Xiao family.

Xiao Bing pushed his wife who was still reluctantly staring at his son's bedroom in a daze: "Okay, let's go, Mom is still waiting for you at home."

"Old Xiao, I want to see Yuwen before leaving. I haven't seen him for several days. I don't know when I will see him again after this farewell. Just let me take a look at him, okay?" Poor, her husband didn't tell her which hospital her son was staying in, let alone ask her about it. It's fine to live here, but now she wants to leave, she really feels bad.

"How many times have I told you that his matter is more sensitive. His family members cannot visit him, and even Aiping cannot go. What mess are you making?" Xiao Bing waved his hands impatiently, "I'm still busy. Come on, stop dawdling."

Lu Yu'e, who had been obedient to her husband all her life, didn't dare to say any more. She lowered her head and took two steps outside, then turned her head to stop Liu Lingmei: "Sister, I will trouble you here. Both father and son are entrusted to you and Aiping."

Liu Lingmei grabbed her hand and patted her: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, anyway, I have nothing to do for the time being. When you come back, I will move out again. During this period, I will leave it to me."

Seeing Xiao Bing frowning, Lu Yu'e hurried out in fright. When she reached the door, she turned her head and smiled gratefully at Liu Lingmei: "Thank you, sister."

"It should be." Liu Lingmei said.

When Zhou Aiping heard what her mother said, she always felt that something was wrong, why should her mother do it? Why should the father who takes care of the son-in-law and the son-in-law?

"Let's go!" Xiao Bing gave Lu Yu'e a push, "We had a good life without you here before. You take care of your parents like nothing else."

"Old Xiao, I will take good care of my parents. Don't worry!" Lu Yu'e solemnly declared her position like a soldier.

Xiao Bing waved his hand impatiently, signaling her to get in the car quickly.

Wait for the car to leave slowly. Liu Lingmei immediately felt relaxed, and looked at Xiao Bingqi with a smile: "Director, shall we have lunch at home?"

"Okay." Xiao Bing responded and took the lead into the house.

After eating, he went to the study without saying a word.

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Liu Lingmei only thought that it was because of Lu Yu'e's departure, she was a little jealous, and she was a little distracted when talking to her daughter Zhou Aiping.

Look at her listless look.

Zhou Aiping stood up and said, "Mom, if you're sleepy, go to sleep for a while. I've asked Fang Qing to have a haircut. Yuwen will be back in two or three days. I've had a haircut for two days today. Look better."

"Go." Liu Lingmei wanted her daughter to leave quickly, and yawned again because of the injury, "Don't cut it too short, it won't look good."

"I know." Zhou Aiping grabbed her bag and went out.

Liu Lingmei told the nanny: "Go and rest for a while, I'm here."

"Yes." The nanny winked. He obediently went to his bedroom.

After clearing all obstacles, Liu Lingmei swaggered out of the study and knocked on the door: "Brother Xiao, it's me. Can I go in?"

"come in."

"Brother Xiao..." Seeing Xiao Bingqi's look haggard, Liu Lingmei felt even more unhappy, and said a little sourly. "Sister-in-law, you don't want to go back, do you? Or, let sister-in-law go back and help take care of Aunt Xiao?"

"No." Xiao Bing waved his hands, "You misunderstood. It's about work."

"Hey!" Liu Lingmei sighed, "Brother Xiao, you are not strong, how can you work so hard?" After speaking, she automatically turned to Xiao Bing after getting up and rubbing him, "Look at your hard shoulders, how can you work so hard?" Are you comfortable?"

Xiao Bing raised his hand to reach up, and fu patted Liu Lingmei's hand: "You still know me, unlike Lu Yu'e, who only knows how to work stupidly, and can't say a word of concern."

"Hehe..." Liu Lingmei laughed, "Hearing brother Xiao say that, I am both happy and embarrassed, how can you compare me with my sister-in-law?"

"What kind of sister-in-law is she?" Xiao Bing pulled her in front of him and looked directly at her, "Xiaomei, we are not young, I don't want to play charades with you, I like you, do you? Like me ?"

Although she had been typing this score all the time, but when Xiao Bingqi asked it so nakedly, Liu Lingmei blushed, her eyes flickered for a while, and she finally nodded: "Yeah."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Xiao Bing stood up and pushed her onto the small bed in the study, looking at her with burning eyes, "You are such a good woman, you need a man to love you."

Biting her lip, Liu Lingmei asked, "Brother Xiao, can you marry me?"

"Yes, yes, but, if we are together, what will happen to the two children?"

Liu Lingmei sighed softly: "Brother Xiao thinks that I'm so selfish that I don't even care about my daughter's happiness? Actually, I already knew that Yuwen didn't like Aiping. In the past two years, it was often a month or two. If you don't touch Aiping, if you delay like this, Aiping's life will be over."

"You want them to divorce?"

"Does Brother Xiao have a better way?" Liu Lingmei stared straight at Xiao Bingqi, "Lu Yu'e believes that Yuwen's hospitalized family members cannot visit, but I don't believe it. There are other girls taking care of him, right?"

"Sure enough, nothing can fool you..." Xiao Bingqi chuckled and began to undress Liu Lingmei. They are both in their forties. How could they push and refuse such things like young men and women who are in love? , the two of them have long been tacit understanding, now that they have the opportunity, they are not willing to waste time.

After the **, Liu Lingmei closed her eyes with satisfaction: "Brother Xiao, in this life, you have to be nice to me, I will follow you regardless of everything, if you don't marry me, I won't be able to live It's..."

Listening to Liu Lingmei's nagging, Xiao Bing sneered.

In the past few days, he did not look forward to the absolute victory that he was sure of. Instead, he looked forward to the feeling that the storm was about to come. Zhou Gangping wears a cuckold to shame the Zhou family! marry her? Dream it!

It's a pity that Zhou Mikang's little daughter-in-law was strictly protected by old man Wan, otherwise, he really wanted his son to have a good time too, so that would be the best of both worlds!

"Boom boom boom..."

The door of the study was suddenly knocked heavily, accompanied by an indistinct shout of "Dad".

Xiao Bing was suddenly pulled back from his thoughts, and quickly got up to insert the door latch. Liu Lingmei also panicked. Although this matter had been planned and thought about for a long time, Xiao Yuwen was her son-in-law after all. ?

Xiao Bing's trousers had already faded by one leg, but now he was in a hurry, and tripped himself with a "boom", and Liu Lingmei didn't bother to pull him, and hurriedly put on clothes on her body. , just halfway through the sweater, I heard the door "creak" being pushed open.

"One... one door..."

Looking at the half naked two people in the room, how could Xiao Yuwen not know what happened, but the teeth in his mouth were gone again, before he had time to pretend, his speech was terribly vague.

"Close the door!" Xiao Bing yelled, and hurried back to the bed to get dressed. At this moment, Liu Lingmei was fully dressed, her face was as red as a big red cloth, and she was standing by the bed, neither sitting nor sitting.

"You go out." Xiao Bing said.

Liu Ling was as beautiful as a pardon, and ran out of the study in three steps at a time.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing his son swollen into a pig's head again, Xiao Bing frowned tightly, "Who did it this time?"


"What's going on?" Xiao Bingqi waved his hands while talking, "Forget it, you go and put the teeth on first."

Ten minutes later, Xiao Yuwen came back again and asked, "Dad, why did you get together with my mother-in-law? You are really a meaty person!"

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't know!" Xiao Bing glared at his son, "I don't need you to teach me how to do things, so hurry up and tell me what's going on."

"Li Xiaoru has a childhood sweetheart boyfriend named Guo Guo, who is Jing Zhe's apprentice. Jing Zhe took the two apprentices to find a place for her, just in time..." After a pause, Xiao Yuwen said, "It just so happens that I also want to do what Dad did just now. Thing, I was caught straight, and he beat me like this, the key..." Xiao Yuwen pointed at his crotch with a bitter face, "That female apprentice of his stepped on me here, now It hurts like hell, I'm afraid that if I die, my father will really end his children and grandchildren!"

"Then why are you running back?" Xiao Bing pulled him up anxiously and walked out.

"Jing Zhe won't let me go to other hospitals in 401. How can I go without my father's arrangement?"

"You..." Seeing Xiao's father and son walking out in a hurry, Liu Lingmei quickly caught up, "Where are you going?"

"You can pack your things and go." Xiao Dongqi glanced at her, "When I come back, you must disappear from this room." After speaking, he dragged Xiao Yuwen out the door without looking back.

"You...you put up your pants and don't admit it?" Liu Ling's face turned pale with anger, she was just dreaming of being the mistress of the Xiao family, but luckily, she was going to be kicked out of the house?

Dare to love, the reason for being nice to her these days is for this time?

Is she that annoying? She just won't leave, let's see what he can do to her!

The nanny glanced at the angry Liu Lingmei: "Do you need me to pack your luggage for you?"

"Get out!" Liu Lingmei glared at her, "When is it your turn to talk here?"

"Mister told you to leave quickly, I'm sorry, I can't keep you here." The nanny said and pulled her up, "Hurry up and pack your things, otherwise, I'll just kick you out like this."

"You..." Liu Lingmei pointed at her with trembling hands, "Can you try saying it again?"

The nanny stared at her fearlessly: "Hurry up and pack up your things, or I'll kick you out like this."

"It's the opposite..." Thinking of Xiao Bingqi's attitude just now, Liu Lingmei softened her tone slightly, "Anyway, my daughter is the daughter-in-law of the Xiao family, and you are just the nanny of the Xiao family. You don't want to lose this Let's work?"

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