First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 258: Jing Zhe VS Zeng Meili

Jing family.

Mrs. Jing, Mrs. Jing, was wearing brand-new clothes, and seemed to be staring at the TV, but in fact, she was paying attention to the movement in Jing Zhe's room with her ears.

Zhu Xinqin sat next to the second elder, also with a listless expression on her face.

Zeng Meili was in Jing Zhe's room.

Of course, they are no strangers to Zeng Meili. After all, Jing Zhe and Jing Zhe are childhood sweethearts. They often played together when they were young. Later, they became comrades-in-arms and often went on missions together. Later, they were all arranged in 401. Occasionally, they would come to play at home .

However, like today, it was the first time that Jing Zhe dragged him into the room as soon as he entered the door.

They didn't want to think in that direction, but they couldn't help it.

Mrs. Jing and Mrs. Jing are happy to hear this. They like Chu Xia, but Chu Xia has become the daughter-in-law of the Zhou family. Divorce? In this case, it became their greatest wish to marry their granddaughter-in-law earlier.

Zhu Xinqin's mood was more complicated than theirs.

Of course, she is also looking forward to marrying a daughter-in-law sooner. She has been competing with Lin Yanqiu for a lifetime, and of course she doesn't want to lose too badly in this matter.

However, Zeng Meili is Lin Yanqiu's niece. If she really married her, she would never have the confidence to challenge Lin Yanqiu again!

The Jing family can be regarded as a scholarly family. The current security and power are mainly due to the fact that Mr. Jing has peaches and plums all over the world. Therefore, the Jing family has never thought of using marriage to consolidate their power. Then, the candidate for a daughter-in-law. Naturally, just want what your son likes.

What if my son fell in love with Zeng Meili? Zhu Xinqin frowned tightly. I feel like I'm going to die of worry, look at the joy of the old man and the old lady. Her head hurts even more...

In the room, Zeng Meili and Jing Zhe sat face to face, "Don't you regret it?" Raising the letter in her hand, Zeng Meili confirmed to Jing Zhe again.

"What is there to regret?" Jing Zhe had a faint smile on his face, "If I don't do this, I will really regret it."

"Okay..." Zeng Meili also laughed, "Jing Zhe, you are a gentleman, this time is over. Marry me, okay?"

The smile on Jing Zhe's face froze instantly.

"Look how scared you are..." Zeng Meili pouted,

"Am I so out of your sight? Or, do you just like Wang Jing? Or do you like your little assistant?"

"Where does it all come from..." Jing Zhe stroked his forehead, speechless, "It's none of their business, you're messing around here."

"I didn't put my hat on indiscriminately. Wang Jing said in private that you are the man she likes. No one else can steal it. As for your little apprentice, I follow your ass every day. I am a woman. You have to believe me Intuition, she likes you, really.

Jing Zhe. Seriously think about what I said, if. You're not interested in either of them, in me. And if you have that little interest, just marry me.

You are not young anymore, if you delay like this, I will be too sorry for Grandpa Jing and Grandma Jing, they are such lovely people, are you willing to let them never have a great-grandson or great-granddaughter to hug them? "

"Zeng Meili, it's the first time I've discovered that why are you so thick-skinned?" Jing Zhe stared at Zeng Meili speechlessly, "Or, you don't want to do me this favor at all?"

Zeng Meili quickly hid the letter behind her back: "Joke, this is something that is good for my second aunt, why would I not want to help?

I just made this suggestion to you because I don't want you to make two pregnant girls dream again. Jing Zhe, with your temper, it is very difficult to fall in love with someone fiercely.

As for Lin Chuxia, she is good-looking, and her personality is a little...unique. In addition, her talent in medicine makes it easy to attract your attention.

Or, men have the instinct to protect the weak. When you first met her, her frailty might have moved you.

Anyway, no matter what the reason is, I guess it will be difficult for you to meet this kind of liking again, so choose the one that suits you.

We have known each other since childhood, and we have been comrades-in-arms and colleagues for so many years. I know your character and temperament well, and you know me too.

Instead of finding a little girl who keeps doubting you and being jealous, it is better to find me who can understand you and tolerate you, and support you through this whole life. "

Jing Zhe remained silent. It's not that he hadn't thought about this matter, but the relationship between him and Zeng Meili was more of a friendship than a relationship between a man and a woman, so he hesitated.

He really wanted to treat Chu Xia as his younger sister, and he was also working hard to treat her as his younger sister.

Originally, his feelings for Chu Xia were not so strong that she had to be his choice, otherwise, he would not let her go. Of course, this is also related to his character. Zhou Mi Kangming knew that he liked Chu Xia, so he never let her go.

He believed that if it was Mei Yitong, he would definitely not let her go.

When he was in school, he was the neutral one. Now, he is still the one who is not foolish. He just thinks, hello, me, hello, everyone. In the end, often, he is the one who suffers.

Among the three, Zhou Mikang didn't get married until today because he was hurt.

Mei Yitong was married once, but she divorced because of her personality disagreement.

He was the only one who had never been hurt emotionally, nor had he truly fallen in love with anyone. After finally meeting someone who had feelings, he quickly became someone else's wife.

Could it be that he has been at odds with love all his life?

"I am the most suitable person for you, believe me, that's right." Zeng Meili said and patted Jing Zhe on the shoulder, "You are willing to do this for the Zhou family. My second aunt will be very grateful when she finds out , then, after I'm with you, the bad relationship between my second aunt and mother-in-law will no longer exist.

As for saying that you don't love me now, it doesn't matter, we have friendship, as long as we live together, as time goes on, it will turn into family relationship.

Didn't people say that no matter how strong the love is, it will eventually turn into a family relationship, so let's just change from friendship to family relationship. The feeling should be similar. "

"You, put it down?" Jing Zhe looked at Zeng Meili with a fixed gaze, "Are you sure, you let it go?"

"Yes!" Zeng Meili nodded affirmatively, "I let go."

"What evidence is there?"

Zeng Meili chuckled: "I can understand that you are jealous when you ask this question?"

"It can be understood in this way..." After a pause, Jing Zhe said, "Zeng Meili, we have been friends since we wore crotch pants, so I don't want to hide from you. I want to ask you, Guan Jie, if you put it down, then, Where is Zhou Hanliang?"

Zeng Meili's eyes widened.

"You like Zhou Hanliang, have you really let go?"

"I like Zhou Hanliang?" Zeng Meili's eyes widened again, "Why do you think so? Jing Zhe, are you out of your mind? Why do you think I like Zhou Hanliang?"

"If you don't like him, why do you care that he is with other women?"


"When Zhou Hanying came, the brother and sister were hugging each other. Your face was very ugly at that time."

"How do you know?" After being reminded by Jing Zhe, Zeng Meili immediately remembered that this thing did exist, but it was not for her own sake, you fool!

"I saw it. At that time, I was behind you, but you didn't see me. You went to question Zhou Mikang angrily."

"Can I understand that you have always liked me? You were disappointed when you saw me like that, right?"

"No, I just think it's not good for me to disturb you at that time. After Han Liang separated from his girlfriend, he has been in a bad mood. It would be nice if you could be with him."

"You really think so?" Zeng Meili stared at Jing Zhe firmly, "Even if I'm with Zhou Hanliang, you won't feel sad? Or, you want Zhou Hanliang to marry me, so I don't have to bother you gone?"

"No..." Jing Zhe turned his head away, "I'm just talking about the facts, I hope you can sort out your feelings."

"If I told you that I was unhappy that day because Zhou Hanliang hugged another woman not long after Jun Doudou left, would you believe me?"


"Why don't you answer, talk!"

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