First update, this is to make up for yesterday.

Chu Xia was still entangled in the dilemma of whether to say or not to say, Lin Yanqiu had already smiled and said: "Sister-in-law Xiao, look at what you said, our Lao Zhou and our Xiao Mi were imprisoned by your Lao Xiao for no reason. , I didn't say chilling, what's so chilling about your son losing a few teeth?

However, my son can knock out your son's teeth if he is locked up. I am finally relieved. Thank you, Mrs. Xiao's family, for delivering the letter. Let's drink a glass of water before leaving. Mama Liu, help Mrs. Xiao's family get a glass of water. "

"Yes, ma'am." Liu Ma answered and entered the kitchen.

Lu Yu'e stood there with her mouth half open, as if she didn't know how to deal with it.

Chu Xia was particularly puzzled, this woman is Xiao Bingqi's wife, and Xiao Bingqi is Zhou Aiping's father-in-law, so this woman is Zhou Aiping's mother-in-law, but it seems that this woman and Zhou's family don't know each other, this is not right ! Under normal circumstances, when a son gets married, how can his mother not participate?

However, judging by Zhou Aiping's attitude towards this woman just now, it seems that she didn't have much respect. Could it be that this woman is Xiao Yuwen's stepmother?

Well, it is possible!

However, the stepmother still protects Xiao Yuwen like this... A certain Xia thought about it for a while, and found it understandable. In order to satisfy her husband, it is also necessary to protect Xiao Yuwen.

However, looking at this woman's looks, she is really ugly, and her temperament is really bad. With Xiao Bingqi's identity, marrying such a wife is probably for easy control.

Silently, Lu Yu'e was turned into Xiao Bingqi's stepwife by Chu Xia...

Seeing Chu Xia sitting next to her, her big eyes flicked on Lu Yu'e's body. Like a curious little squirrel, Mrs. Zhou's heart softened inexplicably. He gently held her in his arms: "Don't worry now?"

Chu Xia nodded with crooked eyebrows.

Of course she can rest assured that it doesn't matter whether Zhou Mikang knocked out the tooth or not. The fact that Xiao Yuwen's mother came to file a complaint meant that Xiao Yuwen didn't take advantage of it!

Zhou Jiping finally found the insecticide, looked around but did not see Liu Lingmei, and was a little disappointed: "The third aunt is gone?"

"She is no longer your third aunt," said Mrs. Zhou.

"I know, I'm just used to calling her that." Zhou Aiping looked at Lu Yu'e while talking, and the other party flinched, "You...what do you want to do?"

"What do you want to do?" Zhou Jiping looked at her,

"They're all gone. What are you still doing here? Are you really going to let me spray you?" He said while shaking the insecticide in his hand.

"'s unreasonable." Lu Yu'e turned around as she said, and ran out quickly.

"It's too bear?" Zhou Jiping held up the bottle with a look of surprise on his face, "That's it, scared away? It's no wonder that when Zhou Aiping got married, Lu Bingqi didn't let her participate. This is simply a small temple. monk."

"You child..." Lin Yanqiu glared at her daughter, "I think she's pretty good, and she's not of the same virtue as those of the Xiao family."

"Mom is happy because she said that the third child knocked out her son's teeth?" Zhou Jiping laughed. "In other words, the third child has a pretty good life there, and he has become the king and overlord."

"That tooth was hit by Xiaozhe, what's the matter with Guan Laosan?"

"That also shows that Xiao Yuwen didn't take advantage of it. Tsk tsk, I really want to see what Xiao Yuwen is like now..." Zhou Jiping put down the insecticide with a look of regret, "It was a waste of money. Liu Lingmei is just a showman, I really don't understand. What is she doing here so stupidly?"

The old lady Zhou curled her lips: "She wanted to come over to see the joke, and by the way show that she is living a better life than us now. It's not really to find a place for Xiao Yuwen. I have known her for so many years, and I can't even understand her small thoughts. ?”

Zhou Jiping blinked her eyes: "It means that she regrets divorcing third uncle?"

"How could she regret it?" The old lady Zhou sneered, "The Zhou family is in this state now, if she regrets it, then it's not her, she's just showing off, showing how correct her decision was at that time, I understand ?”

Zhou Jiping pursed her lips and shook her head: "I really don't understand why Third Uncle married her at that time."

"Before you get married, you can pretend." Mrs. Zhou said.

"I'm not pretending." Zhou Jiping said while embracing Chu Xia: "My siblings are not pretending either."

Knowing that she was showing her favor in a disguised form, Chu Xia gave her a big smile back, and she had nothing to be angry about Zhou Jiping's previous behavior. When something goes wrong, the first reaction is to blame others. The difference is that some people can figure it out, and some people will always be confused.

Mrs. Zhou glanced at the two of them, and said, "Chu Xia, don't be as knowledgeable as your second sister, she's just incompetent."

"Where am I out of my mind?" Zhou Jiping argued, and looked at Chu Xia embarrassedly, "Sisters and sisters, grandpa said that the biggest shortcoming of me is impetuosity.

I know it's none of your business, but I still can't help but blame you. Now that I think about it, I feel that I have gone too far.

In fact, speaking of it, you are the most innocent one, and it's not your fault that you look good, right? And if it wasn't for you this time, how could Dad and the third child get this treatment? "

"I'm also a member of the Zhou family, and I should do everything I should." Chu Xia didn't show politeness to her. It's a fact that Mr. Wan's help was in favor of her.

"Okay, family, don't say anything useless..." Seeing what Zhou Jiping wanted to say, the old lady Zhou interrupted her with a wave of her hand, "I'll be happy, let's make dumplings tonight, they Don't you want to see our jokes? We just won't let them do what they want!"

"Ring ring ring..."

"I'm going to answer the phone..."

After a while, Zhou Jiping came back with a smile on his face: "Yunni's phone call, she said, Xiao Mi slapped Xiao Yuwen's face until it was swollen like a pig's head."

Yunni is Zhou Jiping's classmate and her best best friend. It was the other party who gave her the news that Xiao Yuwen went to find Zhou Mikang.

"Xiao Bingqi will not give up, but anyway, it's a life-and-death fight. If you fight, you will fight. If you fight well, you are worthy of being my grandson!"

Chu Xia has a dark hair, and now she has really discovered that Mrs. Zhou's character is exactly the same as Zhou Mikang's description, she is quite an interesting old lady.

However, through this incident, the old lady recognized her so much, which really surprised her.

Thinking that her parents must still be worried about this, Chu Xia hurriedly got up: "I'll go back and talk to my parents. When I go out, I can tell by their expressions that they are too panicked."

"I'll go with you." Zhou Jiping said as he walked out, "Then, let's go and see Xiangping, she must be crazy at home."

Mrs. Zhou hurriedly said: "Go to Wanlao's place, and don't go to Liao's house."

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