The two chapters are combined together, and they have just been coded.

More than five years have passed, and he is no longer the one he remembered... Time, to women, is like poison, but to men, it is like honey.

Five years ago, he was young and immature, like most young men studying abroad, with an indescribable weakness in his elegance, trustworthy, but unreliable.

Five years later, he was mature and handsome, replaced by the charming character of a tough man, even if he was imprisoned for half a month, he still didn't show any signs of frustration.

He sat there with a tall and straight figure, and his profile was as perfect as a chisel. Such a treasure, why didn't she discover it before, and didn't know how to cherish it?

"Mimi..." Her voice was so trembling that she couldn't recognize it. Inexplicably, tears rolled down her cheeks like broken beads, poured into her neck, and wet down her locks.

Zhou Mikang frowned, turned his head, and looked at the crying woman expressionlessly: "What are you doing here? Get out!"

"Mimi..." The woman took another step forward, "I'm Meiru, don't you know me?"

"Get out!" Zhou Mikang looked at her indifferently, "If you dare to take a step forward, try!" His eyes, his tone, were piercingly chilly.

Ye Meiru's eyes widened in disbelief: "Mimi, I heard that something happened to your family, and I came to see you right away. Do you hate me that much?"

"Call me Zhou Mikang!" Zhou Mikang looked at her without the slightest emotion, "The relationship between us has been broken long ago. You are not qualified to see me."

"Sure enough..." Ye Meiru lowered her head. "Sure enough, you still hate me. I already know that I was wrong. I have known it for a long time. In fact, I have long wanted to come back and apologize to you. Of course, I know what I did, and an apology is not enough to make up for it, so , this time, I will definitely help you. Mimi. You have to trust me, I will definitely help you."

"Who's outside?" Zhou Mikang shouted to the outside, "Take this woman out!"

No one answered, and no one came in.

Zhou Mikang was so angry that he grabbed the tea mug on the table and threw it towards the door. With a loud "Boom!", the tea mug fell down along the door frame, and the splashed water soaked a large area in front of the door.

Liu Jun and Wang Xiaoguang, who were in charge of duty, looked at each other with helplessness in their eyes. It's not that they pretended to be dead on purpose, but. They had to play dead.


They were entrusted by Master Wan to look after and protect Zhou Mikang, but. The woman who went in just now had a special approval note in her hand.

The writers of that note, let alone them. Even Wan Lao, it is not easy to go head-to-head.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Liu Jun and Wang Xiaoguang were wondering what to do. Looking at the thrown woman sitting on the ground, and the tightly closed door. The boss with his mouth open, didn't close it for a long time...

"Zhou Mikang!" Ye Meiru got up from the ground and rushed to the door. Liu Jun and Wang Xiaoguang hurriedly blocked the door, "Comrade Ye, look, why don't we wait until Colonel Zhou's anger subsides?" Saying and bowing, "Please! Please!"

"Get out of the way!" Ye Meiru blushed with anger, she was still immersed in the joy of reunion, so he picked her up and threw her out, no matter how wrong she did before, he shouldn't treat her like this!

In the past, he cared for her so tenderly. When it was cold, he gave her hot water to soak her feet. When it was hot, he didn’t sleep in the middle of the night and fanned her with a fan. If she wanted to eat something, she just had to go to his room and make trouble with him. Whenever he got up, he would help her buy...

That kind of love, even if there is an interval of six years, it won't dissipate to such an extent, right?

If he treats her like this out of hatred, then he is even more of a coward!

Resisting the pain of being kicked, Liu Jun continued to persuade in a good voice: "Comrade Ye, Comrade Ye, you put out the fire. Colonel Zhou has been in there for so long, and his temper will inevitably become a little dry, so don't get angry again." Oiled up.

He doesn't want to see anyone now, so you can cooperate, okay? Otherwise, when Colonel Zhou is in a better mood, I'll call you right away, okay? "

"Not good!" Ye Meiru snorted coldly, "Which phone number did you call to inform me?"

"Of course it's the Ye family." Liu Jun hurriedly said, "I have the Ye family's phone number registered here, don't worry, I will definitely call you, or I can ask you every day to see if Colonel Zhou is willing." I would like to see you, and if he says yes, I will let you know, okay?"

After being silent for a long time, Ye Meiru sighed heavily: "Forget it, I came too suddenly. He didn't prepare for it. I'll give him time. I'll come back tomorrow." After finishing speaking, she turned around, Staggered away.

Liu Jun and Wang Xiaoguang breathed a sigh of relief, tomorrow will not be their shift, dead friends will not die poor, worry, leave it to the comrades who will be on duty tomorrow.

Hearing the sound of footsteps going away, Zhou Mikang finally let go of his frown.

Ye Meiru would come back, he had already expected it.

The hurdle that Mr. Ye can't get over is that he has been single all the time, and when he gets married, the Ye family will naturally bring Ye Meiru home, and they can't just let her float outside for the sake of him.

Seeing her again, there was no expected anger. Really, he drove her away, just because he didn't want to have any further entanglements with her. He was married, no matter what the future situation would be, before Chu Xia left him, he would never do anything to make Chu Xia unhappy. comfortable thing.

He was the one who forcibly married her back home, so naturally he shouldn't cause unnecessary troubles for her. He knows that women are cautious in their feelings. No matter whether he has feelings for Ye Meiru or not, as long as he and Ye Meiru Chu Xia must feel uncomfortable in the past.

Then, he will put an end to this problem from the root.

Ye Meiru's so-called helping him should be to convince her grandfather, she still doesn't understand old man Ye too much, at this time, even if no one speaks, he will not leave the Zhou family alone.

Moreover, a few days ago, Grandpa sent someone to deliver a letter. Xiao Yuwen went to find Grandpa Ye, but not only failed to convince Grandpa Ye to join his camp. It also made Mr. Ye determined to help the Zhou family. He had already written a letter to the Ye family in the capital. Regardless, it works or not. He received this love, but what he received was from the Ye family, not from Ye Meiru.

Thinking of his little wife, he felt a sense of warmth in his heart. Of course, the grandfather sent a letter saying that his precious little wife married him against his will at such a young age. But he was able to do everything in an orderly manner, taking care of everyone, this might be the most discerning thing he did!

These days, staying alone in this room, he had enough time to think, and he also clearly realized that he was actually more used to Ye Meiru back then.

Get used to being together since childhood. I'm used to marrying her when I grow up, I'm used to his family arranging her for him, I'm used to taking care of her, I'm used to letting her do everything...


These two days. The situation in the Zhou family is becoming more and more tense. Not only the Zhou family members who are already working have been suspended, but even Zhou Huakang. He was also suspended from class, when he packed his things and went downstairs. When I met Zhou Zhongkang, the other party had a sullen face. Pass him by.

"Fifth brother..." After hesitating, Zhou Huakang called him, "Do you want to go home with me?"

Zhou Zhongkang continued to go upstairs as if he didn't hear it.

"Fifth brother!" Zhou Huakang took two quick steps and pulled him, "I'm calling you, why are you pretending to be deaf?"

"I'm no longer your fifth brother..." Zhou Zhongkang looked around, and when he saw someone looking at the two of them from time to time, he turned and went downstairs, "Don't say anything here."

It was a special period, and Zhou Huakang didn't bother to argue with him, so he followed his footsteps and came to a secluded corner. Zhou Zhongkang looked at Zhou Huakang seriously: "I declared in the newspaper that I am no longer from the Zhou family, so , don’t call me fifth brother in the future, if you want to treat me as a friend, just say hello when you meet, if you don’t want to, just pretend you don’t know me.”

"You..." Zhou Huakang stared at him blankly, not knowing what to say, he always knew that Fifth Brother was heartless, but he never thought that he could be so heartless.

When the Zhou family needed the unity of the family the most, what he thought of was to get himself out as soon as possible. If he really wanted to leave the Zhou family, why didn't he leave when nothing happened to the Zhou family?

He only fell out with his second uncle when his uncle and third brother were arrested. Obviously, he had received some news earlier and held a wait-and-see attitude. When he saw a bad sign, he quickly cleared himself out of the Zhou family.

"Are you sure, you will no longer be a member of the Zhou family?" Zhou Huakang looked at him firmly, "This is not just asking on my own behalf. When I go back, I will tell my grandfather and my second uncle and aunt .”

Zhou Zhongkang said expressionlessly: "Then please tell them, since I am no longer from the Zhou family, I no longer need the Zhou family to intervene in my affairs."

"Okay!" Zhou Huakang gave him a thumbs up, "You are strong, you are so strong, you will no longer be my fifth brother, I will remember, by the way, Zhou Zhongkang, if you have the ability, you also changed your surname, directly May is fine."

"You don't need to worry about this, our future baby is indeed named Mei."

Zhou Huakang: "..." He was really speechless and didn't know what to say.

Since there is nothing to say, let's go, he turned around, carried his luggage and walked forward without saying a word, Zhou Zhongkang also turned around and walked in another direction.

"Zhou Zhongkang!" Zhou Huakang suddenly shouted.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Zhongkang looked back at him, "I thought, you don't even want to be friends with me, why are you calling me?"

"You think I'd like to call you? Over there." Zhou Huakang pointed to his left front.

Looking in the direction Zhou Huakang pointed, Zhou Zhongkang saw his mother, Liang Xiaohong, standing under a sycamore tree that had lost all its leaves. location to go.

After a little hesitation, Zhou Huakang also followed.

"Why are you here?" Zhou Zhongkang's brows were still frowning when he reached Liang Xiaohong's side.

"Xiaozhong." Liang Xiaohong saw her son with a smile on her face, "Mom is asking a classmate to help you find you, but you came here unexpectedly, where is Xiaofeng? Today is your three days, I'll come and have a look , by the way, as a gift to the daughter-in-law." As he said, he lit up the bag in his hand.

"Our marriage is just a formality. For the time being, we are still living in the dormitory, and she has no place to put things you give her." Zhou Zhongkang said with a flat face.

"That has to be given." Seeing Zhou Huakang who was following, Liang Xiaohong hid the things behind her back with some embarrassment, "Xiaohua, are you there?"

"Second aunt, come to see Fifth Sister-in-law?" Zhou Huakang pretended not to notice Liang Xiaohong's little gesture. He greeted her with a smile.

"Yeah, I haven't met my daughter-in-law seriously yet." Liang Xiaohong sniffed as she spoke. "Your fifth brother is so stubborn, I'm really worried." He said and looked at Zhou Zhongkang, "Xiao Zhong, how can you get married without a new house, go home, okay? Get to know your grandfather and your father." Wrong, take Xiaofeng home to live for a day or two every week, so that Mom can take care of you more or less. Okay?"

"I don't want to keep repeating different content." Zhou Zhongkang's face turned cold, "You feel uncomfortable seeing that I haven't suspended classes, right?"

"Second aunt, I have been suspended from class." Zhou Huakang brightened the things in his hand, and said with a half-smile, "Fifth brother said that he is no longer from the Zhou family, and the future baby will also be named Mei, so , Zhou's affairs can't be related to him. Second aunt, if you persuade the five senses again, it will delay his future. "

"You..." Liang Xiaohong stared at Zhou Zhongkang in disbelief, "You really said that?"

"Yes." Zhou Zhongkang nodded. "I have already decided that if you still treat me as your son and miss me, come to school to see me. However, you are not allowed to say anything about going home. I finally got out, and I don't want to go in again.

If... Mom really loves me. You can also move out and live with us. Xiaofeng's elder brother prepared a house for her, and it's no problem for three people to live in.

Mom can help us cook at home, when we have a baby... Xiaofeng, why are you here? "Seeing a handsome woman walking over with a smile on her face, Zhou Zhongkang immediately put on a flattering smile.

"I didn't see you when I went to the library. I heard you were here, so I came here." Mei Xiaofeng smiled at Liang Xiaohong, looked at Zhou Zhongkang, "This is our mother?"

"Yes." Zhou Zhongkang said, "I heard that we are married, come and see us."

"Xiaofeng, this is a little thought from mom." Liang Xiaohong hurriedly handed the bag she was carrying to Mei Xiaofeng.

"Thank you, Mom." Mei Xiaofeng took the bag from Liang Xiaohong, smiling happily, "We should go home and see Mom, but he... hey!"

"Mom, you can think about my proposal carefully. If there is nothing else, Xiaofeng and I will leave." Without waiting for Liang Xiaohong to answer, Zhou Zhongkang grabbed Mei Xiaofeng's shoulders and left.

"Mom, goodbye." Mei Xiaofeng turned around and waved at Liang Xiaohong with an apologetic expression.

"Goodbye." Liang Xiaohong waved her hand, her eyes full of sadness.

"Fifth sister-in-law is a nice person." Zhou Huakang said, "In school, the reviews about her are all positive, and the second aunt doesn't have to worry too much, or the fifth brother will change after being with her for a long time. "

"That child, why did he become so temperamental?" Liang Xiaohong wiped the corners of her eyes, and looked at Zhou Huakang, "Xiaohua, if your fifth brother is half as sensible as you, Second Auntie won't worry about it."

Zhou Huakang hesitated, and said: "Second aunt, I think that the fifth brother was favored by you, and the sixth sister, you and the second uncle always felt that you owed them when you were young, and you always thought about how much you could make up for it. How much compensation, even when talking to them, always in a owed tone.

Originally, they were the kind of silent and introverted people. You and Uncle Er always talked to them in such a suggestive way. As time passed, they really felt that you and Uncle Er owed them.

Even with that, I feel that the entire Zhou family owes them. Look at the behavior of the two of them when something happened this time, do they regard the Zhou family as their own home?

Of course, my seventh sister is also like this, but she follows my mother's personality. My mother is a person who is for herself and can ignore anyone.

But you and the second uncle are not, you and the second uncle are the kind of characters who can even burn themselves for the sake of their children, but the fifth brother and the sixth sister don't share the love between you and the second uncle, right? "

After a long silence, Liang Xiaohong nodded: "Yes, your second uncle and I were indeed wrong too far. Your grandpa and grandma warned us before, but both of us said one thing in the dark. , In the end, I still hurt myself."

"Second Auntie, it's not too late for you to understand now. In the future, don't follow them in everything. If you hit a wall a few times and suffer a few times, they will have a long memory."

"This child..." Liang Xiaohong laughed, "You are the youngest, and you speak like a grown-up. Xiaohua, who do you think you have followed?"

"Me?" Zhou Huakang just laughed. "I'm a fusion of my father and my mother's personalities. My father has a naive temper. Your mother is a traitor, and the two of you neutralize it. Isn't that just me?" "I didn't see you being traitorous."

"My traitor is only for outsiders, but for my family, I'm a fool..." Zhou Huakang held something in one hand, and patted Liang Xiaohong's shoulder with the other, "Second aunt, don't worry, from now on, even if the fifth brother and sixth sister don't care about you, And me and my eldest brother and third brother!"

"Well, let's go."

Zhou Zhongkang hiding behind a tree. Seeing Liang Xiaohong and Zhou Huakang getting farther and farther away, he sighed heavily and looked at Mei Xiaofeng: "Let's go, what to eat, I'll buy it for you."

"Zhou Zhongkang, she is your mother." Mei Xiaofeng stared straight at him and said.

"Of course I know she is my mother." There was a trace of displeasure in Zhou Zhongkang's voice, obviously. He didn't like his wife questioning him like this.

"Don't you think your attitude is very problematic?" Mei Xiaofeng took his arm and said softly, "No matter what, she gave birth to you and raised you. I can't blame you for the things of that era on her.

I can see from her look that she loves you very much. Moreover, it hurts carefully. I am afraid that saying something wrong will make you angry, so we will meet again later. Be nice to her, will you? "

"Okay." Zhou Zhongkang nodded, "I will try my best."

"You really hate them that much?"

"Yes." Zhou Zhongkang nodded affirmatively, "You have never been fostered, or you can't understand my feelings, and I know I can't blame them, but I blame the Zhou family.

Obviously, the condition of the eldest aunt's house is better than the others, why can't they take care of it? I am only 2 years younger than Zhou Mikang, but our future is so far away!

Why is this the result? Would it be like this if the Zhou family hadn't put all their energy on Zhou Xikang and Zhou Mikang?

Zhou Xikang's development is not as good as Zhou Mikang's because he is not up to date. If you give me the same opportunity and fail to develop, it means I have no ability, but if you don't give me a chance, what is it? Until today, I have never been honored by the Zhou family. I am also a descendant of the Zhou family. Why is it so unfair?

If I have the grades of Zhou Mikang, it is impossible for your grandparents and your parents to disapprove of me, right? As long as I think of the hard times you and I had, I can't love the Zhou family at all. "

"I know you love me, but..." Mei Xiaofeng stroked his back lightly, "Calm down, don't always be a fool.

I am willing to be with you just because I like you. No matter what you do or how far you have developed, I think you are the best.

In my eyes, you are better than your third brother. If you love me, just listen to me. Let's not rely on anyone, but rely on our own ability to go forward step by step. No matter what happens in the future, let's have a clear conscience, okay? "

"When you marry a wife, you should marry a virtuous man. The ancients never deceived me." Zhou Zhongkang hugged her tightly, "Thank you, when the whole world betrayed me, and you, you have never disliked me, thank you!"

"I'm your wife, fool." Mei Xiaofeng said while opening the bag Liang Xiaohong sent, "Look at what Mom gave us."

"This..." Zhou Zhongkang froze when he saw a beautiful red box inside, picked it up with trembling hands, and opened it...

"It's so beautiful!" Looking at the shiny dark green jade bracelet inside, Mei Xiaofeng sighed, picked it up carefully, looked at it for a while, and handed it to Zhou Zhongkang, "I will wear this to see my father-in-law at night. Mother-in-law and husband-in-law, old lady, okay?"

Zhou Zhongkang looked embarrassed. He really liked Mei Xiaofeng. Before, he broke away from his family and knew that the two families were not from the same faction. He was afraid that the Mei family would dislike him as the Zhou family and would not agree. I don't have much emotion, so I just discard this burden for the sake of happiness.

But unexpectedly, he who abandoned the Zhou family did not get the approval of the Mei family, and the longing in his wife's eyes for the approval of her in-laws made him unable to say no.

The problem is, just now, he said such unfeeling words to his mother, now...

Mei Xiaofeng, who quietly looked at his expression, couldn't bear to embarrass him, so she said with a smile, "I'm teasing you, it scares you, haha..."

She smiled, but there was not much smile in her eyes. He could feel the loss, bit his lip heavily, and looked at his wife firmly: "Don't worry, I won't let you suffer a little bit!"

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