"Girl, let's go, I'll take you to eat delicious food." Jing Zhe dragged Chu Xia's arm and walked out of the platform. For Chu Xia who came from later generations, he wouldn't be ashamed of being dragged by his arm, but, he What is the trouble? He raised his head and looked at Jing Zhe with a puzzled look on his face. Instead, he stared at Jing Zhe with a blushing face, "You are my sister, of course I will take you to eat delicious food."

"Okay!" Chu Xia nodded cheerfully, "I want porridge and fried dough sticks!"

Jing Zhe looked at her with black eyes: "Isn't your request too low? I also want to take you to eat the crab roe buns from Xiaohonglou. That's really delicious."

"I just want to eat fried dough sticks with porridge, that crab roe bun, and I'll eat them later." Chu Xia insisted, she really likes fried dough sticks of this era, the taste is not at all the same as the fried dough sticks of her era!

Living in Zhou's and Wan's homes these days, breakfast is made of steamed stuffed buns, dumplings, scallion pancakes, etc. She is so hungry for deep-fried dough sticks. Although eating too much of this food is not good for your health, but who told her to take a good bite?

"Okay." Jing Zhe shook his head helplessly, he was the one to treat guests, of course he had to listen to the Lord, since he was driving anyway, so he would have to worry about where to eat.

After getting into the car, Chu Xia looked Jing Zhe up and down.

Uncomfortable being watched by her, Jing Zhe coughed lightly: "What are you aiming at?"

"Brother, do you also have research on dentistry?"

Knowing that she was referring to the matter of knocking out Xiao Yuwen's teeth, Jing Zhe laughed: "I just need to know about teeth and I'm good at it. I don't need to be proficient in dentistry."

"Let me just say, you're not a macho man, and you can knock out your teeth with strength alone. It will definitely hurt your hands, especially your hands are white and tender..."

"Stop, stop..." Jing Zhe interrupted her. "My hands are not white and tender, girl. I'll talk about the adjective after I think about it." It's true that his fingers are long and fair, but they have nothing to do with tenderness.

The two talked and laughed all the way, and when they got off the car, they got along naturally and comfortably.

"Little Red Mansion?" Looking at the antique door face in front of him, Chu Xia muttered something, thinking of the Red Mansion case in later generations, he unconsciously twitched the corners of his mouth.

Jing Zhe thought she was questioning this place, so she explained: "The breakfast at Xiaohonglou's is still very famous, fried dough sticks. Xiaolongbao is his specialty, and their golden porridge is also good."

The two ordered three taels of fried dough sticks, a cage of steamed buns, and two bowls of golden porridge.

The so-called golden porridge,

It is the porridge made of corn and pumpkin. It looks sticky and soft. When you take a spoonful of it, Chu Xia can't help but praise: "It's delicious. It's delicious. It's really delicious."

Jing Zhe looked at her dotingly: "If you like it, I will bring you to eat tomorrow."

"Then why are you so embarrassed?" Chu Xia raised his head, showing embarrassment.

"I'm your brother. What's the matter?"

"Okay." Chu Xia nodded with squinted eyes, "Think I'm really polite to you? You are my brother, you should spoil me. If I want to eat in the future, brother will bring me to eat."

"Okay." Jing Zhe picked up a steamed bun. Soft foreskin, fragrant meat filling. In the past, he only thought that the Xiaolongbao tasted good, but never like today, he felt that this was simply the most beautiful delicacy in the world.

"Pfft!" When Chu Xia picked up a small steamed bun, she burst out laughing, remembering the dumplings from last night.

Because of her father's absent-minded rolling of the dumplings, a lot of dumplings were broken, and Grandpa Wan was also bad, so he picked a bowl of bad ones for Jing Zhe, saying that he is a boy, and he should take the delicious dumplings. Leave it to my sister...

"Brother, were the dumplings delicious last night?"

"Huh?" Jing Zhe was taken aback, looking into her bright eyes, couldn't help but reached out and rubbed her head, "Of course it's delicious, can the dumplings made by uncle and aunt be delicious?"

"Xu!" Chu Xia pouted at him, "That bowl of dumpling wrappers, do you taste like dumplings? It's delicious, tsk tsk..."

"Both of you, do you mind if I sit here?" A thick and honest voice with a smile sounded, Chu Xia looked up and saw a robust man of twenty-six or seventeen years old standing by the table.

She didn't know if Jing Zhe knew this person, so she couldn't answer, so she looked at Jing Zhe.

"Prince Mei, can't you eat after leaving here?" Jing Zhe looked at the man with a flat face, "You're here to show off, you won?"

"Old Jing, that's your fault. We were classmates, and you don't know my character, am I that kind of person?" The man sat next to Jing Zhe regardless, and smiled at Chu Xia, "Hello , My name is Mei Yitong, and I'm Jing Zhe's old classmate."

"A barrel of coal?" Chu Xia grinned, "Good name."

"Jing Zhe, are these future siblings?" Mei Yitong looked at Jing Zhe and smiled, "What a naughty little girl."

Chu Xia immediately had goosebumps all over her body, words like "so naughty", my wife...it's unbearable!

Jing Zhe didn't push him away anymore, he nodded his chin in the direction of Chu Xia, and introduced, "This is my sister."

"Since when did you have a younger sister?" Mei Yitong was surprised.

"I have to report to you too?" Jing Zhe snorted, "Aren't you caring too much?"

"Look at you, every time you see me, you look like you've taken gunpowder. You said, I didn't borrow you money and didn't pay it back, and I didn't snatch your girlfriend. Why did you attack me like that?" What does it look like?" Mei Yitong said while making a sad face and rushed to Chu Xia, "Sister, do you think brother is pleasing to the eye?"

Chu Xia glanced at him: "It's not pleasing to the eye."

"Haha..." Mei Yitong laughed, "Naughty little girl..."

The goosebumps on Chu Xia's body that had just fallen immediately swelled up again, and his heart felt numb and uncomfortable, so he pointed at Xia Yitong with hatred: "Say that again, be careful and I'll beat you to death!"

The corners of Jing Zhe's mouth twitched, and the smile spread quickly: "A bucket of coal, you hear that, my sister doesn't welcome you, go, go to another place to eat, don't be an eyesore here."

The corner of Chu Xia's mouth twitched, "a barrel of coal", a good name.

"Sister, why do I hate you so much?" Mei Yitong looked at Chu Xia inexplicably, "I'm praising you, can't you tell?"

Jing Zhe looked at him, and said slowly: "You took the lead to arrest her husband, can she like you?"

"Her husband?" Mei Yitong looked Chu Xia up and down, "How old is she, she already has a husband?..." Suddenly she slapped her forehead, "Her husband can't be Zhou Mikang, right?"

"It's not too stupid." Jing Zhe patted Mei Yitong's shoulder with a big hand, "After Zhou Mikang comes out, he won't spare you, just wait."

"No..." Mei Yitong smirked, "I won't let you off, right? When he was locked up, you took his new wife out for dinner..."

"What nonsense!" Jing Zhe interrupted him, and said with a serious face, "I told you, Chu Xia is my younger sister, you don't understand human language, do you?"

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