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One update, the other update is also coded, I will fix it and upload it later.


One of the most powerless things in life is that you want the people you care about to live a better life, but you have no way of doing it. This is how Chu Xia feels about her aunt Zhao Yuying now.

The eldest uncle is a standard rural man who is stupid and has no ability, but he blames others for his family's unsatisfactory situation. Just like now, he feels that their family is not as good as others because Chuxia's family does not help them.

But the problem is, with the personalities of him and his daughter Wang Meifeng, how can anyone help them? If you help the head, there will really be no tail. If you sincerely do good for them, you can only be like this.

Even though she felt sorry for her aunt Zhao Yuying, Chu Xia couldn't help her. If it was just Wang Jinsong and her aunt, they could do anything, but now with her uncle and Wang Meifeng, nothing could do.

If you give him one, he wonders why you don’t give him two. When you give him two, he thinks of three again. He is never satisfied and always complains. Even as he gets more, he becomes more resentful. Standard Dou Mien Shengmiqiu.

Therefore, as Wang Jinsong said, the aunt and uncle have lived like this all their lives and have adapted to this model. There is nothing to worry about. When Wang Jinsong is able to make money, the aunt will really get over it.

Of course, this can only be a wish. If the uncle and Wang Meifeng still get along with each other, Wang Jinsong will be tired. People can't choose their origins, nor can they choose their relatives. Whatever happens, they can only accept it calmly. There is no other way.

If they remain like this and feel frustrated, there will naturally be a solution. Looking at Wang Jinsong's character, he will definitely not be a soft persimmon who can only be manipulated in the future.

Thinking of this, Chu Xia finally felt better. God did not send her to this era to be a savior. She had done her best and had a clear conscience, and that was enough.

"Auntie, let's go in." Although I figured it out, I still felt a little sad when facing my aunt. Chu Xia handed Nannan into Wang Jinsong's hands, picked up Beibei, and invited Zhao Yuying to come into the house with her.

"Give Auntie a hug, okay?" Zhao Yuying stared at Beibei and couldn't bear to move away.

"Of course, but I have to discuss it with him..." Chu Xia smiled helplessly, "He is not as easy to talk to as his brother, and he has many problems." Then he looked at his youngest son, "Beibei, I want to hug you. can you?"

The little guy's big black eyes turned to Zhao Yuying, he looked him over, grinned, and opened his little hands to express his agreement! Chu Xia breathed a sigh of relief and handed him to Zhao Yuying: "Aunt, it seems Beibei likes you. When the second aunt wanted to hug him, he howled for a long time."

"Really?" Zhao Yuying looked at Chu Xia with surprise on her face, "Xia, aren't you trying to make Auntie happy?"

"Of course not. This little bastard has a bad habit of not letting strangers hug him. You really made an exception for this little bastard. The first time his aunt wanted to hug him, he didn't let him. Hug."

Hearing what Chu Xia said, Zhao Yuying became even happier. She hugged Beibei and didn't know how to kiss her.

Strangely enough, Beibei, who always disliked strangers getting close to him, actually took the initiative to hold Zhao Yuying's face with his little fat paws and smiled. After that, Zhao Yuying took over the little one.

Zhao Yulan was puzzled when she saw that, so she couldn't help but drag Chu Xia outside the yard, and asked Chu Xia in a low voice: "What kind of ecstasy did your aunt give Beibei?"

Chu Xia spread her hands: "Then I don't know. Anyway, I asked the little bastard for his opinion.

He agreed, and I gave him to my aunt to hold, and then he and her kissed like this. "

Stretching out her head to look at Bei Bei, who was in Zhao Yuying's arms, and Nan Nan, who was following Wang Jinsong, Zhao Yuying smiled with relief: "Although the children are young, they are sensible. I know your aunt and Jin Song are sincere, so I am willing to give them face." .”

"Probably..." Chu Xia sighed, "Mom, do you know why my uncle is willing to come? He is a master who never lets go of rabbits."

"You kid, why are you talking about your uncle like that?" Zhao Yulan rolled her eyes at her daughter in a funny way, "Your grandma and grandpa are back, and it's such a happy day. How can he not come?"

"When Xiaoqiong and Brother Qiliang got engaged, wouldn't he not come if he was asked to come?" Chu Xia curled her lips, "To put it bluntly, don't you think Brother Qiliang is promising now?"

"Hey..." Zhao Yulan sighed, "No matter what the reason is, as long as he can live a good life with your aunt, it's not easy for your aunt to follow him all her life.

He behaves honestly and kindly outside, and no matter what happens, others will think it is your aunt's fault. Only those who hang out often know that he is a rotten kind of person.

When you were young, I was afraid that you would know that you were not close to your aunt, so I didn't tell you these things. Now that you are your own mother, your mother will no longer hide it from you.

When you come back in the future, it's convenient to go see your aunt. If it's not convenient, don't go. Anyway, your father and mother will come back every year to visit relatives, so it will be the same for your parents when they go.

You don't have to worry about what your uncle says. Neither mother nor your father care. He can't listen to what he said before. We could tolerate it back then, let alone now.

No matter what, your aunt helped us a lot back then, and even though he was dissatisfied, he didn't forcefully stop your aunt. In this way, he is actually okay. "

"Before, I was always wondering how a kind-hearted aunt could give birth to a daughter as selfish as Wang Meifeng. Now I finally understand who Wang Meifeng looks like.

But God is fair, and there is Jin Song. By the way, Mom, Jin Song plans to take her to her side when he earns money, but I guess she can't agree. Mom should vaccinate her in advance. "

"Okay." Zhao Yulan nodded, "If your uncle is still like this in a few years, it would be a good thing for your aunt to be separated from him. Look, your aunt is about the same age as your aunt, but she looks older than Your aunt is more than ten years older.

If life is going well, can you look so old? This person is not afraid of being tired physically, but he is afraid of being miserable in his heart. Hey..." Shaking her head, Zhao Yulan looked disappointed, "So when this woman gets married, she is really reincarnated for the second time. "

Zhao Yuanbao's mother came out to get the grass. When she saw Chu Xia and Zhao Yulan standing at the door, she quickly lowered her head and scratched the grass into the dustpan, pretending not to see her mother.

"Sister-in-law, are you going to cook?" She pretended not to see it, but Zhao Yulan couldn't pretend not to see it, so she took the initiative to say hello.

Her bent body stiffened slightly, Yuan Baoniang straightened up and pretended to have just seen Zhao Yulan and Chu Xia: "Yulan, it's you and Chu Xia. My eyes are not very good. I just took a look and didn't recognize it. I'm afraid I felt uncomfortable shouting the wrong thing, so I didn’t dare to say anything.”

"My eyes are blurry as I get older, and sometimes I can't see clearly..." Zhao Yulan took two steps forward and invited with a smile, "Sister-in-law, don't do anything for lunch. We are making dumplings here. Come and eat them together then. "

Yuan Baoniang quickly waved her hand: "No, no, I have everything ready-made, just a matter of fire."

After two years, Yuan Baoniang completely collapsed. She used to be a slightly plump woman, but she was as thin as a stick. If she didn't know better, she would have thought she was in her seventies or eighties.

Losing a child in middle age is really life-threatening!

As if hiding from debt, Yuan Bao Niang pulled a few handfuls of them, picked up the dustpan and hurried home without even having time to say goodbye...

"Hey..." With a heavy sigh, Zhao Yulan turned around and walked to her daughter, "As soon as Yuan Bao leaves, this family will be over."

"So, happiness needs to be compared. Just now I felt that my aunt was very pitiful, but when I saw Aunt Yuanbao, I felt that except for life, everything else is really trivial.

Mom, go back and see your father. If they need anything, we can help if we can. Although Zhao Yuanbao is not a guy, Uncle Yuanbao and Aunt Yuanbao are still very good.

I used to come to my grandma's house, and they treated me well, but I was a junior. If I went there, it would easily make them upset, so I better not hang out in front of them. "

Zhao Yulan nodded: "Okay, let's go to your sister-in-law's house this afternoon. I haven't seen her for several months. I'm really worried about it."

"Okay, my sister-in-law hasn't seen these two little bastards yet. She just happened to take them over to show her to her. By the way, I asked if Xiaoxiang's wedding date has been set. My sister-in-law didn't want to trouble us, so she didn't say anything when she wrote the letter. Although she and the elders There is nothing to do with Lin Village anymore, but the relationship with my sister-in-law can never be broken."

Zhao Yulan looked at her daughter with a serious face: "We can't break up with your sister-in-law. Your sister-in-law took half of the credit for our family to be able to survive in the past. Moreover, if it weren't for your sister-in-law, your father wouldn't have been able to find the roots." .

Because of your close relationship with us, your sister-in-law is not well-received by Dalin Village. It would be really ungrateful for us to distance ourselves from her again. "

"Mom said, okay, let's go in, aunt is looking for us." Faintly hearing Li Aiyuan's voice, Chu Xia pulled Zhao Yulan back to the yard.

"You two are together every day, how many things have you never finished talking about?" Looking at the two mothers coming in from outside, Li Aiyuan rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction and scolded.

"Auntie, are you jealous?" Chu Xia hugged her arm in a funny way, "You have grandchildren now, do you need to be jealous?"

"Yulan, you have to take good care of this girl. Her mouth is becoming more and more unforgiving. How can Mr. Xiao Zhou tolerate such a big official? She has to be in charge of her every day. That’s outrageous, isn’t it?”

"Well..." Zhao Yulan shook her head helplessly, "She has become a mother, so what do I care about?"

Li Aiyuan snorted: "Don't say she is a mother. Even if she is a grandmother, you can still control her. You are her mother. Who do you care about?"

Chu Xia looked at her funny: "Auntie, who made you angry? Why are you pointing all the anger at me?" (The novel "Marriage First, Love First" will have more new content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be 100 lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign in the upper right corner "Add Friend", search the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) R1152

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