Lin Xiaofen decided to have an operation because she still has to wait for her eyesight to recover before she can bring up An Ran's child.

Knowing that An Ran was worried about the risks of the operation, Su Yicheng assured her that he would contact the experts in the United States to ensure that the risks of the operation were minimized.

Gu Hengwen transferred the class, but because he was in the third grade of senior high school, he was directly facing the college entrance examination problem, so after the transfer, several classes continued without a break in between, and in addition, he had been in the hospital for the past few days to take care of Lin Xiaofen. Under such a high load, Gu Hengwen's body was a little overwhelmed. When standing on the podium for class, he was so dizzy that he almost fell on the podium. The students were worried and sent them directly to the hospital. The doctor said it was due to fatigue. In addition, I told him that at his age, his physique is not as good as it was back then, so he should pay more attention to rest.

After Lin Xiaofen knew about it, she refused to allow him to transfer classes to increase her burden. In addition, he was not allowed to come to the hospital after class at noon. Gu Hengwen protested, but was directly rejected and invalid. In the end, under Lin Xiaofen's insistence, Gu Hengwen came to the hospital after get off work every night Come to accompany Lin Xiaofen.

And An Ran has to come over every day, but after all, she has a big belly, so many things are inconvenient, so Su Yicheng directly called Mrs. Zhang over to take care of her, and Qin Yun also came here a few times, giving her tonics and cooking it herself Tang, reassure her to relax, don't think too much, she will help take care of one of the two grandchildren in the future.

Although Lin Xiaofen and Qin Yun didn't meet each other for a few times, they felt like old friends at first sight. There was always a lot to talk about when they met. The two talked and laughed. Lin Xiaofen seemed in a particularly good mood. It's also good to look up, and there is less sickness on the face, and it doesn't look like a patient at all.

An Ran still had to come to the hospital every day, but because she was a pregnant woman, Lin Xiaofen strictly controlled her time and did not allow her to stay in the hospital for too long. Although An Ran wanted to spend more time with her mother, but because of the baby in her belly, she could only I can obey the arrangement, come here every afternoon, and then stay in the hospital for an hour or two to talk with my mother, and then Su Yicheng will come to pick her up in the evening.

The punishment for Su Yicheng has not been formalized yet, but due to the urgency of the Science and Technology City case, and the recent turmoil in the municipal committee, many things still have to be taken care of by Su Yicheng temporarily, but in view of the Yanzhaomen incident , and the matter of Ling Chuanjiang and Tong Wenhai. In order to prevent some people from monopolizing the power, the provincial party committee assigned another person to the construction of the science and technology city. In this way, most of the work in Su Yicheng's hands was divided. It turned out that his rights were cut, but Su Yicheng himself felt quite satisfied, so his workload was reduced by more than half, so he could spare more time and energy to spend with An Ran and his children every day.

After finishing the work at hand, Su Yicheng came out of the office and drove to the hospital. He didn't go to Lin Xiaofen's ward first, but went directly to the office of Lin Xiaofen's attending doctor. When he arrived, Dr. Zhang still had a patient, so he didn't bother him. He nodded towards Dr. Zhang, then exited again and stood at the door to wait.

A few minutes later,

After the patient's family member in the office came out, Su Yicheng opened the door and went in. Doctor Zhang nodded to him and told him to sit down on the chair in front of the desk. Recently, he has become used to Su Yicheng coming to him first every time he comes to the hospital to inquire about Lin Xiaofen's condition. At first he felt a little uncomfortable and cramped, after all he The identity of the teacher really made people feel a little stressed, but later he came more often, and he got used to it.

"It's really stressful for Mayor Su to come here so often." Dr. Zhang said jokingly.

"Director Zhang, just treat me as a family member of an ordinary patient." Su Yicheng said indifferently, "I just came here to ask about my mother-in-law's condition."

Doctor Zhang nodded with a smile, took out Lin Xiaofen's medical records from the file column, and said casually: "Well, those who didn't know thought it was Mayor Su's mother who was hospitalized."

"She is my mother." Su Yi Cheng said seriously.

Dr. Zhang was stunned for a moment, feeling that he had made a slip of the tongue, and only said with a dry smile: "Yes, yes, it seems that I can't speak anymore when I get older." Suddenly remembered the "mayor's pornographic photos" that had been widely circulated on the Internet and in newspapers before. Incident' Many netizens on the Internet expressed doubts about the conclusion given by the police, saying that this is all official rhetoric, and the purpose is to maintain Su Yicheng's image, and the details need to be investigated. But at this moment, he felt that the so-called 'official rhetoric' might be the whole story. How could such a man who treats his mother-in-law as his biological parent, loves his wife so much and is reluctant to let her cry? The wife is sorry for the family affairs!

Looking through Lin Xiaofen's medical records, Dr. Zhang said from a professional perspective: "When I tested her strength in the morning, she found that her eyesight had dropped significantly, which means that the tumor in her brain has pressed the optic nerve, and surgery should be imminent. .”

Su Yi Cheng frowned, and asked, "Have you contacted the hospital in the United States?"

Doctor Zhang nodded and said: "Well, the email that came last night has already asked the people over there to arrange beds and outpatient hours for experts. Sure enough, if everything is ready on your side, you can leave anytime this week. My side You can also pass the medical records over there."

"Okay, then I will trouble Director Zhang to arrange it. I will tell my mother-in-law today." Su Yicheng stood up and said politely.

"It should." Director Zhang nodded and got up to send him out.

When Su Yicheng was in Lin Xiaofen's ward, An Ran was sitting in front of the hospital bed, chatting and laughing happily with Lin Xiaofen, she didn't notice even when he opened the door to enter.

"Anran, turn on the light." Lin Xiaofen suddenly said to Anran with a smile on the hospital bed.

An Ran was taken aback, turned her head and looked out the window, it was not dark yet, the sun had not set yet, it was still bright outside, she looked at her mother in a daze, and asked: "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Xiaofen was taken aback by the question, subconsciously stretched out her hand to touch her face, and said, "What's wrong, is there something on my face?"

"No, no, you said to turn on the light." The panic in her heart was a bit exaggerated, and An Ran's big eyes were fixed on her mother.

"Why don't you turn on the lights when it's dark?" Lin Xiaofen didn't care, and suddenly thought of something, and asked again: "By the way, Ah Cheng is busy today, why haven't you come here yet?"

"Mom—" An Ran wanted to say, but was interrupted directly by Su Yi Cheng who came in at this time.

"An Ran." Su Yi Cheng made a sound, winking at her, signaling her not to speak, then turned his head to look at Lin Xiaofen who was on the hospital bed, and said, "Yeah, I'm a little busy in the office today, so I'm late." And then Asked: "How is Mom feeling today? Is there any discomfort?"

"No, no, I'm fine. There is no problem in being discharged from the hospital now, but you are all nervous." Following the voice, I looked towards Su Yi Cheng, but I could only roughly see Su Yi Cheng's approximate location, and it was still very vague. I sighed softly in my heart, Knowing that her eyesight is getting worse and worse, when she took the vision test in the morning, she could hardly see what Dr. Zhang pointed out to her, and it was all based on her own wild guesses.

An Ran opened her eyes wide and looked at her mother, and then turned her head to look at Su Yi Cheng who was standing beside her. Su Yi Cheng knew the panic in her heart, so he just stretched out his hand and patted her hand.

Xu was afraid that they would see the clue, so Lin Xiaofen drove them away with a smile, and said, "Hurry up and go back, An Ran is pregnant and don't stay in the hospital all the time, there are many germs here."

An Ran tried her best to make her voice sound normal, and said with a smile, "I want to spend more time with you."

"I'm not a child, so I still need you to accompany me." Lin Xiaofen said angrily, "An Ran, you will be a mother in the future, you should think more about your children, and don't come to the hospital from tomorrow. "

"Mom..." An Ran dragged out her voice, expressing her protest.

"There is no discussion." Lin Xiaofen said resolutely.

An Ran wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Su Yi Cheng raising his hand.

Su Yicheng walked up to Lin Xiaofen, and said: "Mom, I went to Director Zhang's place when I just came here, and he said that he has already contacted the hospital and experts in the United States, and we can go there directly after making arrangements."

Before Lin Xiaofen could answer, An Ran looked at Su Yicheng in surprise and asked, "Really?"

Su Yi Cheng smiled at her and nodded affirmatively.

"Great, I'll go there with Mom." An Ran just wanted to remove the tumor in her mother's head as soon as possible, so that her mother could be healthy, and she would accompany her child to be born and grow up with her child, so that she could still be happy when she was in trouble and confusion. You can talk to her.

After a while, Lin Xiaofen on the hospital bed said, "Then, do you want to go abroad?"

"En." Su Yicheng nodded, and explained: "The experts and hospitals are the best in the United States, and they are also among the best in the world." There are risks in craniotomy, and he can only try to minimize such risks.

"Why don't you just do it in China, why go so far away." Lin Xiaofen said, holding tightly with both hands under the quilt that Su Yicheng and An Ran couldn't see.

"Mom, let's go abroad, the United States is very experienced in this kind of surgery." An Ran stepped forward and put her hand on her quilt.

Lin Xiaofen looked at her, tried very hard, but couldn't see An Ran's face clearly. Glancing at her face, she just said, "Let me think about it again." It's because she knows that this type of surgery is risky, and she doesn't want to go abroad. .

An Ran still wanted to persuade, but Su Yi Cheng shook his head, but in the end he didn't say anything more.

"Well, Mom, think about it carefully, don't worry." Su Yi Cheng only said that.

Lin Xiaofen nodded, looked up at them with a smile and said, "Okay, okay, you all go back, it's really late if you don't go back."

Su Yi Cheng nodded, "Okay."

Holding An Ran's hand out of the ward, walking to the elevator, An Ran turned her head and looked at him fixedly and asked, "Has Mom's condition worsened?" It was clearly broad daylight, but she said she wanted to turn on the light, one can imagine her mother's pain. How bad is vision.

Su Yi Cheng didn't hide it from her, because he knew that there was no way to hide this matter, so he just nodded and said: "Director Zhang said that my mother's illness can't be delayed any longer, and if it is delayed, I really won't be able to see anything."

Hearing this, An Ran's expression darkened, with worry on his face.

Knowing the worry and fear in her heart, Su Yi Cheng held her in his arms with his hands, lowered his head and kissed her heart, and said, "Okay, don't worry, it will be fine."

An Ran glanced at him, pulled her lips, nodded, "En."

When the two passed by the garden downstairs, Su Yicheng's cell phone suddenly rang at this moment. It was the call from Captain Wu of the Criminal Investigation Department of the police station. Su Yicheng pressed the answer directly, "Hello, Team Team?"

An Ran stopped and waited for him to finish the call, then turned her head to look at the flowers in the flower bed in the distance, because of Lin Xiaofen's matter, she looked a little depressed at the moment.

"What!" I don't know what Captain Wu said on the phone, but Su Yicheng's face changed drastically, and his voice couldn't help but grow a little louder.

An Ran was a little frightened by him, and turned to look at him worriedly.

Su Yi Cheng only smiled at her, his brows were still tightly frowned, and he just said to the phone: "I'm in the hospital." Then he didn't know what was said on the phone, so he hung up the phone directly.

Seeing that he hung up the phone, An Ran asked worriedly: "What happened?"

Not wanting An Ran to worry, Su Yi Cheng shook his head, and only said: "It's okay, An Ran, why don't you go back to your mother's side, I still have something to do here, I'll go pick you up after I'm done."

An Ran looked at him worriedly, "Are you really alright?" Looking at him, it definitely didn't look like he was alright.

Su Yi Cheng rubbed her hair, "It's fine."

An Ran didn't ask any more questions, knowing that he didn't want to worry about her, and believed that he was really fine when he said he was fine.

Send her back to Lin Xiaofen's ward again, but Su Yicheng didn't know what he saw while waiting for the elevator, so he said to An Ran nervously, "An Ran, you go up first, I'll wait to pick you up." Run to the side of the aisle.

An Ran stared blankly at the direction he was running away, and frowned slightly. Although she believed that she could handle it well, she was still inexplicably worried.

The elevator ding sounded, and the two closed iron doors slowly opened. When she saw the people standing inside, An Ran was slightly taken aback, and the people inside were also a little surprised when they saw An Ran outside the door. and unexpected.

An Ran didn't expect to meet Dong Xiaojie here, they hadn't seen each other since she came to the ward to make a fuss, so it was a bit unexpected to meet here today.

Tong Xiaojie on the opposite side was also a little surprised, she was stunned for a while before stepping out of the elevator.

An Ran withdrew her gaze, passed her to get into the elevator, but was stopped by her when she passed her.

"Wait a minute." Tong Xiaojie called to stop her. "can we talk?"

-----Off Topic-----

So much more today, go on a blind date tonight, everyone wish me this leftover woman can be sold as soon as possible, o(∩_∩)o haha~

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