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"Who...who hid it from you?" Luo Xiaoqiong looked at Chu Xia with a red face, "Mainly...mainly I'm not sure..."

Chu Xia's eyes widened instantly. Originally, she was just teasing the other person, but seeing the other person's behavior, did she really get it right? Looking left and right, Chu Xia stretched her head forward and looked at her seriously: "How long has it been?"

"Seven days have passed..." Biting her lip, Luo Xiaoqiong's eyes turned red, "Chu Xia, if it's true, but...what should I do? I'm almost scared to death these days."

"I asked you earlier and you still didn't admit it..." Chu Xia looked at her speechlessly, "Tell me I won't laugh at you, why are you hiding?" After a slight hesitation, she still asked, "You... is it because of this? Are you just anxious to get married?"

Luo Xiaoqiong's face turned red. Just when she was about to speak, she saw Zhou Mikang approaching, so she quickly swallowed her words and smiled at him: "Master is back?"

"Congratulations!" Zhou Mikang congratulated her and looked at his young wife: "I didn't make trouble for you today, did I?"

"Fortunately..." Chu Xia said while pushing him, "Xiaoqiong and I have something to say. Don't get in the way here. Well, go talk to my brother and the others."

"Okay." Zhou Mixang stood up happily and went to Zhao Qiliang and Lin Wenbin. Chu Xia turned to Luo Xiaoqiong and motioned for her to continue the topic.

"I don't want to marry your brother because of this. I want to marry him, so I used this method to let him understand my determination..." Luo Xiaoqiong bit her lip, "Chu Xia, will you look down on me? ?”

"Of course not..." Chu Xia looked at her seriously, "You are much better developed than my brother. You want to use this method to prove to my brother your determination to be with him.

Speaking of which, my brother is really not a man enough. Since I accepted your promise, I should have given you a promise earlier, and in the end you had to take the initiative to propose it. It is really shameful. "

Biting her lip, Luo Xiaoqiong raised her head and stared at Chu Xia: "He was drunk by me that day, and he regretted it all the time afterwards. He was also waiting. If nothing happened, he still wanted to truly be in peace before marrying me.

In fact, the reason I persuaded him was that I... I might have it. I said that I was afraid of embarrassment and would not allow him to tell anyone and would never go to the hospital for a check-up.

When we get married,

After a while, you can talk about it naturally. It is actually very easy to hide the difference of one month. The birth date is wrong, it can be said to be premature birth.

Even though it was agreed upon, I was still worried, for fear that my secret would be exposed. Chu Xia, you must not tell anyone about this, okay? "

"Hey..." Chu Xia sighed heavily. She felt very sorry for Luo Xiaoqiong's suffering during this period. She also knew that no matter whether the elders minded this matter or not, Luo Xiaoqiong would feel embarrassed if she said it.

However, if you keep it secret like this, what will you do if you have opinions? The first three months of pregnancy are very dangerous. Even if she changes her job, it will not be possible immediately. Then, she will have to trek to the countryside, which is extremely inappropriate for her current body.

Seeing Chu Xia's hesitation, Luo Xiaoqiong panicked: "Chu Xia, please promise me, otherwise I will really regret telling you. Originally, I didn't want to tell anyone, but if I didn't trust you so much, I would trust you as much as I trust myself. You, I will definitely not tell you."

"Then have you thought about what you are going to do during this time?" Chu Xia looked at her tangledly, "Now you feel that telling the truth to let the elders know is something you cannot accept, but if it affects the baby due to fatigue, Can you accept it? Can the elders accept it?"

"Then what should I do?" Luo Xiaoqiong looked confused, "I wouldn't have been impulsive if I had known earlier, but it was such a coincidence. Do you know how I feel these days?

I used to worry about those few days every month, but now I look forward to those days to come and bother me. In fact, when I called you, I was afraid of this possibility, so I asked you for advice.

Of course, I was still lucky at that time, but since there has been no movement these days, I guess... that's probably what happened.

How about..." After hesitation, she looked at Chu Xia, "How about I just change my job, so that I can stay with Dean Xu for more than half a month at most. As long as I'm careful, everything will be fine. "

"If you are staying in the bureau during this period, I have nothing to worry about. The conditions in the places where you go to the countryside for research are extremely difficult. It is not something that you can guarantee safety by being careful.

Otherwise, tell Dean Xu the truth and ask her to keep you working in the bureau. As for whether to change, you should also listen to her opinion, or it would be a good idea to directly arrange for you to study further. "

It would be easy to ask Zhou Mikang to help solve Luo Xiaoqiong's work, but doing so would definitely make Dean Xu very sad, and the other party was also a friend of his mother-in-law, so it would be even more unethical.

Therefore, the best way is for Luo Xiaoqiong to confess to Dean Xu, and Dean Xu will make arrangements for her. She also wants to believe that with Dean Xu's openness and telling the truth, Luo Xiaoqiong will definitely understand.

After thinking for a while, Luo Xiaoqiong agreed to Chu Xia's suggestion. It seemed that this was really the best way. She did not dare to take risks. If something unexpected happened, all her worries would not only come true, but also intensify the harm. , by then it will really be a mess that cannot be cleaned up.

After the discussion came to a conclusion, Luo Xiaoqiong's mood was obviously much more relaxed than before. It was impossible for her to completely relax now. After all, she still had to pass the test of Dean Xu.

This method was her own choice, and she had to face it by herself. No one could replace her. Chu Xia patted her shoulder comfortingly, sighed and said nothing.

If Luo Xiaoqiong married someone other than her cousin, and if she didn't understand her cousin's character, she really wanted to scold Luo Xiaoqiong, but what should she say now?

In terms of the matter, she still thought that Luo Xiaoqiong's approach was inappropriate. However, this also showed that Luo Xiaoqiong's feelings for Zhao Qiliang had never changed. With Zhao Qiliang's character, he would definitely be obedient to Luo Xiaoqiong in the future.

So, this kind of impulse can be worth a lifetime of happiness.

But, can it really be hidden?

Chu Xia was still skeptical about this. After all, the elders knew very well about this kind of thing. As long as Luo Xiaoqiong behaved strangely these days, they would never escape their eyes.

By then, it would no longer be something she could hide if she wanted to.

Although she thought of this possibility, Chu Xia didn't say it. At this moment, Luo Xiaoqiong was like a frightened little rabbit, which could calm her down for a while.

"Actually, making this decision is very difficult..." Sighing, Luo Xiaoqiong continued, "Do you remember that when they first came back, I called you and spoke hesitantly.

You asked me if there was anything wrong at that time, so I told you that it was my colleagues who were gossiping about me. I felt uncomfortable and wanted to let you have some air.

Then, you comforted me and told me to report to Dean Xu in time to avoid falling into the trap of those people. In fact, what I originally wanted to say that day was about cooking raw rice into cooked rice, but in the end I still didn’t speak out. "

"I understand..." Chu Xia patted her again, "I understand the reason why you did this, and I admire your courage. In fact, if you tell the truth to the elders, they will understand."

"No!" Luo Xiaoqiong shook her head without thinking, "My mother would be furious if she knew I made such a decision. I've already disappointed her enough, but I can't add any more trouble to her heart."

"Okay, let's do whatever you say..." Chu Xia had no choice but to give up this kind of persuasion and instead told her about the things that should be paid attention to in the early stage. Although it has not been checked yet, it is always on time. Suddenly it was delayed for so many days, and the result was almost... There is no suspense.

After lunch, the two went to Yun's house. As the driver, Chu Xia chose Wang Zhongliang.

Originally, she planned to have Lin Wenbin or Jing Zhe accompany her, but because of Luo Xiaoqiong's accident, she decided it would be better to find someone who didn't know how to heal.

When the car stopped in front of Jun's house, Jun Doudou happened to come out to see some neighbors off. When he saw the two of them, he immediately rushed over happily: "Why are you two willing to come here now?"

"I miss you." Chu Xia said with a smile.

"I miss you too..." Jun Doudou looked at her with a look of grievance, "You can stay together, but I am alone, so pitiful."

Luo Xiaoqiong said quickly: "We can't be together either. We haven't seen each other in the past three days."

"Let's go into the house and talk." Jun Doudou pulled the two of them towards his home. "Originally, I was still thinking about whether I should sneak out to look for you after the guests leave, but I didn't expect that I let you take the lead."

Jun Doudou's adoptive parents, two brothers and one sister were also at Jun's house. After the introductions were made, Jun's father looked at Chu Xia with a grateful face: "Comrade Lin, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, my family Xiao Don't talk about being the deputy director of the workshop right now, he probably even lost his job..." As he spoke, he glared at Du Xiaodong, "Why don't you quickly say thank you to your benefactor!"

"No, no, no, no..." Chu Xia quickly stopped, "Uncle Du, you are being so polite. Although my husband helped solve Brother Du's work, Brother Du worked very hard on his own to achieve today's development. He fought for it himself.”

A young woman sitting next to Du Xiaodong quickly answered: "Yes, dad, it is impossible to become a workshop director just by having the opportunity and without working hard. You can't always veto Xiaodong's efforts. It's not easy for him!" "

"You can't say that. Without the help of Captain Zhou, there would be no place for me to work hard." Du Xiaodong said while bowing deeply to Chu Xia, "Thank you!" r1152 ()

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