One more.

After venting the pent-up words in her heart, Luo Xiaoqiong pointed to a lush green hill not far away and showed it to Chu Xia, "I have nothing to do these two days, Xiaoxiang and I went to climb that mountain. The wild fruit trees have already produced fruit, and the people living around here are all high-ranking officials, so it’s certainly not a rare thing to pick them, and then we’ll go there to enjoy our mouths, okay?”

Luan Xiaoxiang pursed her mouth in dissatisfaction: "Intentional!"

"Uh..." Luo Xiaoqiong looked embarrassed, "I really didn't do it on purpose, why don't you come over in autumn and let's go to the mouth together?"

"The more you say it, the more unreliable it is." Luan Xiaoxiang's mouth narrowed even more, "Autumn is the time when I am busy harvesting corn and peanuts. I have to earn work points, how can I come?"

"It's the same when you come back after harvesting. There should be still persimmons and pears."

"It's so far away, and it costs money to travel by car. If I dare to come, my grandma will have to scold me every day for food."

"Then..." Luo Xiaoqiong looked at Chu Xia begging for help, and she didn't know how to comfort her. She suddenly realized that there was a difference in status and status, and it was hard work to be friends~

"Pfft!" Luan Xiaoxiang grinned uncontrollably, "Are you serious? Tell you, there are patches of sour dates on many fields in our village. When picking up cotton, a group of people picked up the ends and picked a handful of sour dates. Eating while chatting, that kind of taste... Tsk tsk, you guys can't taste it."

Luo Xiaoqiong has black lines, she has discovered that this honest man looks honest on the surface, but he is often listless in his bones.

Chu Xia also laughed, people only had close contact with each other. Only then can I truly understand the past relationship with Luan Xiaoxiang. It was when she was visiting relatives, I only felt that she did not talk about her duties. Work neatly. This time, maybe he was far away from his hometown, and instinctively felt a sense of closeness to her, and his true character was fully displayed, with a bit of humor mixed with his honesty, it was hard for her not to like Luan Xiaoxiang like this.

With a flash of inspiration in his mind, Chu Xia couldn't help asking: "Miss Xiaoxiang, you did it on purpose to bring ginger soup to Wang Meifeng, right?"

Hearing this, Luo Xiaoqiong stared at Luan Xiaoxiang in surprise: "No way?"

"Hey..." Luan Xiaoxiang smiled innocently, with a look of embarrassment, "I saw it when she went to find her brother-in-law, I don't like her doing that, hey..."

Luo Xiaoqiong was speechless and stroked her forehead: "After a long time, the expert who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger is here. Fortunately, I still think I am smarter than you. It turns out that I am a pig!"

Luan Xiaoxiang stared at her seriously: "Don't say that about yourself,

You are smarter than me, I am really bad at studying. That's not a fake..."

Luo Xiaoqiong interrupted her with a cold snort: "Anyway, I have to be more careful in the future, lest I be sold by you and count the money for you."

"Are you really angry?" Luan Xiaoxiang poked her arm with an innocent face. "I really didn't mean to lie to you, I didn't want to sue you. But I wanted to help Chu Xia, so I used such a foolish way. Don't worry, as long as you don't do something that is sorry for Chu Xia, I will definitely not treat you like that. "

"Whoever does something wrong to Chu Xia, I can't do something wrong to her..." Luo Xiaoqiong glared at Luan Xiaoxiang dissatisfied, "You are insulting me by saying that! I still treat you as a friend, too Let me down."

Seeing that Luo Xiaoqiong's gloomy face did not seem to be fake, Luan Xiaoxiang was really anxious, her face wrinkled into a bitter gourd shape: "I didn't mean that, I just said it in passing, don't be angry with me, okay?"

"If you have any ideas to tell us in the future, you can't hold back and let us know, can you?"

"Yes, yes..." Luan Xiaoxiang nodded again and again, "I wanted to tell you guys, but I haven't found a chance."

"You make sense." Luo Xiaoqiong rolled her eyes, and couldn't help laughing again, "However, you look good like this, and you will continue to maintain it in the future."

Luan Xiaoxiang: "..."

Luan Dajiang came out of the yard and saw three people, his face was obviously a little uncomfortable, the kind of discomfort a man sees a woman.

"Brother, where is Xiaoqing?" These days, Luan Dajiang played with Zhang Xiaoqing, seeing him come out by himself, Luan Xiaoxiang was a little puzzled.

"He...he was talking to his brother-in-law." Luan Dajiang looked a little depressed.

Luo Xiaoqiong said amusedly: "Kicked you out?"

"No..." Luan Dajiang lowered his head and drew circles on the ground with his toes, "Didn't kick me out."

"Then why are you so virtuous?" Luo Xiaoqiong looked him up and down, "Do you know that every time my brother sees Zhong Hongying and gets hit, he looks like this."

"Xiaoqing is asking about being a soldier?" Chu Xia asked.

"En." Luan Dajiang nodded, sighed heavily, and became even more depressed.

There are few men who don't want to be a soldier, and he is no exception.

Some time ago, he went to the military inspection with his little friends Wang Lin and Zhang Dongzi who grew up together in the village. Zhang Dongzi went to junior high school for two years, and the leader accepted him with a little accommodation.

Both he and Wang Lin have elementary school diplomas, and the leader regrettably said that if they were fine two years ago, now the country has regulations that no one who has not attended junior high school will be accepted.

Since returning to the village, Zhang Dongzi no longer played with him and Wang Lin, and she felt as if she would be ashamed to be with them.

Indeed, after the military inspection, Zhang Dongzi was praised wherever he went, but he and Wang Lin were always sighed wherever they went.

Originally, after so many days, the discomfort in his heart had faded away, but today he heard Zhang Xiaoqing ask about being a soldier there, he felt inexplicably uncomfortable, he blamed himself for being too stupid and hardworking enough, for nothing His whole life was ruined, God knows, he wanted to wear that green military uniform even in his dreams...

Just at this time, Zhang Xiaoqing also came out of the yard, with a happy smile on his face, and when he saw Chu Xia, he ran over in a few steps: "I asked my brother-in-law, and he said that even if he was a soldier, he was still a cultural soldier." Future, he asked me to take the military academy entrance examination next year, I decided to study hard and become the first college student in our family!"

Chu Xia laughed, "You're just studying, you have to work harder." While speaking, he glanced at Luan Dajiang secretly, and found that his head was hanging lower.

"Da Jiang, why didn't you wait for me to come out?" Zhang Xiaoqing slapped him, "I'm still looking for you around the house."

"Yeah." Luan Dajiang smiled stiffly, "You were talking to my brother-in-law, but I couldn't get in, so I came out first."

"Why can't you talk about it?" Zhang Xiaoqing sighed, "It should be because he failed the military inspection this year and felt uncomfortable, so he didn't want to hear about being a soldier, right?"

"Hey!" Luo Xiaoqiong stared at Zhang Xiaoqing with displeasure, "You know why he is sad, but you still have to expose the fault, it's not good to be so unkind!"

"Who exposed him? Is it possible that you can't mention the word "becoming a soldier" in front of him in the future? Man, do you need to be so narrow-minded?"

Luan Dajiang quickly explained: "I'm not narrow-minded and angry with you, I just think of being looked down upon by my friends in the village, and I feel a little uncomfortable."

"Hey, your habit of keeping things in your head is not good. I asked my brother-in-law for you just now, and he said that in your situation, if you really want to be a soldier, you can, but under normal circumstances, you can only be a soldier for three years. ..."

"Really?" Luan Dajiang hurriedly grabbed Zhang Xiaoqing's sleeve and shook it vigorously, "You mean brother-in-law... Oh, no, it was brother-in-law who said that I can be a soldier too?"

Zhang Xiaoqing nodded: "Well, but the arms may be close."

"Okay, okay, good or bad, as long as I can be a soldier, any soldier will do." Luan Dajiang's big black face turned purple in excitement.

"Brother, don't worry." Luan Xiaoxiang tugged at Luan Dajiang helplessly, and looked at Zhang Xiaoqing, "My brother is sincere, he will take it seriously."

"I'm telling the truth." Zhang Xiaoqing spread his hands, "If you don't believe me, you can ask your brother-in-law, he said that the army actually likes brother Da Jiang who measures his figure.

Normally, recruiting is not impossible for those with low academic qualifications, but the procedure will be more complicated, and the leaders in charge of recruiting generally don't want to bother.

The brother-in-law said that if Brother Dajiang wants to serve as a soldier, he can arrange it, but Brother Dajiang needs to listen to the opinions of his sister-in-law and uncle before making a decision on this matter. "

Luan Xiaoxiang nodded happily: "My mother and my father agreed, but they are looking forward to my brother being a soldier. They don't want to do anything else, it's easy to find a wife."

This is the truth.

Today's rural boys, as long as they can serve as soldiers, are much sought after to find a wife. Regardless of whether they can be converted into volunteers or not, anyway, everyone is looking forward to it so much. As long as there is an eventuality, the wife is taken out, and the whole family becomes a non-agricultural household registration.

Luan Dajiang didn't expect his younger sister to say that, and his face flushed immediately: "I just want to be a soldier, and I don't want to find a wife!"

"Sooner or later, you won't be able to find a wife?" Luan Xiaoxiang curled her lips, "This must be what our parents are thinking about. If you don't believe me, just ask."

Discussing this kind of issue in front of everyone is too embarrassing! Luan Dajiang was so angry with his sister that he couldn't speak, but he was happy to be a soldier in his heart. For a while, he stood there with his mouth half open, with an indescribably funny expression.

Zhang Xiaoqing came to Chu Xia's side, and smirked guiltily: "You don't think I'm meddling, do you?"

Chu Xia squinted at him: "I've already taken care of everything, and you still come to ask me?"

"Sister, I'm here to help you, you said before that your sister-in-law's family is very helpful to you, and I've been with Luan Dajiang these two days, and I can tell from his words that he envies being a soldier.

I took advantage of the chat with my brother-in-law and asked him for him. If you ask your brother-in-law about this kind of thing, no matter whether it is possible or not, your brother-in-law will have to find a way to do it.

As for me, I just asked in a curious tone. I didn't expect my brother-in-law to be too smart. He knew what I meant as soon as he heard it, and immediately gave me an affirmative answer.

Sister, I can tell that my brother-in-law really values ​​you. I was worried that you would be so stupid that you would not please my brother-in-law. Now it seems that I am really worrying.

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