First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 247 Luo Hongqi's Awakening

"Xiaoqiong..." Zhao Qiliang's expression became serious, "I said before that if we don't make trouble, we are the greatest help, and this kind of high-level struggle is definitely not what you imagined.

We don't have access to that level, and we don't even know who is in the same faction with whom. If we ask the wrong person and fall into the trap, we will only harm Chu Xia. "

"It's so complicated..." Luo Xiaoqiong drooped her little head, and said listlessly, "Just waiting like this, I'm going crazy."

"Now there is one thing you can help with." Zhao Qiliang said.

"What's the matter?" Luo Xiaoqiong's eyes lit up.

"It's about your brother."

"I don't bother with his affairs." Luo Xiaoqiong froze again, she was really disappointed with this brother.

When Chu Xia got married, she accompanied her parents and went to visit his brother, but as a result, she got angry.

When his brother saw his parents, the first thing he said was not to ask them why they came, nor how they were doing these past few months, but to ask how Zhong Hongying was doing!

Dear parents, father and mother, are not as important as a woman who does not have him in her heart. The disappointment of parents can be imagined. She pulled her face down at that time and asked his brother if he had parents in his heart.

In the end, her brother plausibly said, father and mother are sitting in front of them, what else is there to ask? At that moment, she really wanted to slap him across the face!

Chu Xia also told her that when Uncle Baohe and Aunt Yulan came last time, her brother ate scallion pancakes and said he missed his parents, but he probably missed Zhong Hongying, right?

The key problem is that Zhong Hongying has long been a soldier, but he doesn't know it. This shows what? If she hadn't been afraid that he would do something out of the ordinary, she would have exposed the truth at that time.

After all, we haven't seen each other for several months. I have been thinking about my son in my heart, even if I am disappointed. Even if she was unhappy, her parents didn't scold her brother, but her brother never left Zhong Hongying at all, and after sitting for a while, her parents left.

Until her father and mother left, her brother didn't ask why her father and mother came to City A suddenly, she really felt cold towards him.

but. She said she didn't want to take care of it, but she was worried in her heart, for fear that something would happen to her brother, which would make her parents worry too.

Seeing her thoughts, Zhao Qiliang patted her comfortingly: "It's nothing serious, it's just that he's been in a bad mood for the past few days, and he's been training hard at other times except eating and sleeping.

Probably because of Zhong Hongying's affairs. It's not convenient for me to ask more, he is your own brother after all, at this time, he needs the care of his relatives. "

Luo Xiaoqiong said angrily: "All he needs is Zhong Hongying. He doesn't need relatives!"

"Actually, his mind is quite simple. He decided on one thing. He walked all the way to the end and hit the wall. It depends on whether he can turn around. Is there anyone to guide him?" Zhao Qiliang said.

After being silent for a while, Luo Xiaoqiong sighed and said, "Okay, I'll ask the dean for leave now."

On the playground, Luo Hongqi was crazily doing giant swings, his face was flushed red, and his clothes were soaked in sweat. He was in the middle of a lunch break, and he was the only one on the playground.

"In the beginning, everyone came to watch the fun, but these days, it's no longer a surprise." Zhao Qiliang explained to Luo Xiaoqiong.

Luo Xiaoqiong nodded, and looked at the man on the playground with a complicated expression who was obviously exhausted but still desperately holding on.

Suddenly, the resentment towards him, the hatred towards him, was gone. Or, this is his character, if he is sure of one thing, even if he is unable to do what he wants, he will persevere desperately.

If you like someone, you will only have her in your heart. If others say she is not good, he will not listen. If others say she is good, he will be as happy as a child.

It's just that he liked the wrong person, so..., her heart suddenly throbbed. As a family, they didn't really understand him, but they only knew to blame him.

He is actually a man who can't turn a corner.

"Brother..." Luo Xiaoqiong stepped forward and called softly.

"Brother..." She increased her voice.

"He can't hear it now." Zhao Qiliang said, stepped forward and grabbed Luo Hongqi who was still struggling to turn upwards, and patted his body to soothe him.

Being pulled back suddenly, Luo Hongqi turned his head awkwardly, his eyes fixed on Zhao Qiliang's face for a while. He turned back awkwardly.

"Brother!" Luo Xiaoqiong stood opposite him and punched him bitterly, "What are you planning to do by torturing yourself so recklessly?"

After staring at Luo Xiaoqiong in confusion for a long while, Luo Hongqi twitched the corners of his mouth: "Why are you here?"

"Why do you think I'm here?" Luo Xiaoqiong continued to beat him angrily, "Brother, what are you planning to do with such a desperate practice? If something happens to you, what will your parents do? They are all so old, You can't have another one, do you want their lives?"

The corner of Zhao Qiliang's mouth twitched, wondering how his father-in-law and mother-in-law would feel when they heard this.

"I..." Luo Hongqi uttered a word in a hoarse voice, then paused again.

Luo Xiaoqiong hurriedly handed him the kettle, which she brought specially, and was praised by Zhao Qiliang for being careful.

"Gudong Gudong..." After pouring down a pot of water, Luo Hongqi finally looked a little better.

"I'll make another pot." Zhao Qiliang picked up the empty pot, waved to Luo Xiaoqiong, and left.

"Brother..." Luo Xiaoqiong took Luo Hongqi's hand and stared up at him, "When I was young, when others fought with me, you didn't protect me and stood aside to watch the excitement. At that time, I hated you so much, so Especially looking forward to someone hitting you, and I can watch the fun on the side.

But you are tall and strong, no one dares to bully you, so, all these years, I haven't been able to see my brother being bullied as I wished.

But today, seeing my brother so unhappy, I didn't feel happy. Brother, can you start from today and pay attention to your relatives? I really hope that my brother will protect me so that when I marry Zhao Qiliang, he won't dare to bully me, is that okay? "


"Brother, I'm your sister."


"elder brother……"


Luo Xiaoqiong didn't try to persuade her any more, but just called out for brother every once in a while, and shook his arm coquettishly. Finally, Luo Hongqi's staring eyes softened, and she said "OK" in her voice.

Luo Xiaoqiong shook him resolutely: "Brother, please speak up, I didn't hear what you said clearly."

"Okay." This time, Luo Hongqi's voice became clearer, and, turning his head to look directly at his sister, he added, "I will protect you."

"En." Luo Xiaoqiong nodded at him with a smile like a flower, then half leaned on his body, hugging his arms tighter, but didn't say anything else.

After waiting for a while, my sister didn't say anything more, Luo Hongqi couldn't hold back anymore: "Aren't you curious why I became like this?"

"If brother wants to tell me, he will naturally say it. If he doesn't want to tell me, it will make it difficult for him to ask." Luo Xiaoqiong smiled at him, "Listen to what brother means, do you want to tell me?"

"Zhong Hongying has also joined the army."


"She and our platoon leader Liu Lianbao got on good terms."

"Ah?" Luo Xiaoqiong couldn't pretend to be calm any longer, this news was too shocking for his wife!

"The leader approved that Zhong Hongying's recruiting period was over, and let her marry Liu Lieutenant. To celebrate this, the platoon leader invited us all to dinner, and she came too."

Yes, the moment he saw her, he thought he was dazzled, and he hadn't received a letter from her for several months. He was looking forward to it every day and night. If it wasn't for the fear that she wouldn't marry him if he didn't serve as a soldier, he would have run home long ago. Go check it out.

That's why he kept asking Zhong Hongying for news when he met his parents. He was really worried about her, thinking that something happened to her family.

He even sent her the monthly allowance, but unexpectedly, she suddenly appeared in front of him in this way.

When she saw him, she was shocked. This was the thing that hurt him the most!

After writing so many letters, she doesn't even know his detailed compilation, how careless is that?

That night, he endured it. Fortunately, he didn't talk much, so others didn't notice his strangeness.

The next day, Zhong Hongying took time to find him and warned him not to tell her about their previous contact, otherwise, don't blame her for being rude.

She didn't say exactly how to be rude, but the sinister and emotionless look in his eyes was deeply imprinted in his mind.

Why didn't he expose her that night? Because even if he gets angry again, he doesn't want her to be laughed at by his comrades in arms, but she... actually warned him with that look in her eyes!

Without asking a word, he turned and left.

Then, these days, he didn't know what kind of life he was living, he could only paralyze himself with extreme training, he couldn't listen to the persuasion of his comrades, and the conversation of the leader.

After hearing what he said, Luo Xiaoqiong felt a twinge of pain in her heart. They always thought that if they told him the real news about Zhong Hongying, he would do something out of the ordinary. It turned out that they didn't understand he.

What he encountered now was countless times more serious than what they had imagined, but he carried it through in this way. He was hurting himself, but he didn't go to extremes!

"Brother, why didn't you question her?" Luo Xiaoqiong asked.

"It's useless to ask, she won't be with me." Luo Hongqi let out a long breath, "She wants to live a good life, and I can't let her ruin it."

Luo Xiaoqiong: "..." She didn't know what to say.

"I know you think I'm stupid..." After a pause, Luo Hongqi continued, "When I beat her up, I thought she was good-looking, capable, and good at everything.

It's good if she can talk to me for a few days, anyway, she can't marry me anymore, if I ruin her marriage again, that's not good. "

Luo Xiaoqiong stared at her brother fixedly, or, he didn't know what true love is, but he was true love, because Zhong Hongying didn't have this blessing, or, it was a good thing, Zhong Hongying, it really wasn't suitable for her brother!

"Brother, please behave well. There are many single nurses in our hospital. If you can be promoted to monitor, I will help you find a good one."

"I don't want to look for it." Luo Hongqi shook his head, "I want to focus on training, to honor my parents, and prevent the villagers from laughing at them."

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