happy again...

Zhao Qihui saw a dark line: "I thought you were really cruel and wanted to ignore him, but it turned out that I was too sentimental. Chu Xia, I can never trust you again."

"I really want to correct this problem for him..." Chu Xia said as she reached out to pick up Nan Nan, who was lying there and staring at her smile, and looked at Bei Beidao semi-seriously, "From now on, if you don't obey me, I will only hug my brother, not you."

"Ah...ah..." When the little guy saw his brother being picked up, he stretched out his claws and swung forward in a hurry. Chu Xia stepped back and refused to pay attention to him, "Ouch, ouch, ouch..." Purpose Unable to reach it, the little thing howled again...

"What's wrong?" Zhao Yulan hurriedly opened the door and came in. When she saw several people gathered around the bed, howling at the top of her lungs as her little grandson lay there, she quickly stepped forward to hug the little guy.

"Mom, leave him alone." Chu Xia reached out and pulled Zhao Yulan down, "The little thing is only a few months old and is so possessive. I am trying to correct his problem. If I don't correct it now, it will be even harder in the future. ”

"You child, a child who is only a few months old must want to be with whomever he kisses. How can you call it possessive?" As he said this, Zhao Yulan did not forcefully pick up Beibei. Regarding this issue, her daughter had told her before that the mother and daughter had reached an agreement. When one was in charge of the child, no matter whether it was right or wrong, the other could not forcefully intervene. Therefore, she felt distressed now. You have to endure it first.

"Mom, don't underestimate these little guys. You think he is ignorant. In fact, he knows everything. If you can't shape his character well before he is three years old, it will be difficult to change him in the future. So, mom. listen to me.

From now on, when I'm not at home, you can't spoil this little thing. You see, Nannan is much more sensible than him. He never fights, grabs or is squeamish. This little naughty boy is simply more difficult to deal with than a girl. "

"You kid, where did you get all these fallacies..." Seeing her little grandson crying out of breath, Zhao Yulan inhaled in distress, "Xia, there must be a reason for the change, not just a little bit. Just hold on to the little things and let mom hug him, okay?"

"No!" Chu Xia categorically refused. Seeing that her mother was about to cry, she handed Nannan to her, then moved forward, looking at the little thing that was howling and peeking at her seriously, "Beibei, if you want your mother to hug you like a brother, you have to be obedient and don't just use this trick when something doesn't go your way.

Your mother can forgive you this time, but you remember that from now until you are three years old, your mother will give you three chances. If you use up these opportunities and still can't change, your mother will never like you again.

Moreover, every time you take the opportunity, your mother will punish you. The punishment is to stop hugging you except for giving you food for a week. Regardless of whether you can understand it or not, your mother will do it according to this! "

"Isn't this playing the harp to a cow..." Luo Xiaoqiong couldn't help but whisper, "If he could listen to you, I would go back to the other way. For a child who is only over half a year old, your demands are too high... Uh..." Look... Luo Xiaoqiong quickly stopped crying, smiled fawningly at Chu Xia, and stretched out her little paws for a hug. Luo Xiaoqiong was completely frozen there...

Zhao Qihui also looked at the mother and son hugging each other with a look of surprise: "Xia, does he really understand or is he pretending to understand?"

"It would be weird if he really understood. He just stopped crying when I reached out to comfort him..." Chu Xia looked at the two of them funny, "Do you really believe it?

How can a child who is only over half a year old understand? I just started to instill it in him from now on. Moreover, I hugged him only after he stopped crying. Nannan was also hugged by my mother. The more times he did this, he would naturally understand what I meant. .

Of course, when he becomes sensible, my plan will be fully implemented. What I said about giving him three chances is not a joke, but the time for it to really take effect is not now. "

"Okay, I've learned a lot..." Luo Xiaoqiong smacked her lips, "If your method works, I will educate my children in the same way in the future. I will talk to Doudou later and let her learn a little bit too... ..." She couldn't help but look up and down at Chu Xia curiously, "Where did you learn these fallacies?"

"It's in the book..." Chu Xia said matter-of-factly, "When you become a mother, of course you should also read books on how to raise children. I don't want to raise them crookedly. I will be the one who suffers like that!"

"You..." Zhao Yulan looked at her daughter helplessly, "Everything she does is done in the same way, but I think it's too distressing for such a young child to cry like this. You When you were a child, my mother never made you cry like this, isn’t this why you are growing crooked?”

Haven't grown crooked yet? If I hadn't grown crooked, would I have had the chance to be your daughter?

Of course, if you think like this in your heart, you can never say it with your mouth. Chu Xia smiled and said: "Mom, how many of your daughters are so smart? How many of them are the same?

Besides, it’s good to be a prodigal son who can never be exchanged for gold, but there are also those who will never return to the Yangtze River. Wouldn’t it be troublesome if it really happened like that?

Therefore, in order to avoid trouble in the future, it is better to harden your heart a little now. This is for his own good. Besides, boys should be raised rough. "

Zhao Yulan: "..." Why does she basically never win when arguing with her daughter... (To be continued)



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