One more.

"Chu Xia girl..."

Looking at the man flashing in front of her, Chu Xia frowned: "What are you doing here? Can't you see that I hate you?"

Mei Yitong grinned: "I just want to ask you, why do you hate me?"

"Does it matter?" Chu Xia looked at him in disgust, "You look like this to show Zhou Mikang that one day, during the period when he was restricted in his life, his wife was very close to you?"

"Too smart..." Mei Yitong gave a thumbs up, "Brother really thinks like that, but I'm curious, can you bear his bad temper?"

"He only has a bad temper with people he doesn't like." Chu Xia pointedly said.

"That's right, he used to treat Ye Meiru very well. He really is a man who values ​​sex over friends. By the way, you know Ye Meiru, right?"

Chu Xia nodded: "I know, you like her too, but you didn't catch up."

Mei Yitong's face froze: "That's what he told you?"

"Do you think his character would tell me such boring things? Everyone knows about your relationship, don't you know?"

"Everyone knows?" Mei Yitong was taken aback, and then said, "Even if everyone knows, he's more embarrassing than me, sister, it's really kind of brother to find you.

Brother sincerely advises you to leave Zhou Mikang earlier, he will marry you not because he likes you, but to find a woman as a substitute.

Seeing that the girl is so good-looking and so smart, how can she be willing to be a substitute for others. right? Judging by your age, you are less than twenty, right?

Leave and find a good family. It's not difficult at all, that's all my brother said. Whether you listen or not is up to you, but if you don't say it, I feel sorry for you. "

Why is there no glass of water on the table? I really want to splash it on his face!

Alas, the porridge is so clean, it would be better if he didn't splash the porridge on his face.

Find something to vent your anger on? This wife talks about a bad man, if she doesn't teach him a lesson, she really can't bear it...

"What are you looking for, girl?" See Chu Xia turned her head to look for something. Mei Yitong asked in bewilderment.

At this time, Chu Xia had already picked up the bowl in front of her, thought about it, and raised her hand and threw it at Mei Yitong's head, "Oh, sister, you are really infected by Zhou Mikang..." Mei Yitong Turning his head and dodging, he grabbed Chu Xia's wrist, "Sister, put the fire away, brother is for your own good, how can you be so ignorant..."

"Let go!" Chu Xia gritted her teeth and said, now she feels deeply...deeply. Good skill is king!

"I'll let you go and stop beating people!" Mei Yitong looked at her seriously, "I won't tease you anymore. Tell you something serious, don't beat people up. Can you?"

"Who are you brother?" Chu Xia frowned and looked at him, "Also. No matter what you say, I don't want to hear it, there's no need for that."

"Okay, then I'll call you Chu Xia, Chu Xia, don't think so badly of me, let me tell you this, if it wasn't Xiao Yuwen who went to arrest Zhou Mikang that day, then Zhou Mikang is definitely not in the right place now. place.

Just from the fact that you didn't succeed in beating me just now, you should understand that if you are restrained, you can only suffer with peace of mind.

No matter how good Ren Zhou Mikang's skills are, at that time, he was still a fish on the chopping board. Think about it, isn't it reasonable? "

"You mean, I have to thank you?" Chu Xia pouted, "By the way, don't arrest them one by one. He was only temporarily restricted from moving, and he didn't commit a crime."

"Okay, don't I think it's easy to understand?" Mei Yitong sighed, "It's true that our family has different political views from the Zhou family, but that doesn't mean we approve of the Xiao family's approach.

This time, what the Xiao family did was too unreasonable, and it was really not what the Mei family wanted to be teammates with such a family with no background.

It's not convenient for us to get in touch with the Zhou family. It's a coincidence that we met you today. Please send a message to Mr. Zhou. The Xiao family is now planning for the Ye family.

Although the Ye family is nothing to be afraid of, the Ye family in the capital is by no means something the Zhou family can fight against. You let Mr. Zhou make plans early.

You also know what is the relationship between Ye Meiru and Zhou Mikang. Originally, the members of the Ye family hoped that one day Zhou Mikang would marry Ye Meiru, but suddenly, he got married just like that.

Believe me, this is a difficult thing to accept, so, in this case, it is impossible to say what choice you will make.

It's better to be prepared than to be caught off guard. I'm telling you this because Zhou Mikang and I are friends after all. Although he has a bad temper, he is an upright person. It's not worth it to be killed just like that. of. A man should die if he dies, right? "

Chu Xia looked at him seriously: "Are you representing yourself, or the Mei family?"

"The Mei family, originally, wanted to use the relationship between me and Jing Zhe, and Jing Zhe would help lead the conversation. However, I happened to meet you, and it would be better for you to handle this matter."

Chu Xia was silent.

"Don't doubt my motives. I really respect the Zhou family and that's why I did this. Besides, you are just passing on the microphone. The Zhou family will make the decision on how to do it."

Chu Xia glanced at him lightly, nodded: "I see, I will tell the Zhou family."

"I found that you and Zhou Mikang are really a perfect match. Apart from helping Zhou's family, I'm helping you, without even saying thank you? By the way, you don't know that I'm helping you, do you?"

"I know..." Chu Xia said expressionlessly, "With my background, there is nothing I can do to help the Zhou family, so you give me a chance to help..." Seeing the complacency in the other party's eyes, she spoke quickly. Turn, "However, who said that I can't help the Zhou family? What you see may not be true. I want to thank the Xie Mei family for their kindness to the Zhou family, and it has nothing to do with you."

Seeing Jing Zhe coming over with a few net bags for lunch boxes, Chu Xia realized what a mistake she had made. In this age, there are no convenience bags. Packing so much is really troublesome. She rushed to meet her, thinking It is necessary to take a few net bags from the other party.

Jing Zhe flashed his body: "No, I can bring it here." His eyes swept across Mei Yitong's face, and his brows frowned, "A barrel of coal, are you a fly?"

"I don't thank you for my efforts." Mei Yitong snorted and turned around to leave, "From now on, I will never do this kind of thing again."

"I'll talk to you on the way." Seeing Jing Zhe looking at her worriedly, Chu Xia hurriedly said, pointing to the lunch box and net bag in Zhou Mikang's hand, "Couldn't my brother buy it with money?"

Jing Zhe shook his head with a smile: "No, I know the person in charge of their family, these, just send them back."

When the two got into the car, Chu Xia told Jing Zhe what Mei Yitong had said to her.

After pondering for a while, Jing Zhe sighed: "If this is the case, I have misunderstood him, but he also has a prejudice against the Ye family, so I think Grandpa Ye may not make the choice he is worried about."

The car drove into the courtyard, Chu Xia took the lunch box back to Mr. Wan's house, Mr. Wan got up early to go for a stroll, Chu Xia handed the lunch box to Mrs. Yin, then turned and went out.

Because of the events during this time, the Zhou family naturally got up earlier. When Chu Xia entered the door, the nanny had already put the food on the table.

"Chu Xia, come and eat." Zhou Jiping waved her hand to greet her, saw the lunch box in her hand, and hurried forward to pick it up, "What did you mention?"

Chu Xia smiled at her, first greeted Grandpa Zhou, Grandma Zhou, Lin Yanqiu and Uncle Zhou's family, and then said: "My parents have returned to their hometown, and this is what I packed for food on the way."

"Why did they go back?" Mrs. Zhou asked first, "Didn't they say they lived here for a while before leaving?"

"I can't help you. They are living here idle. They feel uncomfortable, so they want to go home and take all their family assets. They can help as much as they can." Although Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe asked her not to speak out But, with her character, she really doesn't like that kind of approach, so she told the truth.

"They..." Lin Yanqiu looked at Chu Xia dumbfounded, "You child, why didn't you stop them? It's not like you don't know what's going on in our family, alas, this happened."

Chu Xia said helplessly: "I can't persuade you, I've said it all, they have such a temper."

Mr. Zhou waved at Chu Xia: "Sit down and eat some more, okay, let your parents work, turn around, let's make up for it."

Lin Yanqiu hesitated for a moment, then said, "Father, I'm fine anyway, why don't I go to Chu Xia's house to have a look."

"Don't..." Mr. Zhou waved his hand, "At this time, you stop it, no good, this marriage is equal, do you understand?"

"Thank you, grandpa." Chu Xia got up and bowed solemnly to the old man, "My parents will be very happy knowing that you think so."

"This is Xiaohonglou's meal..." Over there, Zhou Jiping had already opened a lunch box, stuffed a small steamed bun into his mouth, chewed and praised, "It tastes so good."

"Chu Xia, did Xiao Zhe send it to his in-laws with you?" Lin Yanqiu asked.

"Yes." Chu Xia nodded, "My parents are afraid that if you find out, they will stop them from going back, so I have no choice but to ask Brother Jing to go."

Mrs. Zhou nodded: "That's fine, they can rest assured."

"Brother Jing helped me bring it to the door to go home, and he also packed some for the house." Chu Xia said again.

"The child is worried about our misunderstanding?" Mrs. Zhou smiled and shook her head, "How can the Zhou family do it if they are so tolerant?"

"Yeah, at a time like this, how can I argue with Zhu Xinqin." Lin Yanqiu said with a forced smile, "Although I feel uncomfortable, I know that this approach is the best."

"Mom, since you know this is the best way, what do you mean by twisting your face like a bitter gourd?"

"Damn girl, I'm your mother, so you know how to make fun of me." Lin Yanqiu was so angry that she slapped Zhou Jiping, and tried to turn into a smiling face to look at Chu Xia, "Chu Xia, Mom didn't blame you, really."

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