Although he was very disdainful of Lin Xiaohua and Zhao Qiyan's previous actions, but hearing that they were stopped here to do coolies and were bullied, Zhao Qiliang felt less resentment towards them: "You guys, didn't you ask for it?"

"Brother..." Zhao Qiyan pursed her mouth aggrievedly, "I'm your sister, I've suffered so much, and you still say I asked for it, woo..."

"Okay, okay..." Looking at Zhao Qiyan, who had obviously lost a lot of weight, Zhao Qiliang couldn't reprimand her anymore, and patted her comfortingly, "Take me to see my second aunt."

Follow the corridor on the first floor to the end, turn right, and you will find the hotel's toilet. Zhao Qiliang had just turned the corner with Zhao Qiyan when he heard heated arguments coming from the men's room.

"...You woman, are you crazy about men? I'm going to tell your leaders to arrest you and take you to the Public Security Bureau. Let's see if you dare to do this in the future!"

"Comrade, I didn't know you were in there, I really didn't know you were in there..."

"I don't know if you won't yell outside? When I entered the women's toilet, I went in so silently. Would you call me a hooligan?"

"I clean the toilet."

"You want to take a peek by cleaning the toilet, right? How could such a rascal hotel like you hire a woman like you? No, I have to sue you..."

"Comrade, I panicked..."

"When you panic, you touch it?"

"I'm not……"

"No, no, you've got your hands on it, haven't you?"

"It's really not..."


The contents of the debate became more and more explicit, and the voices became louder and louder. Zhao Qiliang, a good unmarried boy, expressed his embarrassment. The pace slowed down unconsciously.

Zhao Qiyan was the exact opposite of him, as soon as he heard her mother's voice. He rushed in without hesitation, and saw a middle-aged man grabbing her mother's arm and tugging. He grabbed the mop that was put aside and pulled it at the man, cursing incessantly: "My mother is also someone you can bully? Do you really think my mother and I are here to be bullied? I let you play hooligans, I let you play hooligans..."

Lin Xiaohua jumped anxiously on the side: "Yan'er, stop, Yan'er, stop hitting..."


You two have teamed up to do this kind of shady business. If I don't sue you, my surname will not be Wang. You wait for me..."

Although the man being chased tried his best to dodge, he was still hit by Zhao Qiyan several times with a dirty mop for dragging the toilet. In line with the principle that a good man does not suffer immediate losses, he ran out, and ended up getting along with Zhao Qiliang who had arrived at the door. collided together.

Before Zhao Qiliang was out of the army, he had done a lot of farm work, and now, he was even more muscular. A middle-aged man bumped into him, so he couldn't take advantage of it. "咚咚咚" took two steps back, and squatted down on the ground. When he landed, he reflexively wanted to support his body with his hands. As a result, the ground just mopped was a bit slippery, and one of them didn't support it, and the whole person lay on the ground sprawled, with his head. It happened to be on the head of the mop that Zhao Qiyan was dragging.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Zhao Qiliang hurried to help him.

"Hiss..." The man rubbed his sore buttocks and waved his hands at Zhao Qiliang. "I can't blame you, I left too hastily by myself." said Lin Xiaohua mother and daughter who stared at him with resentment. "You wait, if I don't sue you to prison, I will walk backwards!"

"Comrade..." Zhao Qiliang bit the bullet and said, "They are my second aunt and cousin, who were tricked into working here. You have a lot of adults, so don't be as knowledgeable as them, okay?"

"You know them?" The man frowned, his eyes lingered on Zhao Qiliang's military uniform for a while, and then he said, "I don't care if they were cheated or not, anyway, today's matter is endless..." The man pointed at his stain Spotted clothes, "Look at me, if I just leave it like this, am I still a man? Comrade, if you stop me, I will go to the leader of your army!"

"Uncle, you misunderstood, I didn't mean to stop..." Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Lin Xiaohua and Zhao Qiyan standing there looking like they had nothing to do with him, Zhao Qiliang changed his tone, "Uncle, what should you do about this matter?" Just deal with it, I'll go first."



Lin Xiaohua and Zhao Qiyan became anxious when they heard this, and rushed to Zhao Qiliang to hold him, joking, they finally caught the straw, how could they let him escape like this?

"Qiliang, you won't just watch Second Aunt and Qiyan being bullied?"

"Brother, the only thing we can count on is you. If you don't care about us, then my mother and I will die here."

"Qiliang, when you were young, Second Aunt loved you like her own son. Now that Second Aunt is in trouble, if you don't care about it, you will feel sorry for Second Aunt's love for you back then."

"Yeah brother, my brother and I used to be rude to my brother, but that's because my mother always favors my brother, and we both have a bit of a taste for it. My mother didn't treat my brother well."

"Qiliang, even if you don't kiss your second aunt, for your second uncle's sake, you can't let your second aunt be bullied by this stinky man..."


Listening to the two girls singing together, Zhao Qiliang's understanding of them was completely refreshed. As long as he could remember, he never remembered that his second aunt had given him delicious food. On the contrary, every time his family made delicious food, his second aunt would take his cousins ​​and cousins ​​to stay at his house.

As for treating him as his own son, why didn't he know? From childhood to adulthood, except when the second aunt had conflicts with her grandparents, she pointed at his nose and scolded him as a bastard, and almost ignored him and didn't talk to him when she was next to him. Could it be that being a real son hurts?

Seeing what they said with confidence and taking it for granted, he was completely speechless, and he really felt guilty for getting angry with Luo Xiaoqiong at that moment.

He has been a soldier outside for more than a year, and he has a kind of longing for his relatives, so he completely forgot their shamelessness. In addition, he did not witness the scene of their betrayal of the Zhao family, so he lost a kind of personal feeling. At this moment, he realized that he was really wrong!

The man who was stuck inside and couldn't get out, listened curiously for a while, and then got angry: "Hey, can you stop confusing right and wrong with black and white, when did I bully you? You are the hooligan, and you have a red face here You're talking nonsense!" He said and looked at Zhao Qiliang, "Comrade PLA, whether you are their relative or not, I believe that you are fair, and you can judge.

I was going to the bathroom inside, and this woman came in with a mop. When I turned around and saw her, I was frightened, and I shrank back halfway through urinating.

In the end, before I could speak, she ran over..." After a pause, the man pointed to his crotch, "He just covered me here, and then jumped to cover my mouth, I am How could someone with a wife and children let her act like a hooligan? "

Although he had heard the general idea earlier, Zhao Qiliang was still a little incapable of accepting the man's detailed explanation. His second aunt, what did he want to do? Do you really want men to think this much?

He is also at a young age. Although he doesn't know much about this kind of thing, boys will secretly talk about it when they are together. He has heard that some women are in their forties, like wolves and tigers. , But, even if you are really like a wolf and a tiger, there is no need to be in the toilet... Is that so?

He was still in a daze, but Zhao Qiyan had already started to scold: "Smelly rascal, my mother wouldn't do that kind of thing, it's because you wanted to take advantage of my mother and was rejected by my mother, so you became angry and framed my mother. If we sue, we will sue, and if we want to arrest, we will also arrest you!"

The middle-aged man had a look of disdain on his face, "I don't even piss to look after myself, and I don't care about sending an ugly woman to bed for nothing. I will take advantage of her? Dream!"

"Brother, you..."

Zhao Qiliang interrupted Zhao Qiyan and looked at Lin Xiaohua: "Second Aunt, what do you say?" He wanted to throw away and leave, but if this kind of thing really got serious, not only Lin Xiaohua, but also the Zhao family would be ashamed. After all, Lin Xiaohua is still his second uncle's daughter-in-law.

"It's just like what Qiyan said, this man wants to take advantage of me. If I don't let him, he will tear me apart. When I'm in a hurry, I reach out to pinch his place..." Lin Xiaohua murmured.

"You woman, shameless?" The man was anxious, "How can you make up red lips and yellow teeth?" Then he looked at Zhao Qiliang anxiously, "She is really talking nonsense, if I really How could such a shameless man drag her to sue the government? Comrade PLA, do you think it makes sense?"

If he hadn't heard what Lin Xiaohua pleaded to the man earlier, or Zhao Qiliang would have believed what she said now, there is a certain possibility, but with the previous conversation, how could he not understand who is lying?

As for Zhao Qiyan, he discovered for the first time that he underestimated this cousin.

Since she beat that man with a mop, she wanted to turn this shit bowl upside down on his head, and let her mother take advantage of it.

In such a short period of time, an unmarried girl who hears such a thing and can react in such a way, whoever dares to say that she is not scheming, who will be in a hurry!

Seeing his second aunt's big yellow teeth flashing in front of his eyes, he suddenly sympathized with his second uncle from the bottom of his heart. Why did he spend his whole life with such a woman? How did you endure it?

As for this cousin, whoever marries her in the future will be unlucky for eight lifetimes. She is definitely a woman more shameless than his second aunt!

He was silent, and the man thought that he didn't believe his words, so he said in a hurry, "Comrade PLA, if I say a false word that makes me die, forget it. Don’t tell me any more, that’s all for now.”

Zhao Qiliang looked at him: "Which room and bed do you live in?"

"I...I..." The man racked his brains to think of an excuse to refuse.

"I believe in you." Zhao Qiliang said.

Seeing the sincerity in Zhao Qiliang's eyes, the man hesitated: "Bed No. 6 in Room 205."

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