?? The first update is here——

"Sister, I knew you wouldn't just watch me being bullied by others..." Wang Meifeng tilted her buttocks on the kang, snuggled up again, and then sat back to her original position.

Chu Xia and Luo Xiaoqiong rubbed their foreheads together. They were really defeated by these two sisters. One was really kind and the other was really good at pretending...

The words were thrown out. Even if Zhao Qihui now saw that Wang Meifeng was pretending before, he could not regret it. He could only knock out his teeth and swallow blood.

"Sister, Chu Xia, Xiaoqiong, I know that you all don't like me. Yes, I am a bit competitive, but do you know why I have such a personality?

I have three brothers, and as long as I can remember, our family has not been welcomed by my grandparents, just because my mother is a husband and I am a girl.

Later, my younger brother Jin Song was born. My grandparents finally started to smile towards my parents, but they still treated me the same as before.

I was already sensible at that time, and of course I understood why they treated me so differently. I just thought that when I grow up, I must stand out and make them regret looking away.

However, when I grew up, I knew clearly that as a rural girl, it was not easy to get ahead.

I can't count on my relatives on my father's side, so I can only place my hope on my relatives on my mother's side. I know that only my second aunt can help me, so I am particularly close to my second aunt.

In fact, my second aunt did fulfill everything I wanted. First, she went on a blind date with Qiang Junjie, and later she became a private teacher for me.

I thought for a while. All my wishes have come true, and I can finally make my grandparents regret not paying enough attention to me. However, it turns out. I'm still too naive.

The reason why Qiang Junjie is willing to be with me is that he needs the help of his second uncle. But now that he has a better backer, he has begun to alienate me.

Private teachers are private teachers after all, and those teachers who graduated from normal schools are the most valued. Even if my teaching performance is as good as theirs, I will still be inferior to them.

It dawned on me that I wanted to really stand out. It’s really impressive. Only through my own efforts can I be more secure.

I admit, the high marriage in early summer stimulated me. I always thought that I was more sensible and capable than early summer.

She is no worse than Chu Xia in terms of length. Why did she climb so high all of a sudden and look down at me?

But then I understood. Everyone has their own destiny, and Chu Xia’s destiny is better than mine. If I blame others because of this, it will only make my life worse and worse.

But early summer. I also want to advise you that it is better to rely on yourself than to rely on anyone else, if you don’t work hard. One day, you will regret it too.

And that's my goal now. Work hard to get into normal school and become a people's teacher with a formal establishment. Find a good man who really likes me, marry me, and live my own happy life. "

Wang Meifeng took the initiative to tell these things, which was beyond Chu Xia and Zhao Qihui's expectations. In their impression, Wang Meifeng was a person who only showed off and never said "no" to herself.

"It's incredible to hear what I say, right?" Wang Meifeng spread her hands, "That's because I really understand life and know what I should live for.

Sister, I know that after you promised me just now, you regretted it. You felt that I was playing tricks on you and taking advantage of you. Yes, I was playing tricks on you, but I did not take advantage of you.

I think that one person can judge the shortcomings and the other can judge the strengths. You can teach me some questions, and I can definitely help you with some questions. The effect of the two of us reviewing together will definitely be much better than studying alone.

I used to have a bad personality and was quite selfish. Of course, I am not that selfless now. However, when it comes to taking the college entrance examination, I don’t think I will gain much by dragging you down. If we both take the college entrance examination, Being married will only make others think more highly of our family, which is good for you, me and our family. I have no reason to refuse this benefit. "

Zhao Qihui breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Okay, let's work hard together."

Wang Meifeng looked at Chu Xia again: "The bet I made with you is cancelled."

"Second sister, why do I have the feeling that you have a complete understanding?" Chu Xia looked at her in disbelief, "Have you really figured it out?"

Wang Meifeng glared at her: "Go, go, go, what a great enlightenment, it sounds like you want to become a nun. I just have experienced too many things, and I understand more principles."

The development of the matter was really beyond the expectations of many people, but it was a good thing after all. No matter how true or false what Wang Meifeng said, there was no need to doubt it now. If we get along for a while, the answer will naturally come out.

Especially Zhao Qihui, what she likes the most is this ending. Reviewing alone is too boring. It is indeed much better to have more people to accompany you than to be bored alone.

In the following time, Zhao Qihui and Wang Meifeng chatted so enthusiastically that Chu Xia and Luo Xiaoqiong were completely speechless. Just as aunt Li Aiyuan and fat aunt Zhao Yulan started to work on lunch, Chu Xia and Luo Xiaoqiong took the opportunity to help evacuate.

According to the usual custom, this meal must include dumplings. Sisters Zhao Yulan and Zhao Yuying are responsible for making noodles, cutting stuffing, and taking two rookies to make dumplings. Li Aiyuan and Fat Aunt are busy chopping vegetables, garnishing, and stir-frying.

Around lunch time, uncle Wang Xingui and Wang Meifeng's younger brother Wang Jinsong also came. Chu Xia smiled and teased the two of them: "Uncle, Jin Song, are you here on the cusp of lunch?"

Wang Xingui blushed and explained: "No, no, we first went to Jin Songgu's house to visit relatives, and then we hurried over."

Wang Jinsong is three years younger than Chu Xia. He has a fluffy beard on his mouth. He is at the age when he is shy when meeting girls. Now he droops his head and blushes to the roots of his ears. He does not dare to look at Chu Xia and Luo Xiaoqiong.

Chu Xia smiled and teased him: "Jin Song, why don't you call me sister?"

"Sister." The vague word "sister" came out of Wang Jinsong's throat.

Luo Xiaoqiong deliberately teased him: "There is another one."


This "sister" was more vague than the previous one, and her face turned purple.

"Who could hear you shouting so quietly?" Zhao Yuying stretched out her hand to tug at her son's head and smiled sheepishly at the fat aunt, "A monk in a small temple can't live up to the occasion."

The fat aunt quickly said: "Sister, my eldest son is also a boy. When he was the same age as Jin Song, he was not as generous as Jin Song. It will be fine in two years..."

Luo Xiaoqiong quickly answered: "That's right, if my brother teased him like this, he would have been annoyed by it long ago."

"You still know?" The fat aunt glared at her, "You know that boys of this age have such tempers, and you deliberately make things difficult for them?"

Luo Xiaoqiong giggled: "Mom, I am here to help him learn his courage. Otherwise, how can he be so shy when looking for a wife in the future?"

The fat aunt was so angry that she glared at her again and looked at Li Aiyuan: "Sister-in-law, you have to be more patient in the future. This girl was pampered by me and her father. She doesn't have any shame or shame when speaking." of."

Li Aiyuan smiled happily: "I like Xiaoqiong's character, she is straightforward. Such children have no evil intentions and are easy to get along with."

Luo Xiaoqiong raised her eyebrows proudly: "Mom, did you hear that?"

The fat aunt had a look of helplessness on her face: "Look, look, she is so shameless. You say she is fat, but she actually gets out of breath."

At this time, Wang Xingui had already brought Wang Jinsong into the east room. This was the first time for Wang Xingui to meet Zhou Mikang and Lin Wenbin. He was so nervous that he could not speak clearly. Wang Jinsong was okay, although he only asked questions and answered questions. But overall, he was not speechless like his father.

For lunch, there was a table for the seniors and a table for the juniors, and they were divided into two rooms. Zhou Mikang and Lin Wenbin also took the initiative to come to the juniors' table.

Luo Xiaoqiong quietly nudged Chu Xia and lowered her voice: "Here comes the litmus test to verify whether what Wang Meifeng just said is true or false."

"You think of her too simply. You have tried all kinds of methods before. No matter whether you really want to or not, it is impossible for her to send her up now. Do you think she is also Ye Meiru?"

Luo Xiaoqiong nodded: "Indeed, there are not many people who are as shameless and idiotic as Ye Meiru."

As Chu Xia expected, Wang Meifeng ate the meal in silence and basically didn't say much. On the contrary, her brother Wang Jinsong, after the initial silence, began to chase Zhou Mikang and ask questions. However, I still don’t dare to look at Chu Xia and Luo Xiaoqiong, embarrassing~

Lin Wenbin deliberately teased him: "Wang Jinsong, is your neck feeling a little uncomfortable?"

"No." Wang Jinsong looked at Lin Wenbin with a puzzled expression, "My neck is quite comfortable."

"Then why are you always tilting your head and not looking up?"

Wang Jinsong's face, which had returned to normal, turned red again, and he explained calmly: "I... I feel more comfortable listening to my brother-in-law like this."

"Oh oh oh..." Lin Wenbin nodded with a sudden look on his face, "I thought you had a bad neck at a young age. When you are young, you have to pay attention to small problems. Otherwise, you will suffer from the elders before you get older. "

Wang Jinsong was an honest child, so he quickly explained with a serious face: "Brother Lin, there is really nothing wrong with my neck. I didn't lie to you."

Wang Meifeng glared at him: "Idiot, Brother Lin is teasing you. Chuxia is your cousin, and Xiaoqiong is your future cousin. What are you embarrassed to see?"

Wang Jinsong drooped his head and said nothing. Obviously, he was very embarrassed to be told the central issue.

"Hahaha..." Lin Wenbin rubbed his head happily, "Silly boy, I was like this when I was your age. Do you feel that when you see a girl who is not much different from you, no matter whether you are related or not? Do you feel particularly embarrassed about the relationship?"

"Really?" Wang Jinsong quickly looked up at him, "Brother Lin, is everything you said true?" (To be continued...)

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