Xiao Yuwen had long forgotten about Lin Xiaohua's mother and daughter.

When he left the mother and daughter behind, he wanted to use them to get close to Chu Xia, but now that Li Xiaoru, who was thinking of him, was by his side, he couldn't eat it, how could he have the heart to think about Chu Xia, and even revenge on Zhou Mikang? I can't even take care of it. Of course, he didn't really forget it, but he was too aware of his father's temper, so what else did he have to worry about? He just waited to see Reservoir Dogs.

These days, Li Xiaoru was by his side, cared for him meticulously, and spoke sweetly to his heart, but whenever he wanted to go further, she always had various reasons to prevaricate him. He clearly saw that she did it on purpose, but he could only hold back.

No matter how prosperous his father is now, he dare not use force in the hospital. As for going home, he never thought about it. Zhou Aiping's mother and daughter are watching each other, what can he do?

Therefore, what he has to do now is to use this time spent together day and night to develop a relationship with Li Xiaoru, and when he leaves the hospital, he can coax her into bed. At that time, whether to marry her or not is up to him It's all over.

I figured it out, I don't feel bad when I see that I can't eat the fat every day, and when Li Xiaoru wipes his body, I deliberately let her wipe some of his genitals, or, while she is not When he was paying attention, mopping her body made him happy every day.

So, when he received a call from Liu Zhenqiang, saying that Zhao Qiliang had gone to see Lin Xiaohua's mother and daughter, and that Lin Xiaohua's mother and daughter wanted to escape, it took him a long time to remember who Lin Xiaohua and Zhao Qiyan were.


He didn't hear the echo from the other end of the phone for a long time, Liu Zhenqiang thought the phone was disconnected. Then he hung up the phone, and Xiao Yuwen, who just came back to his senses and was about to speak, listened to the beeping sound in the microphone. His eyebrows were raised in anger, and he dialed to the switchboard and was transferred back to Liu Zhenqiang. It was just a scolding.

Liu Zhenqiang was also very wronged. He talked for a long time, and then shouted for a long time, but there was no sound at all. He just wanted to hang up and call again. In the end, the line was always busy...

After Xiao Yuwen finished scolding, Liu Zhenqiang asked weakly: "Director, the mother and daughter. What should we do?"

"What do you mean?"

"They seem to think that the life there is not good, and they want to change places. Should they be allowed to go, or what?"

"Do you think the life there is not good?" Xiao Yuwen's voice suddenly increased, "Isn't that better than them farming in the countryside? They are still picky, who do they think they are?"

The tricked Liu Zhenqiang echoed repeatedly: "Yes, yes,

The work in the countryside is much harder and tiring than this, and these girls are too dissatisfied. If it weren't for the director, how could the hotel use them? "

"You said they were going to leave?" Xiao Yuwen snorted coldly, "Then let them go, and when they go out and hit a wall by themselves, you will know whether they should thank me."

"Yes." Liu Zhenqiang breathed a sigh of relief after hanging up the phone.

When he got the news that Lin Xiaohua's mother and daughter wanted to escape, he was shocked. I don't know how Xiao Yuwen plans to use the mother and daughter, if they really run away. How did he explain it?

After much deliberation, I took the risk of making this call. He was thinking that if Xiao Yuwen looked at the mother and daughter differently, he would immediately change them to an easier job. If he treated them with an indifferent attitude, it meant that they were only kept to embarrass the Zhou family. , his current arrangement is absolutely correct.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Zhenqiang went to the room where Lin Xiaohua and Zhao Qiyan were locked up.

This is a small warehouse where spare tools are stored. The two women curled up on the sacks covered with sheets and quilts. When they heard the door, they raised their heads reflexively and saw the person coming. Zhao Qiyan rushed over as if seeing a relative. : "Brother Liu, if you don't come again, my mother and I will be bullied to death."

"I've been busy these days, so I haven't been able to come here." Liu Zhenqiang helped Zhao Qiyan to Lin Xiaohua's side, "Comrade Liu." Lin Xiaohua rubbed her hands uncomfortably in greeting.

"Hey..." Liu Zhenqiang sighed softly, "When I received their call, I hurried over here. I don't know how they arranged jobs for you. It's really hard for you."

"Brother Liu, where's Xiao Yuren?" Zhao Qiyan asked anxiously.

"Director Xiao..." Liu Zhenqiang hesitated, and said, "Didn't his tooth be injured? He is in the hospital. When I came here, I asked for his opinion..."

Zhao Qiyan interrupted him anxiously: "What does Brother Xiao mean?"

Listening to Zhao Qiyan addressing Xiao Yuwen from "Director Xiao" to "Brother Xiao", the corners of Liu Zhenqiang's mouth twitched unconsciously. As he looked at her, the corners of his mouth twitched even more. Could it be that she couldn't recognize her own conditions? Or do you really feel that you are in good condition?

"What else do you think Director Xiao means? He arranged the work for you, and he has fulfilled his promise to you. What else do you want from him?

As for the nature of the work, to be honest, you are from other places, how can it be your turn to do the easy and worry-free work? Without Director Xiao's care, no one would keep you even if you begged to clean the toilet here. "

Zhao Qiyan was at a loss and didn't believe it. Before she could speak, Lin Xiaohua became anxious: "Comrade Liu, if Director Xiao said that we should stay here to do this kind of work, how could our mother and I have a falling out with our family?" Do you want to stay and support him? Isn't it too unkind for him to do this? Which hospital is he in? Let's go find him. "

"Brother Liu, please tell us Director Xiao's address. I don't want to hide it from you. If it wasn't for a better life, my mother and I wouldn't be able to stay here. We fell out with our family members to embarrass Director Xiao. Well, if we have done worse because of embarrassing Director Xiao, then Director Xiao's face will not be honored either."

Liu Zhenqiang looked at Zhao Qiyan with a half-smile: "Do you know the identity of Director Xiao?"

"Be better than the Zhou family."

"Then do you know what the identity of the Zhou family is?"

Zhao Qiyan thought about it for a while, and said, "It should be about the same as our county magistrate, right?" There was a trace of uncertainty in her tone. Obviously, because something happened to the Zhou family, she subconsciously felt that the Zhou family must be putting on airs.

"County magistrate?" Liu Zhenqiang chuckled, "You underestimate the Zhou family too much. To be honest, you are similar to the governor of your country. Do you understand?"

Zhao Qiyan was stunned for a moment, but thinking of the current situation of the Zhou family, she said, "Isn't it already finished?"

"The Zhou family is doomed, what I want to tell you now is..." After a pause, Liu Zhenqiang continued, "Director Xiao, you can't just look for it if you want.

Let's put it this way, if it wasn't for the Zhou family, you wouldn't have had the chance to have a word with Director Xiao in your life. Now that he has done this, he has done his best.

As long as you are willing to stay here and stay here for a few years, you may be able to become a regular worker. After that, you will be urban residents. Compared with being a farmer, you should think about it for yourself. Is it better to stay in your hometown? good……"

The mother and daughter were shocked by what Liu Zhenqiang said about the background of the Xiao family. At this moment, one head and two older, thinking of their previous attitude, the mother and daughter were terribly confused.

"Brother Liu, we...we listen to you, what you say, my mother and I will do." Zhao Qiyan said.

Liu Zhenqiang was waiting for her words, and nodded immediately: "Okay, you can work with peace of mind, as long as there is a suitable opportunity, I will find a way to transfer you to regular jobs."

"Really?" The two women said in unison, they didn't understand what Liu Zhenqiang said just now, but now they are so happy.

"However, there is a way to make Qiyan turn into a regular worker faster."

"What way?" Zhao Qiyan's small eyes widened with longing.

"Marry a local." Liu Zhenqiang said.

Zhao Qiyan let out a sigh of relief: "How can it be so easy to find?"

At this moment, Lin Xiaohua reacted faster than her daughter: "Comrade Liu, are you married?"

Liu Zhenqiang shook his head: "I haven't."

"Is your family local?"


"How old are you this year?"


"Thirty-two?" Lin Xiaohua frowned, "You..." looked him up and down, "You won't have any problems, right? Otherwise, why haven't you married yet?"

Zhao Qiyan had already figured out what her mother meant, and took a few glances at Liu Zhenqiang. The more she looked, the more dissatisfied she became. He was about 1.6 meters tall, and his black hair was about the same as that of Heitan. He said, "Mother, are you looking for Brother Liu's household registration? Brother Liu is so old and not married, maybe he has a high vision. He has never met a suitable one, right Brother Liu?"

"Yes." Liu Zhenqiang knew what Zhao Qiyan was thinking when he saw Zhao Qiyan's expression, and he didn't force it, so he smiled, "Sister Qiyan put gold on my brother's face, and on my condition, how dare I have a high vision?

A few years ago, I was busy with work and didn’t take care of it. Now I’m looking for it and found that almost all the older ones are married. I’ve also seen a few of the younger ones. I’m always dissatisfied in one way or another. , it’s not too bad to suffer another two years, anyway, I have to find a good one. "

Zhao Qiyan nodded her head in agreement: "It's just..."

Out of the door of the hotel, Liu Zhenqiang's mouth curled into a smile, hum, with such conditions, if you are still dreaming here, let's do it first, within a week, they will definitely be crying and shouting to marry him!

Liu Zhenqiang walked forward, and the team leader who was in charge of Zhao Qiyan's mother and daughter came over, and rushed the two of them to work like flies. With the temptation to become regular workers, the mother and daughter endured their dissatisfaction and followed. The team leader walked out of the dormitory door behind him.

As a result, it is now annoying. After Wu Jingbo went home and asked her uncle, the answer she got was that the Xiao family's affairs were not easy to mix for the time being.

Watching Li Xiaoru put on a smiley face to deal with Xiao Yuwen every day, he almost felt internally injured.

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