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Due to the problem of setting up in advance, the two chapters posted yesterday were reversed. The content has been changed. Dear friends, you can read it again.

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"It seems that you really like Ji Gang, otherwise you wouldn't have told us so much..." Chu Xia hugged Qian Yan's shoulders affectionately, "Go back and have a good talk with Aunt Wan. This time, she will listen to you. Said."

"I hope..." Qian Yan sighed helplessly, "My grandpa has tried to persuade my mother before, but every time he said it well, he went back on it. I was really defeated."

"It shouldn't happen this time. At that time, we didn't know that Aunt Wan had no one else to relieve her stress except talking to grandpa. It's different now. My mother, my grandma, Fat Aunt, everyone... Using her own personal experience as advice, even though Aunt Wan still couldn't fully accept it, she was already working hard to fully accept it.

Also, she asked me to tell you that if she really likes Ji Gang, she will not stop her, but she hopes you can see clearly the person Ji Gang and the true character of his family members.

And whether Ji Gang's aunt will have an impact on your lives in the future? If so, she hopes you will talk to Ji Gang about this matter now to take precautions.

Aunt Wan asked me to tell you this, probably because she was worried that if she told you in person, she would not be able to help but tighten her tone and trigger your rebellious psychology..." Sighing, Chu Xia looked at her seriously, "You want to Understand her good intentions. "

"I understand..." Sniffing, Qian Yan smiled sheepishly, "It seems that I have also made the most common mistake between relatives. Lack of the most basic trust."

Jun Doudou, who had been silent for the whole time, sighed: "Everyone is like this, because they always live with their relatives and feel that they know everything about the other person, so they tend to become suspicious.

When dealing with outsiders, you will have more patience, and naturally it will be easier to accept the persuasion of outsiders, no matter it is you. Still Aunt Wan. Or every one of us, in fact, often make this kind of mistake, there is nothing we can do about it. This is human nature. "

Qian Yan smiled and said: "Doudou is so sensitive. It seems that I have had conflicts with Aunt Lan before."

"You are really right about my marriage to Zhou Hanliang.

My mother was firmly against it at the time. Initially, it was because of Zhou Hanliang’s family background. Later I finally accepted it, but because he was going on a mission and wanted us to get married in a few years, after I made my decision. My mother locked me up, but later, she agreed to it.

It's not like she really thought it through and agreed. However, she still couldn't bear to let me be sad. Even if she didn't think about it, she would still make a compromise. Her objection was not against Zhou Hanliang, but just for my future.

Most parents are like this. When it comes to their children's marriage, they can rationally consider many issues, but when we are in a relationship, how can we listen?

In other words, if you can really listen, it means that the love is not deep enough, but no matter what, we must admit that our parents are the people who love us the most.

Even if you have a significant other, even if you love your significant other deeply, you must admit this, because when you get along with your significant other, you will unconsciously be more tolerant and less demanding.

But when facing our parents, we often feel that they should treat us well. As long as they are not as good as we want, we will be disappointed and angry.

Put yourself in their shoes, why do we treat our parents like that? Why should we ask them to devote their whole lives to us? We ourselves are parents. How would we feel if our children treated us like this in the future?

Of course, when I say this, I don’t mean that we should rely on our parents for everything, because they only think about us, but we have to think about ourselves and our significant other, so there must be conflicts.

But as long as we understand where the contradictions lie, we will be less resentful and more understanding towards them, and when they see how happy we are, they will naturally change their original ideas.

Sister Yanyan, what I said is my own personal experience. I believe that parents who love their children are the same. I hope it can be of some use to you. "

"Thank you..." Qian Yan looked at her with a grateful face, "I know what to do, I shouldn't run away anymore, no matter what my mother's attitude is towards me, I must let her understand that I love Ji Just now, but I love her equally."

"Hehe..." Luo Xiaoqiong laughed evilly and looked at her mischievously, "What you say means that you love Jigang more than Aunt Wan. Otherwise, you should say that you love Jigang but Aunt Wan more. "

Qian Yan looked at her helplessly: "You are calling this a nitpick. These are two different feelings. How can they be compared together?"

"The difference between family affection and love is that love can make people fly to a flame, but family affection can only warm your heart, so be kind to your relatives."

"When did I stop being kind to my relatives?" Qian Yan looked at Luo Xiaoqiong feebly, "It really doesn't hurt to stand and talk. You and Zhao Qiliang have been recognized by parents from the beginning. How can you understand our suffering?"

"You said that to me because you don't know the truth about me and Zhao Qiliang being together..." Luo Xiaoqiong spread her hands, "If I hadn't taken the initiative to pursue him, he wouldn't be good to me. It's for this reason that I talk about love. It can make people fly to a flame. I am such a reserved person, but when it comes to love, I still make such desperate actions. Alas, I am a dwarf when I think about it..."

Qian Yan said smoothly: "Ji Gang and I also took the initiative."

"Then it's over?" Luo Xiaoqiong spread her hands, "We are all women who risk our lives for love, but this guy..." She stretched out her hand to poke Chu Xia, "I have always been sensible from the beginning..." She suddenly paused , staring blankly ahead speechless.

"What's wrong?" Qian Yan asked, following her gaze, and then excitedly poked Chu Xia, "Your teacher, your teacher..."

Jun Doudou also became excited and asked around unconsciously.

Chu Xia shook her head in a funny way: "Please see clearly. That's Zhu Jianwen, not Zhou Mikang. Judging from their expressions, when have you ever seen Zhou Mikang wear such clothes?"

Although the man standing far away looks exactly like Zhou Mikang, he is wearing a Zhongshan suit and has an elegant temperament, which is completely opposite to Zhou Mikang's coldness and aloofness.

In fact, Zhu Jianwen looked very similar to Zhou Mixang when he was serious, but now, smiling at a few people from a distance, he was very different from Zhou Mixang.

Everyone understood it now. In fact, if they were normal, they would have recognized each other. They just said it warmly and happened to mention the teacher Zongzi, so they invariably assumed that the other party was the teacher Zongzi.

"Second brother, are you waiting for us?" As they got closer, Chu Xia took the initiative to greet Zhu Jianwen.

"Yeah, you haven't met mom and grandma on campus?" Zhu Jianwen said as he looked back, "They came back in the afternoon. They asked me to accompany them to come to you just now, because they were afraid that they would take a wrong turn and let me go. I'll wait here while they go in to look for it, and they really leaked it to you."

Chu Xia had a puzzled look on her face: "South, South, North and North are all at home. Mom and grandma should miss them more. Why do you come here to find me?"

"I don't know about this." Zhu Jianwen smiled sheepishly, "They asked me to come with them, so I came over."

"This feeling is so weird..." Luo Xiaoqiong scratched her head in confusion, "Obviously he looks exactly the same as Mr. Master, but his tone and expression are completely different. The more I look at him, the more I feel like he is insane."

Jun Doudou nodded in agreement: "I am a little bit too, after all, I am too familiar with Mr. Teacher..." Then she turned to look at Chu Xia, "What about you, how do you feel when you look at him?"

"It felt weird at first, but after having sex more times, I got used to it. It feels like looking at Brother Xikang. I believe Zhou Mikang will be surprised when he comes back..." Chu Xia's eyes were full of anticipation. , "It would be great if we knew when he would come back. We could find the eldest brother in advance, and we would definitely scare him half to death!"

"Yes, yes, let the second brother wear the same clothes as the teacher..." Luo Xiaoqiong smiled to herself as she spoke, "Do you think the teacher will feel like he is taking care of the mirror?"

Jun Doudou chuckled: "I don't know if it feels like taking care of a mirror, but I believe Mr. Master will be frightened, thinking that someone pretended to be him and snatched away his wife while he was away."

Seeing the discomfort on Zhu Jianwen's face, Chu Xia glared at the two of them with dissatisfaction: "You have to have a temper when joking. How embarrassing will it be for you to act like this?"

Luo Xiaoqiong quickly apologized: "Second brother, I'm sorry. We didn't mean it, but we just felt so happy when we imagined the scene. If you don't like it, just scold us. We will definitely not take it seriously."

Zhu Jianwen smiled helplessly: "You have said this, and you will definitely not take it to heart. If I scold you for this, wouldn't it be too unmanly?"

"Look, look..." Luo Xiaoqiong smacked her lips and looked at Chu Xia, "This is the difference. If you are the teacher, you must have glanced at us lightly and not even said a word. Look at others. Second brother is so kind. By the way, second brother, how are you and your second sister-in-law getting along lately?"

After a slight pause, Zhu Jianwen smiled and nodded: "It's okay..." He glanced back and breathed a sigh of relief, "Brothers and sisters, grandma and mom are here."

Chu Xia quickly turned around and saw Lin Yanqiu and Mrs. Zhou running over. She became panicked: "Grandma, Mom, are you in such a hurry to come to me? Is there something urgent?" (To be continued)

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