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One update.


"If you don't change your character, you will eventually offend everyone..." Luo Xiaoqiong looked at Wang Meifeng with a depressed expression, "How can you just blame others when something goes wrong without reflecting on yourself at all? ?”

Luo Xiaoqiong was Wang Meifeng's cousin, her identity was there, and what she said was reasonable. Although Wang Meifeng was unhappy, she didn't dare to refute.

She is not a three-year-old child, and it is impossible for her to be really careless about things. Her rudeness to Chu Xia has been a habit formed since she was a child. Even if Chu Xia is married now, she still can't be submissive. .

Although she has met Luo Xiaoqiong before, she is not familiar with her, so it is easier to respect her. The most important thing is that she is a little afraid of Zhao Qiliang, and she has already offended Chu Xia, but she does not want to offend Zhao Qiliang again. After that, she really had no support at all.

Chu Xia had already adapted to Wang Meifeng's back and forth and was too lazy to talk to her. Seeing that Long Long was sleeping soundly, Luo Xiaoqiong could take care of him even if she stayed here, so she stood up and said, "Xiaoqiong, let me go out and see what's going on first." If you need help, call me when Longlong wakes up."

"Okay, you go." Although she longed for Chu Xia to stay with her, but knowing that she didn't want to see Wang Meifeng, Luo Xiaoqiong happily agreed.

Moreover, she also wanted to have a good talk with Wang Meifeng while Chu Xia was away. Regardless of whether she could listen or not, she had to make good use of her status as "sister-in-law".

"Meifeng, can you tell me how you feel about Chu Xia?" Luo Xiaoqiong asked directly after Chu Xia left the house.

"Sister-in-law, you should have thought of it even if I didn't tell you, right?" Wang Meifeng sighed, "Sister-in-law and Chu Xia are good friends who grew up together. Naturally, they always turn to her for everything. Moreover, seeing how I treat her like this, It's definitely something that can't be seen.

However, there are some things that cannot be changed in a short while. You have to admit that when Chu Xia was a child, she was really annoying and hopeless.

How does it feel when a person who is so much worse than you suddenly stands high above your head? I know that there is no reason for me to be jealous, but it is really impossible for me not to be jealous.

Of course, it is impossible for you to feel this way. You are married to your eldest brother. Although your conditions are not comparable to those of the Zhou family, they are many times better than those of ordinary families.

And with my eldest brother's achievements, you are destined to be a stable official wife in the future. If I have such an opportunity, I will not blame Chu Xia. Not only will I not blame her, I will also hold her high.

My sister-in-law must admit that what she is today is all thanks to me, her cousin. But after all, I am her cousin. Why can she help others but not me?

When her family was in trouble, our family would go hungry and save food from between our teeth to send it to her family. We didn't think about anything else, but just thought about this. She should give me a hand, right?

I admit, I am a little vain, otherwise, I wouldn’t have failed the exam. My eldest sister used to work at a housekeeping job, but she was not as good as me and she still passed the exam. Why?

Of course, when I say this, I don’t mean to suspect that my eldest sister plagiarized or took advantage of the back door. What I mean is that she went into battle lightly, without any psychological burden, and she naturally performed better than me.

If Chu Xia also gives me reassurance, my grades will definitely not be inferior to those of my eldest sister! Sister-in-law, if you were me, you would definitely have opinions. Really, don’t believe it. Only when you experience it yourself can you truly experience it. "

After a moment of silence, Luo Xiaoqiong sighed: "I remember the last time I saw you, you had reconciled with Chu Xia.

He also said that he would get along well with her in the future, and even vowed to go to college sooner or later to let others see what you are capable of.

But now, your attitude has suddenly changed 180 degrees. Is it because of that man named Lu Ping? Could it be that you couldn't live without him? "

"My emotions are indeed related to him, but the most important thing is that I can't see the future, and I feel very depressed..." After a pause and a long sigh, Wang Meifeng looked at Luo Xiaoqiong, "Sister-in-law, can you tell me Chuxia, let her talk to Lin Chuxia and stop pestering Lu Ping. As long as she helps me with this matter, no matter what kind of life I live in the future, I will never blame her again."

"Why don't you tell her yourself?" Luo Xiaoqiong looked at her lightly, "Don't you think there is a big problem with your character? You blame all your misfortunes on Chu Xia. I'm confused. She is They are not your parents, nor your elders, so why should they give in to you and think about you everywhere?"

"I didn't let her give in to me or think about me at all times. I just hope that she can treat me like she treats other relatives. To be honest, I am too tired of living now.

The reason why I went all the way to the county to review was because there was too much gossip in my hometown. In the past, everyone knew about the affairs between me and the Qiang family, and they would point fingers wherever I went.

Originally, when nothing happened to Zhao Qiyan, no one told me in front of my face. Later, after the news about her being cheated by Liu Zhenqiang spread, people stopped tabooing me.

To put it bluntly, those people are bullies. If my aunt's family were nicer to me, would they dare to talk nonsense like that in front of me? If there hadn't been so many things like this, where would I have gotten this resentment from?

She thinks I'm not good to her, but what about her treatment to me? She watched me being bullied without even raising a finger. Is she really better than me? hehe……"

"Okay, you've hit a dead end again..." Luo Xiaoqiong looked at her helplessly, "I still say the same thing, you always ask others to treat you well, but you don't give anything, and not only don't you give, You want to stab someone with a knife for nothing, but they are not stupid, so why should they be nice to you?

Speaking of your family helping Chu Xia in the past, in fact, it was your mother who helped Chu Xia's family. You and your father stopped her, right? You were not the one who showed mercy at that time, so why do you want to pick the fruit now?

Back then, you and your father were trying to help Chu Xia's family because of your mother, but you and your father did a lot to shame your mother, and even Chu Xia's family. It would be nice if they didn't remember your grudges. If you ask them to return the favor, I don't want to. Really convinced. "

"My sister-in-law is always facing them, and I have nothing to say..." Sighing, Wang Meifeng smiled bitterly, "I came all the way to tell my sister-in-law all this, and I was so embarrassed.

Forget it, I won't make it difficult for my sister-in-law. After all, my sister-in-law and Chu Xia grew up together and are best friends. There is nothing wrong with my sister-in-law doing this.

But speaking of it this way, Chu Xia's luck is really unmatched by ordinary people. Needless to say, her aunt and uncle love her very much. You and your family have always been very good to her. If you find an in-law, you will pamper her in every way. What a person. , Those who are really blessed are extremely blessed, and those who are not blessed..." She shook her head and said no more.

When a person is cornered, he cannot listen to the truth. Wang Meifeng is in this situation now. If she had thought about it originally, then now, it is because of Lu Ping that she has fallen back. To put it bluntly, I still didn't really understand it at the beginning, otherwise, it wouldn't be like this now.

Knowing that she couldn't be persuaded, Luo Xiaoqiong stopped talking about this topic. She was still in confinement and was too lazy to get angry with such people. Moreover, she had already done her due diligence, and there was nothing she could do if the other party didn't appreciate it.

Anyway, to Chu Xia, it didn't matter whether she had this cousin or not. She just thought she was nosy.

Seeing Luo Xiaoqiong pulling up the quilt and lying down, Wang Meifeng knew that she was being kicked out.

"Sister-in-law, you can go to sleep. I'm going out to help with the work." Sighing secretly, Wang Meifeng walked out. When she reached the door, she couldn't help but look back and stare at Luo Xiaoqiong.

She hoped that the other party would stop her. She just mentioned that Chu Xia was so excited that she forgot what she wanted to say. If possible, she still hoped that her sister-in-law could say a few nice words for her in front of her eldest brother.

Thinking of this, she wanted to hit herself on the head. She knew clearly that her sister-in-law was close to Chu Xia, so why did she say that in front of her? Is it possible that the other party can turn against her?

There were too many people eating dumplings for lunch, and the elders all stepped in to do the work. Chu Xia, the least skilled person, was responsible for looking after the children. She wanted to put the two little ones in the car, but the two brothers, who had just learned to walk, were not familiar with walking. Things are happening now, how can I be willing to stay in the car?

Some tables and stools had been brought to the yard, but it was really inconvenient. Chu Xia had no choice but to take the two little ones to the outside of the yard for activities. Wang Jinsong, who was unable to help, also followed.

We have reached an agreement not to spoil the children. Chu Xia will not spoil the two little ones who love the activity of walking. He puts them at the door and lets them go. After all, their legs and feet are not yet stable, so falling down is inevitable. As usual, Chu Xia didn't step forward to help him, but stood far away and directed the two brothers to get up on their own.

"Sister, can I help them?" After watching for a while, Wang Jinsong finally couldn't help it anymore.

"They don't need support. They will learn slowly if they become dependent. This is really good for them." Chu Xia looked at him with a smile, "My brows are almost twisted into knots. Is this distressing?"

"Yes, they are so young, how could I be willing to let them fall like that? Besides, aren't all the kids in the city spoiled? Why don't you think they'll get sick all over themselves?"

"You won't get sick, don't worry." Chu Xia sighed with a smile, "It would be great if your sister could get along with me like you do..." Okay, she admitted that she was lying.

Not for anything else, but to make her aunt's life easier, she also hopes that she can do her part, otherwise, her grandma and grandpa may not follow them to the capital. As the old man is getting older, it is safer to stay in the city. , she doesn’t want the dangerous thing last time to happen again! (My novel "Marriage First, Love" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100 lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign on the upper right "Add Friend", search Follow the public account "qdread" and hurry up!) R1152

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