The second update is here, and I have only finished one chapter now. I am sleepy and warm, Ke Su, and I will continue to fight. Dear friends, please give me some encouragement.


"I'm going to ask for another day off..." The conversation changed, and the result said as if asking for credit, "By the way, I went to Xiaoru's home today and met my former partners, who are now working in the glass factory.

Don't you like that kind of big-caliber pot-bellied bottle? I told them to ask them to blow one for you. Then, you can use it to make vases. "

"Really?" Wu Jingbo smiled happily, "Thank you, I really, really like that kind of bottle, but unfortunately, it's not sold outside."

"My friend's work status is relatively sluggish during this time. If he can return to Baoquan after a while, I will ask him to give you more blows."

"No need, just one, don't bother others." Wu Jingbo said while packing up, "Let's go, I'll accompany you to Mr. Jing's house. I just happen to be going back to my uncle's house today, so let's stop by."

"Thank you, Junior Sister."

"Why are you being polite to me?" Wu Jingbo picked up his bag and looked at him with a smile, "Brother, let's go?"


When the two of them walked to the entrance of the hospital, they saw a handsome young soldier standing at the door, pacing back and forth anxiously. Wu Jingbo smiled at Guo Guo: "Wait a minute." Then he walked up to the young soldier, " Hello, Zhao Qiliang."

"Hello." Zhao Qiliang smiled and nodded at her, "Off work?"

"Yes." Wu Jingbo lowered her voice, "Xiaoqiong still ignores you?"

"Yeah, she really ignored me this time, alas!" Zhao Qiliang sighed heavily, his eyes full of sorrow.

How many days have passed, and whenever he has time, he rushes over to apologize to Luo Xiaoqiong. It's a pity that people simply don't accept it.

A few times, no one was even seen. Today, I saw it, but people said that if you dare to disturb me during working hours, you will be killed without mercy. She didn't look like she was joking when she spoke, he really didn't dare to break in and try, there was nothing he could do. I had to wait at the door and wait for the rabbit.

"Do you know where you went wrong?" After hesitating, Wu Jingbo asked, during this time. Miss Luo has a bad temper.

She and Liu Meijun often suffer from Chi Yu, so she should help this fool, even if it is for her own sake. She has to help him too.

"I shouldn't distrust her." Without even thinking about it, Zhao Qiliang answered the answer that he had thought about thousands of times.

"Mistrusting her was the cause, but now, she's even more mad that you haven't figured out where your biggest mistake was.

That day, the cause of your quarrel was that she said that Lin Xiaohua's mother and daughter had failed to climb high branches, and then. You don't agree with her saying that, do you? "

"Yes, but I already knew I was wrong. At that time, I didn't know what my second aunt and cousin did before. After I figured it out, I immediately left them and apologized to Xiaoqiong, but she didn't see me .

Later, I finally saw me, but I didn't accept it. Now, it just hangs like this all the time, I really don't know what to do. "

Wu Jingbo sized him up: "Do you think it's embarrassing to stand here waiting for Xiaoqiong to be ignored?"

"A little bit, but not all." Zhao Qiliang sighed softly, "Mainly, I have half a month to go on a mission, if I can't get together before then, it may take half a year for me to leave. I don’t want to just leave like this.”

"Then why didn't you ask Luo Xiaoqiong to explain it?" Wu Jingbo stared at Zhao Qiliang speechlessly, "Are you a soldier and a fool?

She won't let you in and you're just waiting here? As I said just now, you have to find your own fault in terms of the cause. She was angry because you protected your relatives indiscriminately.

Now this is not married, what if you get married? Are you protecting her indiscriminately? She has a straightforward temper and doesn't like to be held back by messy relationships.

During this period of time, she is also seriously considering whether it is suitable for you, so Zhao Qiliang, you should also think about what your feelings for Xiaoqiong are like.

If you can't let it go, you will be her for the rest of your life, so hurry up and ask for her forgiveness, and stop being dogmatic.

Well, I have said everything I need to say. You can figure out how to do it yourself. If this is the case, you still can’t figure it out, then..." After a pause, Wu Jingbo spread his hands, "Then, go find a piece of tofu Kill yourself. "

"Thank you!" Zhao Qiliang ran to the hospital hall without saying goodbye.

"Who is he? What's the matter?" Guo Guo stood far away and couldn't hear the two of them talking. When Wu Jingbo came back, he asked curiously.

"My roommate's boyfriend is so stupid that he doesn't understand what he wants. He just stands outside and treats my roommate all day. Alas, I really can't stand it anymore."

"You are really a..." After a pause, Guoguo let out a long breath, "You are a girl who cannot be disliked."

Wu Jingbo smiled helplessly: "What you said is too old-fashioned. I sound like my grandfather's tone."

"What I'm saying is true. I usually put on a cool look, but in fact, I have such a chivalrous heart." Having said this, Guo Guo's eyes were a little confused.

For Li Xiaoru, he is the brother's affection for his sister, and the original intention of getting engaged to her was not to want her to be ruined by Xiao Yuwen. The marriage certificate was issued by Jing Zhe, and the marriage certificate on Li Xiaoru's side was also issued by Jing Zhe with his help. Yes, at this point, he has no way out.

However, he now knows very clearly that what he likes is Wu Jingbo.

The longer he has been in contact with her and the more he understands, the more he appreciates her. Thinking of her angrily punching and kicking Xiao Yuwen, he felt a swell of warmth in his heart.

Such a kind girl, such a smart girl, such a chivalrous girl, was the girl he had always dreamed of having.

Unfortunately, he realized it too late, so he could only keep this feeling deeply in his heart.

But, is it right to do this, or is it wrong?

"What are you thinking?" After getting on the bus, Wu Jingbo couldn't help poking at the result of pretending to be deep. She really couldn't bear this depressing feeling.

"It's a bit of pre-marital phobia." Guoguo said frankly, "Tomorrow is my engagement day, and the next thing is to get married. To be honest, I never thought of getting married so soon, so I feel a little confused."

"Engaged tomorrow?" Wu Jingbo stared at the result with bright eyes, "Have you decided to get married this year? It's really fast enough."

"Yeah, I'm afraid that if it's too late, what kind of tricks will the Xiao family come up with?" Guo result sighed softly, "Uncle Qing and Aunt Wan are just as small as such a precious girl, if there is something wrong with her, they probably will I don't have the courage to live."

"You..." After hesitating, Wu Jingbo said, "You have said so much, I only heard that you are worried about Li Xiaoru, about Li Xiaoru's parents, but what will happen without you. I hope it is my illusion, but I really think that you don't seem to like this marriage, and you feel forced."

"I have always regarded her as my younger sister." Guo Guo stared out the window, "Before I met her again, I never thought that one day, she would become my wife. Can you understand how I feel? "

"Maybe." Wu Jingbo patted his arm, "You are so kind, always thinking about this and that.

But I think it's right for you to think about others, but you must also think about yourself. If you only have feelings for her as a younger sister, then you are irresponsible to her if you marry her.

Love and family affection are completely different. Although love will eventually change into family affection, it is still different from real family affection.

I only know that if I want to marry, I just want to marry the man who can bring me throbbing and make me willing to fly moths to the flame for him! "

"Have you met that person?" Guo Guo asked, with tremors in his voice that he didn't even realize.

"Yes, I met." Wu Jingbo's eyes softened, "As long as I see him, I will be happy, even if we can't be together in this life, the time I once had will be the greatest wealth in my life .”

The only people who get along with her are the teacher and herself.

In an instant, the result understood who Wu Jingbo liked. Although he didn't know much about love, the way she looked at him was never like this, which meant that what she loved was not herself. , Who is the rest is self-evident.

The result stretched out his hand: "I wish you an early realization of your wish."

Wu Jingbo shook his hand and said, "Thank you!"

In an instant, both of them felt a lot more relaxed. Neither of them were fools. After talking about it, it was easier to get along with each other.

After getting off the bus, he walked for another five minutes before reaching the courtyard where Jing Zhe lived.

When the two were stopped by the guard, a car also stopped at the door. A woman in her forties and a girl in her twenties got out of the car, and then the car drove away quickly.

The girl straightened her clothes and looked at the woman: "Mother, do you think that girl in Chu Xia will take us in?"

"If she doesn't want to lose face at her in-law's house, she won't take her in." The woman snorted bitterly, "The one surnamed Xiao left us there regardless. This will make us come to join Chu Xia and get on good terms with her. Obviously, the family of the man married in early summer is about to turn around again.

Even if Lin Chuxia is shameless, her husband's family still has face. Who lives in this compound? Wouldn't it be nice to be talked about as impersonal? "

Hearing the two mentioned Lin Chuxia, Wu Jingbo pricked up her ears unconsciously. Originally, she was rummaging through her bag to find a pass, but at this moment, she deliberately slowed down her movements.

*d^_^b* ()

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